Homework 11 nbhgv PDF

Title Homework 11 nbhgv
Author Yamil Lucas
Course El emprendedor y la innovacion
Institution Universidad TecMilenio
Pages 6
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Profesional Name:


Alejandro González Pulido


Jorge Luis Aguilera Morales


María Guadalupe Acevedo Pegueros


Jesús Yamil González Lucas Course name:

4515009 Teacher´s Name:

Effective Presentations Workshop Module: 3. The key strategies for presentations

Audomaro Morales Falcón Homework: 11 Topic 11. Create Better Presentations

Date: 24/10/2020 Bibliography:

Objective: Analyze the two presentations of the following videos. Instructions and Procedure: 1) Analyze two videos and make a conclusion about the presenters. TED (2014, June 27). Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen






v=eIho2S0ZahI Dananjaya Hettiarachchi (2014, September 22). Dananjaya Hettiarachchi World Champion of Public Speaking 2014 FULL SPEECH [Video file]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbz2boNSeL0 First video: After seeing and analyzing Julian's presentation I can conclude that he is a very confident person, he is a very professional person who practices the subject before standing on stage before an audience, he made an excellent presentation with simple slides, elegant and striking for people, his presentation contains keywords, easy to remember, he used images allusive to what he was talking about on the subject of his presentation, he demonstrated eye contact and good body language management, he also used a good volume and changes in the voice, as well as

Profesional speaking with the audience and performing a dynamic where he made all his audience participate and they all applauded because they broke the ice, I consider that he knew how to handle and take his time, and finally he was grateful to his audience for having it heard, I consider that Julian has many characteristics and tools that are really important when presenting to an audience since in this way You will be recognized by more people and you will be able to achieve more objectives and goals than you set for your quality and efficiency performance before an audience on a stage. Second video: The second video explains more about Dananjaya journey of how he became a world champion of public speaking, he uses his story of how he didn't know what to do and how people see him and told him that he was very special he had something but they didn't know what he had, he explains to you in a very philosophical way especially because of his perspective, the journey that he had over the past years and how he found that he was good speaking and explaining, especially at the end how he connects with his audience saying at the end that he sees something of his audience but he doesn't know what it is, just like the people that they told him when he met them. The performance of the presentation is very good is very philosophical and it's clear, especially because he gets to the point of what he's explained to his audience and keep captivating their attention because of the way he speaks it's something remarkable and original.

Profesional 2) Write a general description of what you learned from each presenter. Analyze the way it was presented providing a general description about the following elements:

Criteria Talk to audience

First video

Second video

the Julian seems to have an adequate ability to speak in front of the public. He does it in the form of a presentation on communication, so he supports himself with slides.

Dananjaya shows a lot of security and confidence when he´s speaking in front of the public. By telling his story, he manages to create an emotional connection between himself and his audience.

Less is more

Julian uses simple concepts using slides to help people understand what he means. Sometimes gives examples from everyday life so that the audience can become familiar.

Dananjaya in a short time and without the need to use visual aids, manages to convey his message clearly and directly with his audience.

Only talk when you have something to say

Julian is clear and direct in talking about the Deadly Sins when we speak and about HAIL. He does not elaborate more than necessary explaining each one.

Make a persistent message

Julian speaks more calmly and logically on the main topic, as if he were teaching a class. But he manages to make his message persistent by using real-life examples and some exercises he does with his audience.

Dananjaya start with a short motivational speech about how we all have something that makes us special. He does not give many specific details of his story (for example, why he was arrested), he only says the most important thing to get his message across. On more than one occasion, Dananjaya repeats the message that there will be someone who will be able to see something special in us, but he does so by relying on moving or funny fragments of his story so that the audience does not forget it. He also relies on his tone of voice, his expressions, and his gestures.

