Humcore midterm review sheet PDF

Title Humcore midterm review sheet
Course Humanities Core Writing
Institution University of California Irvine
Pages 6
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study guide for weeks 1-5 of fall quarter...


Ta-Nehsi Coates ● “... you did it together, because that is the part that was in our control..” ● “Born out of mass rape” ○ Professor Block said that race is what was created by imperialism; by rape? ○ Rape = power ● He is openly calling his son “black” when the term was SOCIALLY CONSTRUCTED and was a sign of having been RACE-CRAFTED ● “Enslavement … is the never-ending night” ○ Even when slavery was abolished, Jim crow laws and segregation made slavery actively present despite the fact that people of color were allowed to roam around freely which is how slavery never ends ● Coates is saying that we have the power to resist but Equiano says that it’s beyond our power to resist the past ○ Coates is saying that because he believes there is no justice ○ Equiano is saying that you can’t change the past ● Tells his son that one person’s actions accounts for the responsibility of all ● “Transfigured our very bodies into sugar, tobacco, cotton, and gold” ○ They are not humans. They are just a source of profit ■ Connection: Khmer Rouge -- they are not people. They are just being used → no medical insurance if they kill you it’s no loss, if they spare your life it’s no profit to them ● ● ○

Families were separated similar to the slaves No education → blacks weren’t educated, education was for the rich

The slaves believed that their souls would go back to africa SO it was only a transfiguration of their bodies not their mind → became freed after death bc soul would go back to africa ■

EQUIANO: “I envied them the freedom they enjoyed”

Sharon Block ● Race and gender were invented to subjugate and enslave people from ecologically advanced non-industrial societies ○ Race and gender are in part biological but BIOLOGY DOES NOT IMPLY POWER ■ Just because there’s race and gender doesn’t mean there should be hierarchies and subjugation of the so called minority ■ COLONIAL IMPERIALISTS USED RACE AND GENDER TO SERVE AND MEET THE INVENTED NEEDS OF TERRITORIAL EXPANSION ○ Used to justify atrocities in the name of progress ● Barbara Fields- “Race is not an element of human biology its an ideology” Equiano ● Emotionally distant description even though it was a first person account of having been kidnapped into slavery ○ Maybe he does this so that he can leave the readers with the heavy emotional response ● Letting you be knowledgeable about how it went (Transatlantic slave trade)- Alice ● Equiano says that they were SENT TO THE “WHITE PEOPLE’S COUNTRY TO WORK FOR THEM” but then Coates would disagree and say that THEIR BODIES WERE TOTALLY TRANSFIGURED → equiano’s interpretation of the slave trade was less negative and scripted and brainwashed whereas Coates was more dramatic and transparent ●

Whipped for not eating → did that not for the benefit of the people but for their own profit ○ Connection: difference when compared to Khmer Rouge bc they thought that the death of Cambodians was no loss whereas white people rescued their slaves when they tried to commit suicide because they saw them as a source of profit/ a commodity

Sharon Block ● Ethnographic voyeurism was used to elevate themselves when compared to “uncivilized” people ○ Breastfeeding ■ Over the shoulder and not paying attention to the child and child was hanging on like a monkey ■ Alice: ICONOGRAPHY contrast with the 18th century of childbearing to reveal the subtle condensation of the mother neglecting the child ○ Alice: What if women were really animalistic? What is wrong with that? ■ Not condescending to say a woman can go back to work after giving birth ● But the condescending is because they are compared to animals; anchor negative things onto biological differences that is imperialist ideology (hegemony- leadership or dominance, social group over others) ○ American hegemony over the slaves caused for BLAH BLAH….. ● “Savages” ○ Native Americans thought nudity was holy and created cosmic harmony ○ Europeans cared a lot about virginity bc she’s not the mother of someone else’s property ● Jon Locke → represented how sexual moras mattered to how people are seen; where they are on the human hierarchy ○ “The woman dont have respect to chasitie” Hawkins/Boscana ● Hawkins ○ This document had a certain amount of balance praising mutual choice and openness as well as social contract theory and justice, but we also noticed that there was presumptuous condescension in the attribution of curiosity to african people ● Boscana ○ Women are created for men ○ Final paragraph discusses how the europeans view NA women giving birth easily as animals ○ Christians would marry to god but indians would marry to each other so that’s why they were able to get divorced ○ Expressed admiration for indians in respectfully observing courtship rituals as well as admiring the flexibility of allowing women to return home from a bad marriage, and we found openness in the praise of the ease with which women give birth ■ The ease with which women gave birth is a backhanded compliment because it is a sign of savagery. According to the colonizers, the “uncivilized” people were not descended from adam and eve (bc god said women would have pain in childbirth) and therefore were considered animalistic. Race Based Labor ● Mary Prince Document ○ “... our allowance of raw Indian corn…” → animals are also paid with food ○

