Human and Animal Physiology (ANSC 3301, Fall 2019 )-1 PDF

Title Human and Animal Physiology (ANSC 3301, Fall 2019 )-1
Author Chieng Lor
Course Human And Animal Physiology
Institution University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Pages 12
File Size 300.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 78
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syllabus ...


ANSC 3301

Human and Animal Physiology, 3 credits Fall 2019

Instructors: Class: Room:

Dr. Melissa L. Palmer, PhD 8:30 am – 9:20 am, MWF (9/3/19 – 12/11/19) 64 BioSci Bldg.

Office: Office Hours:

225A Haecker Hall, St. Paul Campus Mondays, 10:00 am – 12:00 am and Tuesdays, 10:00 am – 11:30 pm Link to Dr. Palmer’s Appointment Page

Phone: E-mail:

612-625-1814, 651-260-1807 [email protected]


Vander’s Human Physiology (14th Edition)

CONCEPTS IN PHYSIOLOGY The major objective of this physiology course will be to acquire an understanding of the mechanisms upon which life depends through an integrated study of function at the major levels of biological organization (cell, tissue, organ, organ system and whole animal). The required textbook has been chosen because it emphasizes broad concepts and specific integrative interrelationships among the many control systems found in intact organisms. Most disease conditions result from abnormal function of one or several of these basic control systems of the body. Thus, comprehension and application of animal physiology depends upon knowledge of regulatory control systems and quantitative relationships between forces and flows in biological systems. As we progress through this course, I will emphasize the following concepts; 1. Integration of control systems at multiple levels of biological organization 2. Intrinsic versus extrinsic control systems 3. The fundamental role of transport in biological systems Each of these concepts is introduced below. As with many concepts, the idea behind it is generally straightforward, but recognizing them and more importantly, applying them to problem solving can be a challenge. The goal here is not to simply memorize these concepts, but instead, to learn how to recognize and apply them to other biological processes. I. LEVELS OF PHYSIOLOGY: FROM CELL TO THE INTACT ANIMAL Webster defines physiology as follows: the study of the functions and vital processes, collectively of an organism, or of an organ or system of organs. As suggested by this definition, the study of physiology encompasses functions and vital processes from the level of the cell up to a system of organs. Therefore, in order to understand whole animal physiology, it is essential to understand physiological mechanisms at the systems, organ, cellular and subcellular levels, since these processes act in a concerted manner to regulate body functions. Indeed, physiological systems have evolved to regulate the fluid environment in which cells carry out their

metabolic functions. Maintenance of the constant conditions of this internal environment is referred to as homeostasis and essentially all organs of the body perform functions that contribute to maintenance of homeostasis. As you study, you should strive to integrate all levels of physiology. This is the most difficult aspect of learning physiology. It is with these interrelationships in mind that the material for the course has been organized. The first several lectures deal with general physiological properties of cell membranes and the basis of the resting membrane potential, as well as specialized properties of excitable cells (e.g. nerve and muscle). The next set of lectures illustrate the next level of physiology (organ) by demonstrating how two different cell types (nerve and muscle) achieve a physiological objective (muscle contraction) and the role of the cell membrane potential and transport mechanisms in this process. Following these lectures we will then study physiological systems beginning with the cardiovascular system, followed by the renal system. For each of these systems we will begin with a discussion of the cellular physiology which is unique to that system, then progress to organ physiology followed by integration at the whole animal level. II. INTRINSIC VERSUS EXTRINSIC REGULATION OF FUNCTION It is important to understand the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic regulation of physiological processes. In many instances, certain physiological processes are regulated by mechanisms intrinsic to the cell or organ. That is to say that the underlying mechanisms operate independently from any extrinsic signals such as neurotransmitters or hormones. For example, the heart will contract and pump blood even after it is removed from the body, as long as it receives an adequate blood supply. It does not require input from nerves or hormones to perform coordinated contraction. In other words, the basic mechanisms for cardiac contraction are intrinsic to the heart. However, the rate and strength at which the heart contracts is modulated by nerves and circulating hormones. These modulators of cardiac function are considered to be extrinsic controllers of the heart. In contrast, skeletal muscle contracts only in response motor nerve stimulation. Hence, the intrinsic properties of cardiac and skeletal muscle are different from each other. This general process applies to many cellular and organ level physiological mechanisms. With this in mind, it is important to first understand the intrinsic properties of the system and then learn how those properties are modulated by extrinsic control mechanisms. III. ROLE OF TRANSPORT IN PHYSIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS Nearly all physiologic phenomena are related at some level to transport. The cardiovascular system transports oxygen and other nutrients to the tissues, the respiratory system transports oxygen from the atmosphere into the blood, the gastrointestinal system transports nutrients into the blood, etc. Much of what we study in physiology is concerned with quantitative analysis of how these transport systems function and what happens under various physiological and pathophysiological conditions. As a result, we will present many quantitative descriptions of physiological transport systems. However, it must be kept in mind that although there are several equations describing various transport systems, the basic concept is the same for all of them. This can be described as follows: NET TRANSPORT (S) = NET DRIVING FORCE FOR TRANSPORT RESISTANCE TO MOVEMENT Although the concept is simple, it is important that you understand it and how it applies to physiological systems. Then it becomes easier to the equation in its various forms. For example, when we discuss blood flow through an organ, the above equation is written as; BLOOD FLOW (ml/minute) = (ARTERIAL PRESSURE) - (VENOUS PRESSURE) VASCULAR RESISTANCE

