Howard Guyton Gobalization paper PDF

Title Howard Guyton Gobalization paper
Author Howard Guyton
Course Global History And Culture 1
Institution Lewis University
Pages 6
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This is a Globalization paper for week 6....


History of England & Portugal The British empire started after the fall of the Roman which then allowed the Anglo-Saxon to take over and settle Britain. The Anglo-Saxon was a group of people made up of Germanic people that would eventually. Make several Kingdoms that would become the England we know of today. The Anglo-Saxon made Old English which got rid of the old language that the British use to speak. During this time the Anglo-Saxon was warring with western British states and Vikings. Also during this time, several rulers tried to unite the different Saxon kingdoms that eventually led to the formation of the Kingdom of England in the 10 century. Then in 1066 Norman expeditions began to invade and conquer the land that’s how the Norman dynasty was established. They ruled over England for half a century before a series of crises and began the Anarchy. The Anarchy period lasted from 1135- 1154 and after that period England came under the rule of Plantagenet. Which they would later also inherit the kingdom of France this led to the 100 years war. After the 100 year war, England had its own wars for a succession of the Throne. This war was called the War of Roses and it was between the House of Plantagenet, House of York, and House of Lancaster. The Lancaster would win this war and establish the Tudor Dynasty in 1485. Then under the Tudor and Stuart dynasty, England would become a colonial power in the world and during this time under Stuart, the English Civil War would start. It was a war between the Parliamentarians and the royals at the time and the war would end with the death of King Charles the first. After the death of King Charles, first England became a series of Republican Governments; it was the commonWealth first from 1649- 1953. Then after it became a military dictatorship under Oliver Cromwell from 1653- 1659. After that the Stuart returned to the throne in 1660 they would and question which caused a Stuart to lose the throne and be replaced by another in the Glorious Revolution in 1688. England would

continue as a colonel power, but during the World Wars, they would lose most of their grip which caused their former colonies to become their own countries.

Portugal started back at the end of the 11th as the Kingdom of Portugal. After Knight Henry became the Count of Portugal he defended its independence and merge the country with Coimbra. He was able to do this because of a Civil War happening between Leon and Castile and two other Kingdoms that kept his enemies distracted. After Henry died his son, Alfonso, took control of the country. After the battle of Sao Mamede Alfones claimed that he was the Prince of Portugal and in 1139 he was given the title king of Portugal. In 1143 the Kingdom of Leon recognized him as king of Portugal by the treaty of Zamora. Then in 1179, the Manifest Probatum of Pope Alexander the third also officially recognized him as King Alfonso the first. During the 15th century, Portugal would be known for its Naval exploration when the Portugues Armada would set sail. For the rich Islamic trading center, Ceuta in North Africa on August 21st of 1415 Ceuta would be conquered by Portugal. This will be one of many places conquered by Portugal resulting in them having colonies in South America, Africa, and India.

My experience Interviewing Rhys was an interesting one. With Rhys, I found out that there isn’t much difference between England and the United States except for a few things. While the United States is much more divide on social issues England is much more united than we are. Even though our name is the United States which I think is kinda ironic, but also a lot of Americans can learn from British people. I also think their Government is way more functional than our own with multiple parties instead of the main two like here in the United States. If we had a system much like there I think Americans can become more united and live up to our name. I also got to find out what the purpose of the Royal family was which was interesting. Before talking to Rhys I thought they were just over-glorified celebrities, but no they actually have a purpose in their Government. They are kinda like the President in a sense with how they work with the Hosue of Parliament to come up with new laws. They have many of the same freedoms we do here in the United States, but some of their laws are a bit stricter than here in the United States. Also, it’s not really hard for a British person to integrate into American society because it basically the same here as it is over there. Also traveling across the states here is different from over there as well. Here you travel you meet a different type of person and culture over there anywhere you go it’s the same type of people.

My experience with Rita was also very interesting since she was more different from Rhys. Rita was able to give me a completely different perspective on being a foreigner. She comes from Portugal where they don’t speak English so it took her some time here to get used to speaking English all the time here. She was able to tell me that many people despite our last four years look to America as a place of hope and freedom. It was really nice to hear that people don’t

look at America as harshly. I understand and was inspired by her story because foreigners come here and have to work super hard to live that American dream. Also, the hoops that they have to jump through just to continue their education here is unnecessary. I think America needs to do something about those laws for students and make it easier for them. Since they have to leave home and everything behind to pursue a better life and education. I also learned that many Americans think Portugal was in South America and will try to argue with someone from Portugal. Which the last part didn’t surprise me as much because a lot of Americans think they are right when they are wrong. Also that she didn’t have any real strong stereotypes that she believed in. Because in the movies you always see an Internation person come with a strong stereotype they got from their country. But in reality, it is us Americans that have strong Stereotypes and many of us believe that we are the best country to live in when we are not....

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