HREQ 1930A Revised Health and Equity Course Syllabus PDF

Title HREQ 1930A Revised Health and Equity Course Syllabus
Course Health And Equity
Institution York University
Pages 19
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York University Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies Department of Equity Studies 2021-2022 AP/HREQ 1930 6.0A: Term Y Health and Equity Social science general education credit

Professor: Dr. Andreas Georgiou, Ph.D. (Fall Term) Prof. Merle A. Jacobs, PhD (Winter Term) Office: Via Zoom Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Office Hours: by appointment, please. Students are welcome to come and discuss your course work, assignment with us 1:1 during office hours. OFFICE HOURS – will be posted in E-class eClass is a learning management system (LMS) that allows students to access course content online, participate in class discussion and engage in other learning activities. eClass is accessible to all York University students through your Passport York sign-in credentials at Please make sure to attend your TA’s office hour. Emails regarding assignments are discouraged and will not be answered pertaining to assignments. Course website: none for lectures Online Learning Protocol for York University Students Please read this policy VIDEOCONFERENCING DOs and DON’Ts are included. This course expects students to follow this protocol. Use a virtual background if you need rlz=1C1GCEB_enCA916CA916&sxsrf=ALeKk01vxLbdNdQttL5ZBod_bxrUaArgQ:1627942079463&source=univ&tbm=isch&q=york+university+zoom+background&sa=X&v ed=2ahUKEwibtvHqrJPyAhWLmeAKHe_9BYcQjJkEegQIDhAC&biw=1536&bih=818 you can upload your own image to use as a background. When on Zoom as we need to see you on video to ensure a successful online meeting experience. Mute your microphone when you’re not speaking. Do dress appropriately. This Zoom class is like being on campus. Conduct and present yourself in the same manner you would if you were attending an in-person class. As some tutorials are in person, therefore your Zoom turorials will also be treated with you participating via video. This University year we want to bring the spirit of campus into our virtual classroom University starts - Sept. 8 Lecture: Tuesday 2.30 PM -4.30PM Course outline for Health and Equity 2021- 2022






Start DurationLocation Time 14:30 120

















































Cat #

DB 0006

DB 0001

Notes/Additional Fees

This course or a portion of this course will meet in person in the location assigned. The lecture and tutorials 01, 03, 05, 07, 10, & 11 will be delivered remotely/online for the Fall 2021 Term and may meet in person for the Winter 2022 Term. Iroanyah, Ngozi [email protected]

Merle A Jacobs Andreas Georgiou (Fall Term)

U48D02 (AP HREQ) F82J02 (AP SOSC) ACE 102


U48D03 (AP HREQ) F82J03 (AP SOSC)

Joseph, Abraham

U48D04 (AP HREQ) F82J04 (AP SOSC)

Iroanyah, Ngozi [email protected]

U48D05 (AP HREQ) F82J05 (AP SOSC)

Joseph, Abraham

U48D06 (AP HREQ) F82J06 (AP SOSC) U48D07 (AP HREQ) F82J07 (AP SOSC) U48D08 (AP HREQ) F82J08 (AP SOSC) U48D09 (AP HREQ) F82J09 (AP SOSC)

Landry, Danielle [email protected]

U48D10 (AP HREQ) F82J10 (AP SOSC) U48D11 (AP HREQ) F82J11 (AP SOSC) U48D12 (AP HREQ) F82J12 (AP SOSC) U48D13 (AP HREQ) F82J13 (AP SOSC)

Lin, Che-Wen

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Landry, Danielle [email protected] Lin, Che-Wen

[email protected]

Khan, Samar

[email protected]

Khan, Samar

[email protected]

Our Classes start- Sept. 14  Fall Reading Week (no classes) Oct. 9-15, 2021  Winter Reading Week1 (no classes) Feb. 19-25, 2022  Drop deadline: Last date to drop a course without receiving a grade (also see Financial Deadlines) Feb. 11, 2022  Last date to submit Winter term work April 11, 2022 Winter classes end on April 10. The final Monday meet will be held on April 4. Holidays Thanksgiving Day -University closed Oct. 11 Winter break -University closed Dec. 24-Jan. 7 Course outline for Health and Equity 2021- 2022


Audio- recording is not allowed in my lectures. Permission to audio-record classes is only granted to students through Student Disability Services and cannot be shared with other individuals. There is limited power point in this course as taking notes during the lecture is important. Conduct and present yourself in the same manner you would if you were attending an inperson class. COURSE DISCRIPTION The primary objective of this course is to introduce learners to some of the major theoretical approaches in social sciences, the assumptions, and tools necessary for an understanding of our social environment. This course examines the interrelationship of disease/ health using the social determinants of health within a political and Human Rights context. Learners will understand how identity depends on our class, age, gender/sexuality, race and ethnicity, dis\ability. Equity addresses these identities; therefore, the readings for this course will reflect the issues relating to our identities. We will examine how war, politics, mental illness, disease, and healing are related to social structures, social processes and social determinants of health. Our discussions will emphasize the connections between the weekly readings as well as the materials introduced in class. The political, social and economic circumstances that shape the experiences of inequity will be discussed in lectures. The lectures incorporate YouTube videos, other materials, as well as student participation (questions you have or your lived experiences) within the traditional lecture-style format. The pedagogy of this course requires the active involvement of all students. Students will develop a critical understanding of contemporary social issues in health and in turn, share their knowledge about the world in which we live. LEARNING OBJECTIVES FOR 1930:  Develop critical reading, scholarly writing & critical thinking. – please contact for help with your writing. Or if you need ESL FREE English language support for any registered York University student    

