HIST 1301 chp 1 quiz 1 PDF

Title HIST 1301 chp 1 quiz 1
Author Bea Rocks
Course History of the United States to 1877
Institution El Paso Community College
Pages 4
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El Paso Community College HIST 1301 Practice quiz #1 The first African slaves were shipped to the New World in what year?


How did Cortes conquer the Aztecs?

He relied on iron weapons and gun powder.

How did the Dutch interact with Native America tribes in North America?

They engaged in warfare at times with Indian tribes.

In the 1500s and 1600s, the Spanish in the Americas relied on which of the following groups to work fields and mines?

Native American workers.

A major achievement of North American Indians in the thousands of years before Columbus’s arrival was

large earthen burial mounds in the Ohio River Valley.

One key motivation behind many early English settlers in the American colonies was

The desire to escape from the spiritual corruptions of England.

The primary goal of the fifteenth-century Portuguese expansion was

The establishment of a trading empire in Asia.

Among the problems facing the early settlers of the Jamestown colony were

High rates of death and disease.

One significant consequence of the Glorious Revolution for the American colonies was

A renewed sense of entitlement to political liberty for Anglican Protestants.

In the prevailing theory of mercantilism, the government should

Regulate economic activity to promote the nation’s power.

Which of the following was featured servitude in seventeenth century in Virginia?

Indentured servants were held in bondage only for a limited period of time.

Which of the following was a significant feature of the Salem witchcraft hysteria of the early 1690s?

Many inhabitants accused others of witchcraft in order to deflect suspicion from themselves.

Which of the following was a theme of puritan thought?

People enter this world as either the “elect” of the “damned.”

Prior to being taken over by the English in 1664, New York was

Called New Netherland and controlled by the Dutch empire.

In 1619, the first elected assembly in colonial America was

The House of Burgesses in Virginia.

Colonial Virginia’s economic substitute for gold was When Nathaniel Bacon led a rebellion against the Governor of Virginia, he called


And end to rule by “grandees”

The Glorious Revolution

Established parliamentary supremacy once and for all.

The Mayflower compact of 1620 asserted that

Just and equal laws made by male representatives onboard were to rule others.

Who was the English speaking American Indian the pilgrims encountered at Plymouth Bay in 1620? In the Salem witch trials of 1692,

The expansion of tobacco cultivation in the early 1600s led to an increase in demand for which of the following Labor groups? Which of the following was an effect t of Bacon’s Rebellion? Which of the following crops did John Rolfe introduce in the English colonies? The half-way covenant applied to whom? This chief crop produced by Western Hemisphere slaves during the eighteenth century was also the first to be mass-marked to consumers in Europe. In the first two years of Jamestown’s existence, relations with the Indians were


Almost 150 people, mostly women, were accused of witchcraft.

Indentured servants.

The increased use of African slaves.


Grandchildren in the English Great Migration.


Most peaceful interactions and based on simple trade.

Pocahontas married

John Rolfe

The West Indies produced this increasingly popular product enjoyed by North American colonists and Indians.


Many British saw the colonist of British North America as religious dissidents, impoverished servants, and


What marketable staple did the English pursue in New England? New Englanders in the 1600s engaged in a profitable trade with Slaves, in the traditional African example, tented to be The three European colonizing countries in North America in the seventeenth century were Why did the explorer Henry Hudson sail into New York Harbord in 1609?


The West Indies.

Criminals, debtors, and captives in war.

Spain, France, the Netherlands.

He was trying to find a northwest passage to Asia....

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