Wwii - Lecture notes 1 PDF

Title Wwii - Lecture notes 1
Author Scott Holcomb
Course Mid/Sec Sch Instr In Pe
Institution George Mason University
Pages 85
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Integrated Chinese 中文听 说读写 中文聽説 讀寫 Level 2 Part 1 Third Edition


Copyright © 2009 Cheng & Tsui Company. All rights reserved. Answer Key revised 01/21/10.

A Note to Teachers: At this level of study, many of the exercises in the workbook are designed to be open-ended. We have provided sample answers where possible, but please keep in mind that a broad range of responses may be acceptable. For ease of reference, this answer key includes the text from the workbook.

Lesson 1 • / I. Listening Comprehension A. Textbook Content (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Textbook and answer the questions in English. 1. What year in school is Zhang Tianming? (He is a freshman/first-year student.) 2. How did Zhang Tianming get to campus? (He flew.) 3. Who is Ke Lin? (He is a returning student who is helping freshmen/first-year students move into the dorms.) 4. Where does Ke Lin live? (He lives off campus.) 5. What does Ke Lin offer to do for Zhang Tianming? (He will help Zhang Tianming find a place to live if he decides to move out of the dorm.) 6. What happened to Zhang

Tianming’s computer? (He may have left it in the taxi.) B. Workbook Dialogue (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions. [

] Questions (True/False): (F) 1. The dialogue takes place in front of a dorm for first-year students. (F) 2. The man knows the campus very well because he is a senior at the university. (T) 3. The woman was on an airplane earlier today. (F) 4. The dorm the man lives in has been a returning students’ dorm for years. 2 (T) 5. The taxi driver has dropped the woman off in the wrong place. (T) 6. The man’s dorm is on the west side of the dorm for first-year students. C. Workbook Narratives 1. Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) [ “ ” “ ” “ ” ] a. What does “zhù xiào” mean? (It means living in the dorm or living on campus.) b. What is a “shìyǒu”? What is a “tóngwū”? (Both mean “roommate.”) 2. Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) [ ] a. Why does Little Wang want to move out of his dorm? (It is too noisy.) b.  What is good about Little Wang’s new place? (It is close to campus.) c. Do you think Little Wang will live at his new place alone? Why or why not? (No. The new place is a bit expensive. Little Wang will try to find a roommate to share the rent.) 3. After listening to the recording for the Workbook, fill out Little Zhang’s daily schedule in Chinese, and answer the questions that follow in English. (INTERPRETIVE AND



[image 1]

[image 2]

,,, Questions: a. How long does Little Zhang listen to the audio recording every day? (Half an hour.) b. How many classes does Little Zhang have every day? (Five classes.) c. Where does Little Zhang access the internet? (In the library.) 4. Write the name in Chinese characters after you listen to the recording. (INTERPRETIVE AND PRESENTATIONAL) a. [ , ]/

3 b. [ ]/ D. Workbook Listening Rejoinder (INTERPERSONAL) In this section, you will hear two people talking. After hearing the first speaker, select the best from the four possible responses given by the second speaker. [ a. / b.  / c. / d. / ] __b_ _ II. Speaking Exercises A. In order to get to know your Chinese language

partner/classmate better, find out and report the following information in Chinese. Use Chinese when you interview your partner/classmate. (INTERPERSONAL) 1. What’s his or her name? (Answers may vary.) 2. Where is he or she from? (Answers may vary.) 3. Where was he or she born? (Answers may vary.) 4. Where did he or she grow up? (Answers may vary.) 5. Is he or she a college freshman? (Answers may vary.) 6. Does he or she live on or off campus? Does he or she like where he or she lives? Why or why not? (Answers may vary.) 7. How long has he or she been studying Chinese? (Answers may vary.) 8. How does he or she write her/his Chinese name if he or she has one? (Answers may vary.) B. Practice asking and answering the following questions. (INTERPERSONAL) 1. (Answers may vary.) 2. (Answers may vary.) 3. (Answers may vary.) 4. (Answers may vary.) 5. (Answers may vary.) 6. (Answers may vary.) 7. (Answers may vary.)

C. Practice speaking on the following topics. (PRESENTATIONAL)

4 1. (Answers may vary.) 2. / (Answers may vary.) / 3. (Answers may vary.)

