HESI - Module 7 Exam - Great Material PDF

Title HESI - Module 7 Exam - Great Material
Course Materials Science
Institution Concord University
Pages 73
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1. Module 7 Exam 1. 1. I D:22266446341 Anur sei spr ovi di ngi nf or mat i ont oamot herofa1year ol dwhohasask ed aboutbl adder t r ai ni ngherchi l d.Thenur seshoul dpr ov i dewhi chi nf or mat i ont o t hemot her ? A.

Thatachi l dcannotbegi nt ocont r olur i nat i onunt i l appr oxi mat el yt heageof24mont hsCor r ect


Thatherchi l di st ooy oungandt hatsheshoul dnotyetbe wor r yi ngabouti t

C. Thatbowelt r ai ni ngshoul dbest ar t edi mmedi at el yandt hen begi nbl addert r ai ni ngi nabout1mont h D. Thatshemayst ar tbl addert r ai ni ngatanyt i me Rat i onal e:Achi l dcannotcont r olmi ct ur i t i onvol unt ar i l yunt i lheorshei s appr ox i mat el y24mont hsol d.Achi l dmustbeabl et or ecogni z et hef eel i ngof bl adderf ul l ness,t ohol dur i nef or1t o2hour s,andt ocommuni cat et hesense ofur genc yt oanadul t .Tel l i ngt hemot hert hatherchi l di st ooy oungandt onot bewor r yi ngaboutbl addert r ai ni ngi sanont her apeut i cr es ponsebecausei t pr ov i desf al ser eas sur anceandpl acest hemot her ’ si s sueonhol d.Bowel cont r oldev el opsbef or ebl addercont r ol ;howev er ,1y earofagei st ooear l yf or t hemot hert obegi nel i mi nat i ont r ai ni ng. Test Taki ngSt r at egy:Uset her apeut i ccommuni cat i ont echni quest o el i mi nat et heopt i ont hatt el l st hemot hert hatherchi l di st ooy oungandt onot bewor r yi ngaboutbl addert r ai ni ng.Tosel ectf r om t her emai ni ngopt i ons,r ecal l t heconcept sr el at edt ogr owt handdev el opmentandel i mi nat i on,whi chwi l l di r ecty out ot hecor r ectopt i on. Revi ew:gr owt handdev el opmentconcept sr el at edt oel i mi nat i on. LevelofCogni t i veAbi l i t y:Appl yi ng Cl i entNeeds:Physi ol ogi calI nt egr i t y I nt egr at edPr ocess:Nur si ngPr ocess/ I mpl ement at i on Cont entAr ea:El i mi nat i on Gi ddensConcept s:Dev el opment ,El i mi nat i on HESIConcept s:Dev el opment al ,El i mi nat i on Ref er ence:Pot t er ,P. ,Per r y ,A.G. ,St ock er t ,P.A. ,&Hal l ,A.M. ( 2013) .Fundament al sofnur si ng.( 8t hed. ,p.147) .St .Loui s:Mosby . Awar ded100. 0poi nt soutof100. 0possi bl epoi nt s . 2. 2. I D:22266446734 Acl i entwi t hr enalcal cul ii si nst r uct edt of ol l owanal kal i neashdi et .Whi ch menuchoi cebyt hecl i enti ndi cat est ot henur set hatt hecl i entunder st andst he pr escr i bedr egi men? A.

