Homework 2 solutions PDF

Title Homework 2 solutions
Course Computer Architecture
Institution Oklahoma State University
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Dr. Stine...


OSU ECEN 4243 Computer Architecture, Spring 2018 HW 2: Microarchitecture Design Solutions Instructor: James E. Stine, Jr. TA: Rachana Erra Assigned: Monday, 2/12, 2018 Due Friday 3/9, 2018 (midnight) Handin: http://online.okstate.edu

Please complete the following assigned problems from our textbook Computer Organization and Design: ARM Edition by John Hennessy and David Patterson [1]. Please make sure your hw is submitted as a PDF using the D2L DropBox; there are scanners available in the Edmon Low library, if needed. 1. Problem 4.1 (4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3) Solutions: (a) The value of the signals is as follows: RegWrite ALUSrc ALUoperation True 0 AND

MemWrite False

MemRead False

MemToReg 0

(b) Registers, ALUsrc mux, ALU, and the MemToReg mux. (c) All blocks produce some output. The outputs of DataMemory and the Sign Extender are not used. 2. Problem 4.7 (4.7.1 through 4.7.8) Solutions: (a) Figure 2.20 shows that instruction bit 28 contains the correct value for the Reg2Loc control line. In general, the value of the Reg2Loc wire is 0 for R-type instructions, 1 for D-type and CB-type instructions, and dont care for everything else. Reg2Loc is also a dont care for LSL and LSR because, even though they use an R-type format, they dont use a second register operand. (b) R-type: 30 + 250 + 25 + 150 + 25 + 200 + 25 + 20 = 725 ps (c) LDUR: 30 + 250 + 150 + 200 + 250 + 25 + 20 = 925 ps (d) STUR: 30 + 250 + 150 + 200 + 250=880 ps (e) CBZ:30 + 250 + 25 + 150 + 25 + 200 + 5 + 5 + 25 + 20=735 (f) B:30 + 250 + 50 + 150 + 25 + 20 = 525ps (g) I-type:30 + 250 + 150 + 200 + 25 + 20 = 675ps (h) 925ps 3. Problem 4.12 (4.12.1 through 4.12.5) Solutions: (a) No new functional blocks are needed. (b) The register file needs to be modified so that it can write to two registers in the same cycle. (c) There would need to be a datapath from read data 1 to write data 2. (There is an ALU op that causes read data 2 to be passed unmodified as output. Thus, in this sense, there is already a path from read data 2 to write data 1.) (d) There would need to be a second RegWrite control wire. (e) Many possible solutions and would accept many of them. Many of them are not posted to avoid clutter, however, can be discussed with me, if you wish. LATEX


4. Problem 4.18 Solutions: X3 = 33 and X4 = 36 5. Problem 4.22 (4.22.1 through 4.22.4) Solutions: (a) Stalls are marked with ** STUR X16, [X6, #12] LDUR X16, [X6, #8] SUB X7, X5, X4 CBZ X7, Loop ADD X5, X1, X4 SUBS X5, X15, X4












(b) Reordering code will not help. Every instruction must be fetched; thus, every data access causes a stall. Reordering code will just change the pair of instructions that are in conflict. (c) You cant solve this structural hazard with NOPs, because even the NOPs must be fetched from instruction memory. (d) 35%. Every data access will cause a stall. 6. Problem 4.27 (4.27.1 through 4.27.6) Solutions: (a) One code solution would be: ADD X5, X2, X1 NOP NOP LDUR X3, [X5, #4] LDUR X2, [X2, #0] NOP ORR X3, X5, X3 NOP NOP STUR X3, [X5, #0] (b) It is not possible to reduce the number of NOPs (c) The code executes correctly. We need hazard detection only to insert a stall when the instruction following a load uses the result of the load. That does not happen in this case. (d) The pipeline would be the following: Cycle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ADD IF ID EX MEM WB LDUR IF ID EX MEM WB LDUR IF ID EX MEM WB ORR IF ID EX MEM STUR IF ID EX MEM WB Because there are no stalls in this code, PCWrite and IF/IDWrite are always 1 and the mux before ID/EX is always set to pass the control values through. (1) ForwardA = X; ForwardB = X (no instruction in EX stage yet) (2) ForwardA = X; ForwardB = X (no instruction in EX stage yet) (3) ForwardA = 0; ForwardB = 0 (no forwarding; values taken from registers) (4) ForwardA = 2; ForwardB = 0 (base register taken from result of previous instruction) (5) ForwardA = 1; ForwardB = 1 (base reguster taken from result of two instructions previous) (6) ForwardA = 0; ForwardB = 2 (Rn = X5 taken from register; Rm = X3 taken from result of 1st LDURtwo instructions ago) • (7) ForwardA = 0; ForwardB = 2 (base register taken from register file. Data to be written taken from previous instruction)