“He would stand by and give orders for a slave to be cruelly whipped, and assist in the punishment, without moving a muscle in his face” → Shows the inhumanity of the aggressor

Worked in salt, got injured, worked while injured, ate simple food, slept on hard surfaces, and was whipped mercilessly ○ Illness, pain, sleeplessness, and unforgiving and cruel masters characterize this life Elizabeth Drinker Document ○ Drinker’s work was hard, tedious, and extensive ○ Uses language like “but i must submit” to describe her relationship with her husband & male authority ○

Maude ○ White women v women of color = easier work of greater artistic merit and fascination v harder manual labor ○ There is free reign to command slaves to do all manner of things Sharon Block ● OBEDIENCE AND PERFORMANCE WHEN TALKING ABOUT BLACK WOMAN → BUT FOR

WHITE WOMAN ITS A TASK ○ White men are laborers & should be taxed-- white women are dependents so shouldn’t be taxed William byrd ○ wife’s doing the cooking but he is in charge of how she is doing the cooking ○ They weren’t wearing clothes so they were basically asking for it (rape) Martha ballard ○ Was a midwife ○ Was an example of how not all white people are like william byrd Slave women perpetuated slavery because when they gave birth, their children were instantly slaves too

Inscribing Race ● It was a crime to marry black people and the white person and the minister would be punished for it ○ People of color were viewed not simply as sub-human but as objects ○ The informer would get half of the fine → motivated people to spy on each other ○ RACIAL LAWS ARE BEING USED TO BENEFIT WHITE PEOPLE BECAUSE WHEN YOU PAY THE FINE, THE MONEY GOES BACK TO WHITE PEOPLE ● People bought wives → human being is “sent up” as if part of an economic exchange ● ●

Native american translation part: valued chastity, buying and selling human beings (wives), and punishment of adultery Social Contract theory ○ Locke perceives this to be natural and an extensive as a family ■ NATURALLY CREATE IN GROUPS LIKE A FAMILY ■ People are fundamentally fair ○ Hobbes ■ People are naturally evil ■ State of nature are people are alone; need someone to step in and keep the peace ■ Not social Comparing the man of the house to that of a ruler → ruler is unfair, you can divorce them (similar to what america did when they came over from england, no taxation without representation


Sharon Block ● Women can’t be forced to testify against their husband → if you are one flesh you can’t incriminate yourself → RELIGION AND LAW WORK TOGETHER ○ ○ ○

WHY IS SLAVE MARRIAGE ILLEGAL? MIDTERM QUESTION HUSBAND OWNS THE WIFE SO CAN’T MARRY BC CAN’T HAVE 2 MASTERS (biblical) Enslaved people were not allowed to marry bc to christians, it’s till death do us part and you aren’t a good christian if you split up a married couple “NATURAL” REPLICA OF SOCIETAL HIERARCHIES ○ Natural for god to rule over people, natural for kings to rule over people, natural for man to rule over household

NEGATIVE DOUBLE CONSCIOUSNESS- letting what other think of you define you (letting yourself believe other’s bigotry towards you)

Sexual Violence ● The wife was aware of the master’s abuse, rape, and impregnating of the slave Phyllis. Details of physical abuse are recounted with alarming nonchalance (without care). The master attempted to rape Phyllis even when she was pregnant. The strange thing about the document is that Phyllis doesn’t speak for herself, yet there is great emphasis placed on the fact that the master is in fact the father, REMINDING US THAT HER CHILDREN ARE HIS PROPERTY. Sharon Block ● Using force and violating a will were two separate things for colonists ○ No meant yes to the men (women are supposed to say no but they don’t mean it) ● WHITE WOMAN IS NEVER GOING TO CONSENT TO A BLACK MAN, SO BLACK MAN WOULD ALWAYS BE A RAPIST ● Native women are promiscuous so why wouldn’t she want to have sex ● Black women’s bodies are not their own to control ● Slaves can’t testify → victims were always slaves and there is no victim’s testimony ●

