HSTR 312 sept 25th - Lecture notes 7 PDF

Title HSTR 312 sept 25th - Lecture notes 7
Course Tudor-Stuart England
Institution University of Victoria
Pages 1
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Lecture 7...


HSTR 312: Tudor-Stuart England September 25, 2018 The Reformation: The European context, cont.    

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Henry VIII left the Church of England to his son Edward VI a schismatic but essentially Catholic in ritual, hierarchy and theology. Have a bible in English; the hierarchy is the same except the King has replaced the pope within the Church of England. John Foxe flourished during the reign of Elizabeth. He was writing during the reign of Mary. Iconoclasm- Icons means images. Clasm means the destruction of something. This is a central theme of the reformation, burning and de-statuing. There were real changes under Edward VI. After 1549 clergy were free to marry. Thomas Cranmer issues the Book of Common Prayer, and writes the preface to the prayer book and the 42 Articles of Religion. Indulgences, doing good works, etc. were rejected completely. The notion of the celebration of the last supper and the deliberation of wine and bread as Christ’s body and blood. At the time this was a divide between Catholics and Protestants that people were willing to die over. Calvinists and the idea that there is a book of life and if your name is in it then you were predestine to heaven and if not then uh oh, that no work in your life could change the predestination of what happens. They rejected a two Way Street that you could predestine to heaven but not hell. It was considered wrong to rob people of all hope, people would agonize over if they were going to be saved or not, and if you were worrying about it then you had a regenerative heart and so there was hope. Catholic doctrines of transubstantiation, purgatory are rejected from here on forward. Which made everything very black and white; no weighing place, no way to help out a relative, and that got rid of indulgences. Reformers’ focus on salvation through faith in Christ alone led to attacks on intercessory of the saints, especially non-scriptural ones. The Church of England sounds Protestant but looks Catholic. The principal aim of the protestant reformers was to get rid of any graven images as to the second commandment. In February 1548, the council got rid of all decorations except for the king’s coat of arms and the Ten Commandments. Protestants want to tear down the alter for the Eucharist and have people sit down amongst a table to resemble the commemoration of the last supper rather than a miraculous ceremony. Real importance of the bible, the notion of sermons based on scripture becomes central in the reform of religion. During the reign of Edward VI the divide is between reformers and those loyal to the old religion. There is an uprising called the Western Rising 1549 where they resisted the bible and mass being spoken in English, that it was a game and not the true word of God. North and West are the most resistant to change. Reformation from above? Did ordinary people want change/ reformation or did it come above? The representation of Jesus was adulterous....

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