Hickey Chapter Notes PDF

Title Hickey Chapter Notes
Author Dylan Blumenthal
Course Serial Killers
Institution The University of Western Ontario
Pages 11
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Hickey Chapter Notes Chapter 2 David R. Berkowitz = “Son of Sam” or “44-Calibre Killer” - 13 victims over 13 months - Commanded by neighbour’s demonic dog  story to get back at neighbour + nosy dog Kenneth Bianchi (1/2 Hillside Stranglers) claimed Multiple Personality Lycanthropy believed oneself to be an animal, usually wolf - Desired raw meat, run all on 4s + a change in voice Vampires believed to be sexual involved Golem – were given life by charm, occasionally run amok needing to be destroyed - Dr. Bierer used “Golem” to describe: a man & wife having marital problems due to inability to develop a meaningful relationship - Lack of emotions  turning into Golem Syndrome - Golem = destruction of a person without Remorse Not a crime to belong to a cult or practice the occult Most Serial Murders involved in cult-related homicides are not very advanced their Satanic Worship Donald Harvey – believed to have 58 victims in at least 3 hospitals; barks on possession? Richard Ramirez – Cali Night Stalker proclaimed Satanic ties (+ Pentagram tat) Henry Lukes – killed hitchhikers; confessed Satanic involvement Partnered with Otis Toole SKs choses beliefs that meets their needs = justifying behaviour by exalting Satan Less than 5% of SKs have Satanic ties 1984 McMartin Preschool Case = longest trial ever in US history (Manhattan Beach, Cali) - All 7 accused found not guilty due to insufficient evidence Josef Mengele – Final Solution (Nazi Germany) = “Angel of Death” Evil “people of lie” – lie not so much to deceive others but themselves Most SKs culminative a following (again mostly Female) with diverse backgrounds Golem as essence of SK Chapter 1 A lot of what we know about SKs is Misinformation or Myth Construction Seemingly Sexual Murders are not always sexually motivation - Many sexual homicides are not sexually motivated Disinformation results from a public pressure to learn about a specific subject Jeckyll-Hype Existence – probably next door to you Recently 50% of SKs = Black Nearly 17% of SKs = Female Only 2-4% = Legally Insane Not all are Lust Killers; many are A few have high body counts; most less than 8 victims ¼ of SKs are Partnered Most SKs = Average Intelligence Most SKs remain local; some can go years without killing Many wannabee SKs end up caught after 1st Killing Several high body count SKs are Not Psychopaths 6 Modern Preconditions – 1) Mass Media & Celebrity of SK 2) Society of Strangers 3) Extreme Rationalization 4) Denigration in Cultural Framework 5) Structural Opportunity 6) Societal Engineering (Mission-Oriented)

Murder + Manslaughter ↑ 300% in 20 years - Decrease in police clearance rate in solving murders Homicide 2012  90% Male, 51% Black, 70% used Guns US Homicide Rate lower than non-developed countries Murderer for Sex – goal of Sexual Torturing Institutional MM = crime of obedience, genocide, ethnic cleansing, religious Charles Whitman – U of T Austin Bell tower Workplace MMs not very suicidal whereas Domestic MMs = very suicidal 1927 Andrew Kehoe (Michigan) = 45 [highest body toll] SKs make special effort to elude detection MM perceived to be generally mentally ill Spree = 3 or more victims, over hours/days in different locations Cluster (spree) Killings can last up to Months Silicide – killing of sibling(s) facilitated by Parent(s) Stereotypical SK = Sexually Involved Prolicide – killing own children Fratricide – killings 1’s sibling(s) Voluntary Manslaughter – in the heat of passion or self-defence Egerton’s “Serial Murder” – the murders are relationshipless - Definition = too Restrictive San Antonio Symposium – to create definition of Serial Murder that could be used by all - FBI changed serial killing to “2 victims or more” Primary Motives of SKs: Anger, Criminal Enterprise, $ Gain, Power/Thrill, Sexual & Psychosis Litmos (?) Test: to determine if pattern could be Serial H & D Types: 1) Visionary: killing from voices + visions; coming from source of evil 2) Mission-Oriented: life mission, rid Earth from certain group 3) Hedonistic: thrill-seekers; satisfaction from killing 4) Power/Control Oriented: ability to control & exert power over helpless victim Pleasure is NOT always sexual Organized SK – good intelligence + socially competent Planned + demand their victim to be submissive. Wants media attention, charismatic, more likely to know their victim, high birth-order, sexually capable (typically lives with a partner) & controlled emotion during crimes Disorganized SK – below average intelligence & socially immature May know victim & spontaneous. Low-birth order, loner, nocturnal, opportunistic, anxious during crime + works/lives near crime scene. Post-Murder Terror: sends letters to family; likely to attend funeral. Organized-Disorganized Dichotomy = advancement in profiling Predictable lust killer behaviours  returning to the crime scene, possibly attending victim’s Funeral & submitting personal ads in Newspaper Constructing Typologies mixing specific victims & variety of victims with specific & variety of methods (of killing). Bundy = specific victims & method of killings Travelling SK = multiple states vs. Local SK = never leaving the state Research Timeline: 1800-2014; US offenders = 600 Male & 100 Female Data isn’t consistent with “Super” SKs Chapter 3 Most research discounts the school of inheritance Phrenologists – detect criminal preposition by examining bumps & abnormalities on the skull Scientists concerned with brain injury  subsequent criminal behaviour

Abnormal # of Y Chromosome in men  connection with violent behaviour Charles Whitman & Brain Tumor Insanity = Legal Term MMs commonly Paranoid Schizophrenic, Bipolar & severe Depression MMs mostly no significant history of Institutionalization NGRI = Not Guilty by Reasons of Insanity - Courts determine state of state at the time of offences - NGRI, in most jurisdictions automatically place him in facilities Less than 1% of criminal cases use Insanity Defence = most unsuccessful Most pleading NGRI are non-violent offenders **M’Naughten Rule = did not know that the act was wrong as a result of mental disability Irresistible Impulse Test = knows right v. wrong but succumbs to Uncontrollable Impulses - Proves defendant had no control of himself Brawner Rule (Substantial Capacity Test)  combines M’Naughten + Irresistible Impulse Test - Excluding repeated behaviour + Sociopaths & ASPD Durham Rule (Product Test)  product of mental illness - Relies heavily on psychiatrist decision & defendant’s mental facilities Incompetency = nothing to do with courts determination of criminal responsibility - Stays in mental institute till they are competent Guilty but Insane  in mental institute till they improve then finish their sentence in prison Psychosis  a state where he loses contact with reality; individual suffers severe break** Schizophrenic Break = more likely to hurt themselves 1% considered Psychotic Kallinger  hallucinations from floating head, “Charlie” told him to kill millions & cut up their genitals. He killed son & others in the community Dissociative Disorders: specific changes in memory & ID; temporary changes in consciousness Dissociative Identity Disorder: development of 2 or more personalities that have their own memories, thoughts and emotions Switching  transition from subpersonality to another DID: women diagnosed 3x more than men, formerly “Multiple Personality Disorder” Iatrogenic = (arguably) that practioners & clinicians are responsible for its occurrence 1 personality may be an attempt to supress/deny childhood trauma Rare to find MPD/DID with only 2 personalities (as Kenneth Bianchi claimed) In homicides, DID is mostly a decoy defense Dissociative Amnesia = loss of memory to due to psychological amnesia - Unable to recall important events + details; triggered by high stress Dissociative Fugue = extreme dissociative amnesia (only 2%) - Sudden unexpected leaves from work/home with inability to recognize past or ID Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder  detached from mental