HFT 2220 Fazecas 0M63 SP 2020 PDF

Title HFT 2220 Fazecas 0M63 SP 2020
Author Saad Abid
Course  Cinema Survey
Institution University of Central Florida
Pages 10
File Size 348.2 KB
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Hospitality Human Resources Management HFT 2220 0M01 Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida COURSE SYLLABUS

Instructor: Office: Phone: E-Mail: Office Hours:


Michaela Fazecas CB1 302D 407-823-0345 [email protected] Tuesday 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm and by apt

Term: Class Meeting Days: Class Meeting Hours: Class Location:

Spring 2020 Tuesday 1:30 pm – 2:50pm CB2, Room 106

University Course Catalog Description HFT 2220: Application of strategic principles of human resources to the hospitality tourism setting.


Course Goal The goal of the Hospitality Human Resource Management course is to teach human resource functions, processes, and application of laws preparing students to be good operational managers and employees capable of a partnership with professional Human Resources managers.

III. Learning Outcomes • Identify and apply federal employment laws • Demonstrate effective hiring practices • Articulate significance of effective training design • Describe different planning tools utilized by managers • Evaluate performance management systems to determine appropriate method • Analyze costs of turnover and benefits of retention best practices IV. Required Texts and Materials Text: “Strategic Hospitality Human Resources Management”. Dori Finley Dennison & Melvin R. Weber, ISBN 0-13-508705-8 (Pearson)


Grading Criteria: Description Leading Team Discussion (group presentation) Participation – classroom activity Essay (2 short papers) Quizzes (12) Exams (mid-term and final) Attendance Enrollment Verification Total

Points 35% 25% 10% 10% 10% 5% 5% 100%

Grades for this course will be assigned according to the following scale: Letter Grade


Letter Grade



100 to 94 %


< 77 – 74%


< 94 – 90%


< 74 – 70%


< 90 – 87%


< 70 – 67%


< 87 – 84%


< 67 – 64%


< 84 – 80%


< 64 – 61%


< 80 – 77%


< 61 – 0%

Incomplete Grade Policy: An incomplete grade will only be granted in accordance to the policy set forth in the UCF Catalog. NO EXTRA CREDIT! Please do not ask. Note: grades will not be rounded up, final grade will be based on this grade scale. Keep in mind that your final grade will be determined once final exam week is over and the attendance policy may affect your grade. Grade showing on Canvas “Total grade column” may be different from the final grade submitted to the Registrar’s office due to this course attendance policy. Grade Disputes/Discrepancies: If there is a question or discrepancy regarding a grade/credit for a project, you need to notify me within 3 days after it is posted; I will not adjust a grade (if an adjustment is warranted) if you notify me past this deadline. IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO REGULARLY CHECK POSTED GRADES AND TO FOLLOW UP AS NEEDED WITHIN SET TIME PERIOD. COURSE ATTENDANCE VERIFICATION: UCF ATTENDANCE POLICY: As of Fall 2014, all faculty are required to document students’ academic activity at the beginning of each course. In order to document that you began this course, please complete the “Attendance Verification” by the end of the first week of classes or as soon as possible after adding the course. Failure to do so may result in a delay in the disbursement of your financial aid. Grade Disputes/Discrepancies: If there is a question or discrepancy regarding a grade/credit for a project, you need to notify me within 3 days after it is posted; I will not adjust a grade (if an adjustment is warranted) if you notify me past this deadline. 2

IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO REGULARLY CHECK POSTED GRADES AND TO FOLLOW UP AS NEEDED WITHIN SET TIME PERIOD. ATTENDANCE AND SIGN IN ROSTER Participation and regular attendance will enhance your learning experience and is critical for your skill and ethical development for your career in the hospitality industry. Attendance is, therefore, required. Attendance will begin on the first day of class. 1. It is your responsibility to sign the attendance sheet for each class session. 2. No other document will be used to verify your attendance – it is not enough to say you participated in the class project, it is not the other students’ responsibility to remember if you attended or not. If you do not sign-in, you are not in class. 3. Do not sign-in for anyone except yourself. This will result in disciplinary action and an F in the course for both parties involved. NO EXCEPTIONS. 4. Do not expect instructor to assume you signed in simply because your class project/participation assignment is turned in 5. Use of laptop against course policy will result in being marked as absent – participation means being present and participating. Laptop/electronic devises only allowed for classroom assignments and as otherwise instructed during class. 6. No documentation of absence will be accepted once the semester is over, so be sure to provide documentation, if one is warranted, ASAP. What is the make-up policy for this course? NO MAKE UP for missed quizzes, assignments, classroom participation, group work, exams, or final exam! Exceptions (all must be documented): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

University permitted excuse (athletics or UCF event) Medical emergency/hospitalization/doctor visit/car accident/surgery National guard service Death in the family Family emergency (including sick/injured pets) Religious conflict

What to do in case you miss class/assignment/quiz/exam, and your reason falls in to any of the above exceptions: 1. Email instructor within 3 days 2. Along with your email, attach your missed assignment (if one is warranted) 3. Include your documentation to back up your reason for missing class (doctor’s note, employer/volunteer/interview verification/veterinary note or invoice, police report in case of accident, etc.) NOTE: Please do not email instructor at the end of the semester asking to make up missed course work. Only exceptions as listed above will be honored, and only within 3 days of missed assignment.


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: What is NOT ACCEPTED as valid reason for allowing make up of missed work/exam/quiz/classwork?: Personal travel, family vacations, friends visiting in town, last minute concert tickets, birthday celebrations, hangover, family/friends’ weddings, bachelor/bachelorette parties, “unusually stressful semester”, etc. or any other personal excuses for missing an exam/assignment/quiz/class project etc. is not accepted as a valid reason and make up will not be granted, so please do not ask. NO EXCEPTIONS. I was at a remote location and could not sign on to Canvas to complete my assignment/submit exam/quiz due to bad internet access, can I make this up? Generally, no. If you know you will be away, plan your time accordingly to be sure you don’t miss a deadline. The same applies to work schedules. While sometimes it is understandable that students have to work late to cover a shift, it is still your responsibility to not place yourself in a situation where you are down to the wire. If you know you have to work on a day you have assignments due, be sure to submit it before you go to work! What is the make-up policy of missed classroom assignments, assignments turned in late online, or missed class group projects? Late work not accepted, please see exceptions above. I have 93.81% as final grade on Canvas at the end of the semester, and I’ve never missed class and turned in all my work, do you round up grades so that I can receive an A instead of an A-? No. Email/communication with instructor Preferred method is Canvas, however, students may also email me at my regular UCF email (listed on first page). When using UCF email, be sure to put course, section and your name in the SUBJECT line. Example: HFT 2220 0M02 John Smith. Then clearly state your question/comment/concern. Without proper information in the subject line, answer may be delayed or absent. It is reasonable to expect reply to email inquiries within 48 hrs. It is not reasonable to expect a reply after hours or during weekends, so keep in mind that emailing me after hours or during weekends regarding exams/quizzes/assignments which are due the next day (or Monday) may not receive a reply until after the deadline has passed. Manage your time wisely and communicate in a timely manner.