III. Reading Comprehension A. Building Words Complete this section by writing the characters, the pinyin , and the English equivalent of each new word formed. Guess the meaning before you use a dictionary to confirm. 1. “ ” “ ”+“ ” “ ” “ ” “ ”+“ ” “ ” →( / wèishēngzhǐ toilet paper) 2. “ ” “ ”+“ ” “ ” “ ”+“ ” → ( / bāngshǒu helper) 3. “ ” “ ”+“ ” “ ” “ ” “ ”+“ ” “ ” →( / xiàoyuán school campus) 4. “ ” “ ”+“ ” “ ” “ ” “ ”+“ ” “ ” →( / huàichu disadvantage, harm)

2:01:10 PM B. Read the conversation and answer the questions. (INTERPRETIVE) (TRADITIONAL)


5 :01:11 PM

Questions (True/False) (F) 1. Wang Xin has been living in the student dorm for a semester. (T) 2. Lin Ming thinks Wang Xin has moved too many times. (T) 3. One of the reasons that Wang Xin moved out of the dorm was that it was too expensive. (F) 4. Wang Xin had never been late for his examinations until last Wednesday. (F) 5. It was not easy for Wang Xin to make the decision to move one more time. (F) 6. Wang Xin has already made the decision to move again in two months. (T) 7. Lin Ming thinks Wang Xin is never sure about where he should live. (T) 8. According to Wang Xin, it is much less expensive to live off campus. (F) 9. If Wang Xin follows Lin Ming’s suggestion, he will be able to save money. 2  :01:12 PM C. Review Zhang Tianming’s schedule and complete the subsequent passage accordingly.


(3) (4) “ ” “(5) ”

(6) (7) / (8) (9)  (10) (SIMPLIFIED)2:01:13 PM

(1) (2) (3) (4) “ ” (5) “ ”

(6) (7) / (8) (9)  (10) D. Take a look at this business card and answer the questions in Chinese. (INTERPRETIVE AND PRESENTATIONAL) : 01:15 PM Questions: 1. 2. ( ) 3.

6 ( / ) IV. Writing and Grammar Exercises A. Building Characters Form a character by combining the given components as indicated. Then write a word, a phrase, or a short sentence in which that character appears. 1. “ ” “ ” “”“” / / 2. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” / 3. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” / / / / 4. “ ” “ ” “”“”2  :01:18 PM B  . Answer the following questions in Chinese based on your own situation. (INTERPERSONAL) 1. A: B: (Answers may

vary.) 2. A: B: (Answers may vary.) 3. A: B: (Answers may vary.) C. Answer the following questions based on your own situation. (INTERPERSONAL) 1. A: B: (Answers may vary.) 2. A: B: (Answers may vary.) 3. A: B: (Answers may vary.) 4. A: B: (Answers may vary.)

7 D. Answer the following questions in Chinese based on your own situation. (INTERPERSONAL) 1. A: B: (Answers may vary.) 2.

A: B: (Answers may vary.) 3. A: B: (Answers may vary.) 4. A: B: (Answers may vary.) E. Let’s get to know Ke Lin. Using the ... structure, answer the questions based on the information given. (INTERPRETIVE AND PRESENTATIONAL) EXAMPLE:

A: B: 2:01:20 PM 1.  A: B: / / 2. Beijing London New York Tokyo Paris Sydney A:  B: / / 3. A : B : ( 8


( ( F. Answer the questions and then explain why based on your own situation or the EXAMPLE: A: B: B: 1. A: Lesson 1 text. (INTERPERSONAL)  B: (Answers may vary.) 2. A: B: (Answers may vary.) 3. A: B: (Answers may vary.) G. Complete the following exchanges using / . EXAMPLE: A: B: 1. A: B: 2. A:

B: / / (Answers may vary, too.) 3. A: B :

9 (Answers may vary, too.)

H. Zhang Tianming can be a scatterbrain. Based on the illustrations given, imagine what he would say when he realizes he has left something behind. (PRESENTATIONAL) EXAMPLE:

1. 2. /

/ 3. / / 2:01:25 PM I . Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given. (INTERPRETIVE) (TRADITIONAL) 1. 2. 3. 4. “ (3) (1) (2) (4) ” (SIMPLIFIED) 1. 2. 3. 4. “ (3) (1) (2) (4) ” Now answer the following question using ..., ..., ...:

TRADITIONAL: (Answers may vary.) ,

SIMPLIFIED : (Answers may vary.) ,

1 0 2:01:26 PM J. Translate the following exchanges into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. A: When will school start? ( / ) B: Next Wednesday. / / / / /

/ / / / / 2. A: What time did you get home yesterday? /

//// ////// B: I got home at 10:30 p.m. / Other  variations also possible. 3.  A: Did you go to New York by plane or by car? /

/ / B: I went by car. / / / 4. A: Living in the dormitory is very convenient. / / / B: But it doesn’t necessarily save you money. / / / K. Translate the following passages into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. That first-year student was born in China, but raised in America. Yesterday I helped her move into her dorm. Her parents want her to live in the dorm to get used to college life, but she feels that living in the dorm is too restrictive and she wants to live off campus next semester. TRADITIONAL: //