process + physical body - Derealization suggests a person feels like surrounding are not real/detached ID  primal driving force Ego  guide to behaviour & to conformity Superego  Moral standards *ID and Superego generally oppose each other Latent Delinquency – state where a youth constantly seeks immediate gratification while neglecting the feelings of others + lack of guilt in satisfying urges Most violent offenders (excluding SKs) suffer from personality disturbances Young men murder and victimize to neutralize their childhood trauma Killer afraid of dying murders someone else restoring self-esteem, violence as ego defense mechanism Not having a relationship with another person attributes to narcissistic aggression 1 might get sexual gratification by watching victim die; not sexually assaulting them

Risk-Prone behaviours regulates anxiety Big Five Theory: Neuroticism, Extroversion, Openness, Agreeableness & Conscientiousness PDTS  Personality Disorder Traits Specific - Negative Affectively, Detachment, Antagonism, Disinhibition & Psychoticism Driving Traits of PD: Paranoid Schizoid (pervasive pattern of detachment from relationships), Schizotypal (social & interpersonal deficits), Antisocial (extreme disregard for others), Borderline (instability in interpersonal relationships), Histrionic (grandiosity; egocentric), Narcissistic, Avoidant (relationship problems; feeling inadequate; hypersensitive), Dependent/OCD (preoccupied with orderliness) APD = no later than 15 for males + anytime during teens for girls Ted Kaczynski (Unabomber) = Paranoid Schizo & Asperger’s Social Communication Disorder = Non-Autistic with problems in communication, social responsiveness & relationships (possibly Kaczynski) Psychopath = Conduct or APD, difficult to influence by social, penal & medical treatment Psychopaths share intimacy with those they can psychological control Most Criminal Psychopaths = Non-Violent Offenders Checklist = 40 points “The Hare”; ASP + Sociopath score in 20s; Psychopaths score at 30+ Psychopaths = primitive v. Non-Psychopaths = rational Sociopaths arrested more than Psychopaths Primary Psychopaths = no lengthy criminal record, above average IQ & antisocial - May be defended by their victim(s) Little research in Female Psychopaths Female Psychopaths are more Histrionic than Narcissistic - Centre of attention, people dependent self-image (less grandiose) Primary Female Psychopaths have less PTSD than Secondary Psychopathy Checklist Factors 1  Tools, 2  Deficits 4 Facets of Psychopathy: Lifestyle, Antisocial, Affective & Interpersonal Psychopaths getting treatment use it as an arsenal in their psychological tools Catathymic Murder  Emotional Conflict  Compulsive Homicide  Psychogenic Need Chapter 4 Social Structure Theory  emphasis on SES - Sociocultural standing blocks from “American Dream” - SKs generally don’t belong to Minority groups - Higher murder rate in population-dense areas (higher stranger encounters) - Location dependent on victimology (Cali highest # of SKs) Social Process Theory  criminal behaviour tied to socialization - Peer pressure + family issues - Everyone has potential for criminality (regardless of SES) - Negative effects on children of Divorced parents Social Learning Theory suggests serial murderers’ aggressive behaviour learned from past Emotional abuse and neglect in delinquency Lack of connection between physical abuse & delinquency Not always a victim of violence but witnesses it Neutralization Theory  neutralizing values, they drift between legit and illegitimate activities - Rationalize illegitimate using Techniques of Neutralization o Techniques of Neutralization: 1) Denial of Responsibly 2) Denial of Injury o 3) Denial of Victim 4) Condemnation of Condemners 5) Appeal to Higher Loyalties

