HBA Final EXAM PART A Flashcards Quizlet PDF

Title HBA Final EXAM PART A Flashcards Quizlet
Course hidrología
Institution Univerzitet u Tuzli
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Terms in this set (45) Studying the function of the

b. central nervous system physiology

brain and spinal cord would best fall under which category? a. peripheral nervous system physiology b. central nervous system physiology c. organic physiology d. cellular physiology e. organic anatomy


b. include monosaccharides, disaccharides and

a. are found in the nucleus of


all cells b. include monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides c. are responsible for structural support of the plasma membrane d. include triglycerides, fatty acids and phospholipids e. are packaged in the rough endoplasmic reticulum

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In protein synthesis,

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b. if only W and Y are correct

transcription: W. involves copying of DNA to mRNA X. turns the mRNA sequence into a polypeptide Y. occurs in the nucleus Z. occurs in the cytoplasm a. if only W, X and Y are correct b. if only W and Y are correct c. if only X and Z are correct d. if only Z is correct e. if all are correct


a. swell, possibly burst

a. swell, possibly burst b. nothing, there is no gradient for the movement of water c. crenate d. shrink e. swell, as the solution is hypertonic

In facilitated diffusion:

b. solutes move down their concentration

a. energy is required for


transport b. solutes move down their concentration gradients c. the process is described as 'active' d. solutes transported are large proteins e. all of the above are correct

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Which of the following

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b. if only W and Y are correct

statements/s is/are TRUE?: W. the inside membrane of an excitable cell is negative compared to the outside X. the resting membrane potential depends on the movement of negative ions only Y. the -70mV RMP value results in part from the concentration gradients of Na+ and K+ Z. the inside membrane of an excitable cell is -55mV a. if only W, X and Y are correct b. if only W and Y are correct c. if only X and Z are correct d. if only Z is correct e. if all are correct

On what section of the

d. axon

neuron do action potentials mostly propagate? a. synaptic terminal b. axon hillock c. soma d. axon e. dendrite

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What type of ion channels on

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e. leak channels

a neuron contribute to the resting membrane potential? a. chemically-gated channels b. voltage-gated channels c. mechanically-gated channels d. ligand-gated channels e. leak channels

Which term best describes a

a. graded potential

subthreshold change in the membrane potential of a neuron? a. graded potential b. hyperpolarisation c. repolarisation d. depolarisation e. action potential

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Which statement/s is/are

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d. if only Z is correct

TRUE? W. a decrease in conduction velocity of an action potential occurs with large diameter axons and myelin sheath X. during the relative refractory period, it is impossible to generate a second action potential Y. the hyperpolarisation phase of an action potential is due to fast closing voltagegated K+ channels Z. myelinated axons result in the saltatory propagation of action potentials a. if only W, X and Y are correct b. if only W and Y are correct c. if only X and Z are correct d. if only Z is correct e. if all are correct

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What would happen to the

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b. if only W and Y are correct

resting membrane potential (RMP) of an excitable cell if the Na+/K+ ATPase pump was inhibited? W. the RMP would approach 0 mV X. the neuron would still be able to generate an action potential Y. the amount of Na+ and K+ ions would become equal on both sides of the membrane Z. RMP would not change a. if only W, X and Y are correct b. if only W and Y are correct c. if only X and Z are correct d. if only Z is correct e. if all are correct

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Anabolic steroids are

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b. remain in circulation for long periods of time

sometimes abused by bodybuilders, so they can gain larger muscles rapidly. These artificial hormones have the same chemical structure as the lipid soluble endogenous hormone 'testosterone'. These hormones: a. require a membrane bound protein to send a signal to the inside of the cell b. remain in circulation for long periods of time c. are hydrophilic in nature d. signal via a secondary messenger system e. do not need a protein carrier to move around the bloodstream

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a. thyroxine (T4) Karen goes to see her doctor as she is feeling lethargic, sensitive to cold temperatures and has gained weight. She also feels like her neck is ‘swollen’. The doctor runs some tests and finds some of her hormone levels are out of normal range. Which of these hormones is likely to be LOW? a. thyroxine (T4) b. oxytocin c. thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) d. norepinephrine e. thyroid releasing hormone (TRH)

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The posterior pituitary gland:

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c. if only X and Z are correct

W. receives information via the hypophyseal portal system X. receives information via the hypothalamic hypophyseal tract Y. accepts instructions in the form of releasing or inhibiting hormones Z. is signalled by action potentials to secrete oxytocin and anti-diuretic hormone a. if only W, X and Y are correct b. if only W and Y are correct c. if only X and Z are correct d. if only Z is correct e. if all are correct