Course Assignment Descriptions: 1. Leading Team Discussion – Chapter Presentation: At the beginning of the semester, you will be asked to sign up with a team to discuss and present to the class one chapter element from your textbook. A group page is set up on Canvas for each chapter and you are expected to sign in and sign up for one of the chapters and follow instructions. Teams are limited to a set number of students (TBA when semester begins). If you do not sign up for a group, you will receive a zero for this portion of your grade – I will not sign you up. It is your responsibility to sign up and communicate with your team. Further instructions how to complete this assignment is available on Canvas. 2. Participation – classroom activity a) Classroom assignments/activity will be required each class and turned in at end of class when asked to do so. b) In order to receive full credit, you must be present during the entire class and actively participate – arriving late or leaving early will impact your participation grade as well as attendance. c) If you persistently use your laptop against classroom policy, you will be marked absent and will receive zero credit for participation. Laptops/electronic devises are allowed occasionally, but only as instructed by professor and as relevant to classroom activities. 3. Quizzes – online: There are 12 online quizzes on Canvas worth a total of 10% of your grade. The quizzes are focused on key concepts related to human resource management from the chapter readings. Quizzes are due by 9:00 pm on the date specified in Canvas. Once the quiz is closed, you will not be able to submit it and will not be able to earn the points for that quiz. Technology problems/issues will NOT be considered as reasons for missed quizzes. Please plan ahead and be sure to keep track of your Canvas Syllabus, where you will find all of your due dates/times for assignments, quizzes and exams. 4. Exams – online: There will be 2 online exams; a mid-term and final (25 questions/each). Each exam will cover all materials discussed in class, including lectures, chapters, cases, videos, in-class activities/discussion, and others. The exams will be a mix of multiple choice and true/false. Both exams will cover chapters specified in the class outline. Final exam (Exam 2) in this course is not cumulative. 5. Essays: You are required to write a total of 2 separate (short) essays for this course, which are due on their respective dates, as indicated on Canvas as well as your syllabus. Topics for each essay: #1 LAWS AND THE WORK PLACE #2 PROBLEM SOLVING/DECISION MAKING


Each essay will involve a separate subject, as pertaining to your experience in the hospitality industry. Each essay follows the same format, as indicated in Canvas. Writing great papers does not come naturally to most people, however, the UCF writing center staff are there to help and it is up to the student to use all tools available and to make the best effort possible to turn in high quality work. Please do not hesitate to ask instructor for help, but do so in a timely manner!


Professionalism: Students are expected to enhance their academic performance by participating actively, behaving courteously, and acting responsibly. It includes exemplary leadership, preparation for the lectures and discussions, respect for deadlines, responsible communications, classroom behavior and respectful attitude and behavior toward the professor and your fellow students both in and out of class. Class Policies: The following provides you with my expectations, some general guidelines and policies on the participation, professionalism, classroom behavior, and communication for the course. Be on time, be professional, no behaviors distracting for teacher/other students, No laptops, tablets, etc. Notify instructor of non-performing team members. ✓ Please arrive on time. Students who are continuously late will be asked not to come. ✓ Please do not leave the classroom during the class session. Please use the bathroom before coming to class. ✓ Disruptive behaviors will not be tolerated and may result in being asked to leave the class. ✓ No chatting; No sleeping; No texting and your cell phones must be off while in class. ✓ No use of laptops, tablets, etc. in class, except during case study projects. If you feel you need a computer to take notes, please see the professor. ✓ Please bring only those things that will help and enhance your learning in class. No newspaper reading and/or engaging in other course unrelated materials (e.g. puzzles, studying for another course exam); No food in the classroom. No sunglasses and no headset or earbud wearing during the class ✓ Please be courteous and keep a respectful attitude and behavior toward the professor and your fellow students both in and out of class. ✓ If you need to miss class, be late for class or leave early, please let me know in advance. ✓ Include your name and the course information (Meeting day/time and Section number) in all email communications. ✓ It is your responsibility to provide the record of your emails to verify errors (e.g. attachment, time). ✓ You must reply in a timely manner when your response is required. ✓ If you make a meeting appointment, please show up on time. Please notify the professor of a cancellation or rescheduling, prior to the meeting, in a timely manner. TECHNOLOGY and participation in the classroom: Laptops and smartphones not permitted during class. Laptops for note taking may only be used in the classroom with instructor’s permission (usually extended to students with valid medical reason for using device for note taking). Any violation of this policy may result in you being docked as absent – participation means being fully active/listening and paying attention. Students who frequently use laptops and violate this policy are not considered to participate, therefore they are considered to be absent and will be marked as such.


ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY: I take academic integrity issues very seriously. Cases of academic impropriety of any type will be dealt with in accordance with the Rules of Conduct and the Disciplinary Process for the University of Central Florida, as described in the latest edition of The Golden Rule, the UCF Student Handbook (http://www.goldenrule.sdes.ucf.edu). You are expected (therefore, assumed) to be familiar with the Golden Rule. The Rosen College does not tolerate academic dishonesty in any form. As a general statement, all work submitted by you for this class must be original in design. Good academic ethics include such principles as: ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Acting at all times with integrity and never contributing to the academic dishonesty of others. Accepting responsibility for one's work. Citing references appropriately. Submitting work which is the sole creation of the student when neither group work nor references use is authorized.

Don’t cheat – see the Golden Rule, UCF Student Handbook (http://www.goldenrule.sdes.ucf.edu) for how academic impropriety is dealt with. Knights E-Mail Address: In 2008, UCF implemented a student e-mail system called Knights E-Mail to be used for official university business. Effective with the 2009-2010 catalog, UCF requires students to create and use a Knights E-Mail account for all university business. Effective September 28, 2009, only a Knights E-Mail address will be used for all university business, including class rosters, financial aid, advising, etc. There will be no other e-mail address available for university personnel to access. Thus, when your e-mail address is requested, please provide only your KM address: _____________ @ knights.ucf.edu. Golden Rule: Students are encouraged to obtain and read the University’s publication, The Golden Rule. It is assumed by the instructor that the student is familiar with this document. This booklet will serve as the guide to the administrative aspects of the course. Academic Honesty: Cases of academic impropriety of any type will be dealt with in accordance with the Rules of Conduct and the Disciplinary Process for the University of Central Florida, as described in the latest edition of The Golden Rule (http://www.goldenrule.sdes.ucf.edu/index.html). FERPA and Privacy: As a student, your educational records are considered confidential. Under FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), your records are confidential and protected. Under most circumstances your records will not be released without your written and signed consent. However, some directory information may be released to third parties without the your prior consent unless a written request to restrict this is on file. You can learn more about student rights to privacy at http://www.registrar.ucf.edu/ferpa/welcome. Disability Statement The University of Central Florida is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. This syllabus is available in alternate formats upon request. Students with disabilities who need accommodations in this course must contact the professor at the beginning of the semester to discuss needed accommodations. No accommodations will be provided until the student has met with the professor to request accommodations. Students who need accommodations must be registered with Student Disability Services, Student Resource Center Room 132, phone (407) 823-2371, TTY/TDD only phone (407) 823-2116, before requesting accommodations from the professor. 8



lecture schedule, content and assignment dates may be subject to change**


Week of Monday 1/6

Material/Reading/Classroom activity

Assignments, quizzes and exams



Chapter 1 Introduction to Strategic Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

DUE 1/16 by 9 pm Enrollment Verification Quiz 1



Chapter 2 Laws affecting selection in hospitality organizations

DUE 1/23 by 9 pm Quiz 2

Course Introduction Sign up for group project

Leading Team Discussion 1 4


Chapter 2 cont’d Laws affecting selection in hospitality organizations

DUE 1/30 by 9 pm

Leading Team Discussion 2 5


Chapter 3 Laws affecting hospitality workplaces

DUE 2/6 by 9 pm Quiz 3



Chapter 3 cont’d Laws affecting hospitality workplaces

DUE 2/13 by 9 pm Essay #1: Laws and the workplace

Leading Team Discussion 3 7


Chapter 4 Planning for staffing

DUE 2/20 by 9 pm Quiz 4

Leading Team Discussion 4 8


Chapter 5 Selecting Employees

DUE 2/27 by 9 pm Quiz 5

Leading Team Discussion 5 9


Chapter 6 Training and development systems

DUE 3/5 by 9 pm Quiz 6

Leading Team Discussion 6

Midterm Exam: Chapters 1 -6



3/9 SPRING BREAK 3/9 – 3/14



Chapter 7 Performance management systems

DUE 3/19 by 9 pm Quiz 7

Leading Team Discussion 7 12




Chapter 8 Reward and compe...

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