Handbook of Natural Gas Transmission and Processing Principles and Practices Fourth Edition PDF

Title Handbook of Natural Gas Transmission and Processing Principles and Practices Fourth Edition
Author Jean Saad
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Handbook of Natural Gas Transmission and Processing Principles and Practices Fourth Edition Saeid Mokhatab Gas Processing Consultant, Canada William A. Poe Senior Principal Technical Consultant, AVEVA, USA John Y. Mak Senior Fellow and Technical Director, Fluor, USA Gulf Professional Publishing is ...


Handbook of Natural Gas Transmission and Processing Principles and Practices

Fourth Edition Saeid Mokhatab Gas Processing Consultant, Canada

William A. Poe Senior Principal Technical Consultant, AVEVA, USA

John Y. Mak Senior Fellow and Technical Director, Fluor, USA

Gulf Professional Publishing is an imprint of Elsevier 50 Hampshire Street, 5th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, United Kingdom Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: www.elsevier.com/permissions. This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein). Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: 978-0-12-815817-3 For information on all Gulf Professional Publishing publications visit our website at https://www.elsevier.com/books-and-journals

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This book is intended to be a learning tool. The materials discussed in this book are presented solely for educational purposes and are not intended to constitute design specifications or operating procedures. While every effort has been made to present current and accurate information, the authors assume no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage resulting from using them. All rights reserved. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise be resold, lent, hired out, stored in a retrieval system, reproduced or translated into a machine language, or otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover, other than that in which it is published, without the prior written permission of the authors and without a similar requirement including these conditions being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

This book is dedicated to all professionals that preceded us: researchers, scientists, engineers, operators, and educators in the natural gas industry, who inspire us to assemble their knowledge and experience, manifesting this book that is much needed in today’s changing landscape of natural gas.

With Contribution by Jean-Noe¨l Jaubert, Romain Privat (Universite´ de Lorraine, France) and Epaminondas Voutsas (National Technical University of Athens, Greece) Authors of Chapter 2, Phase Behavior of Natural Gas Systems Wim Van Wassenhove (Billington Process Technology AS, Norway) Author of Chapter 19, Process Modelling and Simulation of Gas Processing Plants Laura A. Pellegrini, Giorgia De Guido, and Stefano Lange´ (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) Authors of Chapter 22, Energy and Exergy Analyses of Natural Gas Processing Plants


About the Authors Saeid Mokhatab is one of the most recognizable names in the natural gas community through his contributions to advancing the technologies in the natural gas processing industry. He has been actively involved in different aspects of several large-scale gas processing projects, from conceptual design through plant startup and operations support. He has presented on gas processing technologies worldwide and has published 300 technical papers and two renowned Elsevier’s handbooks in collaboration with leading experts from the largest international engineering companies and prominent process licensors. His numerous publications, which are widely read and highly respected, have set the technical standards in the natural gas processing industry and are considered by many as major references to be used for any gas processing/LNG project in development. He founded the world’s first peerreviewed journal devoted to natural gas science and engineering (published by Elsevier, the United States) and has held editorial positions for many scientific journals/book publishing companies in the hydrocarbon processing industry. He has also served as a member of technical committees for several professional societies and acclaimed gas processing conferences worldwide. As a result of his outstanding work in the natural gas industry, he has received a number of international awards and medals, and his biography has been listed in highly prestigious directories. William A. “Bill” Poe is a Senior Principal Technical Consultant at AVEVA, the United States. He has over 35 years of international business and industrial experience in design, operations, and project management of gas processing plants with a special focus on automation, multivariable predictive control (MPC), advanced process control (APC), optimization design and implementation, and real-time performance monitoring. Bill started his career at Shell Oil Company, USA, in 1981, working over a decade in natural gas processing plants operations and engineering as well as management of multimillion-dollar projects. In 1993, he joined Continental Controls to lead the process engineering department in support of executing contracts with the Gas Research Institute, USA, where he developed new multivariable control applications in the natural gas industry. After joining GE as part of the Continental Controls acquisition, he became vice president of this division of GE where his responsibilities included direction of product development, projects, technical sales support, and customer service for multivariable control and optimization applications in the natural gas industry. In 2001, Bill joined Invensys Process Systems, USA, where he has developed APC and Optimization Master Plans for international companies such as Saudi Aramco, ADNOC, Statoil, and PDVSA, as well as automation and advanced process control feasibility studies for over 100 natural gas processing plants worldwide. After Schneider Electric acquired Invensys Process Systems in 2014 and merged its software division with AVEVA in 2018, he has continued to work with the top gas processing companies. Bill is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, has authored or coauthored more than 60 technical papers, and made numerous technical presentations at prestigious international conferences. He received the GE Innovators Award in 1999 and attained the Invensys Circle of Excellence in 2011. John Y. Mak is a Senior Fellow and Technical Director at Fluor, the United States, and leads the technology and design development for Fluor chemical and energy division. He is the technical expert and SME with Fluor for over 40 years and has been leading major oil and gas, petrochemical and refinery projects from conceptual designs, feasibility studies, FEED development, detailed engineering,




