Guide Pharmacology - Healt and Car PDF

Title Guide Pharmacology - Healt and Car
Author Merreque Menreck
Course CAF Ethics & Pharmacivigilance
Institution National University (US)
Pages 11
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GENERAL PHARMACOLOGY HISTORY AND EVOLUTION The origins of the deeds, as well as the Greek philosophers, were almost entirely attributed to sobriety causes such as the casting of both or infringed upon other sobs in the form of ruinous intentions such as "bad-tempered" or other mean-spirited. The preoccupation with the explanation of cheers and disease, which is based on supernatural, nasqueu with Greek philosophy, e, is looking for an explanation of the constitution of nature. Theories have been developed in various Greek medical schools such as Knidos, Crotona and Kos. At the Kos school, Hypocrates's serious series, developed, had its first appearance, had the idea of a general pathology, opposed to the original idea, which prevailed anteriorly, from which it was always limited to a single organ. Secondly, this school, the morbid processes were devoted to a reaction of nature to a situation, in which there was a humoral imbalance, sending, entangled, constituting three phases: apepsia, characterized by an appearance of disequilibrium in disequilibrium in fever, inflammation and pus eram devoted to the reaction of the body, or crisis or lysis, whether to be eliminated respectively, abruptly or slowly, both humor and excess. An idea that animated spirits percouraged the nerves, also originated by some Greeks, permanently corrected to the XVII section, when the figure demonstrated electrical nature in the nerve conduction. Since its inception, it has been humanly perceived as curative effects of medicinal plants, noting that some form of sob is what the medicinal plant is administered (po, tea, banho and others) proportional to the recovery of the individual. Medicinal plants, used for thousands of years, base service for the study of new medicines. It is estimated that 80% of the population in the Third World is using phytotherapy, although 85% of these possess extracts of medicinal plants. In Brazilian culture, sovereign influences of influenza series, both in the spiritual aspect, as material, are found in existing conventions in the country. The word is derived from, of Greek origin, as variants Pharmacologia pharmacakon are significant from a substance of therapeutic use or as venous, mystical or sobrenatural use, sent to Antigüidade with remedies (or with these objects) were strong. Probably a factor as to why they're doing so poorly. Plant and animal algae with toxic characteristics, yes they are used for war, individual executions, and, for cash. A history record that Cleopatra tested some plants on her female slaves when she decided to commit suicide. About 4,000 years BC, the Sumerians knew the psychic effects caused by opium, including also for the improvement of diarrhea. The word drug originates from the Dutch anticoagulant drug which means foliage, poisons, antigens which all medicines are based on herbs. Although the in French drug significant erva, related by some

authors as the origin of the drug drug, the majority of the authors, founding in antigos dictionaries, afirmam that should be dry word in name name. Although the Pharmacology has since been recognized as the science of the final of the XIX century, in Germany, as it was used for the manipulation of drugs at a very fast pace, and as a drug of vegetable origin predominated in the treatment given in 1920s when farming initiates or develops synthetic chemical products. As it is one of the newest professions in the field of Saude, Biomedicina, dedicated to the knowledge of the structure and function of the human organism, the mechanisms that cause it, the methods of scientific investment and the analysis that complements diagnosis, microbiology of my environment, with a view to increasing the quality of life of the population, or rather, to Biomedicine invests in human endeavors, their causes, and forms of combat. The Disciplinary Pharmacology Discipline involves the necessary necessities for the health of the skin, then consists in the study of the mechanism by which the chemical agents have functions of the biological systems, including the shape, shape, volume or volume. living organisms, in major cases, are affected by the influenza of drug molecules and constituents of cells. Pharmacology is used with therapeutic objectives (be it to cure or control pain or alleviate symptoms), preventive (for example, vaccines, and, water fluorescence), and, diagnostic (for example, contrast used in exams). Vegetable animal species have a rich arsenal of chemical compounds, many of which can be used as medicines, and there are some factors that contribute to the widespread use of plants for medicinal plants in Brazil. . Our last years, we increased the number of Phytotherapy in Brazil, resulting in an increase in industrial industrial production. It is believed that the global flora contains 250 miles to 500 miles of species, and Brazil contributes approximately 120 miles of these species, meanwhile, accounts for about 10% of our country's flora as well as scientific mode, assimilation, and regulation Biomedicine constitutes an important step also to ensure that it can be delivered as needed, and that new medicinal products, in addition to the professional Biomedicine, can be used in all levels of attention, integration, and prevention programs. , Saudi recovery. In addition to the growing number of new pharmacies, e, as disasters of therapeutic disasters tornamthe study, e, a constant update of the professionals of Saudi that support the use of pharmacies.








