GW 1.4- 4th writing assignment PDF

Title GW 1.4- 4th writing assignment
Course introduction to english
Institution Hunter College CUNY
Pages 1
File Size 62.7 KB
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Generative Writing Assignment 4...


Taffy Brodesser-Akner- Gwyneth Paltrow ● “And then, of course, the more Goop was criticized: by mainstream doctors with accusations of pseudoscience, by websites like Slate and Jezebel saying it was no longer ludicrous — no, now it was dangerous.” ● “Why mass-market a lifestyle that lives in definitional opposition to the mass market? Goop’s ethic was this: that having beautiful things sometimes costs money; finding beautiful things was sometimes a result of an immense privilege; but a lack of that privilege didn’t mean you shouldn’t have those things.” ● “She was too privileged, they said. She had everything handed to her.” “The Body Is Not An Apology”- Sonya Renee Taylor ● “Your body is not an apology” ● “When we hear someone’s truth and it strikes some deep part of our humanity, our own hidden shames, it can be easy to recoil into silence.” ● “Survival is damn hard. Each of us has traversed a gauntlet of traumas, shames, and fears to be where we are today, wherever that is.” A key point that stood out to me from Taylor’s manifesto that I agree with is that we should unapologetically be ourselves and do whatever it takes to satisfy our bodies, ourselves. More often than not, we look down at ourselves when we compare ourselves to others. We focus on our flaws and don’t realize that they’re what makes us us. We don’t spend enough time focusing on our wellness and figuring out different techniques or exercises that work for us. Gwendolyn Paltrow’s business, GOOP sought out to solve that problem and creates products that cater to an individual’s specific needs. Her reasoning behind it is that “Wellness... isn’t just about a spa you’re going to or a cleanse you’ve started or a diet you’re on. It’s the level of well-being you didn’t even know to ask for.” Taylor emphasizes on taking care of ourselves before we worry about how others perceive us if we can’t get stop worrying about it completely. Although Paltrow’s Goop’s summits offer ludicrous exercises, many people come out of them feeling a lot better about themselves. “There was nothing that couldn’t be solved at a summit”. Taylor believes in doing whatever it is to convince ourselves that “ our body is not an apology” and Paltrow provides consumers with sort of stepping stones to get there....

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