HIS 200 - Discussion 6-2 Supporting a Thesis Statement PDF

Title HIS 200 - Discussion 6-2 Supporting a Thesis Statement
Author Melissa Morrison
Course Applied History
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 1
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Discussion 6-2: Supporting a Thesis Statement

Hi Class, This week I have chosen to go with option 2 and agree with the thesis: In the long run, busing hurt Boston because it led to violent racial strife, contributed to white flight, and damaged the quality of the public school system. As I could have gone with the other thesis statement to talk about how the Boston busing crisis helped to provide equality, I felt that this crisis was just that - a crisis. “In the 1974-75 school year, school officials estimated that 12,000 of the school system's 93,000 students were chronically or permanently absent; in the following year, that figure was estimated at 14,000. (Wolff, 2015). Yes, we know that it did eventually help to “desegregated the school system, providing equal educational opportunity for minority students, and set the stage for racial healing and an improved racial climate in the twenty-first century”. However, it is obvious that the crisis did led to violent racial strife, contributed to the “white flight”, and damaged the quality of the public-school system. Student themselves were against the busing movement and were known to act out. “One of the 94 person arrested during the first four days of school was a South Boston youth who was carrying 15 firebombs in his car” (Hornburger, 1976). It is a statistical fact that 80% of the people in Boston were against busing. Mayor Kevin White stated, “If Boston were a sovereign state, busing would be cause for a revolution" (Richer, 1998). Another example of the violence busing caused “The busing issue in Boston lead to violent in "April 5, 1976 as Theodore Landsmark a black lawyer was attack going into the City Hall Plaza by a gang of white youths. He was beating and kicked and eventually stab with the pointed end of a flag pole with the American flag on it"(Nutter,2010,p.64).”

References: Ri cher ,M.( 1998) .Busi ng’ sBos t onmass acr e.Pol i c yRev i ew,92,42.

Hornburger, J. (1976). Deep are the Roots: Busing in Boston. The Journal of Negro Education, 45(3), 235-245. doi:10.2307/2966901

Wol ff,J .( 2015) .ATi mel i neofBos t onSc hoolDesegr egat i on,19611985.Ci v i l Ri ght sand Res t or at i v eJ us t i c ePr oj ectandt heNor t heas t er nUni v er si t ySc hoolofLaw.Ret r i ev ed t p: / / www. r ac i al equi t yt ool s . or g/ r es our cefi l es / Bos t on%20Des egr egat i on%20Ti mel i ne. pdf f r om ht...

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