Currently, a drug is defined as sending any substance that is capable of modifying the function of living organisms, resulting in physiological or behavioral changes. So, a drug consists of any chemical substance that has the capacity to produce pharmacological effect, or rather, that provokes functional or somatic alterations. If these are alternative drug forms, we can name pharmacy or drug-drug or monkey drug, and, if we name denominations toxic or drug-toxic. The pharmacy or drug corresponding to drug-drug chemistry is defined as, and is also related to, a

chemical substance that is an active ingredient in the drug, thus, consistent with the pharmaceutical product, technically obtained or elaborated, with curatives , palliative care, to avoid getting pregnant or for diagnostic purposes. The active principle corresponds to substance (or group of these), responsive to therapeutic action, with chemical composition and pharmacological action known. The remedy is any device that serves as a treatment for the patient, including suggestion, massage, pharmacy or any other therapeutic procedure, this is very useful when used as synonymous with pharmacy or specialty pharmaceuticals. The names of the official medicines in our country, initially, are determined by the criteria published by the World Health Organization (OMS) with the aim of patronizing the generic names of pharmacists with lists of knowledge such as Internship Counseling and or another idiom of agreement with the country. In Brazil, o, approved by the Government of the Ministry of the Federal Federal Denomination of the National Sanitary Vigilance Agency (ANVISA), observing the criteria of the DCI, approving the appointment of the pharmacy or active principle with the pharmacological effect. A Pharmacopoeia corresponding to the conjunction of official drugs and current use consults the experience with efficacies and uses, sends official publications of each country, and updates and revisions by specific commissions. When a new chemical substance is synthesized by a pharmaceutical company, this substance has a chemical name or a chemical designation, for example, acetylsalicylic acid. During the official investment process of utilization of this chemical structure to be used as pharmacy, the official body of the country (in the case of Brazil, to ANSWER and secondly the criteria of the OMS) choose the generic name (or pharmacological name, second only), independently of the manufacturer, with the aim of being a simple, concise, meaningful, and coma name (written in lower case) so that the pharmacy must be known as an isolated substance, in accordance with official guidance. Assim, in order to use the acetylsalicylic acid name chosen as the aspirin generic name, and, then approved by Pharmacopoeia, can be commercialized as a manufacturer that can use different or igneous commercial names in the name of the name or in the name, in the bubble of medicine. Another example is the chemical substance 1 (25) -3-mercapto-2-methylpropinoil-L-proline which has a generic name but is simpler than captopril (anti-hypertensive drug). Official










The reference medicine is conceived as the innovative product registered in the federal government responsible for the Sanitary Warehouse and commercialized in the Netherlands, with efficacy and security. The pharmaceutical specialty is the industrialized medicine, which is manufactured and regulated by governmental standards, with the formula formulated and the therapeutic action tested, in uniform and commercialized mode packaging with a conventional name, sending, carrying, and the original product of the no market.