Li ngui niwi t hshr i mp,t ossedsal ad,andapl um


Chi ck en,pot at oes,andcr anber r i es


Spi nachsal ad,mi l k,andabananaCor r ect

D. Peanutbut t ersandwi ch,mi l k,andpr unes Rat i onal e:I nanal kal i neashdi et ,al lf r ui t sar eal l owedex ceptcr anber r i es , pr unes,andpl ums.Thei ncor r ectopt i onsr epr esentcomponent sofanaci dash di et . Test Taki ngSt r at egy:Focusont hesubj ect ,f oodsal l owedonanal kal i neash di et .Knowl edgeoff oodst hatar eei t heri ncl udedorr es t r i ct edi nanal kal i neash di eti snecessar yt oans wert hi squest i on.Remember i ngt hatcr anber r i es, pr unes,andpl umsar enotal l owedi nanal kal i neashdi etwi l ldi r ectyout ot he cor r ectopt i on. Revi ew:t hef oodsal l owedi nanal kal i neas handanaci das hdi et . LevelofCogni t i veAbi l i t y:Eval uat i ng Cl i entNeeds:Physi ol ogi calI nt egr i t y I nt egr at edPr ocess:Nur si ngPr ocess/ Ev al uat i on Cont entAr ea:Nut r i t i on Gi ddensConcept s:El i mi nat i on,Nut r i t i on HESIConcept s:Met abol i sm,Teachi ngandLear ni ngPat i entEducat i on Ref er ence:Ni x,S.( 2013) .Wi l l i ams’basi cnut r i t i onanddi ett her apy( 14t hed. , pp.443444) .St .Loui s :Mosby . Awar ded100. 0poi nt soutof100. 0possi bl epoi nt s . 3. 3. I D:22266441990 Thenur sei sassi gnedt ocar ef orf ourcl i ent s.Whi chcl i entdoest henur se expecti sl i kel yt oexper i encechr oni cpai n? A.

Acl i entwi t hal egf r act ur ewhoi si ns kel et alt r act i on


Acl i entwhohasunder goneappendect omy


Acl i entwi t host eoar t hr i t i sCor r ect

D. Acl i entwi t hangi napect or i s Rat i onal e:Chr oni cpai ni sassoci at edwi t hchr oni cdi sease.Thepai ni s pr ol onged,v ar i esi ni nt ensi t y ,andl ast sl ongert han6mont hs.Thei ncor r ect opt i onsar ecl i ent swhoar el i kel yt oexper i enceacut epai n. Test Taki ngSt r at egy:Focusont hesubj ect ,chr oni cpai n.Thi nkaboutt he wor d“ c hr oni candnot et hatt hecor r ectopt i oni st heonl yonet hati dent i fiesa chr oni cpr obl em. Revi ew:t hechar act er i st i csofacut eandchr oni cpai n LevelofCogni t i veAbi l i t y:Appl yi ng Cl i entNeeds:Physi ol ogi calI nt egr i t y I nt egr at edPr ocess:Nur si ngPr ocess/ Assessment Cont entAr ea:Vi t alSi gns Gi ddensConcept s:Car egi vi ng,Pai n HESIConcept s:Assessment ,Comf or t

Ref er ence:I gnat avi ci us,D. ,&Wor kman,M.( 2013) .Medi cal sur gi calnur si ng: Pat i ent cent er edcol l abor at i v ecar e.( 7t hed. ,p.41) .St .Loui s:Saunder s. Awar ded100. 0poi nt soutof100. 0possi bl epoi nt s . 4. 4. I D:22266441971 Acl i entar r i v esatt heemer gencydepar t mentaf t ersust ai ni nganankl ei nj ur y , andt heheal t hcar epr ovi der( HCP)pr escr i best heappl i cat i onofacol d compr es st ot heankl e.Thenur se,pr epar i ngt oappl yt hecompr ess ,assesses t heankl eandnot est hati ti sex t r emel yedemat ous.Thenur seshoul dt ak e whi chact i on? A.

