Holocaust in Film and Literature Final PDF

Title Holocaust in Film and Literature Final
Course War And Literature: Literature And The Holocaust
Institution Middle Tennessee State University
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Holocaust in Film and Literature Final...


When and where was Anne Frank born? - June 12th, 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany What is her sister's name? - Margot Frank What is her mother's name? - Edith Frank What is her father's name? - Otto (Pim) Frank What was Anne's worst subject in school? - Algebra What made the Franks decide it was time to go into hiding? - Margot Frank got a deportation notice on July 15th, 1942 What was the hiding place nicknamed? - the Secret Annex What hid the door to the hiding place? - a bookcase What was Mr.Frank's business? - a spice and jam supply company Who helped the Frank's while in hiding? - Kraler and Miep Gies What does Anne call the Van Pels in her diary? - the Van Daans Why does Peter Van Daan and Anne form a friendship? - They both think that their parents don't understand them Who was the last person to join the Franks in hiding? - Mr. Dussel When is the hiding place discovered? - morning of August 4th, 1944 Who most likely betrayed the Franks? - Anthony Ahlers (The robber who wanted a raise) What camps were the Franks taken to? - Westerbork, Auschwitz, Bergen Belson Who was the only survivor of the camps? - Otto Frank Who lived in the attic? - Anne Frank, Margot Frank, Mrs. Frank, Mr.Frank, Peter, Mrs. Van Daan, Mr. Van Daan, Mr. Dussel

How many people were there? - 8 Act 1 opening directions (the italics) - page 510 gives us the time and place of the setting; it also gives us the nature of the stage setting Use of flashback - gives the reader details about Anne Frank's life before the war Conflict between characters - shows the general tension and fear under which the family was living;it also adds to the drama and the suspense; example, Mrs. Frank tries to keep Anne from talking back to the Van Daans Examples of Dramatic irony within the play - 1.) Anne considers herself to be a coward, but we know how brave she and her family were 2.) Anne says she wants to go on living after death, which she does through her diary 3.) Anne wants to be a good writer but fears she is not good enough, and her diary is one of the most published, most translated books in the world Mood change in Act 1 Scene 5 - This is the Hanukkah celebration scene. At first the family is happy and joyful (presents and song) then they hear the noise downstairs (thief) and become fearful of discovery. Finally, with the singing of the song, the family once again becomes joyful but also brave in continuing to live and celebrate. Where is the family hiding? - Amsterdam, Holland; the attic above Mr. Frank's business What year does the "action" of the play begin? - Act 1 Scene 2 with the flashback to 1942 Why do the authors have Anne read from her diary at the end of each scene? - At the end of Act 1 Scene 2, it helps to fill in some of the background information about Ann'es life before going into hiding, and it introduces s to Anne's personality. For the rest of the play, the diary readings serve as a transition between scenes and tells more about life in hiding. What does Anne have nightmares about? - that they have been found by the green police What is Anne's attitude towards her Mother at this point (nightmare) in the play? Unkind and unloving; she rejects her mother

How does Anne describe herself to her father? - Anne says she has two sides: the kind inner side that is afraid of being made fun of and the hard, mean outside that she shows to the world Why is it important for the family to celebrate Hanukkah? - Celebrating is a small act of defiance against the Nazis who have persecuted the Jewish people. It also strengthens their faith and bonds with each other. What happens during the Hanukkah celebration? - They hear a noise (thief) downstairs, then Peter falls off the chair making a lamp crash to the floor. What does Mr. Dussel think the thief will do? - The thief will be caught and then tell where they are. At the beginning of Act 2, what kinds of problems did the family experience? - Extreme cold, hunger, more tension (fights) among the family. What do we find out about Mr. Van Daan? - He has been stealing food that should have been shared. What change do we see in Mrs. Frank? - Usually she is quiet and retiring, but after Mr. Van Daan is caught, she is outraged and insists that the Van Daans leave. What do we learn about Carl (the workman in the office)? - He is a workman in the factory who asked for a 20 guilder raise. The family feared he knew about them, but it turns out that he didn't. Why does Dussel count the potatoes? - He no longer trusts the people he is living with to be fair and equal with the food Who is the calmest just before and during the arrest? - Anne Frank What is the purpose of Act 2 Scene 5? - The last scene brings the play full circle. it started with Mr. Frank returning to the attic and Miep giving him Anne's diary. the scene tells us the fates of the family members. Who is the most selfish? - Mr. Van Daan (sold his wife's fur coat that she loved for cigarettes, stole food, cake)

