Homework 3 - Change CUSUM PDF

Title Homework 3 - Change CUSUM
Author Anonymous User
Course Intro to Analytics Modeling
Institution Georgia Institute of Technology
Pages 5
File Size 234.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 6
Total Views 125


Change CUSUM...


HOMEWORK 3 Question 5.1 Using crime data from the file uscrime.txt (http://www.statsci.org/data/general/uscrime.txt, description at http://www.statsci.org/data/general/uscrime.html), test to see whether there are any outliers in the last column (number of crimes per 100,000 people). Use the grubbs.test function in the outliers package in R. Solu Solutio tio tion n: After testing for outliers using grubbs.test function in the outliers package in R, we found one outlier with the val value ue ue:: 199 1993 3 As Dr. Joel Sokol mentioned, if we were to use this crime data for further analysis or modeling, it would be of great benefit to investigate outliers more and determine whether they are good or bad data, and whether they can be removed. It is important to understand what is causing the outliers and determine their impact on the model to be built. ## QUestion 5.1 #setting the working directory to export the credit card data from there setwd("C:/Users/ic185051/Downloads/Personal Docs/GaTech/Intro to Analytics modeling/HW3") uscrime...

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