Appl yt hecol dcompr essf or20mi nut es,andt henappl yahot compr essf or20mi nut es


El evat et heankl eandpl acecol dcompr essesunderandont op oft heankl e


Appl yt hecol dcompr esst ot heankl e

D. Consul twi t ht heHCPbef or eappl yi ngt hecol d compr essCor r ect Rat i onal e:Col di susual l ycont r ai ndi cat edi ft hesi t eofi nj ur yi sex t r emel y edemat ousbecausei tf ur t herr et ar dsci r cul at i ont ot hear eaandpr ev ent s absor pt i onoft hei nt er st i t i alflui d.Fort hi sr eason,appl yi ngt hecol dcompr esst o t heankl eandel ev at i ngt heankl eandpl aci ngacol dcompr essunderandon t opoft heankl ear ebot hi ncor r ect .Thenur sewoul dnotpl aceheatonani nj ur y wi t houtapr escr i pt i ont odoso.Thenur sewoul dconsul twi t ht heHCPabout t hepr es cr i pt i onf orcol dappl i cat i on. Test Taki ngSt r at egy:El i mi nat et hecompar abl eoral i keopt i onst hati nv ol ve appl yi ngcol d.Tosel ectf r om t her emai ni ngopt i ons,el i mi nat et heopt i ont hat i nv ol vest heappl i cat i onofheat ,becauset henur sewoul dnotappl yheatt oan i nj ur ywi t houtapr escr i pt i ont odoso. Revi ew:t hepr i nci pl esofheatandcol dappl i cat i ons LevelofCogni t i veAbi l i t y:Appl yi ng Cl i entNeeds:Physi ol ogi calI nt egr i t y I nt egr at edPr ocess:Nur si ngPr ocess/ I mpl ement at i on Cont entAr ea:Adul tHeal t h/ Muscul osk el et al Gi ddensConcept s:Cl i ni cal Judgment ,Per f usi on HESIConcept s:Cl i ni calDeci si onMaki ngCl i ni calJudgment Cr i t i calThi nki ng, Per f usi on Ref er ence:Pot t er ,P. ,Per r y ,A.G. ,St ock er t ,P.A. ,&Hal l ,A.M. ( 2013) .Fundament al sofnur si ng.( 8t hed. ,p.1212) .St .Loui s:Mosby . Awar ded100. 0poi nt soutof100. 0possi bl epoi nt s . 5. 5. I D:22266441974

Acl i enthasbeent ol dt oappl ycol dpackst oakneei nj ur y ,andt hecl i entas ks t henur sehowt hi swi l l hel pt hei nj ur y .Thenur sehoul dpr ovi det hecl entwi t h whi chi nf or mat i onaboutacol dpack ? A.

Reducesmuscl et ensi on


Di l at est hebl oodv essel s


Pr omot esmuscl er el axat i on

D. Reducesbl oodflowt ot heext r emi t yCor r ect Rat i onal e:Theappl i cat i onofcol dr educesbl oodflowt hr oughi t s v asocons t r i ct i onact i onandeasesl ocal i z edpai n.Col dal sor educest heoxygen needoft het i ssuesandpr omot esbl oodcoagul at i onatt hesi t eofi nj ur y .The i ncor r ectopt i onsar et heeffect sofheatappl i cat i on. Test Taki ngSt r at egy:El i mi nat et hecompar abl eoral i keopt i onst hatar e effect sofheatappl i cat i on.Al so,r ecal lt heeffect sofheatandcol dont hebl ood v essel s;t hi swi l lhel py ouel i mi nat et heopt i ont hatst at est hatcol dpacksdi l at e t hebl oodv essel s. Revi ew:t heeffect sofheatandcol dappl i cat i on LevelofCogni t i veAbi l i t y:Appl yi ng Cl i entNeeds:Physi ol ogi calI nt egr i t y I nt egr at edPr ocess:Nur si ngPr ocess/ I mpl ement at i on Cont entAr ea:Adul tHeal t h/ Muscul osk el et al Gi ddensConcept s:Per f usi on,Pai n HESIConcept s:Per f usi on,Pai n Ref er ence:Per r y ,A. ,Pot t er ,P. ,&Ost endor f ,W.( 2014) .Cl i ni calnur si ngs ki l l s &t echni ques( 8t hed. ,p.986987) .St .Loui s :Mosby . Awar ded100. 0poi nt soutof100. 0possi bl epoi nt s . 6. 6. I D:22266446338 Acl i enthasbeenf oundt ohav eabl adderi nf ect i on.Whenpl anni ngcar e,whi ch ar eaofdysf unct i onwoul dcauset henur set omoni t ort hecl i entmost cl osel yf orsi gnsofaki dneyi nf ect i on? A.