Anne's Nickname - Mrs. Quack-Quack Wordplay - humor that results from silly verbal exchanges or puns. Jokes based on words with similar sounds but different meanings Exaggeration - a type of humor in which a character overstates something, making that thing seem like a bigger deal than it really is. Misstatements - when a character uses wrong words or says the opposite of what he or she means. Comic Actions - unexpected behavior and exaggerated facial expressions, are based more on what a character does and less on what he or she says. Comedy - a play that usually doesn't end in death. And usually has a happy ending. They are designed to make you laugh and think Script - the written text of a play Stage directions - a description (as of a character or setting) or direction (as to indicate stage business) provided in the text of a play, usually indicated with italics and/or parentheses. May indicate where the scene takes place, what a character is supposed to do, or how a character should deliver certain lines. Tragedy - A tragedy tells a serious story about important people and situations that always have unhappy endings. It usually ends with the death of at least one of the main characters. Play - A play, or drama, is a story brought to life by real people in front of an audience. Soliloquy - A speech given by a single character who is thinking out loud and talking to himself so that the audience understands what is happening to the character internally.

Monologue - a speech given by a single person to at least one other character Aside - A brief comment given by a character. though other characters are onstage, they cannot hear the aside. It is a break in the play for the character's private thoughts to be told to the audience. What does Dussel's name translate to in English? - Idiot The Franks were hiding from which year to which year? - 12 June 1942 - 1944 What does Anne name her diary? - Kitty When did Anne receive her diary and for what occasion? - Anne got it for her 13th birthday, but in the play it is given to her when she first gets to the annex What are the 4 elements of humor? - Word Play, Misstatements, Exaggeration, Comic Actions El Fin - ... Anne - Main character of the play Mr. Frank - Businessman who takes his family into hiding during World War II Mrs. Frank - Woman who tries to keep the peace until she finally has had enough. Forces Mr. Van Daan out. Mr. Van Daan - Steals food from the cupboard. Mrs. Van Daan - Owns a fur coat and likes to tell stories from her childhood. Peter - Has a romantic encounter with Anne Margot - Anne's sister Miep - Woman who works in the office building where the two families are hiding. Keeps their secret. Kraler - Man who helps keep the families' secret hiding place a secret. Brings food and

news to the families. Dussel - A dentist who comes to stay with the Franks and the Van Daans Mouschi - Peter's cat A secret annex in the building where Mr. Frank used to have his business - This is where Anne and her family hid for 2 years 1945 - What year is it when the play begins? Miep and Mr. Frank - Who are the first characters on stage when the play begins? He is embarrassed by them - How does Peter usually feel about his parents? He does not think that they will have enough food for 8 people. - What is Mr. Van Daan's main objection to taking in Mr. Dussel Hundreds of Jews are disappearing (being shipped to concentration camps) every day. - What news did Mr. Dussel bring to the Annex? Anne thinks her mother doesn't understand her and/or treats her like a child. - What does Anne say is the problem between herself and her mother? He is angry that she will cause the people in the Annex to be discovered. - How does Mr. Dussel react to Anne's nightmare? True - True or False: the Setting is part of the play's Exposition The Jewish "Festival of Lights" which celebrates the Jewish Victory over the Syrians in 164 B.C. - What is Hanukkah? Eight days - How long does Hanukkah last? He says that the cat is eating too much. - Why does Mr. Van Daan want to get rid of Mouschi? Peter - Who caused the iron lampshade to fall?

Anne accidentally spills milk on it. - What happens to Mrs. Van Daan's coat in the first Act? Stealing food in the middle of the night. - At the beginning of Act 1, Scene 4, what do we see Mr. Van Daan doing? Anne - Who is the protagonist of the play?... The play opens and closes in 1945; the main action of the play happens in a flashback to 1942-1944 - How does the play provide an example of "flashback?" When the audience knows something that the characters in the play do not know - What is dramatic irony? January 1, 1944 - What is the date as Act Two begins? The message on the cake keeps changing the years as the war continues. - How is the cake an example of irony? Safety Razor - What did Peter receive from Anne on Hanukkah? Two homemade cigarettes - What did Mr. Van Daan receive from Anne on Hanukkah? A coupon/IOU stating that she will give 10 hours to do whatever her mother wants. What did Mrs. Frank receive from Anne on Hanukkah? A homemade scarf - What did Mr. Frank receive from Anne on Hanukkah? A pun - Anne tells Margot to put her cross words in her crossword book. What literary term is this an example of? An object that represents a bigger idea - What is a symbol? Answers will vary -- the scarf, The star of David, the coat, the diary ... - Name a symbol from the play? Tell what it symbolizes. Great enthusiasm - Define zeal. Unjust use of power - Define tryanny.

