HLT1RAE 2019 03 Enquiry 1 Student Guide PDF

Title HLT1RAE 2019 03 Enquiry 1 Student Guide
Author Irene Wokran
Course Research & Evidence in Practice
Institution La Trobe University
Pages 33
File Size 1.7 MB
File Type PDF
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ENQUIRY 1: Evidence for Practice:

College of Science, Health & Engineering

Core First Year

There’s searching, and then there’s searching!

Student Guide 2019

HLT1RAE Research & Evidence

HLT1RAE Research & Evidence in Practice Enquiry 1: Evidence for Practice: There’s searching, and then there’s searching! Student Workshop Guide 201903

in Practice

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This publication was prepared, produced and published by: La Trobe University Victoria Australia 3086 First published: July 2014 Revised: June 2019 © Copyright 2014, 2015, 2016 La Trobe University

All rights reserved This publication is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process or placed in computer memory without written permission. All enquiries should be made to the publisher. Course Designers: Iain McAlpine, Linda Pannan Subject Title: Research and Evidence in Practice Subject Development Team: George Murley, Suzanne Hodgkin, Shane Erickson, Sharon Karasmanis Authors: Suzane Vassallo, Melanie Murphy, Alana Hulme-Chambers, Shane Erickson

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Contents Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Background and rationale ............................................................................................................... 4 Blended Learning Mode: Online/Workshop components ................................................................ 4 Subject Intended Learning Outcomes included in this Enquiry* ......................................................... 5 Assessment ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Resources ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Online materials ........................................................................................................................... 6 Topic-specific resources .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Academic literacy resources........................................................................................................ 6 Enquiry 1 Guide .................................................................................................................................. 6 Week by Week Workshop Outlines................................................................................................. 6 Workshop Week 1 ........................................................................................................................... 8 Workshop Week 2 ......................................................................................................................... 13 Workshop Week 3 ......................................................................................................................... 18 APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................... 26 Appendix 1: Resolving an enquiry................................................................................................. 26 Appendix 2: Database searching .................................................................................................. 27

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Introduction We are currently living at a point in time when we have information at our fingertips – we are awash with content. We can look up virtually anything via numerous search engines (and I am sure you do), and find information to answer just about any question you choose to ask. It is important that you understand, however, that your patients or clients are also searching for information relating to their health condition or circumstance. Therefore, understanding how to determine whether the evidence presented to you is credible is important to your practice as a health or human services professional. Evidence ranges from expert opinion to a peer reviewed journal article. Ultimately, you will be required to search for and make sense of evidence so that it can be applied to your daily working life as a sometimes consumer but always provider of health care services. You will be expected to apply skills and knowledge developed from this subject in second and third year subjects so that you build upon what it means to be an evidenced-based health care practitioner.

Background and rationale Evidence-based practice requires health and human service professionals to make decisions about practice that are supported by the best available evidence. To be able to work effectively in health, in all disciplines and in multidisciplinary teams, it is essential that health professionals are up to date with the most recent research and understand the application of the available research to practice. There are a number of models in evidence-based practice (EBP), one of which is the 5 step approach, namely: Ask, Acquire, Appraise, Apply and Assess. In this Enquiry, you will be guided through these steps (and some in more detail) in the context of given health-related scenarios.

Purpose of the enquiry The purpose of this enquiry is to consider evidence for practice – how to search for it and then to make sense of what you find. Essentially, you will come to learn what makes evidence credible (or, in other words, asking what is credible evidence), where to find suitable evidence and how to start to make sense of the evidence you have found. It is important that you understand how to find, assess and use evidence as it relates to your health care practice. This Enquiry will assist you to Ask a practice-related research question, Acquire relevant research and begin to Appraise what you have found. In later Enquiries in this subject you will be guided in more detail about how to Appraise research, Apply findings to practice, and Assess your own performance in the process.

Blended Learning Mode: Online/Workshop components Online materials for this subject are in the form of online multimedia – these are pdf documents, short videos, relevant journal articles provided by the coordination team. These are intended to support your Enquiry work and to help you prepare for your workshop activities from week to week. You will access these online resources via the LMS HLT1RAE subject site or via this prescribed LMS resource which accompanies this subject: Murley, G.S., Erickson, S., Hodgkin, S., & Karasmanis, S. (Eds.). (2012). Research basics for health sciences [EResource]. Retrieved from La Trobe University, Faculty of Health Sciences. LMS web site: https://lms.latrobe.edu.au

The series of online recordings for this Enquiry consider: what is evidence, and the 5-step approach to EBP, as well as how to construct questions that you can search using databases.