(Answers may vary) 2. Zhang Tianming got to know a new friend this morning. His name is Ke Lin. Zhang Tianming met Ke Lin in the dorm. There were many people in the dorm, and except for Ke Lin, Zhang Tianming didn’t know anyone else. Ke Lin helped Zhang Tianming move his stuff. After helping him move, Ke Lin said to Zhang Tianming, .If you need any help, call me. (Answers may vary.) TRADITIONAL:

1 1




3. Little Zhang is from China. He just moved to the United States last year. He has been living in California for more than a year, yet he still hasn’t adapted to life in America. He thinks that it’s really inconvenient to live in America without a car. He often has to ask others to take him shopping. Next semester he would like to buy a car and help other new students from China. (Answers may vary.) TRADITIONAL:


L. Describe your first day in college/high school. Include information such as when and how you gotto the campus, whether you liked your living quarters and why, and which classmates or dorm-mates you met that day. (PRESENTATIONAL) (Answers may vary.) ()2:01:28 PM M  . Storytelling (PRESENTATIONAL) Write a story in Chinese based on the four cartoons below. Make sure that your story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Also make sure that the transition from one picture to the next is smooth and logical.

(Answers may vary.) TRADITIONAL: 1) 2) 3) 4) “” 1 2 SIMPLIFIED : 1 2 3 4 “”

1 3

“”L  esson 2• I. Listening Comprehension A. Textbook Content (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Textbook and answer the questions in English. 1. Who moved in first, Zhang Tianming or his roommate? (His roommate did.) 2. What furniture do Zhang Tianming and his roommate both have? (A chair, a desk, a bed, a wardrobe, and a bookshelf.) 3. Is their dorm close to a

main street? (No.) 4. What are the advantages of living in the dorm? (The dorm is close to the classrooms and a convenience store. It’s also very convenient for doing laundry.) 5. What are the disadvantages of living in the dorm? (The food in the dorm is bad, and there is no air conditioning.) B. Workbook Dialogue (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions. [

] Questions (True/False): (T) 1. Daming’s building is located in a quiet environment. (T) 2. Daming does not like his room in the dorm. (F) 3. Daming’s friend lives in the same dorm but on a different floor. (T) 4. Daming will most likely continue to live in the dorm for the rest of the semester. 3:41:37 PM Questions (Multiple Choice): (a) 5. During which time slot is Daming’s room quietest? a. 1:00 p.m. . 4:00 p.m. b. 4:00 p.m. . 7:00 p.m. c. 7:00 p.m. . 10:00 p.m. (c) 6. According to Daming, what is the main source of the noise? a. over one hundred students who live on the same floor b. traffic on the major streets outside c. one of the dryers in the laundry room C. Workbook Narratives 1. Write the character based on what you hear on the recording. (INTERPRETIVE AND PRESENTATIONAL) 1 4 TRADITIONAL: a. Recording: [ ] Answer: b. Recording: [ ] Answer: SIMPLIFIED: a.Recording: Answer: b. Recording: Answer: 2. Listen to the recording and answer the following questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) [ ] a. How many pieces of furniture are there in the room, and what are they? (Six. A desk, a wardrobe, a bed, a bookshelf, and two chairs.) b. Does the narrator have to walk far to his classes? (No.) c. What does the narrator like about his room? (It’s convenient to go to classes,

eat, and do laundry.) d. What is the room’s only shortcoming? (It doesn’t have a window.) 3. Draw a picture of Little Li’s room based on the recording and answer in Chinese the question you hear at the end of the recording. [

] Answer: ( ) Sample drawing:

3:41:41 PM D. Workbook Listening Rejoinder (INTERPERSONAL) In this section, you will hear two people talking. After hearing the first speaker, select the best from the four possible responses given by the second speaker. [ a. / 1 5 b. / c. / d. / ] __d_ _

II. Speaking Exercises A. Practice asking and answering the following questions. (INTERPERSONAL) 1. (Answers may

vary.) 2. (Answers may vary.) 3. (Answers may vary.) 4. (Answers may vary.) B. Practice speaking on the following topics. (INTERPERSONAL) 1. ... ... (Answers may vary.) 2.  (Answers may vary.) C. Describe this room in detail. (PRESENTATIONAL) (Answers may vary.) TRADITIONAL:

3:41: 4S  IMPLIFIED:

