Health Psych Forks Over Knives 2 PDF

Title Health Psych Forks Over Knives 2
Course Health Psychology
Institution California State University Long Beach
Pages 4
File Size 64.1 KB
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Dr. William February 8, 2017 “Forks Over Knives: a Reflection and Contemplation” If anything, I must say the film really inspired me. There were facts presented in the video that I had already known, most of these were common sense pieces of information I always knew, yet there were also many things in the video I did not know. First of all, I actually had no idea that too much protein could lead to increased risk of cancer. The study they did on the rats who they gave more protein to, I found really shocking since we always talk about how good protein is for us and how we need so much of it. Another thing I never really considered was how dairy products, which we intake for the calcium and have always been told were crucial to our growth and health, could actually be perpetuating or even causing osteoporosis and other bone diseases by creating acid in the body which then takes a toll on the bones. Thankfully, I am usually sensitive to my body’s pH levels and so I’ll take an antacid or do something to fix it right away, but it was very alarming yet good to know something like that, which at first, sounded counterintuitive. The information they gave on red meat was well known and most people have been very aware of it and trying to inform others about it for years, but it was good to have that reminder and it actually inspired me to make a change. As I’ve said before, with my Coptic Orthodox faith, we tend to be vegan for more than half the year anyways, so with this in mind, that did two things for me during the movie, one being that it made me a little more at



ease since we don’t consume these products very often to begin with, and two, it made it so that I was more inspired to change and, hopefully, will! I thought if we’re fasting around 210 days, and there are 365 days in a year, if I could just get to 260 days a year of being vegan (or at least very scrupulous about my nutrition), I would be good to go. That’s only 50 more days of being vegetarian (with limited dairy intake) a year, and there are 52 weeks a year so I’m thinking I could add in a day each week wherein I would abstain from meat. chicken or fish and all animal products except for a healthy single serving of a low-fat, organic dairy product, whether it be in form of milk or cheese. Some of the pitfalls of this message are that for one, it could have missed some key points of the benefits to eating animal products and byproducts and why they are sometimes essential for health, especially in some cases where a person needs some nutrient or element found in them. Second, it may have been biased in favor of veganism if it was funded by companies that also endorse it, and finally, the statistics were not up to date as it was produced in 2011. If someone saw the information differently, they would argue that the movie is biased and that animal products are essential for nutrition but and I would tell them that they can get most nutrients that are in animal products from vegetables and natural supplements or at least decrease the amount they take in down to what is really essential and helpful and make sure it’s high quality stuff.



I actually really loved and admired the message the doctor had when he said that heart disease doesn’t have to exist and shouldn’t, that diet is the best medicine and that nature provides us with all the answers. He could not have been more spot on. I feel that, in general, American public is very narrow minded and insufficiently educated when it comes to natural and dietary treatments and homeopathic medicine. With that being said, I love the emphasis he put on it and how he helped show people like Sandéra that theydon’t need medicine nor do they need to live with disease and the fear of not being there for loved ones, and how reversible he proved so many disorders and diseases to be. The general public seriously needs to look more into this and stop just settling in so submissively and so easily into either being afflicted or taking artificial medicines, who God knows the contents and side effects of. If they would be more willing and inspired by this, I know for sure we would have a far happier and healthier population.





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