How the Brain Works - Video assignment PDF

Title How the Brain Works - Video assignment
Course Multicellular Life
Institution University of California San Diego
Pages 2
File Size 50.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Answert hef ol l owi ngQuest i onsf or“How t hebr ai nwor ksvi deo”Sci enceNova Now.Submi tt ot ur ni t i nsi t e.Remembernopl agi ar i sm. . . compl et eanswer st hat cannotbedi r ect l yl i f t edf r om vi deot r anscr i pt s,i nt er netsour ces,orot her st udent s;al socannotsi mpl yhaveansweri n“quot es” Segment1Magi candt hebr ai n Ans wert hef ol l owi ngquest i onst hatt hesegmentus esex pl ai nhowmagi cus edby neur os c i ent i s tt ounr av el t hemy s t er yofhowt hebr ai ndec i deswhatt of ocus . 1.Howdoesv i si onwor kt odet ec tmot i onands uppr es sback gr ound? Onek i ndofcel l wi l l t r ackmot i onandf or m neur osi gnal swhi char et r ans f or medt obr ai n t of or m ani magewhi l eanot herki ndofc el l suppr es sest hebac k gr oundwhi chwear enot payi ngat t ent i ont o. 2.Whati ssmoot hpur s ui tandi nf er r edmot i onsandhowi st hi si mpor t anti nsur v i v al but al s ous edf ormagi c i anst oc r eat ei l l us i ons( l i k et hecoi nt r i p) ? Smoot hpur s ui ti st heabi l i t yt of ol l owmot i on.I nf er r edmot i on:mot i ont hatdi dnotr eal l y happen,butbr ai nas s umesi thappens . I ti sbet t ert ohav eas s umpt i onsofpot ent i al dangerandbepr epar edt hanbecaughtby danger ousev ent sandhav enoi deaabouti t .Bas i c al l y ,y ou“ compl et e”t hepr oc es st hat nev erhappenedbuty out hi nki thappenedi ny ourhead. 3.Whati s“ cogni t i v ej uggl i ng”howdoest hi si deahel pexpl ai nt hei l l usi onc r eat edby PennandTel l er ? Cogni t i v ej uggl i ng:concur r entper s pec t i v esofi magesi nbr ai n.Whent hemagi c i ani s t r y i ngt os neakt hebal l undert hec up,t heaudi encei sdi s t r act edbyt hemagi c i an’ sf ac e anddonotpayat t ent i ont ot hemov ement soft hemagi c i an’ shands.Whent het wo i magescombi nei nt hebr ai n,t heaudi ences eet hes wi t c hwi t houtt hehandgest ur esof t hemagi c i an’ s . Segment2:Canmachi nest hi nkl i keus? 1.Whatbasi cal l yi sAI( ar t i fi ci al i nt el l i gence) ? I nt el l i gentcr eat i onbyhumandes i gnt hatmi mi c shumanbehav i or s 2.Ex pl ai nhowt he“ l anguage”c aus esahur dl ef orc r eat i ngAI( asdes cr i bedear l ywi t h c hessc omput er s . Languagei nr eal l i f et endt ochangemeani ngswhenunderdi ffer entc i r c umst ances . Languagec hangegr adual l yt hr oughpeopl espeaki ng.Pl us ,peopl emaysayonet hi ng andt hi nkanot her ,s omet i mes ,i ti shar df orAIt oi nt er pr ett he“ r eal ”meani ngbehi ndt he c onv er s at i on. 3.What / whoi sWat s onandwhatwasneededt omak eWat s onaj eopar dyc hampi on? I BM mades uperc omput er .Wat s oni st r ai nedt oc ompet ewi t hhumancompet i t oron j eopar dy .Dur i ngt hegames ,Wat s oni sabl et os ear c hhi shugedat abas e( mi l l i onsof i nf or mat i on)andanal y z et heans werwi t hc omput at i on. Segment3:Cont r olofot her sMagnet i c 1.Howwast hemagnet i cwand( MRI )us edt odemonst r at ec ont r ol ofmov ementand 1

s peec h? Pl ac et heMRIont hespec i ficar eat hatcont r ol sc er t ai nbodypar t sorbehavi or sand gener at espower f ul magnet i cpul sest oi nt er f er eel ec t r i cal si gnal si nt hebr ai n. 2.Whati sTMSandex pl ai nhowt hi st ec hni quei susedf orpot ent i alt r eat ment sofpai n managementandps y c hol ogi c al abnor mal i t es ?Us es peci fi cex ampl esf ort hes egment . Noni nv as i v e. . . t ur nup,down,off Tr ansc r ani al Magnet i cSt i mul at i onempl oy smagnet i cpul s et os t i mul at ebr ai nneur ons noni nv asi v el y .St r ongerpul sescanr eac hdeeperi nt hebr ai n,byadj us tt hepowerof pul ses ,pr of es si onal scangai nunder s t andi ngofhowt hebr ai nwor ks . 3.Des cr i bet heus eofTMSandi mpor t anceofRTPG ( r i ghtt empor al par i et alj unct i on) i ncont r ol ofmor al j udgment susi ngex ampl esf r om t hi ss egment Theyc onduct edanexper i mentt hathadTMSpul sesi nt ot heRTPGsof20par t i c i pant s whi l et heyar er eadi ng48mor al i t yt al es .Thent heyhav et hepar t i ci pant smak emor al j udgement s .

Segment4:Synest hesi aHow peopl eseesamet hi ngsdi ffer ent l y How doesbr ai ncr eat er eal i t y? 1.Des cr i behowDav i dEagl emanc onduct edexper i ment st os t udyt i meandv i s ual per cept i onwhenaper s oni sf al l i ng.Whatwast heov er al lc onc l us i onf ort hese exper i ment s ? Eagl emani nv ent edas peci al wr i s t mount edmoni t orwhi chspeedsuppi x el st i l l i t ’ st oo f as tt oper cei v ebyt hebr ai nandask st heex per i mentass i st ant st ot r yt or eadt hehi ghs peednumber smadebypi x el sar ound70mi l es / hr .Ther eadi ngsont hegr oundand f al l i ngar et hes ame,peopl ear enots eei ngi nsl owmot i on. 2.Ex pl ai nt heconceptofSy nest hes i aandhowFRMIi magi nghel pedexpl ai nhowt he br ai ni swor k i ngi nt hes ec ondi t i ons Sy nest hesi ai sacondi t i onwhi c hpeopl emi xunr el at eds ens es .As y net hesegoi nt o FRMImachi neandi ss hownavi deowi t hnocol orbutnumber sfl yi ng.Whi l et heyar e wat c hi ngt hev i deo,t heFRMImac hi nesr ecor dspi ct ur esoft hei rbr ai ns .Ther es ul t s howst hatpeopl ewi t hs y nest hes i awi l l hav et hec r oss ov er sbet weent woadj ac entand unr el at edpar t sofbr ai n. 3.Whati st heMc Gur keffec tandhowdi dt hes hor tv i deos egmentdemonst r at et hi s ? Mc Gur keffecthappenswhent her ei sconc ur r enti nv ol v ementofbot hvi s ual andaudi o per cept i onsdur i ngas peec h.Thev i deos howsagi r l s ay i ng“ ba, ba, ba”whi l et he audi enc ei sgi v env i sual ofhersayi ng“ ga, ga, ga, ”andt heaudi encewi l l mi xt hos e per cept i onsandt hi nki ti s“ da, da, da. ”


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