Student Template - good summary PDF

Title Student Template - good summary
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Macquarie Park RTO 90222


Cafe Name Business Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, United States Suburb: Hughes State: Washington DC Post code: 37188 Business: cafehosę Website: www.cafehosę.com

Café Business Proposal

Hospitality Cluster F – Working in Hospitality SITHIND002 BSBSUS201 SITXCOM00 1

Source and use information on the hospitality industry Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices Source and present information


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Macquarie Park RTO 90222

Table of Contents Make a list of all sections of proposal along with applicable page numbers - One page only Cover page of Proposal

Table of Contents

1. Concept for Café

2. Laws/ Legislation

3. Quality Assurance (QA)

4. Cross Industry

5. Staffing

6. Communication

7. Risk Management

8. Current and Emerging Technologies

9. Café Trends

10. Staying Up-to-Date

11. Environmental Sustainability

12. Annotated Bibliography

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Macquarie Park RTO 90222

1. Concept for Café A snapshot summary of your proposed business. Answer the following sections: Aim of the café To expose the American demographic to different coffee Mission Statement beans and styles from around the world. Done to create more awareness and educate the general populace. Theme of café Simple coffee cart, espresso machine and differing coffee beans, maybe stock up on some biscuits for the drinks Who is the target Anyone, the mission is to educate anyone who wants to learn market (customers about the drinks. Anyone with a prior knowledge of the you are trying to drinks can also appreciate the drinks and try different tasting attract)? coffee’s that they may not have access to normally. Ethical issues to consider

Describe the furniture

Where the beans and other consumables come from- how the famers have been treated? Is it fair trade? How I advertise my drinks, e.g. telling someone a flat white and serving them a latte because its easier. No seating because it’s a coffee cart, take the order. And have a store simply for selling beans and other equipment related to the coffee and drinks such as the beans I order and equipment I use Right outside the white house, done on purpose to try and get a government contract for catering events.

Describe the location of the café –and include why you chose that location. Include photos.

What items will be included on the menu?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Espresso 17. Dirty Chai Doppio 18. Café del Tiempo Macchiato 19. Piccolo Latte Cappuccino 20. Café Con Hielo Flat White. 21. Affogarto Café au lait 22. Power drinks Turkish coffee Irish coffee Americano Long Black Vienna Mocha Latte Frappé Mocha Borgia Mazagran

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2. Laws / Legislation Define the purpose of each law / legislation. Describe the relevance of each legislation to your business. Legislation NSW Food Act 2003

Work Health Safety 2011

Define the purpose of the legislation The legislation is made to ensure food that is being served is safe for human consumption. It also prohibits any misleading conduct around food. The WHS 2011 is legislation placed to protect the health, safety and welfare of employees at work.

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

The EEO legislation is the ideology that everyone can access equal opportunity based on merit. This regulation seeks to further establish the effectiveness of the NSW Food 2010 food regulation. Changes the Regulation 2015 streams of enforcement and general update of the pre-existing legislation.

Describe the relevance of the legislation to your business Ensures that everything I serve is up to standard whilst also ensuring I cannot mislead any of my customers. Ensure my staff is treated correctly and have the safest and healthiest possible experience at work. Relevance is the treatment of people who want to apply at the coffee cart or warehouse to apply. The channels of complaint a customer would need to go through for their complaint to be acknowledged

3. Quality Assurance (QA) Research and outline one QA system that is used in the hospitality industry. Industry Quality Assurance systems A set of things done which ensure quality in the processes by the development stage of the products.

How it works There is nationally recognised legislation which companies have to conform to. such as the FDA and medical product specifications.

Describe two QA measures you might use in your business Service/product Example: Food service - Serving of main meal

1. The serving of the coffee

Specification to measure the quality of each service or product

Procedures for checking that the standards are met

No drips on plate No cracks in plate Correct plate temp Garnished appropriately Service with a smile

Chef on pass checks quality Feedback from customer is positive.

The visual checks, to see how the milk and coffee has been extracted, this will be done to ensure that the

Every 20-40 coffees, make a testing coffee, adjust to the current weather and grind size that is required, check things like humidity levels and check if

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Macquarie Park RTO 90222 visual checks will be made to see how the drinks are served.