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HBA FINAL EXAM PART A Flashcards | Quizlet

Which of the following

b. centrifuged blood will result in plasma sitting at

statements regarding blood

the top and red blood cells to the bottom of the

components is CORRECT?


a. blood plasma consists of water, plasma protein, formed elements and other solutes b. centrifuged blood will result in plasma sitting at the top and red blood cells to the bottom of the tube c. formed elements of blood include: red blood cells, white blood cells and stem cells d. high haematocrit levels indicate anaemia (a condition where people feel fatigued) e. red blood cells make up the majority of the blood plasma known as the haematocrit

Jane has gone for a 2 week

d. increase, erythropoiesis

hiking trip to Mount Everest. As she climbs up the mountain, the air 'thins out' due to the high altitude. From your knowledge of red blood cell regulation, Jane's body will ________ the number of red blood cells via the process of ______ . a. increase, thrombocytosis b. decrease, hemocytosis c. increase, erythropenia d. increase, erythropoiesis

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People with Type O blood

HBA FINAL EXAM PART A Flashcards | Quizlet

a. if only W, X and Y are correct

group: W. have neither A or B antigens on their red blood cells X. have both Anti-A and AntiB antibodies in their plasma Y. are known as a universal donor Z. can receive a blood transfusion from a Type AB donor a. if only W, X and Y are correct b. if only W and Y are correct c. if only X and Z are correct d. if only Z is correct e. if all are correct

The movement of fluid across

c. lymphatic pressure d. osmotic pressure created

the capillary wall is

by plasma proteins

determined by chemical and physical pressures. The main force that moves fluid from tissues into capillaries is: a. hydrostatic pressure of the blood in the venules b. osmotic pressure created by proteins found in the interstitial fluid c. lymphatic pressure d. osmotic pressure created by plasma proteins e. hydrostatic pressure of the blood in the capillaries

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HBA FINAL EXAM PART A Flashcards | Quizlet

Autoregulation of blood flow

b. local vasodilation from metabolic by-products

is the ability of an organ to

building up

retain a constant blood flow despite fluctuations in pressure. This requires: a. speeding up or slowing down of the heart rate b. local vasodilation from metabolic by-products building up c. overstretched smooth muscle in arterioles leading to local vasodilation. d. signals being sent along parasympathetic and sympathetic fibres to all arterioles e. only the myogenic mechanism to be activated


e. is the ability of an organ to maintain steady

a. requires input from

blood flow despite changing blood pressures

hormones released by the hypothalamus b. will allow for large and sustained changes to flood blow c. is extremely high in human skin d. will always be effective, no matter how great a change to the perfusion pressure e. is the ability of an organ to maintain steady blood flow despite changing blood pressures

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HBA FINAL EXAM PART A Flashcards | Quizlet

Mean arterial pressure (MAP):

e. if all are correct

W. increases with an increase in cardiac output X. is closer to diastolic pressure than systolic pressure Y. increases with an increase in systemic vascular resistance Z. is the minimum pressure needed to adequately perfuse tissue cells with oxygenated blood a. if only W, X and Y are correct b. if only W and Y are correct c. if only X and Z are correct d. if only Z is correct e. if all are correct

Which of these are matched

a. cell-mediated immunity

stimulates both


Helper T and Cytotoxic T cells

a. cell-mediated immunity stimulates both Helper T and Cytotoxic T cells b. adaptive Immunity


antibody-mediated immunity only c. cell-mediated immunity relates to the action of antimicrobial peptidesd. adaptive Immunity

relates to the first

and second lines of defenses e. antibody-mediated immunity

relates to

inflammation and fever

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What are the two major types

HBA FINAL EXAM PART A Flashcards | Quizlet

b. innate and adaptive

of immunity? a. adaptive and specific b. innate and adaptive c. specific and passive d. antibody mediated and cell mediated e. innate and non-specific

Air will stop moving through

e. atmospheric pressure

the respiratory tract when the pressure in the lungs is equal to _______________. a. respiratory pressure b. transpulmonary pressure c. alveolar pressure d. intrapleural pressure e. atmospheric pressure

What term is used to describe

e. pulmonary (minute) ventilation rate

the volume of air moving in to and out of the lungs each minute? a. alveolar ventilation rate b. pulmonary ventilation c. respiration d. functional residual capacity e. pulmonary (minute) ventilation rate

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Boyle's law states that:

