HIST 1301 Exam 1 Reviews PDF

Title HIST 1301 Exam 1 Reviews
Author Eugene Kim
Course U.S. History Survey to Civil War
Institution The University of Texas at Dallas
Pages 7
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HIST 1301: U.S. History Survey to the Civil War Fall 2019 Exam 1 Potential Essay Questions Be prepared to answer BOTH of the essay questions below. I will choose ONE at random on exam day. Please note that your essay must contain complete sentences, an introductory paragraph, a series of body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. Also, don’t forget to bring an unused Blue Book to your exam.

1) Drawing from BOTH class lectures and outside readings, compare and contrast the founding and development of the Northern (New England) and Southern (Virginia/Chesapeake) colonies. Who were these original colonists, and why did they venture to the “New World” in the first place? Were these colonization enterprises successful? In other words, were their colonists prosperous, plentiful, and/or happy? Finally, although the Northern and Southern colonies exhibit remarkably different early histories, can you pinpoint a moment or moments when their interests began converging, or when colonists across British North America began developing a common identity as “Americans?” Colonies within the “New World” had different motives and experiences when encountering land and economic opportunities, however, there were instances where the colonies agreed upon an interest, such as territorial expansion. The settlers of English colonies had many different ideals when it came to the environment and the type of people that would exist. Puritans were also persecuted in England so they came to America. The north had many different types of settlers. Near the early 1600’s, settlers from Europe, such as the British, were seeking things that would glorify their kingdoms. The English had reached land and started to colonize the new land. The original colonists in the north were mainly religious or merchants, that needed opportunities. Most of these Englishmen were either trying to form a religious colony or searching for economic variety, so they ventured out. The Rhode Island colony was formed because of religion. Rhode Island was formed because of people escaping religious persecutions by the Puritans in Massachusetts Bay. The other colonies, such as Massachusetts Bay, New Hampshire, and Connecticut were Puritans. At the same time, these three colonies were formed for trade and imports/exports to Britain. They utilized fur, fish, ores, and ships to gain economic growth. Although, there were conflicts with the Indigenous people and there were many fatalities, these colonies became fairly successful and continued to grow. The south had early colonies mainly in Virginia and Chesapeake. When these colonies were first settled in the early 1600s, many people that arrived were rich men who had never worked. This causes a huge downfall to the colonies, such as Jamestown.

The colonists ventured out to search for more economic opportunities for the royals. Although Jamestown was very unsuccessful for the first few years, both colonies became successful from selling tobacco. Also, many indentured servitudes started to arrive in order to grow more tobacco. The significance of the origin and the courage of the colonists is that these settlers gained experiences on how to advance their colonies and become sustainable for more people. The colonists knew what type of people to send next and what was required to keep a colony functioning. The colonies always had different ideals on what each settlement would be like. However, once instance where the colonies acted in the same way was the crossing of the Proclamation of 1763. Colonists needed more land so they started to cross the borderline in order to gain more access to land for crops and people. These people were heavily influenced by greed and wealth, but were united. This shows early signs of power when all the colonists converge and put all their efforts into one idea, foreshadowing the settlers potential.

2) Drawing from BOTH class lectures and outside readings, discuss how indentured servants, enslaved Africans, and Indian peoples experienced the colonial period. In other words, what role did they serve within North America’s various colonial enterprises (both English and Spanish), and did that role change over time? When and why did they ultimately resort to violence, and how did colonial officials respond to these incidents? Finally, discuss the origins and outcome of the French and Indian War. What role did Indian peoples play during this conflict, and where did they stand, politically, economically, and culturally, by the time it wound down?

