Learning Summary Report Template PDF

Title Learning Summary Report Template
Course Bachelor of Computer Science
Institution Swinburne University of Technology
Pages 5
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COS80020 Creating Data Driven Mobile Applications

Naveen Priyanjith Satanarachchi 101419432

Naveen Satanarachchi (101419432)

Learning Summary Report

Self-Assessment Details The following checklists provide an overview of my self-assessment for this unit. Pass (D) 


Credit (C)

Distinction (B)

High Distinction (A)

Self-Assessment Statement

Learning Summary Report Test is Complete in Doubtfire C# programs that demonstrate coverage of core concepts Explanation of OO principles All Pass Tasks are Complete on Doubtfire

Included     

Minimum Pass Checklist

Included All Credit Tasks are Complete on Doubtfire Minimum Credit Checklist (in addition to Pass Checklist)

Included Distinction tasks (other than Custom Program) are Complete Custom program meets Distinction criteria & Interview booked Design report has UML diagrams and screenshots of program Minimum Distinction Checklist (in addition to Credit Checklist)

Included HD Project included Custom project meets HD requirements

Learning Summary Report

Minimum High Distinc tion Checklist (in addition to Distinction Checklist)

Declaration I declare that this portfolio is my individual work. I have not copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgment is made explicitly in the text, nor has any part of this submission been written for me by another person. Signature: Naveen COS80020 – Creating Data Driven Mobile Applications


Naveen Satanarachchi (101419432)

Learning Summary Report

Portfolio Overview This portfolio includes work that demonstrates that I have achieve all Unit Learning Outcomes for COS80020 Unit Title to a Pass level. COS80020 units allowed me to expose myself to the world of iOS and Swift. As a new iOS developer, I was able to gain knowledge on using the XCode IDE, Swift Programming language and iOS libraries and frameworks to develop iOS mobile applications. I was also able to learn to develop mobile applications that are driven by datasets acquired both locally and online. In this portfolio, I have demonstrated skills and understanding I have obtained learning this unit and have demonstrated my evaluation skills and techniques evaluating existing mobile applications and learning resources, which I have honed throughout my time at university and learning this unit.

COS80020 – Creating Data Driven Mobile Applications


Naveen Satanarachchi (101419432)

Learning Summary Report

Reflection The most important things I learnt: Most important thing I learned from this unit is how to store and retrieve data using local JSON files, and how I can use online APIs to retrieve, process and show data in mobile applications. It had also encouraged me to use online resources to educate myself and how to use resources effectively to solve a problem especially when it comes lifecycle events of a view, these resources I found online really helped me to understand key concepts of iOS Development.

The things that helped me most were: LinkedIn Learning courses, Youtube tutorials and Stackoverflow forum were the main resources that helped to understand the use cases of Swift tools such as ‘guard statements’ and ‘protocols’ in Swift. Youtube tutorials were particularly helpful for me to solve issues regarding XCode IDE.

I found the following topics particularly challenging: I found using APIs particularly challenging mainly because this was my attempt to retrieve data from online resources to process and show on mobile applications and was not aware how an API works. However, with further research I was able to learn to use APIs and have demonstrated it in the portfolio when I developed a mobile app to show water fountains, bicycle rails etc. in Melbourne.

I found the following topics particularly interesting: I found using online APIs interesting even though it was somewhat challenging for me to grasp. It was interesting for me as it made me realize the potential of using APIs on mobile applications and was exciting to learn how much I can achieve with a set of data that is freely available online.

I feel I learnt these topics, concepts, and/or tools really well: I feel I have learnt the use of ‘Optionals’ and the lifecycle events of a view really well as I was able to learn to use ‘Optionals’ in different circumstances which helped me to understand it’s use and effectiveness in different scenarios. In one of my solo research on view lifecycle, I came across a little trick I could use to test and validate how particular user actions affect the view lifecycle. This method was helpful for me to understand a behavior of a mobile application and how can I use these lifecycle changing states to provide a better user experience for my users.

I still need to work on the following areas: I fell I still need to work on areas such as UI elements and Auto Layout as some of my applications were not cross device compatible because of the wrong use of constraints on the view.

COS80020 – Creating Data Driven Mobile Applications


Naveen Satanarachchi (101419432)

Learning Summary Report

My progress in this unit was …:

I was able to stay ahead when it comes to completing tasks for this unit, but I couldn’t find enough time to go for a higher grade as I found it difficult, and time consuming to research and understand some important concepts on my own with no lectures to help.

This unit will help me in the future: My goal is to become a full-stack developer an where I specialize in web development and mobile application development. I was able to learn Android development when I took Software Development for Mobile Devices unit in the previous semester and I feel I was able to learn the fundamentals and some important concepts on iOS development from this unit, which bring me a one step closer to my goal.

If I did this unit again I would do the following things differently: If I did this unit again, I would make sure that I have gotten through unit content before the start of the semester to learn and catch-up with the basics so I have enough time to do further research and learning new concepts, which will help me to try and go for a higher grade.

COS80020 – Creating Data Driven Mobile Applications


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