HF771 A1 Syllabus Spring 2018 - Madhok PDF

Title HF771 A1 Syllabus Spring 2018 - Madhok
Author Liwen Hu
Course Hotel Revenue Management
Institution Boston University
Pages 2
File Size 122.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 68
Total Views 128


syllabus for HF771...


Boston University – SHA HF 771 A1 Introduction to Hospitality Revenue Management – 4 credits Spring 2018 General -

Instructor Phone Email Classroom Class hours

Roy Madhok 732-735-3633 [email protected] AND [email protected] SHA 201 (928 Commonwealth Avenue) Mondays: 6:30 pm – 9:15 pm

Course Description – The purpose of this course is to help you understand the role and function of Revenue Management. We will focus on key topics in revenue management and on how to understand revenue reports and hotel top-line performance. Course Goals:  Understand what Revenue Management is  Analyze basic top line revenue performance  Develop a strategic opinion  Explain the significance of the major components of revenue management Readings & Assignments – Required reading for the class will be posted on blackboard or it will be handed out. Assignments can be found on blackboard. Each assignment has specific grading criteria. All assignments are supposed to be completed independently unless stated otherwise. Collaborate with a group only when an assignment specifies that it is meant to be done in a group. Communication - You must regularly check your BU email account and the Blackboard Learn website for messages from the instructor. You will be asked to bring your laptop to many classes. Be sure to bring your laptop on quiz dates. Participation - You are expected to participate actively in class discussion. The quality of your comments is more important than the quantity, but you must speak in class regularly to learn and to receive a good grade. Lack of attention or side discussions will result in a lower grade. Attendance - Regular prompt attendance is critical to your learning and is required. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to obtain all information given out in class. Missing three classes without prior approval or appropriate written documentation will result in one full grade reduction in your overall grade. Missing five classes will result in automatic failure. There are no exceptions. Classroom Etiquette . - No food or drink is permitted in the classroom (except for bottled water). - Cell Phone and Texting Policy: When you enter this class you are to put away your cell phone. - Laptops may only be used with permission of the instructor at times that warrant computer use. - You may not use cell phones or PDAs as calculators during any exam. Assignments/ Standards of academic integrity -The course schedule provides assignments and due dates. Assignments are due at the beginning of the relevant class. Assignments will include both individual and group work. Specific assignments and grading criteria will be given at the appropriate time during the course. - Absence is not an excuse for late work. All assignments are absolutely due on the assigned date, unless prior arrangement for late submission has been made with the instructor. Late assignments will result in a full letter grade reduction on the assignment. - Standards of academic integrity will be strictly enforced, and evidence of plagiarism will result in an automatic zero. I consider it unethical to use, borrow, study, or distribute old handouts, homework, or other class assignments. The work in this class should be your own and not simply a copy of someone else's. If you use any material from earlier semesters of this course you may receive a failing grade. Grading

- There is no forced-curve for this course or for any assignment or examination. Grading criteria are provided within the assignment instructions. You should expect to receive assignments or exam grades three classes after submission, and will usually be posted on Blackboard. Examinations and project reports will not be returned to you – you should keep copies of your work. Your overall final grade will consist of the following elements:



Attendance & Participation


Homework Assignments




Group Assignment




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