Learning Summary Report PDF

Title Learning Summary Report
Course Database Analysis and Design
Institution Swinburne University of Technology
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Learning Summary Report DATABASE, ANALYSIS AND DESIGN / INF10002

Moayad Alnuwaysir | 101033968 | 29/05/2017

Table of Contents

Course Overview.................................................................................................................2

Major learning Topics......................................................................................................2

Work Overview....................................................................................................................3

Week 1 – Week 3 (Microsoft Access)..............................................................................4

Week 4 (Microsoft Power BI)..........................................................................................5

Week 5 - Week 9 (SQL & ERD)......................................................................................6

Week 10 - Week 12 (Normalization & NoSQL & JSON & WD & Transactions)..........7

Learning Outcomes..............................................................................................................9



Course Overview

This course purpose is learning how to deal with the data in an organisation either from external or internal sources. Also, how information is retrieved and saved in a useful and practical way. We were introduced to data modelling's techniques and database analysing, recording and understanding data. Various of the valuable commercial database administration tools were discussed as well, besides some tools for easy and quick data visualisation and retrieval. The course also introduced us to how organisations and individuals can analyse, access and employ the use of data in a beneficial way.


Microsoft Access

Microsoft Power BI

Structured Query Language (SQL)

Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD)


NoSQL database

Data Warehousing (DW)

Transactions PAGE 2

Work Overview

In the following section, the report going to demonstrate the various stages of the course, tasks (pass, credit and distinction) in a theme way based on the stages and each program. As well as, the prior knowledge about each topic, various challenges which were encountered during the semester, expectations regarding the studies, techniques or principles for the future and how some of the topics make me want to explore more about these topics’ areas.



In the 1st week, our lecturer and tutor (Peter Sala) presented for us an introduction regarding the unit's outline, and he provided us with the marking guide for each assessment and the set dates for our tests. In addition, an overall view about the importance of database in these days for companies such as telecommunication organisation, banks and universities. On the other hand, In the 2nd week, we began working on Microsoft Access for our first tasks in the semester. We did implement databases for movies and customers, and we learned about the role of “primary key” and “foreign key” and how they can play one of the main parts of the relationships between tables beside running various queries for the examination of the tables, as well as indexing some important columns so the queries can be faster than usual, so we index the important columns. For example, a student table at a university might have multiple columns, so we can request just the student ID instead of each column. Moreover, in the 3rd week, we learned regarding further calculation functions for figuring out the average number, sum columns values and counting the number of values in columns. Also, how can we import or export a CSV database through Microsoft Access. Ultimately, I have a prior knowledge about SQL as I studied the topic during my diploma degree back in my country so I already covered this topic. Some challenges that I faced were in adoption with the university life since I have not studied for two years, so some of the database aspects I already forget due to my lack of practice. However, when we started the first


lecture I was expecting starting writing queries with code, but we did use the Microsoft Access, and I have no background about it. Thus, my Microsoft Access knowledge is necessary and should be improved, and I will try to run and view some queries online from time to time, so I can keep my mind updated.


In the 4th week, we were more focused on another software which is Microsoft Power BI, at this stage, we were assigned to demonstrate queries in a different method, which is the visualization. Consequently, mainly our tasks at this stage were more about the creativity combined with the correct employ of complex queries and functions. Finally, in fact, I do not have a previous knowledge regarding Microsoft Power BI, and it was my first time that I learned about it. The challenge that I encountered was in understanding how Microsoft Power BI features work for the reason that there are insufficient resources on the internet regarding it, which made me lost for a couple of days. Nevertheless, I expected the software environment could be easier, but it needs further work to be successful in visualisations. Consequently, Microsoft Power BI is essential in working environment, because it can allow the user to display complex queries in graphs such as pie chart, doughnut chart and tables.



