Historia de amor utilizando Pasado simple y progresivo PDF

Title Historia de amor utilizando Pasado simple y progresivo
Author Ruth Hc
Course Ingles III
Institution Universidad Tecnológica del Perú
Pages 1
File Size 27 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 15
Total Views 142


Historia de amor utilizando Pasado simple y progresivo...


AC-S07) Week 07 - Task: Assignment - A love story Di anaf el ldeepl yi nl ovewi t hJ uan.Buthedi dnotl ookather . Di anawentoutev er ydayt owal kherdog,i nf r ontoft hes t or ewher e J uanwor ked. Oneday ,s hemetJ uan,f ac et of ac e.Shel ook edathi m.Hel ook edat her .Ands hec oul dn' ts t andi t .Shecol l apsed. Hel i f t edherupi nhi sar ms ,andc ar r i edhert ot het ent .Hegav eher wat er . Di anaf el tbet t er ,buts hedi dn' ts ays o.Sher emai nedsi l ent .I twass o c omf or t i ngt of eelt hatJ uancar edf orher .Shest ayedal ongt i mei n J uan' st ent .Theyt al k edaboutv ar i oussubj ect s . Hei nvi t edhert o di nnert he f ol l owi ng Sat ur day .Theys t ar t ed dat i ng andbeganar el at i ons hi p. Di anamar r i edt hel oveofherl i f e,al lt hank st oherbeaut i f ull i t t l edog andabl ack out ,orwasi tal i e ?...

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