Gl omer ul us


Ur et hr a


Nephr on

D. Ur et er ov esi calj unct i onCor r ect Rat i onal e:Theur et er ov esi calj unct i oni st hepoi ntwher et heur et er sent ert he bl adder .Att hi sj unct i on,t heur et err unsobl i quel yf or1. 5t o2cm t hr ought he bl adderwal lbef or eopeni ngi nt ot hebl adder .Thi spat hwaypr event st her eflux ofur i nebacki nt ot heur et er ,i nessenceact i ngasav al vet opr ev entur i nef r om t r avel i ngbacki nt ot heur et erandupt ot heki dney .Theur et hr aext endsf r om t he bl addert ot heopeni ngoft hebodywher eur i nei sex cr et ed.Thenephr onsand gl omer ul iar el ocat edi nt heki dneys . Test Taki ngSt r at egy:Not et hest r at egi cwor ds,mostc l osel y .Not et hatt he

cl i enthasabl adderi nf ect i onandf ocusont hesubj ect ,ext ensi onoft he i nf ect i ont ot heki dney s.Vi sual i zi ngt heanat omyoft her enals ys t em wi l ldi r ect y out ot hecor r ectopt i on. Revi ew:t heanat omyoft heki dney LevelofCogni t i veAbi l i t y:Appl yi ng Cl i entNeeds:Physi ol ogi calI nt egr i t y I nt egr at edPr ocess:Nur si ngPr ocess/ Pl anni ng Cont entAr ea:El i mi nat i on Gi ddensConcept s:El i mi nat i on,I nf ect i on HESIConcept s:El i mi nat i on,I nf ect i on Ref er ence:Lewi s ,S. ,Di r ksen,S. ,Hei t kemper ,M. ,&Bucher ,L. ( 2014) .Medi cal sur gi calnur si ng:As sessmentandmanagementofcl i ni cal pr obl ems( 9t hed. ,p.1049) .St .Loui s:Mosby . Awar ded100. 0poi nt soutof100. 0possi bl epoi nt s . 7. 7. I D:22266447025 Anur sehasadmi ni st er edadoseoff ur osemi det oacl i entwi t hdi mi ni shedur i ne out put .Howdoest henur seBESTdet er mi neeffect i v eness ? A.

Thecl i entr epor t sl esst hi r stascompar edwi t hy est er day


Thecl i entr epor t ssockswhi chseem l esst i ghtont heankl e ar ea


Thecl i ent ’ swei ghtr emai nsst abl e,ov ert hepas tt wot ot hr ee days

D. Thecl i ent ’ sur i neout puti s1500mlmor et hant heflui d r ect i nt ak eCor Rat i onal e:Fur osemi dewor ksbyi nduci ngex cr et i onofsodi um,pot assi um and chl or i de.Bodyflui di sal soexcr et ed.Thebestwayt odet er mi nei ft he medi cat i oni seffect i v ei si ft heur i neout puti smor et hant heflui di nt ak e.Thi r st i ssubj ect i v e,andnott hebestdet er mi nat eofflui dst at us.Manycl i ent scan det ectachangei nt het i ght nessoft hei rsocksov ert heankl ear ea,butt hi si s subj ect i v e,notobj ect i v edat a.Thecl i entshoul dl osesomewei ghtwhen f ur osemi decausesflui dandsodi um ex cr et i on. TestTaki ngSt r at egy:Not et hest r at egi cwor ds“ bestdet er mi ne effect i v eness” .Usedat ai nt hequest i on( di mi ni shedur i neout put )andsear ch t heopt i onsf orr el at edi nf or mat i onr egar di ngani ncr eas i ngur i neout put . El i mi nat et hecompar abl eoral i keopt i onst hatdepi ctnonobj ect i veway sof det er mi ni ngeffect i veness . Revi ew:effect soff ur osemi de LevelofCogni t i veAbi l i t y:Eval uat i ng Cl i entNeeds:Physi ol ogi calI nt egr i t y I nt egr at edPr ocess:Nur si ngPr ocess/ Ev al uat i on Cont entAr ea:Phar macol ogy

