Hitler\'s Consolidation of Power Essay Outline PDF

Title Hitler\'s Consolidation of Power Essay Outline
Course History - A2
Institution Sixth Form (UK)
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Hitler's Consolidation of Power Essay Outline...


Consolidation of Power Jan 1933-August 1934 Democratic system to single party state ●

1932 ○ 6 million germans unemployed ○ 3 elections occur in ○ april (presidential election) instead of a parliament election ■ Hitler ran against hindenburg and lost ■ Nazi’s ○ Then had to spend a lot of the second election too in july ■ Got 230 seats in the reichstag in july election ■ Hindenberg didn’t like Hitler! ■ Instead he appointed von papen ● Von papen couldn’t hold together the government ○ Election november 1932 ■ Discredit and because they spent so much in the election there seats actually went down and this is being seen as decline. ■ Hindenburg didn’t know who to appoint chancellor things were looking chaotic ■ Then Von papen = vice chancellor in a coalition government ● Jan 1933 Ian Kershaw said that Nazi’s were allowed support. Jan 30 1933 Hitler was appointed Chancellor ○ 3 Nazis (Hitler Goering Frick in the cabinet) in the cabinet ■ Von Papen is Vice Chancellor ○ He calls for another election that was going to be held in early march ○ Banned communist party ○ President Hindenburg agrees to dissolve the Reichstag and hold new elections ■ Counterclaim: Because Hindenburg had no other options Feb 1933 Reichstag building destroyed by fire ○ Probably committed by Dutch Communist Lubbe, acting alone ○ Used by Nazis to show Communist threat and exaggerated it ○ Hitler wanted to get more force in the elections in march but the fire did not have as much effect ○ Created a state of emergency which benefitted the Nazi’s but they didn’t win the march elections and this showed it didn’t have that much support ■ Nazi party was the biggest ○ Legal measures ■ Freedom of press Feb 28 1933 Emergency Decrees ○ Feb 28 decree of the Reich President for the protection of the nation and the State ■ This was Issued by Hindenburg using Article 48 ■ He suspended constitutional civil rights

Secret police could hold people indefinitely ■ Imprisonment without trial Other emergency decrees ○ Imprisonment without trial ○ Used to repress KPD ○ Remained throughout 3rd Reich: amounted to basic law of 3rd Reich March 5th 1933 Elections ○ Reichstag was dissolved in Feb 1933 ○ Government controlled radio, police, unofficial pressure to intimidate opponents in the election ○ Nazi’s attracted many new votes: highest turnout= volumes of 88% ■ Had a slogan “The battle against Marxism” ○ However Nazis only got 44% of votes, nationalist allies 8% ○ He didn’t get the majority ○ Counterclaim: Passed by 441 vs. 94 (only SPD voted against, KPD banned) March 13th 1933 control of media ○ Goebbels was appointed head of ministry for public enlightenment and propaganda ○ Government took control of the radio and the press April 24 1933 Enabling Act ○ Part of Weimar constitution where 4 years of a “state of emergency” ○ “Law for Terminating the Suffering of the People and Nation” ○ Law was passed by the Reichstag who had been relocated to the Opera House after fire and were surrounded by the SA/SS to intimidate people into voting for the enabling act ■ Law meant that the cabinet (in effect, Hitler) could pass decrees without the president’s involvement ■ Enabling Act needed 213 majority as constitutional amendment ○ Passed by 441 vs. 94 (only SPD voted against, KDP banned) Centre support ○ The act renewed in 1938 ○ Hindenburg is possibly so scared of communism that Hitler May = not allowed of formation of other parties Law for restoration of professional civil service ○ Administration, courts, and education were slowly purged of “alien elements” ■ This included any Jews, opponents ■ Removal of thousands of Jews ■ Only 5% were actually replaced st May 1 government granted workers May Day holiday ○ Turned International Labour day into “Day of national labor” ○ Then May 2 trade union offices seized: all unions incorporated into DAF ■ He didn’t wanted anyone to unite or have any opposition ○ Gives them a holiday and to shows his power over them June 1933 Employment Law ■