The mistreatment of slaves and servants were widely effective, in which many consequences arose that negatively impacted the Europeans because of the damages toward the methods for economic growth. However, maintaining a healthy relationship with other groups of people became beneficial because of support gained. English indentured servitudes were first used by the English in Jamestown because colonists needed a cheap, safe way of advancing their structures and crops. Although indentured servants heavily declined after Bacon’s Rebellion, enslaved Africans and Natives did not. Servants tended to result to violence when the slaves were seeking freedom, such as the Stono Rebellion. During 1739, slaves heard of being granted

freedom if they were to reach Florida, so they rebelled and killed many people. Deadly results of rebellious slavery seem to be an issue when slaves were given hope. Colonial officials passed laws that gave slaves no right to leave plantations. Other laws were passed to restrict slaves. Spanish The Spanish enslaved Natives to use them and convert their religion to that of Spain. The Spanish also enslaved Africans to use on crops and plantations. Violence was a result whenever the mistreatment of the slaves were excessive. For example, the Pueblo Revolt in 1680 heavily affected both Natives and Spanish. The Native were furious about the forcing of conversion to christianity and the death of Native people for sorcery, so they lashed out against the Spanish and drove them back to El Paso. Colonial officials had not created any law, but were able to conquer the same Pueblos in 1692. The Spanish also tried to be more cautious around the Natives so that further rebels would be prevented. The significance of these changes in servants and slaves shows the evolution of inequality between the Europeans and other groups of people. The Europeans started to learn that consequences between Natives and Africans were not ideal, so the Europeans became more precarious. Indian people fought alongside the French and aided them because of their healthy trading relationship. These Indigenous people wanted equal political rulings and were nervous of English laws that could force Natives to move west. The natives were economically unstable because the French could not trade as easily and as much as they have before. Also, the Natives felt more distant culturally from the European lifestyles because Neolin convinced many Natives to live traditionally as their ancestors once have.

Review Terms:

Paleo indians: hunting/gathering group. they use spear(clovis point) as a weapon. Lived in temporary camps near bodies of water. Hunters Eden was their “heaven” where they hunted herbivores and this place had the perfect environment. Their population expands which leads to no food and difficult climate changes. Archaic People: Harvested shellfish, berries, etc. Hunted for deers, elks, moose, etc. Controlled territories with many people to support. Around 100,000 people existed and formed distinct cultures. Hohokam/Anasazi: Emerged around 300-1100 A.D. They used Adobes and strategic engineering. They learned how to plant and grow crops, an irrigation system of about 500 miles was made. The biggest Hohokam city was called Snaketown. Anasazi means ancestors of the enemy. Hohokam means Oodham or “gone.” Cahokia: Formed near the Mississippi River. They formed large towns and the people there followed a god as well. Cahokia is a place not a group of people. Formed around 900-1100. Located east of st. Louis. City controlled trade routes. Same chain reaction from Hohokam and Anasazi happens to Cahokia. The Taino: 1st indigenous group of people encountered by Spanish. Columbus landed on San Salvador Island. Columbus wanted to enslave these people because they dressed less which meant less intelligent beings. Columbus departed and left his people to form a colony and came back to find dead people in 1493. Taino people were dying from small pox and lack of food. 1494-96, 50,000 Tainos died. 1492 400,000; 1510 33,000; __500. Hernán Cortés: 1519, he lands in Vera Cruz. Forges alliances with indigenous people to conquer Aztecs. Aztec capital Tenochtitlan was formed around 1325. Montezuma was intrigued by the things Cortes had. Tenochtitlan had about 200,000 people. 1521, Spanish conquer and destroy the city. Indigenous people helped Cortes in the conquer and disease also played a role. Cabeza de Vaca:1528, Cabeza traveled for 8 years from Florida to Veracruz. Hinted that there were many wealthy towns and stones. Acoma Rebellion: Juan de Onate wanted the land in New Mexico(1598) because of the Pueblos. He wanted to use them as laborers and convert them to catholicism. Onate nephew Zaldivar was visiting someone and demanded shelter and food. They became aggressive and demanding for supplies and women. Pueblos killed Zaldivar and 10 other men. Onate returned in 1599 and killed 800 Acoma’s. Ages 12-25 had 20 years of labor, Under age 12 was moved to New Mexico for labor, and Over age 25 one foot was severed. Pueblo Revolt:Spanish forces native people to convert religion and they get rid of Pueblo holy men. 1675 47 Natives were arrested or killed for sorcery. Pope plans a uprising with the help of other Pueblos. Pueblos kill many, about 400 men and 35 priests. Rest of the Spanish retreat back to El Paso. Virginia Company: 1606 start Virginia Company(joint-stock company). This company had 6 million acres. Supposed to bring in money. Company wanted to make a settlement. Jamestown was made, but many settlers died from environment, lack of food, and diseases. Powhatan helps to keep settlers alive. After Powhatan death, Opechancanough

