Beddown Template Joe - good stuff PDF

Title Beddown Template Joe - good stuff
Author Anonymous User
Course Bachelor of Business
Institution Queensland University of Technology
Pages 11
File Size 184.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 88
Total Views 194


good stuff...



Table of Contents Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................2 Business Profile..........................................................................................................................3 Analysis.......................................................................................................................................4 Evaluation...................................................................................................................................5 Recommendation.......................................................................................................................6 Conclusion..................................................................................................................................7 References..................................................................................................................................8


Introduction Repairing the quality of life, before building a life of quality. Is one of the three principles Beddown have. They believe that people should worry more about everyone having a bed before one person having a mansion. In this Feasibility Report, four areas will be covered: Business Profile, Analysis, Evaluation and Recommendation. By doing this we will be able to assess how feasible Beddown will be. Firstly, the Business Profile will be examined.


Business Profile

Why was Beddown established: When Norm McGillivray was young his mother and father owned a stable business. His father was a carpenter by trade, but then he suffered a severe stroke and at the time lost movement of half the movement of his face. For reasons unknown, Norm’s father and mother split and his father lost his business. His father was then forced to the streets. He only ever went to Norm for the occasional shower or to do some laundry. At the age of 40 Norm’s father passed away from a heart attack. Norm was saddened by the fact that his father died so young on the streets. He then established the organisation Beddown.

Stage of business life cycle Beddown is at the start-up stage of the business life cycle. Norm has passed the seed stage because he has come up with the ideas and created the organisation.

Entrepreneurial characteristics of McGillivray Norm McGillivray entrepreneurial characteristics are: Norm is very passionate about his work and wants to help others with his organisation, He seems to be very flexible and is able to change his views if something is in need to change; the organisation is connected to a wide number of networks which will help Beddown expand and get their views seen by many.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Beddown is based at the lowest level of Maslow’s hierarchy of need. Beddown focuses on needs that some people (homeless people) don’t have. Beddown gives those people a shower, a place to do their laundry and somewhere to sleep for the night.


Innovation theories Beddown uses Incremental, Architectural and Radical innovation theories in the organisation. It uses Incremental by changing little thing on its pages like Instagram Facebook and Twitter. It uses Architectural by using other ideas of helping homeless people but adds its own idea of making carparks into areas for homeless people to sleep. And it uses Radical innovation by adapting the carparks and using them as an area for the homeless to sleep.

Stakeholders Stakeholders of Beddown are the mattress companies because they need to sell the mattresses to Beddown. The carpark owner is where Beddown sets up its operations such as the homeless sleeping area and an area for the laundry to be done. The last stakeholder is the volunteer’s that help set up the beds and help gather the homeless to the designated carpark.

Sources of funds Beddown gets all its funds from the community. It doesn’t charge the people to stay in their beds, so they aren’t making any money that way. They get the majority of their money from donation. Norm goes onto the tv and talks about his organisation hoping to gain some money. He also has an Instagram and Facebook page to expand his views.


Analysis Swot Analysis

Strengths 


There are lots of homeless people in the

There needs to be a car park space

world so there will never be a shortage

free and have it cleared in the

pf people in need.

morning for people who need it.

It is run by a man with a lot of passion

Beddown relies only on donations

for the need to help homeless people.

to pay for thing so they need to get

It is relatively cheap and easy to set up.

lots of attention to get those donations Threats

Opportunities 

Beddown has the potential to

Beddown doesn’t really have

expand and grow very large because

threats because any other

it built on good morals and isn’t

organisations with the same idea


will be helping their cause not

It could even grow and adapt to give

destroying them or putting them

the homeless a job in making and

out of business.

selling things.

PEST Analysis

Political Factors:

Beddown will help clean up the streets making contries not only look good but help things like education, work employments and hunger.

Economic factors:

It is good because it can be set up in any country that has

homeless people in it. Beddown is going to help the economy by giving people somewhere to get a good night sleep therefore looking better, feeling better and helping them get the courage to 5

go and get themselves employed.

Socio cultural factors:

By helping them get jobs it will also get the spending rate

up which means more money goes into the community. Financial intelligence is what every person needs to run a business or invest in things.

Addiction can cause unhealthy amounts of money being wasted.

Running from problems such as violence, bad parenting or from life problems.

All these factors determine how many homeless people are on the streets and the number of people that are in

Technological Factors:

need of a bed Beddown requires social media platforms to raise awareness of homelessness.

Beddown also requires a social platform to raise funds to pay for the beds and other things.



 Stakeholder satisfaction The stakeholders of Beddown are the homeless, the volunteers, the mattress company and carpark owners. The homeless would be satisfied by Beddown’s work and appreciate everything it is doing for then. The only problem they would have is that it isn’t well known meaning that not all homeless get to have a bed. The volunteers would be hard to come by because Beddown isn’t well known so not many people would know of it. The mattress companies would be happy because Beddown would purchase many mattresses. And last of all the car park owners, having Beddown run their operations in their carparks would be a good look on their behalf. Having the homeless would make their carpark look like they are trying to help the community and help people in need.

 Competitiveness Beddown is a non-for-profit organisation so other organisations won’t put it out of business. If other organisations do get all the homeless off the streets it is actually what Beddown is working for. Other organisations that are involved in helping homeless are (Mission Australia, Launch Housing and Salvation Army) Although they are different businesses they are working for the same goal and will maybe help each other out.


Recommendation Beddown has a noble cause and I feel now that I need to help the homeless but what struck me as a concern was that I had no idea there was so many people in need of a bed or clean cloths and any organisation that was trying to help them. For Beddown to succeed and help the homeless they need to expand their advertisement and get the message to as many people possible. This includes people in need who might not even know this is available to them.

Another thing that Beddown should take into consideration and try and improve is going world-wide and expanding their name to other countries. Then they could not only save Australia from homelessness, but they could save the whole world.

Beddown could even expand and turn their organisation into something else. By starting a business, they could also hire the homeless and run a business that works for something meanwhile employing the homeless and giving them somewhere to sleep and wash their clothes.


Conclusion Looking at why Norm started Beddown, because of his fathers sad past Norm is a good leader to have running Beddown because he is passionate and loves the work he does. Analysing the SWAT table Beddown has many strengths, not many weaknesses, a few opportunities and no threats. Analysing the PEST table has good political, economic and socio-cultural factors that benefit Australia and not just Beddown. Beddown relies on the Technological factors and without it would struggle to operate. By examining the stakeholder satisfaction it’s clear that all Beddown’s stakeholders are satisfied with Beddown and some even benefit from them greatly. Beddown has no competitors to disrupt its line of business, other businesses only benefit Beddown. And by recommending Beddown to capitalise its organisation and turn it into a business giving the homeless a job. Beddown is a great organisation that really helps the homeless and puts lots of work and help into giving someone that isn’t as privileged as most, a place to sleep and do their laundry. This organisation is a good business.




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