Gi ddensConcept s:El i mi nat i on, Fl ui dsandEl ec t r ol yt es HESIConcept s:El i mi nat i on,Fl ui d&El ect r ol y t e Awar ded100. 0poi nt soutof100. 0possi bl epoi nt s . 8. 8. I D:22266441987 Anur sedev el opsapl anofcar ef orapost oper at i v ecl i entwhoi sr ecei vi ng i nt r avenousmor phi nesul f at eev er y4hour sasneededf orpai n. Whi chpr i or i t yi nt er v ent i ondoest henur sei ncl udei nt hepl an? A.

Admi ni st er i ngt hemor phi nesul f at ear oundt hecl ock


Encour agi ngor alflui di nt ak e


Encour agi ngcoughi nganddeepbr eat hi ngCor r ect

D. Mai nt ai ni ngt hecl i enti nasupi neposi t i on Rat i onal e:Mor phi nesul f at ecandepr essr es pi r at i onandsuppr esst hecough r eflex,put t i ngt hepost oper at i vecl i entatgr eat err i skf orat el ect asi sand subsequentpneumoni a.Thecl i entshoul dbeencour agedt ocoughanddeepbr eat het opr eventt hesepost oper at i vecompl i cat i ons.Keepi ngt hecl i entsupi ne i scount er pr oduct i v eandcoul dl eadt oat el ect asi s.Adequat eflui di nt ak ehel ps l i quef ysecr et i ons,maki ngt hei rexpul si oneasi er ,butdoesnotpr ev ent at el ect asi sunl esscoughi nganddeepbr eat hi ngi sal soper f or med.Because t hemedi cat i oni spr es cr i bedasneeded,i twoul dnotbeadmi ni s t er edar ound t hecl ock . Test Taki ngSt r at egy:Not et hest r at egi cwor d“ pr i or i t y . ”Al sonot et hatt he cl i enthasj ustunder gonesur ger yandi sr ecei vi ngmor phi nesul f at e.Use t heABCs— ai r way ,br eat hi ng,andci r cul at i on— t ofindt hecor r ectopt i on. Revi ew:nur si ngconsi der at i onsr el at edt ot heuseofmor phi nesul f at e LevelofCogni t i veAbi l i t y:Appl yi ng Cl i entNeeds:Physi ol ogi calI nt egr i t y I nt egr at edPr ocess:Nur si ngPr ocess/ Pl anni ng Cont entAr ea:Phar macol ogy Gi ddensConcept s:GasEx change,Saf et y HESIConcept s:Oxy genat i on/ GasEx change,Saf et y Ref er ence:Hodgson,B. ,&Ki z i or ,R.( 2015) .Saunder snur si ngdr ughandbook 2015.( p.813)St .Loui s:Saunder s. Awar ded100. 0poi nt soutof100. 0possi bl epoi nt s . 9. 9. I D:22266447013 Anur sei si ns t r uct i ngacl i entaboutt hef oodst hatwi l laci di f yt heur i neand i nhi bi tt hegr owt hofmi cr oor gani sms.Whi chf oodsdoest henur set el lt hecl i ent ar emostl i kel yt oaci di f yt heur i ne?Sel ectal lt hatappl y. A.