Introduced to social science theories. Recognise, describe and discuss a wide range of social science theories discuss the importance of theory to research An understanding of the factors that influence health and illness in contemporary society. Learn how to investigate ethical issues relating to government policies

Course outline for Health and Equity 2021- 2022

4 

Students will have an understanding of 1) the factors that influence equity and health, 2) the social implications to the individual and society, and 3) the issues of the social context of illness and wellness. At the end of this course, you will be able to write an Essay, discuss & understand social justice and human rights issues as it relates to individuals, communities both in Canada and globally.

STUDENT ENGAGEMENT: It is essential that you prepare for each class by reading and reflecting on the assigned readings. Materials from missed lectures are your – network with other students. Exams will reflect content from your lectures, making your attendance at the lectures fundamental. This course encourages students to challenge not only their own ideas about health and health care but also the ways in which ideas and institutions are socially constructed and perpetuated. Please keep up to date with your readings. You are expected to be on time – remote learning is the same as on campus. During the lecture, students are requested to keep the noise level to a minimum and do open your video on Zoom so we can interact. Mute your microphone when you’re not speaking so background noise from your location doesn’t disrupt other Zoom meeting participants. Please turn off cell phones, recreational electronic, and other distraction devices Refrain from checking your email, face book and other chat forums while we are in E-class. This is about courtesy to those who are speaking. This is the same behaviour that we expect when in person. To ensure that all students have an opportunity to benefit from a positive learning environment in lectures and tutorials, the York University’s Policy and Procedures to deal with Disruptive and/or Harassing Behaviour by Students in Academic Situations will be followed. Also, this policy applies to Chat rooms developed by students. It states: Students and instructors are, however, expected to maintain a teaching and learning environment that is physically safe and conducive to effective teaching and learning for all concerned, and to be civil and respectful at all times within the learning environment, including within classrooms, laboratories, libraries, study halls and other places where academic activities are conducted and in areas proximate to those where academic activities are taking place. Leaving a lecture in the middle of the lecuture in 2s& 3s is disruptive behaviour. The policy states: It shall be the responsibility of the course director to determine the appropriate academic response and follow-up resulting from a disruption. (this applies to E-class lectures) The Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities requires students to uphold an atmosphere of civility, honesty, equity and respect for others.

Course outline for Health and Equity 2021- 2022

5 Students who, because of a religious commitment cannot write a formally scheduled examination (December and April examination periods) on the date scheduled, should contact the course instructor and submit a Religious Accommodation Agreement to the department offering the course no later than three weeks (21 Days) prior to the start of the examination to arrange an alternative examination date. Understand York's Senate Policy on Academic Honesty. Ignorance of this Policy is not an acceptable excuse for academic misconduct.

Extensions for STUDENTS With ACCODEMATION We will grant requests related to the reasonable accommodation of a disability. However, when assignments have been provided with a month + time to complete, you will not be provided with more time unless discussed with your TA far ahead of the due date. Students who email us a week before the due date will not be provided with extra time as students must be working on their assignment provided 2-3 months in advance. All students are expected to satisfy the essential learning outcomes of courses. Accommodations shall be consistent with, support and preserve the academic integrity of the curriculum and the academic standards of courses and programs.

Tutorial involvement (20%) 7% for attendance 8% for discussing the topics in Tutorial. 5% for your presentation. Tutorial sessions will be devoted to more in-depth discussions of the weekly reading assignments. If you do not participate verbally, you will not receive the 10% just for attending. Participation involves your weekly engagement with the ideas relating to the topic. Demonstrates openness when others articulate their perspectives and analysis. It is important to disagree with resect as well as affirm peers perspectives. You need to communicate any questions, concerns to the tutorial leader, and then if still necessary, communicate with the Course Dir. Tutorial leaders share a commitment to fostering an environment that encourages students to ask questions about the course material. You will be expected to make a presentation* in the tutorial. If you miss your presentation do not expect the TA to accommodate that presentation at a later date. Your TA has an office hour. Please try and see him/her during this time on Zoom. Emails will be answered during this time. Do not expect a long answer in return. Your TA’s time is limited. Questions that need detailed answers must be submitted during office hours. We urge you to use your tutorial hour as well as our office hours for your concerns and questions. *Seminar Presentation in Tutorial - Individual presentation 5% A 10 minute oral presentation. Assessment criteria include the abilities to sustain dialogue, to demonstrate mastery of the subject matter, able to zero in on the main points and to display a capacity for effective Course outline for Health and Equity 2021- 2022

6 investigation of the topic. Engage the class in a debate over issues raised in the presentation. You are expected to present one topic during the term. This is a university course and it is expected to provide learners with verbal skills and presentation skills.