Be logical

Julian is more logical with the subject he is talking about. As mentioned above, he gives his presentation as if

Dananjaya's speech is much more emotional, because it deals with personal experiences and the people


The floor is a stage

Practice and time your presentation

Use visuals sparingly but effectively

he were a teacher, he is not who helped him get ahead. so emotional but focuses on Try to share that with the explaining the topic. audience so they can form a connection with him. Julian is in the center of a Dananjaya use of the floor very wide and high stage, stage is very impressive which can see the because while he's explaining expressions and movements he's movement is very subtle, of all his audience, the floor he uses his hands and he is a flat and firm space which moves around the stage so he he had enough space to can explain and that's somehow caps the attention move on stage. of the people not because if he's movements because of his way of explaining it with his body and the stage Julian transmits a lot of You can see that he has been confidence and security for practicing his presentation this reason I consider that if I and timing very well what he practice because he has was going to say for his mastery of the subject of the audience as the other one you 7 deadly sins when speaking, can see that he could he even did a dynamic with probably improvise some the icebreaker audience parts but it's because of the which made everyone practice that allows him to participate, he also knows explain very good, You can how to time the time of his see that he didn't need to read presentation Since even he just explained everything though the subject is longer, but he prepared for his he knew how to present it in audience and he time it so he a simpler way and with doesn't get too long with the examples so that it would be audience easier for his audience to understand. Julian in his presentation if he used an audiovisual resource which used images allusive to what he was talking about, they were images with clear backgrounds and the presentation was simple but elegant, he also included text but only keywords on the subject which helped his audience don't get bored and remember those keywords

Donanjaya doesn't use a lot of visuals but he uses his movement of the body so he can express what he was experiment, especially Express his presentation and the beginning of the presentation how he uses a flower so he can get to the point in the final part of the presentation.


Review Audio and/or video of your presentations

Provide appropriate acknowledgment s

and images that were in the presentation. Julian used a microphone which had very good audio, his audience could hear and understand it very well, although he did not use videos in his presentation if he added allusive images to the subject. Julian provided the appropriate thanks to his audience, the response he had from them was a lot of applauses, positive emotions and people stood up to applaud him.

The audio of the video is good especially the way that he speaks is something that you can see like Julians audio both of them nailed it audio and it's clear the way that they speak in their audios. Both of them provide a prop knowledge but in the case of Dananjaya he uses his story so you can emphasize with him at the end, because he's giving you like proper message and more direct for you using his story.

3) Make a final conclusion about how to make a successful oral presentation. To make a successful oral presentation, you must know and practice the topic you are talking about, you must know the audience you are going to address, create harmony, you must be an assertive person, be sure of yourself, have energy, be logical, be positive, express emotions, you must also make eye contact, use body language, use a good volume and voice changes, as well as knowing how to handle a good tone, rhythm, tempo and timbre, when speaking pauses should be used, use good breathing, use audiovisual aids such as slides, use good texture, contrast color and font, be punctual in the presentation and analyze the stage, have good sound and audio, use clear diagrams and legible, proper use of different types of graphs, figures and tables, implement bullet points that are easy to read, use light backgrounds with dark colors on the slides, add some animations and transitions, use images moderation but effectively, reviewing the audio and videos of the presentation in advance, taking the time and timing the presentation, talking with the audience and implementing an icebreaker, giving the corresponding thanks and accepting the recognition of

Profesional construction, we also have to consider something very important which is to remember that less is more in our presentations to obtain good results such as success, recognition by the audience and transmit the knowledge and experience to our audience.

4) Send a report to the professor. Include the comparison table and conclusion. Conclusion: This task is important because we can analyze the different characteristics that both presenters have, as well as we could observe the tools they use as an aid for their presentation or the strategies they implement to attract the attention of the audience, they also know how to convey their emotions through the topic who are exhibiting, also know how to transmit their knowledge and experiences to people and know how to implement an activity where the entire audience participates, it is very important to know and implement all these steps to make a successful presentation to an audience....

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