The concept is simple - the flow rate of blood is directly related to the pressure for flow (driving force) and inversely related to the resistance to flow. This basic concept applies to three general categories of transport; chemical, electrical and fluid, all of which are fundamental to physiological processes. So it is important that you begin to recognize this concept and how to apply it. The table below summarizes these relationships in chemical, hydraulic (fluid) and electrical terms.
















LECTURE SYLLABUS (Tentative Topics) Vander’s, 14th Edition Assigned Readings






Introduction to the Course - What is Physiology?

2 3 4 5 6

9-6 9-9 9-11 9-13 9-16

Diffusion of Uncharged Particles / Osmosis Diffusion of Charged Particles / Equilibrium Potential Ohm’s Law / Resting Membrane Potential Passive, Facilitated and Active Transport Cell Signaling



8 9 10

9-20 9-23 9-25 9-27

Nervous Systems Introduction to Neurons Graded vs. Action Potentials Conduction of Electric Impulse Neuromuscular Junction Review Session



11 12 13 14 15

10-2 10-4 10-7 10-9 10-11

Introduction / End Plate Potentials vs. Action Potentials Excitation – Contraction Coupling Active Learning Exercises Sk. Muscle Dynamics Sk. Muscle Metabolism, Fatigue, Contraction Sk. Muscle, Smooth Muscle and Cardiac Muscle

16 17 18 19 20

10-14 10-16 10-18 10-21 10-23 10-25

Introduction to Cardiovascular Physiology Electrophysiology of the Heart Autonomic Regulation of Cardiac Pacing The Heart as a Pump Vasculature, Starling Forces Review Session

Introduction to Physiology Syllabus

Cellular Physiology Ch. 4, pgs. 96-100, 105-109 Ch. 6, pgs. 143-149 Ch. 6, pgs. 143-149 Ch. 4, pgs. 100-105 Ch. 5, pgs. 122-131 Ch. 11, pgs. 319-330

Neurons Ch. 6, pgs. 149-157 Ch. 6, pgs. 158-165 Ch. 6, pgs. 158-165 Ch. 6, pgs. 171-182 Ch. 6, pgs. 137-142

Muscle Ch. 9, pgs. 255-267 Ch. 9, pgs. 263-267 Case Studies Supplemental Packet Ch. 9, pgs. 267-282 Ch. 9, pgs. 284-292

Cardiovascular Physiology Ch. 12, pgs. 361-372 Ch. 12, pgs. 373-378 Ch. 12, pgs. 383-387 Ch. 12, pgs. 378-383 Ch. 12, pgs. 388-406


Renal Physiology 21 22 23

10-30 Introduction to Renal Physiology 11-1 The Nephron: A Tubular Tour 11-4 Hormonal Control of Urine Production

Ch. 14, pgs. 485-497 Ch. 14, pgs. 498-505 Ch. 14, pgs. 505-514

LECTURE SYLLABUS (Tentative Topics, cont.) Lect.