● ●

○ Major public works building of roads sorting out sewage… ○ Its almost like propaganda July 14th 1933 Law against the formation of new parties ○ KPD, SPD were already banned ○ Other parties dissolved themselves ○ Now no new parties were allowed to prevent opposition ○ Germany became a single party state July 20th 1933 Concordat ○ Agreement between state and Vatican ○ Church banned political activity ○ Government protected religious freedom ○ Stopping catholics from rebelling ○ Counterclaim: Didn’t happen January 1934 Law for the reconstruction of the state ○ Since march many state governments had been forced out by SA violence ○ Law was used to allow the Reich government to appoint Commissioners ■ This situation was now formalized by law ○ Dissolved state assemblies ○ Created new Reich governors to control states June 1934 Night of the Long knives ○ SS shot many SA leaders and other people seen as threat ○ All of the SA leaders are murdered and the army is very happy August 1934 Hitler as dictator ○ Hindenburg dies July 1934 ○ Hitler amalgamated position of chancellor and president and became Fuhrer ○ Army tolerated Hitler’s actions ○ Armed forces swore oath of allegiance to Hitler

 Events which suggest that the Nazis had substantial support which allowed them to consolidate their power

Events which suggest that the Nazis had to use force to consolidate their power

Events which suggest that the Nazis had to make concessions to consolidate their power

1933 Hitler appointed Chancellor 

1933 Other emergency decrees

July 20 1933 Concordat

1933 Reichstag building destroyed fire

Law for Restoration of professional civil service

May 1 Government granted workers May Day Holiday


March 24 1934 Enabling act

June: Employment Law

               


Feb 28 Emergency Decrees

Elections March 5 1933


March 13 Control of Media



Night of the Long Knives June 1934



Law for Reconstruction of the State January 1934



Law against the Formation of New Parties July 14th (1934)



Hitler as Dictator (1934)


    Substantial Support



1933: Hitler appointed Chancellor → 3 Nazis (Hitler, Goering, Frick) in the cabinet, with Papen as Vice Chancellor → President Hindenburg agrees to dissolve the Reichstag to hold new elections Counterclaim: Because Hindenburg had no other options

1933: Other emergency decrees → Imprisonment without trial, used to repress KPD; Central Government could take over local states not keeping order; remained throughout 3rd Reich: amounted to their basic law

July 20 1933: Concordat → Agreement between State and Vatican (Church banned political activity, in return, government protected religious freedom) Counterclaim: Didn’t happen

1933: Reichstag building destroyed by fire → Used as anti-communist propaganda, rallied support for the Nazi party (they were anti-communist)

Law for Restoration of Professional Civil Service → Administration, courts, education purged of “alien elements” (Jews, opponents) Counterclaim: only 5%, actually replaced → Extended: removal of thousands of Jews  

May 1: Government granted workers May Day Holiday → “Day of National Labour” → May 2: Trade union offices seized: all unions incorporated into new German Labour Front (DAF)

March 24 1934: Enabling Act (renewed 1938) → Law passed by Reichstag (legal) Hitler could pass decrees without president’s involvement Counterclaim: Passed by 441 vs. 94 (only SPD voted against, KPD banned)

June: Employment Law → Major public works → Made the workers happy, seemed to be a solution to the Great Depression

Emergency Decrees → Feb 28: Decree of the Reich President for the protection of the Nation and State, issued by Hindenburg using Article 48 → Suspended constitutional civil rights → Secret police could hold people indefinitely in protective custody à imprisonment without trial

Elections March 5 1933 → Reichstag dissolved on Feb 1933 à government controlled radio police unofficial pressure to intimidate opponents à Nazi’s also received a lot of new votes → Counterclaim: Government intimidated opponents in the election (FORCE) → Highest ever turnout with volumes of 88.8%; Nazi slogan “the Battle against Marxism” → Nazis, surprisingly, only got 44% of the votes, Nationalist allies got 8%

March 13th - Control of Media → Goebbels appointed head of ministry for public enlightenment, the Government took control of the radio and press

Night of the Long Knives June 1934 → SS shot many SA leaders and other people seen as threat

Law for Reconstruction of the State January 1934 → Law used to allow the reich government to appoint Commissioners → Dissolved state assemblies, new Reich Governors

Law against the Formation of New Parties July 14th (1934) → KPD, DPS were already banned → Other parties had dissolved themselves → Now no new parties allowed → Germany became a one party state

Hitler as Dictator (1934) à Hindenburg died, Hitler became Fuhrer & Army swore oath of allegiance to Hitler.


Enabling act

  Consolidation Force Support Propaganda Compromise Concordat it was agreed upon to get support.  Maintenance of power SS maintenance of power! A state within a state Nazi’s controlled most of the news paper! Control of education! Control of youth groups! Propaganda  


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