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Subject Intended Learning Outcomes included in this Enquiry* On successful completion of this Enquiry you should be able to: 1. Explain the different forms and roles of evidence, in health care practice, including the key stages of research development a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

Identify why evidence-based practice (EBP) is important Define EBP and essential related concepts, principles and processes (including the 5 step model) Explain key differences between 2 main research traditions (qualitative/quantitative) Recognise different types of evidence (i.e., primary and secondary research, reviews and guidelines) Identify each of the PICO elements within a practice related scenario Develop a practice-related question using a structured approach (e.g., the PI(C)O model) Appraise practice-related questions for their appropriateness to address a practice-related problem Identify key features of well-written versus poorly-written practice-related PICO questions

2. Utilise systematic search methods to obtain, interpret and summarise key design elements of peerreviewed journal articles or other forms of evidence-based material a. Develop search strategies relevant to various practice-related questions b. Implement different search strategies using Medline & CINAHL to collect evidence to address your PICO question/s c. Implement simple and complex search strategies that use Boolean operators, wildcards and truncation relevant to the database. d. Save searches, access the full text of relevant articles

Please refer to the Subject Learning Guide for the full set of intended learning outcomes

Assessment Search Strategy Template - Week 3 (due Sunday, 10 November 2019 at 11:59pm) During the week 2 workshops students will be given a clinical scenario. In weeks 2 and 3 students will develop a search strategy and search for evidence related to this scenario. Students will receive formative feedback from their workshop facilitator during these workshops and then in the week 4 workshop a demonstration of a model search for evidence for each scenario will be presented. Students will appraise a given article related to the scenario for the Enquiry 2 essay.

In-class Quiz 1 - Week 4 (Second class) Three 30-minute in-class tests will occur at the completion of each Enquiry to assess your learning from each Enquiry. Each test will include 20 multiple choice questions to be completed in 30 minutes. Each is an individual assessment task that students will complete during class time. As the quiz will be performed during class you will need to present in order to complete the assessment.

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Resources Online materials The online materials for this subject are located either on the Subject LMS site, or via its eResource. Each week there is an ebook that is a required reading before the start of each class. This must be completed independently.

Academic literacy resources Library Support and Resources: Refer to LMS resources and information provided in this guide. Student Learning: Refer to the site: http://www.latrobe.edu.au/students/learning for more information. Detail about how to access a Peer Learning Advisor (PLA) on any campus can be found here: http://www.latrobe.edu.au/students/learning/peer-learning-advisers/timetable. Student Learning provides assistance with matters of academic writing and referencing. Their service is free for all students. Referencing systems APA 6 Referencing Module (ARM) http://www.lib.latrobe.edu.au/arm/









APA 6 Referencing Tool (ART) - find examples of both ‘in-text’ and ‘reference list’ items http://www.lib.latrobe.edu.au/referencing-tool/

Enquiry 1 Guide This enquiry is designed to enable you to develop important knowledge and skills which you will need to acquire to undertake evidence-based practice. You will also be expected to apply skills and knowledge developed from this subject in second and third year subjects. This enquiry will take 3 weeks. Use the following as a guide to your individual study and team work each week. Each workshop runs for 110 minutes. It is expected that you will devote up to another 10.5 hours (approximately) to work on this enquiry outside of class each week - this will vary from week to week. This time might be spent in enquiry team meetings you have organised or through online discussion or individual work. Completing the weekly online material before the associated workshop is essential, and expected, learning activity. It will be difficult to keep up in the subject if you do not plan your study routine as such.

Week by Week Workshop Outlines Most workshops (i.e., those from week 2 – 11) will commence with a revision quiz which will consolidate information from the on-line resources and weekly readings.

