How to get a distinction in the exam PDF

Title How to get a distinction in the exam
Author Max Warwick
Course International Business
Institution Aston University
Pages 2
File Size 110.8 KB
File Type PDF
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This is a key breakdown of what you need to include to get the highest marks in the exam....


How to get a distinction in the exam Knowledge and understanding: Here I am looking at the both the detail and depth of your knowledge in the subject area. Application and analysis: Here I am looking on how you use the theories we discussed to answer the question. Synthesis and Evaluation: Here I am looking at your ability to critic the theories, a well-balanced argument and your ability to answer the question. I am also looking at Independent thinking and originality. Presentation and style: Here I am looking for clarity and a good structure. Make sure there is an appropriate introduction & conclusion; don’t just dive in to answering the question.

Criteria 70+ Knowledge and Excellent understanding knowledge and understanding. This shown through clear evidence of a wide range of reading which went beyond the standard textbook and lecture material.

Application and analysis

Excellent use of sources and theories. A wide range of relevant issues identified and are extremely well discussed in an analytical manner

Synthesis and Evaluation

Clear evidence of strong critical

60-69 Clear knowledge and understanding is present

50-59 Reasonable knowledge and understanding evident

40-49 Some knowledge and understanding is evident

0-39 Little/unclear evidence of knowledge/ understanding

Clear grasp of the standard academic literature with some evidence of reading beyond the lecture slides and textbook

Familiarity with the standard academic material from lectures and the textbook. No external material used

Evidence of study but only a sketchy or limited use of set reading. Some gaps in knowledge of the relevant literature

Little or no evidence of study. Poor or incorrect use of academic material, with some main writings or literature ignored.

Sources and theories used are relevant to the topic.

Standard sources and theories applied in a formulaic way.

Some irrelevant Largely or inappropriate irrelevant or material. inappropriate use of theories. Range of issues limited.

A good range of relevant issues identified and largely discussed in an analytical manner

A very good attempt has been made to integrate ideas

Some relevant issues identified but some less relevant information given too much prominence There is some integration from a range of authors

Only a few relevant issues identified

There is limited integration of authors

There is no balance or reasoning applied

judgement, independent thinking and originality in the use of concepts and comparison of ideas.

from a range of authors

Balanced, twosided consideration of the question or topic, based on academic literature. Able to contrast different arguments.

Two-sided arguments made with some references to academic literature

Reasonably well balanced and reasoned arguments have been constructed

The essay very largely addresses the title as set

There is some balance and reason in the arguments presented

A little bit one sided in their argument. The essay is more descriptive than analytical and the relevance to the essay title is not always clear

There is limited balance/reason in the arguments A very onesided essay, setting out only one point of view.

Answer based largely or wholly on own viewpoint or assertion. The essay does not address the title as set

Largely opinionated with no real analysis present. and only address the title in a limited way

Highly descriptive with few facts or concepts.

Some structure evident in places but often the link between arguments is not clear and the flow is difficult to follow.

No clear or logical structure. Mainly an assortment of observations or comments, possibly in bullet point form.

Introduction and conclusion unclear. One may be missing

No apparent introduction or conclusion

The essay clearly addresses the title as set

Presentation and style

Extremely well structured with arguments and paragraphs following logically

Helpful introduction which sets out the basis and structure of the essay and a well justified conclusion

Mainly wellstructured with most arguments and paragraphs following logically from one to the next.

Reasonably well structured – some points not organised logically but generally possibly to follow

Good try at both introduction and conclusion.

Introduction evident but not clearly setting out essay structure Conclusion evident but not clearly setting out essay arguments and final evaluation...

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