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e. pressure is inversely proportional to volume

a. thickness of the respiratory membrane is proportional to diffusion of gases across the membrane b. total pressure exerted by a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of pressures exerted independently c. pressure is proportional to volume d. increased amounts carbon dioxide will increase pH in the blood e. pressure is inversely proportional to volume

Which of the following

b. if only W and Y are correct

INCREASE the affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen? W. high blood pH X. high blood temperature Y. low CO2 partial pressure Z. low blood pressure a. if only W, X and Y are correct b. if only W and Y are correct c. if only X and Z are correct d. if only Z is correct e. if all are correct

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The cephalic phase of gastric

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e. all of the above

control: a. is triggered by the taste, sight or thought of food b. involves the long reflex response via the Vagus nerve to stimulates the stomach c. stimulates stomach motility d. activates stomach secretions e. all of the above

In regard to the neural

a. taste stimulus

regulation of the gastrointestinal system, which of the following is NOT involved in a short reflex response? a. taste stimulus b. mechanoreceptors in the wall of the GI tract c. intestinal smooth muscles d. enteric nervous plexus e. food in the lumen of the GI tract

Which of the following is the

c. mechanical digestion

main digestive process occurring in the mouth when

chewing food? a. absorption b. secretions c. mechanical digestion d. chemical digestion e. defecation

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What metabolic event/s is/are

HBA FINAL EXAM PART A Flashcards | Quizlet

b. if only W and Y are correct

most closely associated with absorption? W. lipogenesis X. gluconeogenesis Y. glycogenesis Z. glycolysis a. if only W, X and Y are correct b. if only W and Y are correct c. if only X and Z are correct d. if only Z is correct e. if all are correct

During tubular reabsorption,

b. 1.5 L/day, 100 - 1200 mOsM

the end of the collecting duct will receive approximately how much fluid per day and what will the osmolarity of the fluid be? a. 180 L/day, 300 mOsM b. 1.5 L/day, 100 - 1200 mOsM c. 1.5L/day, 100 - 300 mOsM d. 18 L/day, 1200 mOsM e. 54 L/day, 100 - 300 mOsM

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Which of the following

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d. glucose

substances are likely to be

completely reabsorbed following filtration, with healthy renal system function? a. foreign substances b. sodium, potassium and water c. water d. glucose e. plasma proteins

The micturition reflex is

c. increasing pressure on the bladder walls,

initiated by:

causing stretch

a. filling of the stomach b. relaxation of the external urethral sphincter c. increasing pressure on the bladder walls, causing stretch d. contraction of the urinary bladder e. somatic nerve impulses to the spinal cord

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In regards to antidiuretic

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c. if only X and Z are correct

hormone (ADH), which of the following are CORRECT? W. ADH stimulates aquaporin insertion in the bowman’s capsule X. decreased blood volume will stimulate the release of ADH Y. alcohol will stimulate the release of ADH Z. an increase in osmolarity will stimulate the release of ADH from the posterior pituitary gland a. if only W, X and Y are correct b. if only W and Y are correct c. if only X and Z are correct d. if only Z is correct e. if all are correct

A person who has been

b. metabolic alkalosis

excessively vomiting is admitted to the hospital. They are found to have a blood pH of 7.5 and as such their diagnosis is: a. nothing, this pH value is within the normal range b. metabolic alkalosis c. respiratory alkalosis d. metabolic acidosis e. respiratory acidosis

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A pH below 7.35 represents:

HBA FINAL EXAM PART A Flashcards | Quizlet

a. acidosis

a. acidosis b. alkalosis c. an environment that would support protein structure d. neutrosis e. low levels of H+

The corpus luteum releases:

c. mainly progesterone

a. testosterone b. growth hormone c. mainly progesterone d. FSH and LH e. oestrogen only

Semen contains:

b. substances that increases the motility of sperm

a. factors which decrease the acidity of the female reproductive tract b. substances that increases the motility of sperm c. factors which decrease the viscosity of the cervical plug d. elements that provide a nourishing medium to swim in e. all of the above

The function of the epididymis

d. Spermatid storage

is? a. Sperm maturation b. Absorption of calcium c. Provide nutrition to sperm d. Spermatid storage e. Produce sperm

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HBA FINAL EXAM PART A Flashcards | Quizlet

During the male sexual

a. dilation of the penile arterioles is caused by the

response, which of the

release of nitric oxide from parasympathetic fibers

following is TRUE of the erection phase? a. dilation of the penile arterioles is caused by the release of nitric oxide from parasympathetic fibers b. engorgement of the erectile tissue temporari...

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