Please note that this course outline is subject to revision. * Course Evaluation 100%  Tutorial Grade


 Letter to MPP


 Annotated Bibliography


 First Exam (in class)


 Proposal for paper (1-2 pages)


 Essay


 Second Exam

(in class)


This course assignments through eClass using the Turnitin software in support of York’s commitment to academic integrity.

1)Letter to MPP. 10% You will learn how to write an advocacy email. Tutorial groups will pick the topic around health or education and create 3 key messages backed on current data. Advocacy Issues- pick a topic such as your fees? Or health issues during COVID?

2) Annotated Bibliography (3) using 3 readings Chapters 1, 4, 6 15% Writing an annotated bibliography is excellent preparation for a research project. An annotated bibliography provides specific information about each source you have used. As a researcher, you have become an expert on your topic and have the ability both to explain the content and to assess the usefulness of your sources for those not in the know. Think of your paper as part of a conversation with others interested in the same things you are; the annotated bibliography allows you to tell readers what to check out, what might be worth checking out in some situations, and what might not be worth spending the time. For your assignment: • Each reference should start on the top of the page with the full citation of the reference article. Each reference should then be followed by three paragraphs Course outline for Health and Equity 2021- 2022

7 • the first paragraph should describe the author(s) and the setting. Address the question of why the authors are authoritative/ credible sources for their work. Example, past track record. • the second paragraph should provide a short synopsis of the methodology, findings of the research when applicable. • The third paragraph should summarize the findings and must include the learner’s evaluation of the quality of the work, contributions, strengths and limitations of the author. Use critical analysis in this area. Finally, include a concluding paragraph of all the articles at the very end to inform us how all the references have contributed to the issue/ theme and how it helped you understand the issues involved. This assignment is to help in critical reading and analysis

3)Exam format: questions on course content and lecture notes. (Missed exams: the make-up will be more complicated than the first in-class exam) You will get four study questions and the course director will pick 2 for the exam. This will be a 24-hour take-home exam. What is Exam conflict: What is a Conflict? There are three types of undergraduate exam conflicts: Two or more exams at the same time. Three exams on the same calendar day. Exams during three consecutive exam periods within 24 hours (for example: from 7 pm to 10pm, then from 9am to noon and from 2 to 5pm the following day).

4) Essay Proposal: This is 2 pages to help us know what you want to explore and to help guide you with your final essay. We want you to provide the references that you will be using in your essay. All references must be from your required books and readings from this course. No outside sources are to be used. MUST be submitted on due date. If your proposal is not submitted on time you will lose the 5%.

5) Essay: You will use Turnitin when handing in your essay. This assignment is through eClass using the Turnitin software in support of York’s commitment to academic integrity. Your **essay is due on the dates in the course outline. Topics must come out of the book, this is not a book report. Papers are assessed for their logic, cogency, and appropriate use of sociological/social science concepts when discussing your topic. You will also involve critical analysis when discussing concepts and ideas. Length of Essay 9-10 pages. Double spaced.

I suggest you use the Writing Workshop that York University provides. **The essay will use an APA format and double spaced. Font12. If you do not know APA format check it out in Google Scholar. Critical Analysis for your Essay: The point of the analysis is to give you a chance to develop critical thinking and views on the readings and, at the same time, demonstrate your command of what you have read thus far. Course outline for Health and Equity 2021- 2022

8 The format is simple. Prepare by reading all material thoroughly and thinking about some of the different issues raised in your readings. Take the information of the group of readings and start from a point where you can develop and critique it. Jot down a preliminary thesis statement that names your topic, asserts your ideas about this topic and suggests the arrangements of your paper’s argument. Look over and refine it. Remember that to analyze is to dissect or determine the nature and relationship of the parts of something and see how those parts provide an understanding of the topic you are evaluating. The best essays will be those that: • Aptly capture in words the selected point • Situate the argument within the relevant literature • Clearly state and sustain an argument • Provide good evidence for the case you are making • Analysis involves going beyond what the author says. It means looking at relationships between evidence and conclusions, between concepts in the text and work in other texts. Grades Exceptional 100 - 90% A+ Excellent 89 - 80% A Very Good 79 - 75% B+ Good 74- 70% B Competent 65 -69% C+ Fairly Competent 64 -60% C Passing 55 - 59% D+ Marginally Passing 50 - 55% D Marginally Failing 30 -49% E Failing 0 - 29% F


Textbook is available at the University Bookstore located in York Lanes. Awalou Ouedraogo & Merle A. Jacobs (2017) Race In-Equity: Intersectionality, Social Determinants of Health, & Universal Rights. APF Press. Toronto 1) Online FREE Articles: Most Pdf files are available in Google Scholar Sen, A. (2001). Why health equity...

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