Haematological Diseases by blood film (with images) PDF

Title Haematological Diseases by blood film (with images)
Course Haematology 1
Institution University of Technology Sydney
Pages 7
File Size 642.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 230
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Haematological DiseasesImage Name Cell MorphologyIndices DiseaseMicrocyte Small <6um RBCMCV <80fL Iron deficiency Anaemia ThalassaemiaMacrocyte Large >9um RBCMCV >100fL Folate deficiency B12 deficiency Liver disease AlcoholismHypochromic Pale cells MCH <27pg/cellAnaemia ThalassaemiaHy...


Haematological Diseases Image

Name Microcyte

Cell Morphology Small 100fL

Folate deficiency B12 deficiency Liver disease Alcoholism


Pale cells

MCH 32pg/cell



Variation in shape Long and thin


Iron deficiency Thalassaemia


Round and dense, no central pallor

Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia Burns Hereditary spherocytosis

Target cell

Target appearance


Pointy edges, wedge, pizza shaped. Helmet cell, fragmented cell, trauma in circulation

Oval macrocyte

Fat juicy elliptocytes, seen in conjunction with hypersegmented neutrophils

High MCV

B12 and folate deficiency

Round macrocyte

Large round cell with some central pallor, seen with target cells in liver disease, can be a sign of dysplasia, can be seen with some drugs and medication

High MCV

Liver disease, hepatitis, alcoholism, obstructive jaundice

Liver disease: increased MCV Thalassaemia , Fe Def: decreased MCV

Liver disease, thalassaemia, Fe def

Haemolytic anaemia

Tear drop cell

Tear shaped


Burr cell

Dehydration Uraemia

Acanthocyte / spur cell

Looks like spherocyte with pointy projections

End stage liver disease Seen post splenectomy

Bite/Blister cell

Looks like a bite

G6PD deficiency Oxidative haemolysis

Sickle cell

Dense cells, no pallor, pointy ends

Abnormal Hb

Sickle cell anaemia


Stacked cells

Increased CRP and ESR

Inflammatory disorders (caused by excess paraprotein) Multiple myeloma

Howell-Jolly bodies

Nuclear / chromosomal remnants

Seen post splenectomy Premature infancy Megaloblastic anaemia

Pappenheime r bodies

Iron particles, seen easily with an iron stain

Lead poisoning, sickle cell

Basophilic stippling

Altered Hb synthesis

Lead poisoning, alcoholism, megaloblastic anaemia

Heinz bodies

Appears as bite cells in normal film. Need a supravital stain to see (e.g., methyl violet, cresyl blue)

Unstable Hb Thalassaemia Haemolytic anaemia G6PD deficiency


Increase in number of WBC’s

Neutrophilia Lymphocytosis Eosinophilia Basophilia Monocytosis Infectious mononucleosis

Increase in number of circulating neutrophils. Left shift, toxic granulation, toxic vacuolation, Dohle bodies Increased numbers of eosinophils

>7 x 109/L neutrophils


Increased number of monocytes

>0.8 x 109/L monocytes


Increase in basophils

>0.1 x 109/L basophils

Lymphocytosi s

Increase in lymphocytes

Toxic granulation

Large, blueblack granules in neutrophils



>0.4 x 109/L eopsinophils

Causes: bacterial infections, acute inflammations (burns), metabolic disorders, neoplasms, acute haemorrhage or haemolysis, drugs, rare inherited disorders Parasitic disorders Allergic conditions Asthma Adrenal disorders Skin conditions Autoimmune disorders Tumours Chronic bacterial infections, connective tissue diseases, protozoan infections, chronic neutropenia, Hodgkin’s disease Myeloproliferative disorder, chicken pox Acute infections (mononucleosis, rubella, pertussis), chronic infections (tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis), lymphocytic leukaemia Acute bacterial infections, burns, malignancies

Dohle bodies

Pale blue cytoplasmic inclusions in neutrophils

Inflammation, metabolic disturbances, severe infections, burns, toxicity, pregnancy, inherited abnormalities

Toxic vacuolation

Toxic granulation found in granulocytes (particularly neutrophils)

Bacterial infection

Pelger Huet anomaly

Incomplete lobation in neutrophils

May Hegglin anomaly

Blood platelet disorder, giant platelets, basophilic inclusions (RNA)

Autosomal dominant rare congenital blood platelet disorder

ChediakHigashi syndrome

Mutation of lysosomal trafficking regulator protein. Giant granules of cytoplasm in neutrophils and lymphocytes

Rare autosomal recessive disorder

Alder Reilly

Coarse granulation seen in neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils and monocytes

Kawasaki disease

Swelling of neutrophils, moderate rouleaux, toxic granulation

Whooping cough

Clefted nucleus, elevated WBC, lymphocytosi s

Rare autosomal recessive disorder

Elevated ESR, CRP, alpha 1 antitrypsin, high WBC count, left shift

Kawasaki disease

Whooping cough...

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