Haroun and the Sea of Stories PDF

Title Haroun and the Sea of Stories
Course World Literature
Institution Kean University
Pages 3
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This course was taught by Lisa Sisler. These notes cover information from the book, "Haroun and the Sea of Stories" ...


Haroun and the Sea of Stories ● Describe the city Haroun lives in Alifbay. ○ The “saddest of cities,” the city stands “by a mournful sea full of glumfish” and all the people are full of sadness and melancholy. ● Who is Rashid Khalifa? What are his nicknames? ○ Rashid is Haroun’s father and a famous storyteller. “To his admirers he was Rashid the Ocean of Notions, as stuffed with cheery stories as the sea was full of glumfish; but to his jealous rivals he was the Shah of Blah.” ● Who is Soraya and why does she stop singing? ○ Haroun’s mother, she stops singing because Rashid was so busy telling stories and didn’t have room for anything else in his mind. ● Where does his father tell Haroun tell him all his stories come from? ○ From the Great Story Sea; stories always come from something ● Who are the Senguptas? Describe them and their relationship to Haroun. ○ Haroun’s neighbors, they don’t have a child of their own so Oneeta would treat Haroun like a son. Mr. Sengupta ignored Haroun. ● Why do the politicians want stories at their rallies? ○ No one listens to politicos, but they all trust Rashid. They needed him to win people’s votes. ● What happens between Mr. Sengupta and Soraya? Describe the event with clock and Soraya’s note. ○ They run away together at exactly 11 o’clock. Rashid proceeded to smashing every clock in the house. Soraya left a note saying that Rashid’s brain is full of make-believe and there are no room for facts. ● What happens to Rashid Khalifa after this event (in question 7)? ○ He ran out of stories to tell. ● What happens to Haroun after this event (in question 7)? ○ He realizes that his father’s loss is his fault. He couldn’t keep his mind on anything for more than 11 minutes. ● What happens to Mrs. Sengupta after this event (in question 7)? ○ She told everyone to call her Miss Oneeta only. ● What Unthinkable Thing happens in the Town of G and what are the consequences of this? ○ Rashid went on stage and could not tell a story; all he said was “ark.” ● Who is Mr. Butt and what is unique about the way he talks? ○ Driver of the Number One Super Express Mail Coach to the Valley of K, he speaks in alliteration. ● Why does Mr. Butt speed? ○ For the thrill

● Who is Khattam-Shud? ○ Arch-Enemy of all stories; Prince of Silence and the Foe of Speech ● What does the sign say when they reach the Valley of K and what does it mean? ○ “Welcome to Kosh-Mar,” it means nightmare ● Who is Mr. Buttoo and what does he want from Rashid? ○ A politician, he wants Rashid to tell happy stories so that the people will vote for him ● What is the story of the Moody Land and why does Haroun think the Valley of K is this place? ○ A land that changed constantly according to the people’s feelings ● Describe the houseboat. ○ Arabian Nights Plus One; everything is animal shaped ● Who is Iff and why does he come to the houseboat during the night? ○ A water genie from the Oceans of the Streams of Story; he’s there to end his story water supply to Rashid ● What does Iff tell Haroun about storytelling? ○ Anyone can tell stories, but if you don’t have the story water, you run out of stream. ● What is a P2C2E and who are the Eggheads and who is the Walrus? ○ Process To Complicated to Explain; the Grand Comptrollers ● Where does Haroun want Iff to take him and why? ○ Gup City to see the Walrus so that he can get story water for his father again ● What is the significance of the choice of birds Haroun makes? ○ He chose a wooden peacock, Hoopoe. It leads all the other birds through dangerous places. ● Who does the bird remind Haroun of? Why? ○ Butt because he felt like they weren’t moving at all ● What is Kahani? ○ A very fast moon ● What is wishwater (describe where it comes from, why Iff gives it to Haroun, and what happens when Haroun uses it)? ○ Patches of the ocean that shine bright, it makes your desires come true, Haroun remembers his mother ● How does Iff describe the Ocean of the Streams of Story? ○ Each coloured strand represented a different story ● What do Iff and Butt discover about the Ocean of the Streams of Story after Haroun drinks from it? Who is responsible for this? ○ Someone filled the ocean with filth; the Land of Chup

● Describe the Lands of Gup and Chup and their people, the Gupees and the Chupwalas. ○ Chup - night ○ Gup - light ● Describe Gup’s army. ○ A library divided into volumes, books, chapters, and pages. ● Why are there UFOs? ○ It’s for snacks ● Who is the spy? And how did he get to Gup? ○ A long-time subscriber to the Story Water ● What does Haroun discover about the Gups’ natures (consider their ideas for punishing a spy and questioning him)? ○ They’re not cruel and might make him stand in the corner ----------------------------------...

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