HIST 1700 The collision of cultures PDF

Title HIST 1700 The collision of cultures
Author Brianna Merila
Course American Civilization
Institution Utah Valley University
Pages 3
File Size 57.2 KB
File Type PDF
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These notes where for the lecture by Desiree Sedgwick...


America is born ● ● ●

Born in melting ice The bering strait was during the ice age it was a vast treeless, windswept landmass know as Beringia Connected eastern siberia with alaska

Clovis People ● ● ● ● ●

Earliest humans in north america were named after a site in New Mexico and they would kill wholly mammoths. They were called the clovis people due to their weapons Atatl is a wooden device that gave them added leverage to hurl spears further and more accurately As the climate warmed a lot of their animals that they would hunt died out and they had to start to adapt to their changing environment They were hunter gatherers

Mayas ● ● ●

Dominated central mexico for nearly 600 years They developed a rich written language and had elaborate works of art They would use sophisticated mathematical and astronomy to create their yearly calendar. It was more accurate than the one the Europeans were using during the time of columbus

Incas ● ● ● ● ● ●

12 million people Spoke at least 2o different languages By the 15th century the empire stretched 2,500 miles along the Andes mountains Mountainous empire Machu Picchu, The worshiped many gods but their main one was the sun god

The Aztecs ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Controlled the central mexico valley The city of Tenochtitlan was the biggest city in the world Warfare was a sacred ritual and they wouldn't fight to kill, they would fight to have captives for sacrifices or for slaves They would conquered other societies As they grew they developed urban societies and had a legal system Rulers were godlike and nobles, priests, and warrior-heroes dominated the social society They practiced polygamy

The aztec religion ● ●

They focused between nature and human life and the sacredness of natural elements Regularly offered live sacrifices to please the gods and to bring good harvests and victory in battles

North american civilizations ●

10 million people who believed in communal living and they would share the labor

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Organized into 240 societies and had different languages Women were the agricultural workers, they would tend the children and the crops. They would pack the things when they had to move to get better food sources Men were hunters and warriors

Southwest ● ● ● ● ●

Corn based society Lived in multi-story adobes in the sides of cliffs Southern and central arizona Built hundred of irrigation canals Disappeared during the 15th century likely due to drought

Anasazi ● ● ●

Known for not having a rigid class structure. Everyone worked the same amount of labor Would only had warfare if they needed to defend themselves By the end of 13th century, drought and aggressiveness of others migrating from the south led to their disappearance

The northwest ● ● ● ● ●

Heavily forested northwest Pacific coast They would mainly fish and they would have to go fish once for every two weeks They created the totem poles They would have slaves, commoners, and chiefs They would have warfare to aquarie slaves

Great Plains ● ● ● ● ●

Nomadic hunter-gatherers They would hunt bison and they would run them off the cliffs to kill the hunt They would use disguise to hunt the animals They would also collected seeds, nuts. Roots and berries Their religion was animalistic - the hunting of the animals was a willing sacrifices by the gods

Hopewell Culture ● ● ● ● ●

They would build mounds and they were extremely agricultural The mounts would be shaped like animals and your social status would be depend on where you live on the mounds Specialized division of labor They had a trading network with the gulf of mexico the canada They disappeared in the 6ht century most likely due to drought

Mississippians ● ● ● ●

The would build extremely large towns and they grew corn. They would also build mounds. They would have huge wood fences around their towns. 15000 people in Cahokia They woud cut whole forests to build the lard cities and that caused their food to leave

Eastern Woodlands

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Algonquians had semi permanent villages, hey were skilled at fishing and hunting, foraged for food and practices agriculture Iroquoians were farmers and hunters, villages surrounded by palisades, women help key leadership roles, and matrilineal society. They would live in groups of 3,000 Muskogeans lived in the gulf coast and they were a matrilineal society War was the same for all three groups, they would fight for slaves or to protect...

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