to plant start-up and performance testing. John has made contributions to innovations in natural gas treating and processing, NGL recovery, LNG liquefaction and regasification, synthesis gas purification, and carbon capture methods. John is the coauthor of the Handbook of Liquefied Natural Gas, first edition (2013) published by Elsevier, the United States. He has published over 80 technical papers and has frequently presented his findings at technical conferences such as GPA Midstream Convention, GPA Europe, Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference, LNG Summit, Offshore Technology Conference, GASTECH, and China Coal Forum. John is the inventor of over 90 patents and patent pending processes. John is specializing in more complex NGL recovery designs for conventional and unconventional gases, treating high CO2 content gases using physical solvents, acid gas removal with amines, cryogenic nitrogen rejection, and helium recovery.

Preface to the Fourth Edition Natural gas is an abundant global resource and is a clean burning fuel that offers important environmental benefits compared to other fossil fuels. Natural gas is a versatile and safe source of energy that is necessary to bridge us to the future of renewable sources. The surge of natural gas production from unconventional sources is remarkable and further underscores the importance of gas processing. In this regard, it is fitting that the most up-to-date technical materials covering these subjects be well-known to gas producers, gas processors, technical specialists, and project developers. While many publications and books are available, there is a lack of a comprehensive book that captures the complete natural gas value chain from well-head to the end-user. This updated book provides the basic theoretical and practical background, while also covering innovations and new developments in the subject areas. Many interesting and exciting developments in the natural gas industry have emerged since the publication of the third edition in 2015 that provoked us to add and update several sections. We reviewed published materials and selected the most appropriate and viable innovations, combined with our own research and practical experience for updating. The result is a more complete and comprehensive reference that fully covers the ranges of today’s challenging gas processing problems. Six new chapters have been added to include detailed discussion of the thermodynamic and energy efficiency of relevant processes, and innovations in processing super-rich gas, high CO2 content gas, and high nitrogen content gas with other contaminants. This book is a major contribution to the professional literature as we have attempted to concentrate on what we perceive to be an acceptable design and proven practices. The organization of content addresses the design aspects that are important to students in the engineering curricula, and the operating and trouble-shooting facets for plant operators. We hope this handbook provides the design reference and conveys valuable experience to both the beginners and the experienced. The preparation of a book that covers such a broad subject requires different sources of information. We gratefully acknowledge our indebtedness to all of the individuals who contributed to the development of this book. An invaluable contribution to this edition is the insight by experts in their specialties and applications. Special thanks are due to friends and colleagues, who encouraged, assessed, and made this book possible. Among them are Dr. Louis Mattar and Dr. Mehran PooladiDarvish of the Fekete Associates Inc., Canada, who prepared the section on ‘Natural Gas Exploration and Production’ in Chapter 1. We also appreciate Mr. Cris Heijckers of Kranji Solutions Pte Ltd., Singapore, for preparing a section on ‘Practical Design of Separation Systems’ in Chapter 5. We deeply acknowledge the greatest help of Dr. Rainer Kurz of Solar Turbines Inc., USA, in updating Chapter 14. We thank Mr. Sidney P. Santos of At Work Rio Engineering and Consulting Ltd., Brazil, for his constructive comments and suggestions on Chapter 15. We also express our sincere appreciation to Dr. Scott Northrop of ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company, USA, and Mr. Michael Mitariten of Air Liquide, USA, who provided valuable comments for the betterment of the book. Finally, we appreciate the editorial staff members of Elsevier who have been an excellent source of strong support during the preparation and publication of this book.




The accelerated delivery of information contained in this handbook is important as we all strive to adapt to the latest technology in gas processing for a greener and safer environment. Our mission is to continuously follow the progress, add new materials in the future editions, and update the fundamental and practical materials already in this edition. Saeid Mokhatab William A. Poe John Y. Mak

Endorsements for the Fourth Edition

This handbook is a valuable reference that covers all aspects of the natural gas transmission and processing industries. It contains much needed design, operation, and optimization information, all in a single source and does an excellent job of highlighting the key considerations for any gas processing project, as well as providing innovative solutions in natural gas liquids recovery and treating high nitrogen and carbon dioxide content gases in unconventional gas plants. It is a key addition to any gas processing professional’s library. Jason Kraynek, Vice President of Business Transformation & Innovations, Fluor, USA.

