Henry V-2 - cool stuff home slice on some good old rice balls, slick the rick and hit the PDF

Title Henry V-2 - cool stuff home slice on some good old rice balls, slick the rick and hit the
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cool stuff home slice on some good old rice balls, slick the rick and hit the kids I got a job and I finna stop...


Brenton-Konner (Mookie) McKnight Arts in Christian Studies, Grand Canyon University BIB-107: New Testament Rob Krise February, 21st , 2021

Introduction Through this paper what the readers can expect is the observation on how Jesus often illustrated his words with parables. In this introduction part of the essay, what will also be discussed is the reason why Jesus used parables, and how in modern-day we can relate to Jesus parable’s, and how can man understand it completely. This introduction will prepare the readers for a more in-depth understanding of the Kingdom of God, and different views of parables used in the bible and the context they were used in. Here in the essay there will a better understanding of the historical and cultural backgrounds and what the exact meaning of the original parables and their literary context were. Jesus Parable During the times of Jesus, Jesus would speak to individuals through what is called parables, which was often a way of his teachings, he used parables to teach the word of the Lord, it was also believed Jesus spoke in parables just in case if there were people or an individual that was to betray or reject him as the chosen one and the Son of God, it would be extremely difficult to understand and comprehend the message that was spoken out his mouth if they were not willing to abide and follow Jesus ways and leadership. Through some readings, it was seen that the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus would speak this way intentionally, for the reason of testing those who truly wanted to know him and the information that he beheld. This was a smart move for the fact that non-believers could not understand their tongues because of the way Jesus was teaching and using parables to his advantage. In the bible, there is something that is called “The parable of the mustard seed” (Mark 4: 30-32), and essentially what the parable is, is that Jesus preaches that although the Kingdom of God is small, with Jesus and his disciples “it would grow and spread

across the world to unlimited numbers of followers” (The parable of the mustard seed, para. 2). The reason why this parable in particular is powerful is that it explains that things must not come in a rush but rather consistency and patience. Now the parables Jesus used were not meant to confuse anyone, which was said in (Matthew 11:12) The parables were meant to be a secret for the kingdom of the heaven, but to Jesus disciples for the ones who were blessed with more knowledge, will be given and gifted an abundance “but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. This is why I speak to them in parables” (Matthew 13:11). That being said people who followed Jesus were very much aware there was a kingdom that lies upon heaven, even though you must do well on earth and abide by the covenant rules, in the long run, there will only be one kingdom. What you can gain from Jesus’s parable is that it was used as a form of a metaphor, which is probably why outsiders found it hard to comprehend his messages. They are used to set stories “that set the familiar in an unfamiliar context, which is what a metaphor does.” (McFague, S., 1974, para. 4). Unlike most things, Jesus did not make things clear in a sense. Jesus preferred the way of parables and having metaphors implanted into them. This was the way Jesus was going to teach his disciples and guide them on to the path of glory. Tying back into the mustard seed parable, Jesus used patience as the basis of his methods and the way of learning. Many believed this particular parable was to teach humans of the past and today to follow through even when life gets rocky and challenging. As humans, it is easy to lose hope, but just like a seed things will not grow nor sprout overnight, there must be consistency and a steady method of taking care of the seed so one day the truth shall prevail and it shall become a plant. This is the same when it comes to learning and following the way of Jesus and God, faith is all about patience and never rushing the process. Just like how Jesus’s word did not spread over one day or one week, It took time, but

over hard waitings, his words are now one of the most spoken words of the present time. For example “Jesus is also portrayed by New Testament authors as one who patiently endured” (Garrett, S. R., 1999, para. 21). And to the understanding of a Christian, the goal is to become as close to Jesus as possible, and a beneficial step would be learning how to be patient as him aswell. Personal parable A personal parable that man could learn from is “The Parable of The Sower, It’s a story that is fairly simple to grasp but yet hard to overcome as well. The story speaks of a man who goes out to sow grain, which is the man who is supposed to resemble God and the grains are his words and messages. The man drops grains along the path and birds began to feast off of them, which was to resemble that the birds are Satan and the seeds were the people who have received the message of God but were immediately lost. Some seeds fell on rocky plantains, where there were some soils to the ground, this was meant to mean that those who respond with the enthusiasm of God’s words but yet will not dive deep into the truth of them, which in the long run will lead them to give up. On the other note, some seeds fell into thorns, the thorns were to explain that many will get choked and suffocated by the riches and worries in life, which cause people to never find the meaning of God. But there is good, some seeds fell into rich soil and sprouted, this is the true meaning of people who take in God’s words and live the way of God’s words. A parable that I’ve created is “The Empty Tongue” The Empty Tongue is a parable that demonstrates that words can only be as strong as a person’s work. You may preach the way of God but do you follow the ways of God? Only speaking without any action means you are an

empty tongue, there’s a saying “talk-the-talk and walk-the-walk” may your words be as strong as your will, and you will as strong as your actions. For one can not live without the other. The Kingdom Of God relies on those who follow and do. This can relate to some of Jesus’s parables because although you should speak and do, it takes patience and sacrifices to live righteously, and not all will preach the words just like in the Parable of Sower, and The parable of Mustard Seed. The way of Jesus is a slow steady commitment. That is why the parable of The Empty Tongue is as well similar to both that was mentioned, Do not become an empty mouth with a lot to say, for if you do one should be able to say it and show it as Jesus and some of his disciples did. Conclusion In conclusion to this essay, many can gain knowledge from parables, for they teach you how Jesus taught the people who followed him on his journey, parables bring you closer to the truth, and can strengthen your faith as well. If anything parables are relatively simple but very impactful, and Christians should try and spend more time understanding them. For they preach life lessons that Jesus with gone.

References Garrett, S. R. (1999). The Patience of Job and the Patience of Jesus. Interpretation, 53(3), 254–264. McFague, S. (1974). Parable, metaphor, and theology. Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 42(4), 630–645. The parable of the mustard seed (Mark 4: 30–32) - The teaching of Jesus - CCEA - GCSE Religious Studies Revision - CCEA. (n.d.). BBC Bitesize. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zvvg2sg/revision/6 The parable of the sower of Seed (MATTHEW 13: 1–9, 18–23) - the Kingdom of God - ccea - GCSE religious Studies revision - ccea - BBC BITESIZE. (n.d.). Retrieved February 21, 2021, from https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zd76rj6/revision/2

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