Vander’s, 14th Edition Assigned Readings


Renal Physiology (cont.) 25 26

Regulation of Ion and Water Balance Clearance 11-8 Renal Problem Set 11-11 Acid-Base Homeostasis

Ch. 14, pgs. 498-505 Ch. 14, pgs. 495-496 Assigned Problems Ch. 14, pgs. 516-520

Respiratory Physiology 27 28 29 30 31

11-13 11-15 11-18 11-20 11-22

Introduction to the Respiratory System Mechanics of Breathing Lung Volumes / Exchange of Gases Gas Laws / Transport of Oxygen and CO2 in Blood Acid–Base Homeostasis / Case Study

Ch. 13, pgs. 443-454 Ch. 13, pgs. 446-454 Ch. 13, pgs. 454-462 Ch. 13, pgs. 462-476


Gastrointestinal Physiology 32 33 34 35

11-27 12-2 12-4 12-6

Introduction to the GI System / Upper GI Ch. 15, pgs. 527-554 Hormonal Control of Digestion Motility, Digestion and Absorption in the Small Intestines Colon, Defecation Reflex

36 37 38

12-9 Pituitary, Adrenal and Thyroid Gland 12-11 Calcium and Glucose Regulation TBA Review for the Final Exam

Endocrinology Ch. 11, pgs. 318-353

12-14 FINAL EXAM – 1:30-3:30 p.m., Saturday, December 14th

NO CLASS: November 29 (THANKSGIVING BREAK) FINAL EXAM: Saturday, Dec 14th, 2019, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m., 64 BioSci **Final Exam is not cumulative.


Vander’s 14th ed., Human Physiology

1. Cellular Physiology

Chapter 4, pgs. 95-117 Chapter 5, pgs. 118-135

2. Neuronal Signaling and the Structure of the Nervous System

Chapter 6, pgs. 136-188

EXAM I – Monday, September 30th, 2019 3. Muscle

Chapter 9, pgs. 255-297

4. Cardiovascular Physiology

Chapter 12, pgs. 360-441

EXAM II – Monday, October 28th, 2019 5. Renal Physiology

Chapter 14, pgs. 484-525

6. Respiratory Physiology

Chapter 13, pgs. 442-483

EXAM III – Monday, November 25th, 2019 7. Gastrointestinal (GI) Physiology

Chapter 15, pgs. 526-563

8. Endocrinology

Chapter 11, pgs. 317-359

NO CLASS: November 29th, 2019 (THANKSGIVING BREAK) FINAL EXAM: Saturday, Dec 14th, 2019, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m., 64 BioSci **Final Exam will cover GI, Endocrinology only I will post the lecture outlines ahead of time on Moodle. This will give you an introduction to the material we will be covering before you attend class and will assist you in taking notes during class. I don’t expect you to completely understand the material simply from reading the notes. During class, you should pay special attention to – and take notes on – those aspects of the material that you found unclear or had not thought about before class, or that are not covered in the notes. THE LECTURE OUTLINES SHOULD NOT BE USED AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR ATTENDING CLASS. Although the outlines will cover the basic material, we will discuss material in class that is not in the outlines. Material covered in class may be on the exams, even if it is not in the notes.

GRADING: Exams (600 points) Exam 1 Monday, September 30th, 2019, during regular class meeting period Exam 2 Monday, October 28th, 2019, during regular class meeting period Exam 3 Monday, November 25th, 2019, during regular class meeting period Final Exam Saturday, December 14th, 2019, 1:30– 3:30 p.m., 64 BioSci 3 lecture exams (100 points each) 1 final exam (100 points) 10 unannounced class participation/quiz points (You will have 12 opportunities and will be able to drop 2!) 10 Problem Sets / Case Studies (In-Class and Online) (You will have 12 opportunities and will be able to drop 2!) Group Video Tutorial

= 300 points = 100 points = 50 points = 100 points = 50 points

Each exam will be worth 100 points. The exams will NOT be cumulative. Each exam will only cover topics that have been covered since the last exam. Although test questions will not be taken directly from the textbook, the textbook covers the material in more detail and depth than it will generally be covered in the notes or in class, and can be a valuable tool for developing an understanding of the subjects we will be discussing. To maximize in-class learning, it is recommended that you read the assigned pages BEFORE coming to class. All students are expected to be present on the day of the exams. However, University policy does provide for make-up exams for students in the case of unavoidable or legitimate absences. Students should provide a written explanation to the instructor as far in advance as possible, and certainly no more than two days after the exam. I will determine whether the absence is excused. Written documentation from a physician, clergy, funeral director, coach, or academic advisor will help to validate requests for an excused absence. In case of an excused absence, students will schedule a make-up exam with me. University policy can be found at: Course final grades will correspond to the following range of points: 552-600 540-551.99 528-539.99 492-527.99 480-491.99

A AB+ B B-

468-479.99 432-467.99 420-431.99 408-419.99 360-407.99

C+ C CD+ D...

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