When the police arrive at the Annex - What is the climax of the play? The sound of a thief downstairs in the warehouse - What interrupted the Hanukkah celebration in the Annex? Mr. Frank - Who went downstars to investigate after they heard the sounds of footsteps running away? Her troubled relationship with her mother - What is the one thing that Anne cannot discuss with her father? One of the following: Keep the door open, have shorter visits, meet in the common room, - What does Mrs. Frank ask Anne to do when she visits with Peter? We do not know - What happened to Mouschi? The Allies landed in Normandy, France and the invasion had begun. - What happened on June 6, 1944 tongue-tied, unable to make sense when talking - Define inarticulate guilt, grief - Define remorse annoyed - Define disgruntled She caught Mr. Van Daan stealing food - What made Mrs. Frank so uncharacteristically angry? He steals bread while his own son goes hungry - What does Mrs. Frank mean when she says that Mr. Van Daan does not what it means to be a father? False - True or False: Mrs. Frank said that all the Van Daans had to leave. She has her faith in God and in the basic goodness of people - How does Anne cope with all the horrible things happening in the world and still remain optimistic? They couldn't stand each other at first but by Act Two they have become close friends with some romance - How has Peter and Anne's relationship changed throughout the

play? She was jealous that Anne had someone to talk to - What did Margot say she was jealous about Anne? Miep brings the news of D-Day - Why did Mrs. Frank suddenly get over her anger toward Mr. Van Daan? Mr. Van Daan had Miep sell it for cigarettes - What happened to Mrs. Van Daan's fur coat? The police said they could only bring clothing -- no papers - Why did Anne leave her diary behind? Because Anne was able to believe that people were basically good - At the end of the play, why does Mr. Frank say that Anne puts him to shame Anne - Main character of the play Mr. Frank - Businessman who takes his family into hiding during World War II Mrs. Frank - Woman who tries to keep the peace until she finally has had enough. Forces Mr. Van Daan out. Mr. Van Daan - Steals food from the cupboard. Mrs. Van Daan - Owns a fur coat and likes to tell stories from her childhood. Peter - Has a romantic encounter with Anne Margot - Anne's sister Miep - Woman who works in the office building where the two families are hiding. Keeps their secret. Kraler - Man who helps keep the families' secret hiding place a secret. Brings food and news to the families. Dussel - A dentist who comes to stay with the Franks and the Van Daans

Mouschi - Peter's cat What is her sister's name? - Margot Frank What is her mother's name? - Edith Frank What is her father's name? - Otto Frank What was Anne's worst subject in school? - Algebra Where did the Frank's hide at? - (loft above Mr.Frank's business) What was the hiding place nicknamed? - "the Secret Annex" What hid the door to the hiding place? - a bookcase Who helped the Frank's while in hiding? - Kraler Miep Gies Why do Peter Van Daan and Anne form a friendship? - They both think that their parents don't understand them. Who was the last person to join the Franks in hiding? - Mr. Jan Dussel When is the hiding place discovered? - 10:30 a.m. on August 4th, 1944 Who most likely betrayed the Franks? - thief Who was the only survivor? - Otto Frank When and how did Edith Frank die? - January 6th, 1945; from starvation/ exhaustion "We don't need the Nazis to destroy us. We're destroying ourselves. " - Mr. Frank (A2 S3) says this when the family is fighting over the food situation (stolen bread, potatoes, sharing) "Remember, Mr. So-and-So, remember, I'm a lady." - Anne (A1 S3) says this after Mr.van Daan tells her that she is insufferable and in need of a good spanking. She is

