HIS-144-T-5.America after WWII PDF

Title HIS-144-T-5.America after WWII
Author Madison Dortch
Course U.S. History Themes
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 4
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Download HIS-144-T-5.America after WWII PDF


Name: Madi Dortch

HIS144 – America after World War II Using resources from the Topic 5 Readings, including your textbook, materials provided by your instructor through class discussion, and materials from the GCU Library Guide for HIS-144 US History Themes, complete the assignment worksheet. Each answer to the questions should be a minimum of 200-300 words; and, include citations for each question formatted using the GCU Style Guide. The overall assignment must include three to five relevant scholarly sources in support of your content. Each response should show good writing mechanics, grammar, formatting, and proper citations at the end of each question/response. Wikipedia, Ask.com, ehow.com and other online information sites, encyclopedias, or dictionaries are not considered university academic sources and are NOT TO BE USED.

1. Explain the G.I. Bill. In what ways does it change America? The G.I. Bill was made to aid the veterans of World War II. It aimed to help veterans with the transition from military life back to civilian life. The way it did this was by forming more hospitals, creating low-interest mortgages on houses and gave stipends that cover tuition and fees for veterans who were attending college or other trading schools. Another goal of the G.I. Bill was to help avoid the possible recession and unemployment period that typically followed the end of a war. In doing these things, the G.I. Bill also accomplished far more. It gave benefits to children and grandchildren of war veterans and gave them more opportunities. The bill made it easier for war veterans to start businesses, buy homes, start farms, attend college, or getting a job. The Bill gave the country hope after the war because in most cases a recession would be produced. The G.I. Bill helped the middle class of America grow. The main way it impacted American society was by getting America out of the possible recession. It also gave many benefits to the war veterans. Overall, the G.I. Bill had a great positive impact on American society, the middle class, and the war veterans. https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/2019/06/how-the-g-i-bill-changedamerica/ 2. Why did suburbanization occur after World War II? What changes does suburbia bring American society? 1

Suburbanization is caused by many different things, they can be classified as push and pull factors. Mainly, it is caused by citizens growing tired of city life, so they wanted to live in a place that is not as dirty, and overpopulated. Suburbanization was quickly adapted by Americans directly following World War II. When soldiers returned back home from serving in the war, they wanted to live in house instead of the city. The city was not where they wanted to be for many reasons. Suburbs in American started to evolve by having more advance technology. Because of this, workers can work from home rather than commuting to work every day. It was much more convenient for the returning soldiers. Suburbs completely changed the way Americans live. It provided a new sense of life. The housing was more inexpensive, and a lot of racial threats and dears diminished out in the suburbs. This gave many Americans incentive to live in the suburbs. This greatly changed how America functioned. Overall, suburbia gave citizens a new aspect a and view on how life can be. It let people learn that not everywhere has to be overcrowded and busy like a city that most people did live in. https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-sociology/chapter/urbanproblems-and-policy/

3. Why is the automobile so important to post war America? The automobile was obviously a very important invention. Clearly, we are still fully dependent on it even today. During the war, automobiles were being mass produced in many different countries. The industry quickly grew to become a global industry, and affected the lives of billions. In America, it had a great social and economic impact. Ford’s mass production techniques quickly spread to America, which helped them to produce them much quicker than before. It even introduced a new competition between companies in America. The automobile played a very important part of World War II, due to the amount of military vehicles produced for the war. This is why the numbers of automobiles produced was so high during the war. After the war, Americans grew to become dependent on the automobile for most everything. They would use it to get everywhere and anywhere. In addition to that, it also had a great impact on the economic side of the spectrum. The invention of the automobile helped gas industries grow. They became a very large market. Overall, the invention of the automobile was important to postwar America because of the social and economic benefit it had 2

on the citizens of America, and on the different industries that are directly impacted by the automobile industry. https://www.history.com/topics/inventions/automobiles 4. How did consumerism affect American society after World War II? Before World War II, consumer spending was solely based on satisfying an indulgent material desire. After World War II, this was no longer the case. World War II brought a new meaning to the concept and changed the old one. The average American consumer was treated differently, and praised as a patriotic citizen after the war. This led to more success for America and changed the way of life. World War II helped get America out of a depression, which had a great deal to do with this changed explained previously. Jobs were more available to people, and wages were higher. Workers were incredibly thankful to be out of the depression that consumers of products were much more respected. The average American citizen began to realize their spending power, and how much it had risen. This new view on life would change the way society is run. With consumers having a new view on the market and their spending power, the economic aspect of this was impacted. This was a large contributing factor in the recovery from the Great Depression. The sudden realization in everyone’s spending power made Americans eager to spend and use their power. This gave workers a higher wage because demand went up significantly, so now workers could make more money. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/tupperware-consumer/ 5. What was the role of religion in post-World War II American society? After World War II, American seemed to grasp what religion meant significantly more. America started to understand what it meant to be a Christian nation. One example of this is how the phrase, “one nation under God” was added to the pledge to the flag. This came directly after the end of World War II. This change was added in 1954. This happened because there was so much somberness between the war and the Great Depression. People started turning to God for help. This caused a significant increase in suburbanization. The growth of the new suburbs coinciding with the invention of the automobile and the consumerism change shifted the culture considerably. So, overall, religion essentially spiked 3

after World War II because people needed more hope in their lives. This added a huge sense of diversity to America. After the war, the people were too eager to “replenish the spiritual wells.” Although citizens grasping a new sense of religion seems like a good thing, it can also have negative outcomes. It led to a confusing and big political quarrel. It gave America something new to argue about, and everyone wanted to stand up for their new beliefs and religions.

http://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/tserve/twenty/tkeyinfo/trelww2.htm 6. Explain the development of youth culture in post war America. Youth culture in postwar America changed with the rest of the country’s changes. Youth could drive the new automobiles if they could afford it. The youth were moving with their families to the suburbs. This generation was known as the baby boomers.

https://www.google.com/url? sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjqxbnN rq7sAhURd6wKHUrfBGQQFjABegQIBRAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bu.edu %2Fhistoric %2Fconf2012%2FRichardson.doc&usg=AOvVaw04EQfI21UmSMdr0RleOgX7


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