The Generic Medicine consists of a similar drug with a reference product or innovator, which pretends to be interchangeable, generally produced after expiration or renewal of patent protection or other direct rights of exclusivity, tested in its efficacy, quality or DC his absence, by the DCI. In Brazil, the generic medicines for our commercialization must be identified in the packaging with a yellow tar, containing a large letter G, e, with the inscription Medicamento Generérico, in accordance with Lei dos Medicamentos Genericos (Lei Nº 9.787, de 1999), e, a Resolution - RDC Nº 102 of 30/11/2000 (published by ANVISA) that regulates all forms of drug advertising next País. The doctors and women prescribers of the Unique System of Saudi Arabia have the legal obligation to obtain a generic name or medicines related to a list published by ANVISA. When ANVISA authorizes that a pharmaceutical specialty can be commercialized as a generic drug, it is preferably conducted quality tests with a pharmacy ensuring that velocity and extension of absorption of two drugs (a pharmaceutical drug specialty. The bioavailability corresponds to the fraction of the administered drug that increases the systemic circulation, including its concentration curve, e, the rate of systemic circulation (depending also on its urinary excretion). When two pharmacists have the same bioavailability, they are also quoted as bioequivalent. Therefore, when substituting a pharmacy for another, they are considered interchangeable. It is a comparative study between the bioavailability of bioequivalence of the reference medicine (generally the pharmaceutical specialty), e, the corresponding generic, as well as the same pharmaceutical form, e, contending identical qualitative and quantitative composition of princ. Two pharmacies are bioequivalent when presenting comparable biodiversities and rates to elucidate common snake concentration peaks. Soortgelyks medication - which contains the same or most active principles, presenting the same concentration, pharmaceutical form, via administration, posology and therapeutic indication, preventive or diagnostic, of the reference drug registered in the federal government and product form, validity, packaging, packaging, excipients and vehicles, must always be identified by trade name or brand. No register of similar drugs will not be required for bioequivalence tests. The official medicine corresponds to the pharmacy prepared for proper pharmacy in accordance with standards and doses established in the Pharmacopoeia, presenting a uniform denomination. However, all official medicines must be official (found in Pharmacopoeia), but not all official medicines are official. As pharmacies authorized to manipulate medicines, including those with psychotropic or enterprising treatment, any activity requiring special authorization from a competent body of the Ministry of Saudi Arabia, as designated by the Master Pharmacies. There are drugs introduced antiquity in section XX and which continue to be used, for example, morphine or atropine (both of vegetable origin), while other drugs are tried to be used for various reasons, such as excessive toxicity, potential for Scientific testing of efficacy, ability to estimate the appearance of resistant pathogenic microbes. Were suspends the manufacture of some pharmaceutical specialties devoid of irradiation and / or

perishable association of two or more pharmaceuticals. And, can also find that a drug is tried or used to treat a type of disorder, and, posteriorly, can be released to treat another do, for example, if it was taken with a talidomide manufactured in 1954, used as a hypnotic (which provoke or are), were tried or used to have teratogenic effects (causing abnormalities in the fetus), e, recently turned to Pharmacopoeia sent using treatment certificates type of Doença de Hansen.





The study of the movement of drugs acquired by the organism, Pharmacocynetics involves absorption, distribution, biotransformation, and elimination. In addition to Pharmacodynamics, depending on Pharmacocinetics, study of local action, mechanism of action, and, effects of drugs on the organism. Pharmacodynamic investments are specifically targeted at therapeutic and potent adverse effects; tecidos particularly particularly attached; and, the metabolic systems involved in the respective mechanism of action. However, some authors do not agree with the comparison, but, in summary, we use the following distinction: PHARMACOLOGY SUBDIVISIONS General Pharmacology - Study basic and common drugs and all drugs. Specialized or applied pharmacology - study pharmaceuticals reunited in groups of pharmaceutical pharmacological action. Pharmacognosia - study origin, as characteristic, anatomical structure and chemical composition of drugs in their natural state, of prime material, both in the form of organs or vegetative or animal organisms, as well as in their extracts, which process will do. 'N Fitoterapia tem sido estudada. Pharmacotechnics - studies the preparation of pharmaceutical forms as well as the medicines that are administered, as well as capsules, suspensions, compresses and other forms. Nevertheless, it is the exclusive function of biochemical pharmaceuticals, however, currently, it operates in major in the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmacoepidemiology - Application of epidemiological method of medicine and study in the field of efficacy - benefits and adversity - and the use of medicines and human populations. Pharmacovigilance - Identification and evaluation of effects, benefits or chronic, the risk of using pharmacological treatments in conjunction with the population or groups of patients with specific treatments and treatments. Pharmacogenetics - studies the effects of drugs in relation to molecular genetics, including the natural nature of adverse drug reactions. For example, some patients with arterial hypertension have no reduction in arterial pressure with this drug and the doses habitually indicated for these patients are rapidly metabolized (by acetylation) reducing their activity to a genetic modification of the individual. Pharmacogeriatria - studies on variations in drug sensitivity, absorption, metabolism, toxicity, and, excretion of the drugs in the person, including all physiological and pathological factors. Pharmacoeconomia - study the effects of drugs on social and economic terms, and, as a new disciplinary discipline, on the guidance of governmental decisions on the policy of prescribing pharmaceuticals and health care assistance.