leads an attack on settlers. Eventually King of England revokes company in 1624 for being mismanaged. Bacon’s Rebellion: Governor Berkeley made powerful enemies: Nathaniel Bacon. 1674, Bacon was entitled to high office. Bacon and Berkeley clashed in political ideals. Bacon gained support as war started between colonists because of the want of Indian land. Indians clustered up in land became a problem. Bacon had a plan that most colonists agreed with:just killing the Indians. Bacon’s Rebellion was when colonists drove Berkeley out of Jamestown. Bacon, nervous of being taken down, promised slaves and servant freedom, so 250 slaves joined Bacon’s followers in burning Jamestown(1676), while Berkeley fled for his life. Virginia had problems, such as high taxes, vulnerability to Indian attacks, government corruption, and concentration of land ownership. People started to use slaves instead of indentured servitudes. Anne Hutchinson: Had different religious views aside from the orthodox puritan rules. She believed in gender equality. She led her own services, going against Puritan ideal rules. She was banished in 1638 from the Massachusetts colony. Great Migration: The Great Puritan Migration in the 1630s: Led by Puritan lawyer, John Winthrop, the company left England in April of 1630 and arrived in New England in June where they settled in what is now modern day Boston and established the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Settlers for being persecuted for their religious beliefs. Pequot War: Happened because English wanted to break the trade between Dutch and Pequot so that they could trade. 1636, Pequot War erupted and English showed no mercy. May 1637, the English and their allies, Narragansett and Mehegan, surrounded a Pequot village on Mystic River in Connecticut and set fire to the village and shot anyone who attempted to flee. They killed about 300 men and 700 women and children. Beaver Wars: The causes of the beaver war was that the Iroquois nation wanted to extend their territory. They had traded so much beaver with the Europeans that beaver fur was really hard to find in their territory. Beaver wars (1620) lasted for about 70 years. 1628, Iroquois defeated Mahicans and expanded to trade with Dutch directly. They relied on the European trades. Beaver War peaked 1648-1657 bc Iroquois devastated the Hurons with firearms. Spring 1649, They killed over 700 Hurons and taking 100 other captives. Iroquois made many Indians flee during the Beaver War. Praying Towns: (Puritans)1646, John Eliot preached to Indians in their native tongue. 1674, praying towns peaked, 14 praying towns. Natives took part to survive, so especially the smaller tribes joined praying towns for alliances. King Philip’s War: Metacom led the war. Wampanoag attacked 53 out of 90 and destroyed 12 towns. Colonists panic and start killing praying town Indians. 1676, Indians help colonists how to attack: “skulking way of war.” Indians lose and fled to other nearby tribes. 3,000 Natives and 1,000 colonists died. English in the King Philip’s War(1675-1677). English had allies:mohegans and pequots. This war claimed 5 percent, 2,500, English people and about 5,000 Indians(40 percent). Metacom was shot in August 1676. English captain, Benjamin Church, took Metacom’s severed head back to Plymouth and displayed it. His death did not end the war. Warriors in northern New England continued to raid New Hampshire and Maine. The underlying cause of the war was the