Cr anber r i esCor r ect


Br occol i


Appl es


Pl umsCor r ect

F. Pr unesCor r ect Rat i onal e:Meat s ,eggs,whol egr ai nbr eads ,cr anber r i es ,pl ums,andpr unes i ncr easeur i neaci di t y .Thes ef oodsar emet abol i z edi nt oaci dendpr oduct st hat ev ent ual l yent ert heur i ne.Thei ncor r ectopt i onsar enotf oodi t emst hatwi l l aci di f yt heur i ne. Test Taki ngSt r at egy:Not et hest r at egi cwor ds,mostl i k el y .Focuson t hesubj ect ,f oodst hataci di f yt heur i ne.Usey ourknowl edgeoft hemet abol i sm oft hef oodsi dent i fiedi nt heopt i onst odi r ectyout ot hecor r ectopt i ons . Revi ew:f oodst hatwi l laci di f yt heur i ne. LevelofCogni t i veAbi l i t y:Appl yi ng Cl i entNeeds:Physi ol ogi calI nt egr i t y I nt egr at edPr ocess:Teachi ngandLear ni ng Cont entAr ea:Adul tHeal t h/ RenalandUr i nar y Gi ddensConcept s:El i mi nat i on,Nut r i t i on HESIConcept s:El i mi nat i on,Teachi ngandLear ni ngPat i entEducat i on Ref er ences:I gnat avi ci us,D. ,&Wor kman,M.( 2013) .Medi cal sur gi calnur si ng: Pat i ent cent er edcol l abor at i v ecar e.( 7t hed. ,p.1494) .St .Loui s:Saunder s. Lewi s,S. ,Di r ksen,S. ,Hei t k emper ,M. ,&Bucher ,L.( 2014) .Medi cal sur gi cal nur si ng:As sessmentandmanagementofcl i ni calpr obl ems( 9t hed. ,p.1069) . St .Loui s :Mosby . Awar ded100. 0poi nt soutof100. 0possi bl epoi nt s . 10.10. I D:22266446725 Acl i entwi t hhear tf ai l ur eandhyper t ensi onwhohasbeenadmi t t edt ot he hospi t ali sunabl et omakeownsel ect i onsf r om t hemenu.Whi chmealdoest he nur sesel ectf ort hecl i ent ’ ssupperont hedayofadmi ssi on? A.

Smokedham,f r eshcar r ot s ,boi l edpot at o


Shr i mp,bak edpot at o,sal adwi t hbl uecheesedr es si ng


Tur k ey ,bakedpot at o,sal adwi t hoi landvi negarCor r ect

D. Hotdogi nabun,sauer kr aut ,bakedbeans Rat i onal e:Foodst hatar ehi ghi nsodi um shoul dbel i mi t edi nt hedi etoft he cl i entwi t hhyper t ensi onandhear tf ai l ur e.Foodsi nt hemeatgr oupt hatar e hi gheri nsodi um i ncl udebacon,l uncheonmeat ,chi ppedorcor nedbeef ,ham, hotdogs ,kos hermeat ,smok edors al t edmeatorfish,andav ar i et yofshel l fish. Thesef oodsshoul dbeav oi dedors t r i ct l yl i mi t edf orcl i ent swi t hhyper t ensi on. Test Taki ngSt r at egy:Focusont hesubj ect ,di etf ort hecl i entwi t hhear t f ai l ur eandhyper t ensi on.Recal l i ngt hatt hecl i entwi t hhyper t ensi onandhear t f ai l ur eneedst ol i mi tsodi um i nt hedi et .El i mi nat et hehotdogandsmokedham fir stbecaus et heyar ehi ghl ypr ocessedmeat s .( Sauer kr auti sal sohi ghi n sodi um. )El i mi nat et hemenuconsi st i ngofshr i mpandsal adwi t hbl uecheese dr essi ngnext ,becauseshel l fishandcommer ci aldr essi ngsar ehi ghi nsodi um.