Pharmacotherapy Corresponding to drug therapy. Experimental phar macology - conduct experiments with medicines and new drugs. Clinical Pharmacology is a clinical application of drugs. Toxicology study the toxic effects of drugs and organisms. WERE





Aerosol therapy - administration of drugs by means of inhalation in aerosol form with the finalization of a drug concentration in the respiratory tract. Agent quelante - pharmacy used no treatment treatment for metals, then, is coordinated with the atoms of metamorphoses and biologically initiated. The resulting metal complex does not have an atomic shape formed by the union of a ligand and a metal atom with two or more points is denoted by quaternion. Capsule - consists of a cylindrical pharmaceutical form, generally constituted by a gelatinous involution, containing one or more pharmaceuticals in a solid or liquid form. The presentation in the capsule is as objective: Eliminate the smell and / or unpleasant odor; facilitate integration; facilitates the release of the pharmacy. Pharmaceutical Centers - Almoxarifados are drug centers, generally within the state sphere, where they are located and distributed to hospitals, outpatient clinics and health centers. Chronopharmacology - the objective is to relate the effects of drugs to the organism according to diurnal and notable alterations, thus, to accord with circadian variations, or, to say, the effects of drugs with the chronology of the organism. For example, some studies indicate that aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) has a higher level of blood during the next 24 hours when administered by man (7 hours), including corticosteroids (via oral or inhalation) 15 times single dose. Colagogo Coleretic


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Compressed - Corresponds to what was submitted in compression, and, in its own format. Many parties may be divided into two or four parties, in order to have a single or small reincarnation that facilitates the division of the agreed parties with a dose to be administered. Newspapers - Additional substances for medicines, dietetic products, cosmetics, perfumes, hygiene products and the like, home remedies and the like, as well as the effect they give you, and certain types of cosmetics, transfer them to the surface. Although the educator corresponds to a substance that increases or disappears from the pharmaceutical form, some, some authors affirm that the educator also has a substance that increases the appearance of the pharmacy. Concentration - Quantity of substance (s) active (s) or initiative (s) determined by mass or volume of product. Quality Control - A combination of mediates intended to guarantee, at any given moment, the

production of lots of medicines and other products overtaken by Lei, which are satisfied with standards of behavior, purity, efficacy and innocence. Dispensation - a pharmacy or drug dispensation, in accordance with the legislation in force, sent to many medicines, while presenting the medicine. Distributor, Representative, Importer and Exporter - undertakes to exercise directly or indirectly the trade in drugs, medicines and their original packaging, pharmaceutical pharmaceuticals and correlates. Distribution with dispensation, however, may not be confiscated, and medicines corresponding to the distribution of pharmacies to authorized prevalent locations (particular companies or establishments of public organs), however, do not mean entering into a drug director. Dose of attack - consists of a single dose that is sufficient to rapidly increase the amount of pharmacy in the body attaining the therapeutic concentration. The preferred dose is derived from the Greek dose ...

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