o SKs dehumanize victims, ex: not getting names o Denial of Victim = Prostitutes o Neutralization Theory ids hard to verify like showing they neutralized their morals Social Control Theory  not committing crime as a fear of punishment - Not determining in crimes of passion? - 4 Elements: 1) Attachment (to people or institutions) 2) Commitment (property; goals) 3) Involvement (less time for crime) 4) Belief (social conformity) - SKs do not have close relationships; rather experiencing a break like becoming violent can weaken social bonds Labelling Theory  stigma attached to persons incarcerated (example) - Graduates from Primary  Secondary Deviance - Most SKs being White doesn’t disprove - Internalized master status reminds them of weakness - Cognitive Dissonance Less than 10% of Homicides done by JDs (more likely to have multiple offenders) - They got history of alcohol abuse, gang involvement & abusive family Senseless Killing Juveniles acting on impulse – perceived wronging School shootings are declining in the US Culture of Honor Hypothesis: states with high pressure on statues = more aggressive Juvenile SKs = very rare as they get caught and SKs usually start in 20s & 30s **Myers Study  16 JD killers: Sexual Homicides - Types: 1) Explosive 2) Predatory 3) Revenge 4) Displaced Matricide - Explosive = repressed feelings of sexual aggression & to dominate women o Spontaneous attacks & Med-High PCL-R Score - Predatory = stalk prey, aroused & High PCL-R Score - Revenge = anger killing, they know victims, detailed planning & High PCL-R Score - Displaced Matricide = Rare. Live near victim, Lowest PCL-R Score 80% tortured, all tried as adults & 27% Sexual Serial Murderers **Kirby Study = 27 JD SKs, only 1 female - Categories 1) Primary 2) Maturing 3) Secondary - Primary Juvenile: kill 2-7 victims, 2 victims before 15, aged 10-17, ½ = White o Most had violent histories, over ½ sexual & wide victim age range - Maturing Juvenile: 1 victim before 15, all white males, half of victims = Female o Less likely arrested prior & Primary Motive = Sexual - Secondary Juvenile: 1 victim before 15, remaining victims after 21, all male, ½ = white o Majority sexual not all, but 1/5 = sexual mutilation o Less childhood trauma; Parents more likely together **McDonald Triad  Animal Cruelty, Enuresis & Fire-Setting - Children handle stress differently  inappropriate behaviours - Not a valid predicator for future crimes (i.e. adulthood) - These behaviours  aggressive behaviours as adults - Aggressive outburst due to parental deprivation - Dysfunctional Family teaches them “not to feel” Animal Cruelty  SKs show enjoy harming animals & more so experimenting with dead animals - Rural Animal Abusers: more likely to have witnessed animal abuse - Coercive Family Interaction Patterns = Normalizing violence & therefore use this in interpersonal relationships - Attributional Bias = choosing to perceive neutral actions as aggressive  retaliating Enuresis  abuse can trigger bed-wetting (after age of 5) - 80% have Biological Roots

- In 20% of kids = major red flag - Unconscious  Not a criterion for Conduct Disorder (DSM-V) Fire-Setting  juveniles more likely to pull fire alarms - JDs set over ½ of Arson fires - 90% male - Males with absent fathers do this out of aggression - “Cry for Help” = setting fires to be a Hero - Delinquent/Antisocial = little empathy or remorse Etiology  Bundy claimed porn inspired his killings **Trauma Control Model of SKs - Predisposition Factors  can be biological, sociological or psychological o Extra Y Chromosome, heavy drinking & violent porn - Traumatization  destabilizing events: unstable home, death, abuse, jail, divorce, … o Negative event during formative years - Motiveless murder connection to head injury or brain pathology: o destabilization of impulse control - *Predisposition Factors & Facilitators MAY/MAY NOT influence SK process - Low Self-Esteem Fantasies trauma leaving them with low self-esteem finds themselves daydreaming - Low Self-Esteem Fantasies  Increasingly Violent Fantasies  Homicidal Behaviour (trying to satisfy the fantasies) - Disassociation  unable to cope o Psychological Equilibrium: facades to regain - Trauma Reinforcement  the trigger. Ex: gf dumping him. - Facilitators  alcohol, drugs, violent porn, books on the occult, … Dahmer’s family was very kind Some SKs allow themselves to get caught Chapter 5 Online Porn Offenders aged 20s-50s & they’re successful