2. Adjust the cartwheels and ensure it has been serviced

Get a proper mechanic to service the cart to ensure that it is safe. Also ensure that the mechanic gives all certifications and checks

milk temperature is appropriate. -

Get a certified mechanic, to ensure they are up to date with legislation and upcoming tech technologies that can make my job better and easier.

4. Cross Industry Cross-industry – Identify THREE examples of associations that your establishment may have with other businesses. Outline the importance of these cross-industry relationships and how they benefit the establishment. Identified cross industry associations 1. Farming

Outlined importance of these relationships With farming I can directly speak to my farmers and customize coffee orders. This would enable to charge my customers higher and give a higher profit ratio to the farmer.

2. Retail suppliers

Retail suppliers will be there to assist in the production and creation of the products which I will sell at my coffee cart.

3. Mechanics

The consistent repair of the cart will ensure that it is safe to travel and serve coffee in.

5. Staffing You can employ five people – who will they be and what will be their role/ responsibility? Name of Employee Role of Employee Responsibilities (jobs they need to do) Example Employee: Waiter

A waiter takes orders and serves food and beverages to customers.

Check room for cleanliness. Set tables Wipe sauce bottles & cruets

Communicate with kitchen Communicate with colleagues Make sure customers are

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Macquarie Park RTO 90222 Take orders Serve customers

1. Barista

2.Cashier (which is me)

experiencing good service and food. Process bills and payments.

Makes coffee for customers

Setup coffee machine every morning, set up coffee cart, serve customers, comply to any reasonable requests from a customer.

Handles money and serves cash

Handles all of the money which flows through the establishment.




6. Communication Communication – Identify the importance of articulating ideas clearly, using simple and relevant language to report issues to designated personnel. Outline how open and closed probe questioning may assist in effectively obtaining information from colleagues, suppliers and industry bodies. Communication between the retail shops serving me beans and Identify the other supplies for the store, making a better connection with importance of them which would lead to a better prices and a better effective relationship with the store. This ensures to a smooth supply communication chain of coffee beans. to designated personnel The open questions would help me as a barista serve drinks that Outline how open and closed customers would enjoy a lot more, from this I would be able to serve SIT20316 F&B Task Cluster F Mar 2019 Student Template Page 6 of 13 Public Schools NSW Macquarie Park RTO 90222

Macquarie Park RTO 90222 probe questioning may assist in effectively obtaining information from colleagues, suppliers and industry bodies.

the community further and create more awareness about drinks from certain regions. Closed ended questions although can be hard to work with they are useful in industry and other professional environments as they can assertively supplement demands and other requests which are made by customers.

7. Risk Management Identify the risks associated with the areas listed below. Identify how can your business overcome this risk or prevent issues from happening? Item


How can your business overcome this risk or prevent issues from happening?

Example: Risk with environment

Cleaning product spills in refrigerator, has potential to damage food products, chemical burn for staff.

Cleaning product not kept in food container, labelled correctly, stored in cleaning product storage area.

Risk with customers

Risking burns given to customer

Risk with equipment

Burns from coffee machine

Risk with food

Choking hazard from the biscuit

Be careful when handling drinks, don’t exceed safe temperature legislation for drinks, give them cup sleeves for added grip Act carefully, keep distance from yourself and the machine when using hot Take small bites for the biscuit, dunk in coffee to break down and soften the biscuit.

8. Current and Emerging Technologies Research and describe three current and emerging technologies used in cafes in Australia. List positives and negatives for using this technology in your business. Description of current and emerging technologies 1 lot data services. Lot is a data management company which is able to provide information

TWO Positives of using this technology

TWO Negatives of using this technology

 

The data is all in real time, therefore giving me as a barista a better understanding of my customers palette. It is a tool which enables me

Can be intrusive at times Technology is still being developed and is in beta testing currently.

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Macquarie Park RTO 90222 which can improve the marketing and sales, whilst decreasing sales and other business-related costs.

as a small business owner to save money on business relates costs.

2 Blockchain, A peer to peer record of transactions which can be made from bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies

 

3, 3D Printing. Able to print 3d shapes with immense real-world applications

Flexibility for the customer Allows me to invest and spend time in resources which can make a better experience for my cart in the future.

Allows the shop to have their own supply chain of reusable cups Gives me the flexibility as a business owner to make easy repairs such as a broken switch.