repeating something she heard from Mrs.Van Daan. "For the last two years we have lived in fear. Now we can live in hope." - Mr.Frank (A2 S4) says this when the Gestapo has discovered the hiding place and is on the way upstairs to arrest them. "In spite of everything I still believe people are really good at heart." - Anne (A2 S4) says this to Peter when they are talking about being in hiding and how they wish life could be different. Mr. Frank (A2 S5) repeats it at the end of the play when he is speaking with Miep and Mr.Kraler about what happened to the family. Theme of the play. "You know how young people like to feel that they have secrets. Peter's room is the only place where they can talk." - Mrs.Frank (A2 S2) says this when Mrs.Van Daan is complaining about the amount of time that Anne is spending in Peter's room "dating". "Burn this?" - Miep (A1 S1) says this (in reference to Anne's diary) to Mr.Frank when he tells her to burn all the family's papers. "You can thank your son for this . . . smashing the light! I tell you, it's just a question of time now." - Mr .Dussel (A2 S1) says this to Mr. Van Daan after Mr. Kraler has told them about Carl (a workman) asking for 20 guilders more a week - Dussel thinks it is blackmail money. "Auf machen! Da drinnen! Auf machen! Schnell! Schnell!" - The Gestapo and green police (A2 S4) yelling for the door to the factory to open when they have come to arrest the family. "Wake up, everyone! Meip is here!" - Mrs. Frank (A2 S1) says this when Miep brings them the New year's cake, flower, and news of the outside world. "i think you're just fine . . . What I want to say . . . if it wasn't for you around here, I don't know. What I mean . . ." - Peter (A2 S1) says this to Anne the first time they really talk. Anne has just with her mother over the stupidity of "thinking of the people in the Concentration camps" instead of hoping for the future. "She puts me to shame." - Mr. Frank (A2 S5) says this to Miep and Mr.Kraler after reading Anne's diary. It is in reference to Anne saying she still believed people were good at heart. Last words spoken in the play.

"I think the world is going through a phase, the way I was with my Mother. It'll pass, maybe not for hundreds of years, but some day . . . " - Anne (A2 S4) says this when talking with Peter about their situation and the situation in the world at very large. "Look at us, hiding out for two years. Not able to move! Caught here like . . . waiting for them to come and get us . . . and all for what?" - Peter (A2 S4) says this to Anne when talking about their situation and the situation of the world at large. Examples of Dramatic irony within the play - 1.) Anne considers herself to be a coward, but we know how brave she and her family were 2.) Anne says she wants to go on living after death, which she does through her diary 3.) Anne wants to be a good writer but fears she is not good enough, and her diary is one of the most published, most translated books in the world Mood change in Act 1 Scene 5 - This is the Hanukkah celebration scene. At first the family is happy and joyful (presents and song) then they hear the noise downstairs (thief) and become fearful of discovery. Finally, with the singing of the song, the family once again becomes joyful but also brave in continuing to live and celebrate. Where is the family hiding? - Amsterdam, Holland; the attic above Mr. Frank's business What prevents, at first, a friendship between Anne and Peter? - he is quiet and shy (lone wolf); she is talkative and out-going (Mrs. Quack-Quack) What does Anne have nightmares about? - Her fear and tension lead her to dream that they have been found. What is Anne's attitude towards her Mother at this point (nightmare) in the play? Unkind and unloving; she rejects her mother How does Anne describe herself to her father? - Anne says she has two sides: the kind inner side that is afraid of being made fun of and the hard, mean outside that she shows to the world Why is it important for the family to celebrate Hanukkah? - Celebrating is a small act of defiance against the Nazis who have persecuted the Jewish people. It also strengthens their faith and bonds with each other.

What happens during the Hanukkah celebration? - They hear a noise (thief) downstairs, then Peter falls off the chair making a lamp crash to the floor. What does Mr. Dussel think the thief will do? - The thief will be caught and then tell where they are. At the beginning of Act 2, what kinds of problems did the family experience? - Extreme cold, hunger, more tension (fights) among the family. What do we find out about Mr. Van Daan? - He has been stealing food that should have been shared. What change do we see in Mrs. Frank? - Usually she is quiet and retiring, but after Mr. Van Daan is caught, she is outraged and insists that the Van Daans leave. Why does Dussel count the potatoes? - He no longer trusts the people he is living with. Who is the calmest just before and during the arrest? - Anne Frank Who is the most selfish? - Mr. Van Daan (sold his wife's fur coat that she loved for cigarettes, stole food, cake) Anne = ______ (nickname) - Mrs. Quack-Quack Anne Frank - Famous 13-year-old Jewish girl who wrote a diary about the horrors of the Holocaust Holocaust - Nazi program created by Hitler during WWII to exterminate European Jews & other minority groups in concentration camps Adolf Hitler - German Nazi dictator during WWII; responsible for The Holocaust, in which more than 11 million Jews & others were annihilated Star of David - Six-pointed star associated with the Jewish faith - symbol all Jews forced to wear on their clothing in ghettos & concentration camps Jews - People persecuted by Adolf Hitler & Nazis during WWII because their religion was Judaism

Judaism - Monotheistic (characterized by a belief in one God) religion of Jews with foundation in the Old Testament & in teachings of rabbis in...

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