colonists unrelenting desire for more and more land, but the immediate cause for its outbreak was the trial and execution of three of Metacom's men by the colonists. Columbian Exchange: grains, such as barley, rye, and wheat; livestock, particularly cattle, horses, pigs, goats, and sheep; and sugar cane and coffee. Ideas, religion, diseases, such as small pox. Also created racial slavery. Blacks were enslaved and sent to Americas. William Penn: William Penn, famous Quaker, went to America in 1664. 1681, King George gives Penn a lot of land to make Quaker colony. 8000 Quakers in colony between 1682-1685. Quakers saw everyone equally(egalitarian). Penn treated Indians very respectfully, especially about land. Yamasee War: April 15, 1715, Yamasee War sparked. Ended 1717. Started by the killing of Thomas Nairne.Yamasees allied with Creeks, Savannahs, and Apalachees. Choctaws, Cherokees, and Catawbas killed English traders living in their villages. Eventually Cherokees and other Indian tribes sided with the English and won the war. But the war was fatal.The Yamasee War changed the way trade functioned. There were a decrease in the demand for Indian slaves. Yamasee’s were capturing other tribes to trade with English in South Carolina because they were in debt to English. Oladudah Equiano: 1789 published narrative about Equiano. 1745, born in Nigeria. Separated from family and sold into slavery. He got a Quaker owner in Virginia. Equiano purchased his own freedom and only 1% can do this. He wrote about the horrors of slavery and the abolishment of it. Stono Rebellion: 1739, Stono Rebellion South Carolina. 29 slaves killed 2 store owners, looted the store for firearms. They headed south to seek freedom from the Spanish. Slaves destroyed plantations and killed white people. Eventually were stopped by militia men before reaching Spanish-Florida. Task System/Gang System: Task system(lower states, do what needs to be done and chill). Gang system(overlooked by master intensely). San Diego de Alcala: 1st California Spanish Mission. Constructs presidio to defend from Russians. Spanish forced Natives to come to the missions. There was a lack of food and soldiers were raping women. Mission was difficult to grow so uprising occurred in 1775. Mission was destroyed and 2 priests were killed. War of Jenkins’ Ear: King George's War was fought between Great Britain and France and involved their colonies. The War coincided with the War of Jenkins' Ear between Great Britain and Spain. Both wars were part of the greater war that took place in Europe known as the War of the Austrian Succession (1740–1748). French and Indian War: French and Indian War take place in Ohio River Valley. (1754-1763). 1745, Virginia granted over 300,000 acres of land to the Ohio Company of Virginia. French in response made better deals with Indians and made more forts to serve as buffers against the British, such as Fort Duquesne(1754). George Washington was sent by the Virginia Government to build Fort Necessity to shadow and block Fort Duquesne from the America’s. Washington fought against the French and Indians and retreated. July 1755 Edward Braddock led Washington and other soldiers to Fort Necessity to fight. They approached Monongahela River, and French and Indians attacked the British using the Native tactics. William Pitt had helped Britain take control over the European side.

Americans started to take arms and quickly overwhelmed the French and Indians because of the population differences and support. Americans captured Fort Frontenac, the key supply post to French forts and Indian allies to the west. With French supplies cut and Indians leaving, the French blew up Fort Duquesne and abandoned it all. Summer 1759, James Wolfe besieged the city of Quebec. Americans won and both Wolfe and Montcalm died. Quebec was captured by Americans. English power invaded Cherokee and took rule over the land. British captured Guadeloupe in 1759 and Martinique three years later. 1762, Spain entered the war on France’s side. British fought back and took Havana and Manila. February 1763, Treaty of Paris was signed. British claimed almost all of North America east of the Mississippi. Pontiac’s Rebellion: 1764, Colonists were trying to settle in Native lands. Native retaliated and all different tribes joined forces to fight the colonists. Significant because they were stalemate with each opposing sides. Proclamation of 1763: prohibited American colonists from settling west of Appalachia but colonists still pushed east. Great Awakening: Too much hierarchy in church, luke-warm faith, and getting to church physically. Egalitarian message is spread. People want New Light rather than Old Light. 1760s new religions are forming, new ways to preach was also forming. Baptists: Baptists are very egalitarian. Southern Elites were brutal to Baptists. During Awakening, races were integrated and treated all the same. Baptist was no hierarchal such as Anglican. This could be told based on church structure/architecture. The Comanches: Firearms from French, Horses from Pueblo Revolt....

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