 

Hard to find people who use blockchain The transactions cannot be tracked therefore making is difficult for law enforcement to track crimes. Extremely expensive Hard to maintain

9. Café Trends Select four ‘on trend’ aspects of cafe culture that you will incorporate into your menu. Describe or illustrate each trend. On trend aspect 1. Food (e.g. unusual ingredients):

Description/illustration of the on trend aspect Won’t follow trends when comes to food

2. Non-alcoholic beverage:

Only serves coffee

3. Coffee:

As listed above the establishment ONLY serves customers drinks which are from differing regions to create awareness and educate the community. Trends which are permeating other communities such as the Dalgona trend of 2020 can be served, will be updated in real time. Menu will be listed on chalk board, nothing trendy. Extremely traditional way of café style menu’s.

4. Menu Item or Plating of food item:

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10. Staying Up-to-Date Name three ways you can research current information about the Hospitality Industry. Ways you can research current information about the Hospitality Industry 1. Social Media 2. Linkedin 3. Word of mouth and customer request

Identify three associations you could contact for current and relevant information. Associations 1. NSW Food regulation 2. Hospitality service gov 3. NSW WHS legislation

Website or contact phone number

Name two pieces of essential workplace information you will need to communicate to staff. How will you share this with staff? Essential workplace information

How will you communicate this with staff?

Training in WHS

This is done by word of mouth, email and having printed copies with details on the staff notice board.

1. Safe handling practise.

2. Safe serving conduct.

As I am the only staff member, I shall need to constantly be aware of new legislation that is released and familiarise myself with it. As I am the only staff member, I shall need to constantly be aware of new legislation that is released and familiarise myself with it.

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Macquarie Park RTO 90222

11. Environmental Sustainability Define the purpose of each legislation. Describe how your cafe will comply with the legislation. Environmenta l Legislation

Define the purpose of the legislation

Describe how your cafe will comply with the legislation

Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (NSW).

The purpose of this act is to protect, restore and enhance the quality of the environment, provide information about the environment to the public, promote opportunities for the public to be involved in environmental protection, reduce risks to human health. For this to be done, enterprises must reduce or eliminate harmful waste, reduce the amount of nonrecyclables used and use materials that can be re-used, recovered or recycled, make continuous efforts to improve practices to obtain environmental sustainability.

I will monitor all the resources that my restaurant will need to use and opt for sustainable resourcing options where possible. I will adopt energy efficient practices and purchase energy efficient appliances. I will recycle all packaging that I possibly can and I will create an “upcycling atmosphere with the décor and furniture inside and outside the building.

Protection of the Environment Operations Regulation 2010

NSW Smoke free Environment Regulation 2016

Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation 2010. This legislation creates the standards for certain groups to regulate industry's air impurity emissions; and further enforces the requirements on the control, storage and transport organic liquids.

Ban of all smoking in enclosed regions and certain outdoor regions

I will monitor any bio-waste (can be composted) that I create and have a separate bucket or source to throw in.

Does not apply to me as I only need a permit to have a coffee cart setup, I physically don’t own any land.

Describe two ways (systems) that current resource usage can be measured in your business. 1 Use of buckets- I am working alone therefore I will be able to keep track. 2 Use of monitors for water and electricity. What are the strategies your business can incorporate to improve resource efficiency? Outline workplace procedure to ensure compliance What are the advantages for your business? Strategies to improve resource efficiency

Workplace procedure to ensure compliance

Advantage for our business

Example: Reuse Compost vegetable scraps

Separate compost bin in kitchen with appropriate signage. Removed twice per day.

Can be used as compost to grow own herbs and vegetables in the garden. Also reduces landfill.

Usage of the water meters will ensure that I can

Saves me money and I am more eco-friendly as a business.


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Macquarie Park RTO 90222 reduce water consumption m Reuse

Reuse things such as cups


Compost for local businesses.

Saves money long term, less in landfills Helps the community

Develop a review/feedback sheet that can be used by staff (or customers) to evaluate your environmental practices. Include options to suggest areas for improvement.

12. Annotated Bibliography Include an annotated list of the resources you used to construct your proposal. Did you use a cafe or visit cafes that have your ideas? Attend markets? Research websites? Speak to chefs?

Name of source (include website URL/ café address)

Wh yI use d it / wh at I got fro m this sou rce

Example: Café mocha

I spoke to staff and found out ideas for recyc ling of food waste that supp orts envir onme ntal sustai nabili ty

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Use d to

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