Almost all people who commit sex crimes are releases back into the community Sex Offender – usually 1 crime v. Sexual Predator – multiple crimes, psychopathic traits, threat to community & rarely treatable Sexual Sadism Predicators  Mutilation, Humiliation & Premeditation Serial Murder can be for $ gain or cult-like purposes Symbolic Rape  object inserted in vagina; common among SKs Serial Murderers learn from 1) long-term exposure since childhood 2) associating with violent individuals 3) Imitating violent porn Paraphilic Disorders (Fetishes)  intense sexual urges, behaviours & fantasies lasting at least 6 months Factors in Paraphilia 1) Psychodynamic – manifestations from unresolved conflict during psychological development 2) Behavioural – conditioning, reinforcement, punishment; learned like normal sexual activity 3) Cognitive – substitutes appropriate functioning; inability to satisfy martial relations 4) Biological – heredity, environment, etc., 5) Interactional – resulting from psychodynamic, behavioural, cognitive & biological Bipolar Affective Disorder  excess in sexuality in Maniac episode Erotophonophilia = Lust Murder Anthropophagy – eating/slicing victim’s flesh Coprophilia – interest mainly in feces; urine. Common in Human Trafficking

Infibulation – self-torture Necrophiles 1) Genuine 2) Regular 3) Pseudo Genuine Necrophile: persistent urges. Subtypes: those who only fantasize, Regular & Necrophiliac Homicide Regular Necrophilia: uses corpses for sexual gratification; not a crime in all states Pseudo-Necrophilia: opportunistic after violent attacks; not the primary motive Pseudo more likely to have drank prior to than Genuine Necrophiliac Homicide: killed in order to use corpse for sex Necrophiles rather Intelligent & only 17% Psychotic Necrophiles usually score 20-26 on PCL-R: as they have low self-esteem, However, Bundy is a psychopath & necrophile Pedophilia  sexual preference for children under 12 - True pedo has emotional attached; doesn’t want to harm or have sex with adults Female Sex Offender Typologies  Forced Assault, Babysitter Abuse, Incestuous Abuse & Dominant Women Abuse 5 Types of Female Offender  Teacher-Lovers (ex: Mary Kay), Predisposed Child Molesters, Male Coerced, Experimenter-Exploiter & Psychologically Disturbed Predisposed Child Molesters = histories of abuse & addictions Experimenter-Exploiter = offender: 16 or younger and victim: under 6 Female Offenders are related to 60% of Victims Females far less likely to be Sexual Predators; they’re often schoolteachers Child Molesters  Often marry & have children; opportunistic Pederasty: adults having anal sex with kids; more common with SKs Pryophilia: fire-setting for sexual arousal; not always a sexual primary motive - Stressor/aggression release for children Rape = most common sexual behaviour in SKs Explanations for Rape 1) Psychopathy of Rapists: disorders cause their behaviour 2) Feminist Theory: blaming hegemonically masculine culture 3) Victim Precipitation: victims are capable - Martial, Exchange, Punitive, Theft & Ceremonial Rape Rape by Fraud using fraudulent conditions, like a psychiatrist Almost all rapes/assaults involve a sole victim Rape has decreases significantly over 20 years Rapists prone to histories of criminal behaviour; 75% = histories of burglary Rapists have lower recidivism & criminal history than other Violent Offenders Rapists targeting both children & adults = more psychopathic **Power Rapists Power Assertive Rapists  least violent; extreme paraphiliac behaviour Power Reassurance Rapists  rape women they desire, degrade them & excessive force **Anger Rapists Anger Excitement Rapists  most violent, least common, aroused by fear, often kills victims Anger Retaliatory Rapists  perceived wronging, more likely to degrade + excessive force Not all rapists fit these 4 Typologies 4 Types of Relational Rape: 1) Martial 2) Courtship (someone they’re seeing) 3) Confidence/Blitz (wins over trust to assault) 4) Stranger MTC 4 Types of Rapists: 1) Displaced Anger 2) Compensatory 3) Sexually Ag...

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