Revi ew:f oodshi ghi nsodi um LevelofCogni t i veAbi l i t y:Appl yi ng Cl i entNeeds:Physi ol ogi calI nt egr i t y I nt egr at edPr ocess:Nur si ngPr ocess/ I mpl ement at i on Cont entAr ea:Adul tHeal t h/ Car di ov ascul ar Gi ddensConcept s:Fl ui dandEl ect r ol yt es,Nut r i t i on HESIConcept s:Fl ui ds&El ect r ol yt es,Heal t hPr omot i on Ref er ence:Lewi s ,S. ,Di r ksen,S. ,Hei t kemper ,M. ,&Bucher ,L. ( 2014) .Medi cal sur gi calnur si ng:As sessmentandmanagementofcl i ni cal pr obl ems( 9t hed. ,pp.715,777778) .St .Loui s :Mosby . Awar ded100. 0poi nt soutof100. 0possi bl epoi nt s . 11.11. I D:22266446716 Cal ci t r i oli spr escr i bedf oracl i entwi t hhy pocal cemi a.Thenur sehasi nst r uct ed t hecl i enti nf oodst hatmayi nt er f er ewi t hcal ci um absor pt i on.Thenur se r eal i z est het eac hi nghasbeeneffect i v ei ft hecl i entv er bal i z est hei mpor t ance ofl i mi t i ngwhi chi t ems ?Sel ectal lt hatappl y. A.

Br anCor r ect


Spi nachCor r ect


Mi l k


Cl ams

E. Or angej ui ce Rat i onal e:Thecl i entt aki ngamedi cat i ont ot r eathypocal cemi ashoul dbe i nst r uct edt oavoi dexcessi v econsumpt i onofspi nach,r hubar b,br an,and whol egr ai ncer eal s,al lofwhi chmayl i mi tcal ci um absor pt i on.Gooddi et ar y sour cesofcal ci um i ncl udemi l kpr oduct s,dar k gr eenl eaf yv eget abl es,cl ams, oy st er s,s ar di nes,andor angej ui cef or t i fiedwi t hcal ci um. Test Taki ngSt r at egy:Focusont hesubj ect ,f oodst hatcani nt er f er ewi t h cal ci um absor pt i on.Thi nki ngabouteachf oodl i s t edandhowi tmi ghtaffect cal ci um absor pt i onwi l ldi r ecty out ot hecor r ectopt i ons . Revi ew:t hef oodshi ghi ncal ci um LevelofCogni t i veAbi l i t y:Eval uat i ng Cl i entNeeds:Physi ol ogi calI nt egr i t y I nt egr at edPr ocess:Teachi ngandLear ni ng Cont entAr ea:Phar macol ogy Gi ddensConcept s:Fl ui dandEl ect r ol yt es,Nut r i t i on HESIConcept s:Teachi ngandLear ni ngPat i entEducat i on,Fl ui d&El ect r ol yt e Ref er ence:Hodgson,B. ,&Ki z i or ,R.( 2015) .Saunder snur si ngdr ughandbook 2015.( p.1280)St .Loui s:Saunder s. Awar ded100. 0poi nt soutof100. 0possi bl epoi nt s . 12.12. I D:22266446323

Anur sei sadmi ni st er i ngahi ghcl eansi ngenema.Atwhatl ev elabov et he cl i ent ’ shi psshoul dt henur sepl acet heenemabag? A.

18i nches( 45. 5cm)Cor r ect


8i nches( 20cm)


4i nches( 10cm)

D. 10i nches( 25. 5cm) Rat i onal e:Theheal t hcar epr ovi dermaypr escr i beahi ghoral owcl eansi ng enema.I nt hi scont ex t ,hi ghandl owr ef ert ot hehei ghtoft heenemabagand hencet hepr es sur eatwhi cht heflui di sdel i v er ed.H...

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