Workshop 1, Week 1 • • • • • • •

Meet your HLT1RAE class members and your Workshop Facilitator Review the subject content, structure, learning outcomes and eResource Develop an understanding of the Enquiry 1 workshop activities and assessment Define Evidence-based practice (EBP) Discuss the different forms of evidence and how these relate to evidence-based practice Discuss the 5-step process applied to EBP and its accuracy Review clinical scenario to commence developing a search strategy for in week 2 & 3

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Workshop 2, Week 2 • • • • • •

Undertake your revision quiz – this is the first of many in this subject. Work through the development of well-structured and answerable practice-related questions, using the Population/Problem-Intervention-Comparison-Outcome format (step 1 in the EBP process) as applied to scenarios provided for you. Develop keywords for searching. Implement simple and complex search strategies that use Boolean operators, truncation and wildcards relevant to the database (i.e., either Medline or CINAHL). Develop an accurate search string for database searching. Spend time working on the search strategy for your chosen clinical scenario in the workshop

Workshop 3, Week 3 • • • • • •

Undertake your revision quiz. Implement different search strategies using Medline & CINAHL to collect evidence to address your PICO question/s Save searches, access the full text of relevant articles Interpret whether an article is quantitative or qualitative research Differentiate between primary and secondary research articles Show your facilitator how far you have progressed with your search strategy for your chosen clinical scenario

Individual student preparation for the Week 1 workshop 1. Download and read o

Subject Learning Guide


Enquiry 1 Guide, and then


Bring these documents to the workshop – either on your electronic device, or in hard copy.


Weekly ebook

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Workshop Week 1 Workshop at a glance In this workshop you will: • • • • • •

Meet your HLT1RAE class members and your Workshop Facilitator Review the subject content, structure, learning outcomes and eResource Develop an understanding of the Enquiry 1 workshop activities and assessment Define Evidence-based practice (EBP) Discuss the different forms of evidence and how these relate to evidence-based practice Discuss the 5-step process applied to EBP and its accuracy

__________________________________________ 1. Introduction (15 mins) Your facilitator will introduce themselves and you to the subject HLT1RAE and outline their expectations of you in this subject. You will be given an opportunity to meet your team members.

2. Introduction to Enquiry (5 mins) Your facilitator will introduce the first Enquiry and explain the Enquiry title: Evidence for Practice: There is searching, and then there is searching!

3. Team in-class activity – “HEALTH FM” segment. (15 minutes) Your team will be allocated one question to research from which you will need to prepare a written statement of your evidence attained from your searching. You will be given a short time to read your statement to the class. Essentially, based on the topic allocated to you, you will need to search for evidence: a. that represents views from the general public and then; b. from “authoritative” sources

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Health FM You are working for a breakfast radio station as a member of the production team. Your team is preparing for a new segment entitled “Truths about health & wellbeing”. Your team has compiled a list of questions to be covered in the first 5 segments. These are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Are concussion rates in jockeys higher than those in Australian Rules football players? Do smartphones reduce the quality of face to face conversation? Do pet owners have a lower risk of heart disease? Do married people have a longer life-expectancy? Is the evening use of electronic devices (e.g., tablet device, phone screens, computer, e-reader) disruptive to sleep?

For each segment, your team plans to present a range of views and evidence. The idea here is that during each segment, the radio host will take calls live ‘on-air’ from members of the public (i.e., the audience/listeners) as well as invited commentary/interviews from ‘experts’. Each team in the workshop will be allocated one of the topics above by their facilitator. For the purpose of this task, your team is required to search the internet to obtain views that represent those from: a. the general public b. “authoritative” sources; The purpose is to simulate the radio conversation that would likely be had between the ‘novice’ and ‘expert’ sources above. Team should allocate 10 minutes to completing the searches. Together, the team will spend 5 minutes preparing a brief statement (of no more than 100 words) to summarise the views from both the public and authoritative sources. Each team will present their statement to the class within a 60 to 90-second timeframe.

4. Teams to present their written statement to the class (10 minutes) Each team will nominate one speaker to read out their statement to the workshop. Each presentation should be no more than 1 to 1.5 minutes in duration. The facilitator or other students can seek clarity from you about your findings during this time. This is a very informal discussion.

5. Group discussion about the information acquired (10 minutes) At the completion of the presentations, the facilitator will lead a discussion about research and evidence. The following themes will be discussed • • • •

Can you summarise where you and your classmates went to find evidence? Were there any differences between public views and expert/authoritative information? Where do expert views and/or authoritative information come from? Where does research come from?

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6. Introducing evidence-based practice (EBP): An activity (20 minutes). Evidence-based practice is all about providing the best available health care to clients, or in a non-clinical setting, undertaking ‘best practice’ in your professional role. In order for a professional to undertake ‘best practice’, there are certain factors that must be considered by that professional. For this activity, teams are required to construct a diagram like the one below, with ‘best practice’ located in the centre and then all the determining factors that they can brainstorm to feed inwards. Essentially, you need to consider: What are the factors that influence best practice? What is good information to influence pr...

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