• • • • • •



(e) The hazard detection unit additionally needs the values of Rd that comes out of the MEM/WB register. The instruction that is currently in the ID stage needs to be stalled if it depends on a value produced by (or forwarded from) the instruction in the EX or the instruction in the MEM stage. So we need to check the destination register of these two instructions if the instruction is an I-type, R-type, or load. (The hazard detection unit already has access to the op code.) The Hazard unit already has the value of Rd from the EX/MEM register as inputs, so we need only add the value from the MEM/WB register. No additional outputs are needed. We can stall the pipeline using the three output signals that we already have. The value of Rd from EX/MEM is needed to detect the data hazard between the ADD and the following LDUR. The value of Rd form MEM/WB is needed to detect the data hazard between the first LDUR instruction and the ORR instruction. (f) The pipeline would be the following: Cycle 1 2 3 4 5 ADD IF ID EX MEM WB LDUR IF ID ** ** LDUR IF ** **


• (1) PCWrite = 1; IF/IDWrite = 1; control mux = 0 • (2) PCWrite = 1; IF/IDWrite = 1; control mux = 0 • (3) PCWrite = 1; IF/IDWrite = 1; control mux = 0 • (4) PCWrite = 0; IF/IDWrite = 0; control mux = 1 • (5) PCWrite = 0; IF/IDWrite = 0; control mux = 1 7. Problem 5.1 (5.1.1 through 5.1.6) Solutions: (a) 2 (b) I, J, and B[I][0]. (c) A[I][J]. (d) I, J, and B[I][0]. (e) A(J, I) and B[I][0]. (f) 32, 004 with MATLAB and 32, 008 with C. The code references 8 · 8000 = 64, 000 integers from matrix A. At two integers per 16-byte block, we need 32, 000 blocks. The code also references the first element in each of eight rows of Matrix B. MATLAB stores matrix data in column-ma jor order; therefore, all eight integers are contiguous and fit in four blocks. C stores matrix data in row-ma jor order; therefore, the first element of each row is in a different block.



8. Problem 5.3 (5.3.1 through 5.3.4) Solutions: (a) Total size is 364, 544 bits = 45, 568 bytes Each word is 8 bytes; each block contains two words; thus, each block contains 16 = 24 bytes. The cache contains 32 KB = 215 bytes of data. Thus, it has 215 /24 = 211 lines of data. Each 64-bit address is divided into: (1) a 3-bit word offset, (2) a 1-bit block offset, (3) an 11-bit index (because there are 211 lines), and (3) a 49-bit tag (643111 = 49). The cache is composed of: 215 · 8 bits of data + 211 · 49 bits of tag + 211 · 1 valid bits = 364, 544 bits. (b) 549, 376 bits = 68, 672 bytes. This is a 51% increase. Each word is 8 bytes; each block contains 16 words; thus, each block contains 128 = 27 bytes. The cache contains 64 KB = 216 bytes of data. Thus, it has 216 /27 = 29 lines of data. Each 64-bit address is divided into: (1) a 3-bit word offset, (2) a 4-bit block offset, (3) a 9-bit index (because there are 29 lines), and (3) a 48-bit tag (64349 = 48). The cache is composed of: 216 · 8 bits of data + 29 · 48 bits of tag + 29 · 1 valid bits = 549, 376 bits (c) The larger block size may require an increased hit time and an increased miss penalty than the original cache. The fewer number of blocks may cause a higher conflict miss rate than the original cache. (d) Associative caches are designed to reduce the rate of conflict misses. As such, a sequence of read requests with the same 12-bit index field but a different tag field will generate many misses. For the cache described above, the sequence 0, 32768, 0, 32768, 0, 32768, . . ., would miss on every access, while a two-way set associate cache with LRU replacement, even one with a significantly smaller overall capacity, would hit on every access after the first two.

References [1] D. A. Patterson and J. L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware Software Interface ARM Edition. San Francisco, CA, USA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 1st ed., 2016.



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