This handbook is a valuable reference that covers all aspects of natural gas processing and handling. It has been fully updated in this fourth edition to also cover the recent developments in dealing with more sour gases and gases that contain all kinds of contaminants. It provides a good insight into the operational and technical aspects of handling of natural gases. A great reference for students, operators, and engineers working in the natural gas industry. Frank Scheel, Director of Technology, JacobsdComprimo Sulfur Solutions, the Netherlands.

This well-balanced book is a must read for anyone in the natural gas business due to its completeness in the coverage of all aspects of the natural gas transmission and processing industry. In addition to covering some topics rarely discussed and hard to find in the literature, it fully addresses the complex elements of the gas processing industry as well as practical advices for the safe design and operation of gas plants in a straightforward fashion, which makes the book appealing to all parties who are involved in the natural gas field development projects. Philip Hunter, Senior Vice PresidentdGlobal LNG/FLNG/GTL Technology & Development, KBR, UK.

This high quality, comprehensive book gives an accurate picture of where the natural gas transmission and processing industry stands today, and describes some relatively new technologies that could become important in the future. I recommend this book for any professional gas processing engineer and technologist. David Messersmith, Bechtel Fellow and Manager of LNG Technology and Services Group, Bechtel OG&C, USA.

This is a valuable handbook to both an experienced engineer and a graduate just commencing in natural gas engineering. It provides practical advice for design and operation based on sound engineering principles and established techniques as well as introducing process solutions based on new and emerging technologies. Adrian Finn, Manager of Process Technology, Costain Natural Resources, UK.




This is a wide ranging book providing the reader with much more information than that necessary to just support the engineering of a gas plant. Having introduced the fundamental science of natural gas, it covers sources, products, transportation, and economics of natural gas production, before covering all the unit operations involved in gas treatment to meet product specifications. Additional sections are included covering control systems, dynamic simulation, maximizing gas plant profitability, and gas plant project management, and these contribute to what is a holistic handbook that will educate all those who wish to learn about the subject. Jon Lewis, Vice President of Gas Processing and Sulfur Recovery, Advisian, WorleyParsons Group, UK.

This book comes at a critical time when many nations are shifting to an increasingly higher percentage of natural gas use within their range of energy sources. Giving the reader a comprehensive insight into the natural gas transmission and processing industry, this book will prove invaluable in orienting the newcomer and extending the scope of understanding of the veteran. Lorenzo Micucci, Manager of Technology and Markets Research, Siirtec Nigi, Italy.

This comprehensive reference book covers all technical aspects of natural gas transmission and processing in a very practical manner. Contrary to other books, it is pleasant to read, and the information, always accurate, can be found easily. Very importantly, it also describes emerging trends and helps to understand what the future of gas processing could look like. Alexandre Terrigeol, Sales and Technical Manager, CECA Molecular Sieves, France.

A very useful handbook that covers topics that others have missed. Highly recommended for any professionals who are involved with the natural gas transmission and processing industry. The authors are experts in their field and provide high quality coverage of subjects that are current and of practical use to long time professionals as well as newcomers. The material is quite comprehensive and covers all aspects of natural gas making this a need to have reference book. Dr. Thomas H. Wines, Director of Applications Development, Pall Corporation, USA.

The reader will find the information on gas handling from the wellhead to the consumer to not only be informative, but be presented with an eye toward practical applications and with an operations understanding. The comprehensive coverage of the subjects makes it a useful guide to those new to the natural gas transmission and processing industry and a ready reference for more experienced engineers. Michael J. Mitariten, Senior Director, Natural Gas and Biogas Separations, Air Liquide, USA.


This excellent handbook gives a comprehensive insight into the complete natural gas transmission and processing industry. As such, it is the perfect companion for young process engineering graduates just starting to learn the business, as well as for more experienced engineers looking for a desktop reference book. I enjoyed especially the fine balance the authors found between the introduction of each process step, the description of the most important process design principles (including safety and environmental), and the so important (and sometimes forgotten) operational aspects of efficiently and safely running the plant. I especially liked the chapter on “Real-Time Optimization of Gas Processing Plants” as it covers the practical requirements of advanced process control, real time optimization, and the underlying process models and it rounds it all up with a detailed description of a successful real-life example. Dr. Michael Brodkorb, EMEA Software Consulting Manager, Honeywell Process Solutions, Spain.

This comprehensive book provides in-depth coverage of all technical aspects of natural gas transmission and processing, beyond those addressed in other books. This is a “must addition...

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