III. Reading Comprehension A. Building Words Complete this section by writing the characters, the pinyin, and the English equivalent of each new word formed. Guess the meaning before you use a dictionary to confirm. 1. “ ” “ ”+“ ” “ ” → ( shāngpǐn merchandise, commercial goods) 2. “ ” “ ”+“ ” “ ” →( wánjù toy) 3. “ ” “ ”+“ ” “ ” 1 6 “ ” “ ”+“ ” “ ” →( / guà hào to take a number [at the doctor’s office] or to send a piece of registered mail [at the post office]) (Answers may vary.) 4. “ ” “ ”+“ ” “ ” “ ” “ ”+“ ” “ ” →( tóngshì colleague, coworker) 5. “ ” “ ”+“ ” “ ”→( dìtǎn carpet/rug) B.The following excerpt is part of a conversation between a landlord and a potential tenant. Read it and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) A: A: B: B: A: A: B: B: A: A: B: B: A: ? A: B: B: A: A: B: B: A: A: B: B: A: A: B: B: 1. Would you rent this apartment? (Answers may vary.) 2. Explain your decision by

commenting briefly on the following things: (Answers may vary.) air conditioning size of bathroom age of building noise level laundry facilities restaurants rent 3:41:44 PM C. Read the passage and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) (TRADITIONAL)


Questions (Answers may vary.) 1 7 1. How is the college admissions process in China similar to and different from that in the United States? (Students in both countries have to take some sort of standardized entrance exam [SAT/ACT, ] before applying to college. In China, a student’s results are essentially the only factor in determining which college or university they will attend. In the United States, standardized test results are one part of the application process, but other factors such as grades, personal interviews, and application essays can be equally important.) 2. Generally speaking, when do Chinese college students decide what to major in? (First year/freshman year.) 3. If a Chinese college student doesn’t like her major, what can she do? (She can transfer, but she needs to take a test before she can transfer.) D. Draw a picture and answer the true/false questions after reading the following passage. (INTERPRETIVE ) (TRADITIONAL)


(Drawing should include: A two-story house with three rooms on each level. Upper floor: Leftmost room: study. A large desk in the center, two large, tall bookcases behind the desk. Center room: bathroom. Rightmost room: bedroom. A bed in the middle of the room, a wardrobe next to the bed. Lower floor: Leftmost room: living room. Center room: dining room/kitchen. Rightmost room: Laundry room with washer and dryer. Standing outside the house: a male figure (Xiao Gao) with a happy expression.)

1 8

Questions (True/False): a. (F) b. (T) c. (F)

E. What does the sign say? (The laundry room is open from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.)

F. ANSWER: ( “ ” “ ” / “ ” “ ” )M IV. Writing and Grammar Exercises A. Building Characters Form a character by combining the given components as instructed. Then write a word, a phrase, or a short sentence in which that character appears. 1. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” 2. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” / / 3. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” 4. “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” / B. Answer the following questions based on your own situation. (INTERPERSONAL) 1. A: B: (Answers may vary.) 2. A: B: / / / 3. A: B: (Answers may vary.) 1 9 3:41:51 PM C. Complete the following dialogues using / . EXAMPLE: A: B: 1. A: B: 2. A:

B: 3. A:

B: D. Rewrite the following sentences using . EXAMPLE:  → → 1. 

/ 2.

/ 3.

/ 3:41:52 PM E. Complete the following dialogues using . EXAMPLE: A: B: 1. A:

B: / / (Answers may vary.) 2. A: 2 0 B : (Answers may vary) 3. A: B : (Answers may vary) F. Rearrange the following words into complete sentences. Pay attention to the Chinese word order. 1.

/ 2 . / / / 3. / / / 4.

/ 5 .


G. Describe the following scenes. Don’t forget to mention the background, and if applicable, what the person is wearing. Remember to use / in your description. (PRESENTATIONAl) 1.

/ (Answers may vary.) 2. / (Answers may vary.) 3. (

/ ) (Answers may vary.) 3:41:54 PM 2 1 H. Translate the following exchanges into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) (Answers may vary.) 1. A: Where is your roommate from? / / / B: He’s from New York. / / / /

/ 2. A: I am starving. / B: Then let’s go eat. / 3. A: Does the store on campus sell furniture? /

B: No, the campus stores generally don’t sell furniture. They only sell daily necessities and stationery. /

I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Pay attention to the Chinese word order, especially the position of time and place words. (PRESENTATIONAL) (Answers may vary.) 1. I read a new book in the library yesterday afternoon. / 2. My brother drove from Northern California to Southern California last weekend to visit a friend. /

// 3. He was doing laundry on the second floor when his father called.

/ 4. Little Zhang is going to play basketball with his friends after class.

/ J. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Note that the modifier/attributive always precedes the modified/head of the noun. (PRESENTATIONAL) (Answers may vary.) 1. This is the restaurant that my roommate mentioned. ( / ) 2. The dorm where I used to live was very small and very old. / 3. The food that your mom made last night was extremely tasty. / 4. The bookstore we went to this morning also sells sportswear.

/ K. Translate the following passages into Chinese using the grammar points and vocabulary items from this lesson. (PRESENTATIONAL) (Answers may vary.) 1. Near the campus there is a Chinese restaurant and a Japanese restaurant. The Japanese 2 2 restaurant is rather expensive. The Chinese restaurant is much cheaper than

the Japane...

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