From the 5th week until the 9th week, we started a new two stages on our course which are as follows. First, the Structured Query Language (SQL), therefore we learn about how can we display a query result in various ways, and how can we create tables, insert, update and delete data from a database. Moreover, joining multiple tables for a particular result. Second, the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD), we learned about the attributes, entities, composite attribute and composite primary key. Also, the relationships types which are Many-to-Many (M:M) and One-to-Many (1:M). Furthermore, providing and identifying a proper name that can be more descriptive of the relationship. Also, the differences between strong and weak entities and relationships. However, at the beginning of the 5th week, we had our first test on the course which was about Microsoft Access. Ultimately, my previous background about ERDs and SQL depends on my previous studies before I started my course at Swinburne University, and it was covering many phases of these topics, yet I explored further complex functions. Also, one of the challenges that I encountered was directed on the high complex ERD diagrams especially in one of the tasks (W11C), and I could not find difficulties in SQL part. Nonetheless, I expected this stage could be easier in the case of ERDs due to my background, but it was really clear to me at the end. Hence, ERDs is one of the essential things for an organisation because all their databases must be based on a well prepared and drawn ERD as well as SQL.



In the 10th week, we had our 2nd Test, and it was about ERD diagrams. Moreover, at this stage, we learned about Normalization, and it is a method that we used to produce a number of relations with valuable properties. Also, to prevent potential database stemming's corruption because of the insertion, modification or deletion. Second, the NoSQL database which was interesting that we used a language that not an SQL database but it uses SQL language! I remember that our tutor told us “NoSQL” does not require high-cost servers which can be a reason why it exploited by many developers lately. Furthermore, JSON which can be simply defined as an easy and organised method to store data, as I used it for the weekly task. JSON might be hard for some people who do not have a programming background, but because of my major (Information and Communication Technology), I felt that JSON is a readable and easy way to insert data or objects. In addition, we learned about Data Warehouse. Accordingly, a DW is a database which can be kept from the operational database of a company separately. Moreover, Transaction topic was important but as our course did not discuss the topic deeply. However, we have covered some areas about it. Transaction can be made by multiple SQL statements such as banking system which we learned about how deposits, withdrawals or deposits can be run at the same time, so, multiple rows in different tables might be updated. This system also meant to cover the power failure, or a business rule is PAGE 7

damaged. Lastly, my previous background was not enough at all, and it was a new topic for me, except JSON as the writing way is similar to some programming language also I covered JavaScript. Therefore, it is easy to understand for me. Furthermore, challenges that I faced were in how to understand how Transaction work in a practical way, so we just discussed it, and I did not apply it in my real life, which made me feel confused. Nevertheless, I expected the NoSQL database run without needing to utilise SQL, but I noticed that the entire statements were using it which make it easy to understand. As a consequence, I realised that Transaction is a very critical topic to be discovered as in the future (as a programmer) I might develop some apps which demand some types of transactions, and it inspired me to understand more about how can I apply it even more securely.


Learning Outcomes

Understand and read a database well.

Organise significant entities and attributes of a database.

Imagine issues with queries and search for an optimal series of possible solutions.

Utilise visualisations to demonstrate combined or complex queries.

Using well-defined logics for the solutions of fundamental problems.

Recognise the correctly verified production's influence in data's processing besides data's integration into important systems.

Evaluate the database management system's role in information technology applications.

Use and recognise tools and logical design methods for databases.

Understand the SQL queries besides SQL data definition.

Develop complex queries for extracting data from various large datasets.

Draw various types of ERDs and understanding the relations between them such as Many-to-Many (M:M) and One-to-Many (1:M).

Learn about how to index important columns for faster SQL queries.

How to combine multiple tables in one query for a particular data.

Understand how Transaction can be important for companies like banks.

How to build an easy and readable tables through JSON.



I had studied several kinds of databases aspects whether in terms of analysing or designing. In addition, I noticed that my initial background about databases was not enough compared to the weight of the information I had delivered. However, everything has changed gradually since the beginning of the semester, and I am really happy and enjoyed the course, especially when solving some difficult issues after brainstorming, it gave me confidence and brave look about my future in the field of databases. Furthermore, the most significant part for me was that I had almost my whole days in studying which means that I would not feel bored from this unit, even though I spent a lot of time in the late lab at the library. On the other hand, time management skill is critical. So, these days I believe more than before that when a person can manage his or her time they can control their daily tasks correctly. However, in my case, my problem was in finishing the tasks or assignments, I tried as much as I can beat the set deadlines, yet still, I must estimate a plan for the future which can improve my time management skills.

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