Rape gets defined by who you are not what you did

Forbidden Book ● One of the pictures was of President McKinley “cleansing the baby (representing the Philippines) and civilizing them” ● Another picture was of Uncle Sam following the English figure → stepping over rocks such as slavery and oppression suppose to represent overcoming but really it represents them using those stones to become world powers ○ ○

To civilization Ignorance, oppression, superstition, vice, brutality, slavery, ignorance

Linda Vo ● Philippines ○ US used the Philippines as a way to enter into empire building in the pacific ○ Philippines was already colonized for 300+ years by the Spanish ○ US helped Philippines overthrow spanish colonizers and then took control of the nation themselves ○ BENEVOLENT ASSIMILATION- WE COME, NOT AS INVADERS OR CONQUERORS, BUT AS FRIENDS TO PROTECT ○ Because the Philippines were so far away, US couldn’t send enough soldiers so they recruited filipino soldiers to do US task of civilization ○ Extracted natural resources and took it back to the US, and in some cases sold it back to the country they got it from at much higher prices ○ ANTI IMPERIALIST VIEWPOINT: WE DON’T WANT TO INCORPORATE NON WHITE POPULATIONS INTO OUR SOCIETY ○ Exhibiting empire by human exhibitions (“zoos”) ■ People didn’t travel much back then so they wanted to show them how exotic they were ■ Brochure was a before and after effect of imperialism (the man in the uniform and the man that looks like he has deer antlers) ○ Took front and side views of the people there → archiving prisoners ■

Connection: Khmer Rouge did this too

Migrant laborers ■ Not enough people willing to work in the west and couldn’t enslave NA so recruited filipinos ■ Concept was that they would be here temporarily and not get integrated into society ■ Established religious centers and small segregated communities ■ Filipinos recruited in the military were promised citizenship but afterwards, the US rescinded all their promises to the filipinos

Vietnam ○ US imperial intervention in vietnam was because of the domino theory and containment policy ○ Most vietnamese did not want to be engaged in war → did not want to choose sides → wanted to live

their everyday lives ■ US is creating a war but not in their own nation First war fought on tv → people become immune to the horrors of war

Photographs as “weapons” → South vietnamese general publicly shoots someone instead of imprisoning him → made american public question if this is really our ally


○ ○

Not in context of war, it would be a crime and murder but in war, it would be fulfilling your duty Vietnam war “end” on april 30, 1975 ■ Pulled out american soldiers to allow the vietnamese to fight the war for themselves only bc they knew N vietnamese were getting closer and they wanted to save their troops ■ Still supported them with funding American polls showed american majority saying no to accepting refugees ■ This was a war that america lost → accepting refugees was a painful reminder ■ ■

Fear that in these refugee populations would be communists and didn’t want to allow in our country People didn’t want vietnamese refugees because they already had a lot of hispanic refugees

Cambodia and laos ○ Relied on postcards to show people it was an exotic place to go on vacation → tourism ○

■ Connection: exhibition of Filipinos was to show people how exotic the people were North vietnamese used laos and cambodia to get to South vietnam → US bombed laos and cambodia to kill N vietnamese troops → laos and cambodia still wanted to stay neutral → weakened political power in cambodia bc they’re unable to control bombing of nation → Khmer rouge fought to overthrow cambodia’s weak government


Khmer Rouge ■ Families were separated ● Connection: slaves in the US were separated from their families ■ Recruited young orphans into the army and brainwashed them to help bring the khmer rouge into power ■ Mugshots ● People were literally and figuratively tied to each other

● ar thi s t or i c alanal y s i se xa mi ne si c ons ,g e ome t r y , l i ght i n g, c ol or , l i ne s , f r a me , f a c i a le xp r e s s i ons , bodyl a ngua ge , g e nr e ,e t c ,b uta l s ot hec o nt e xtoft hewo r kofa r t ,of t e ns e t t i n gaf e woft he s ef e a t ur e sa g a i ns to nea no t he ri nor de r t ode ve l opap a r a do xi c a lr e l a t i ons hi pbe t we e ni c on sa nds ubt l e ra s pe c t sofs t y l el i kef a c i a le xpr e s s i on. ○ Little boy with gun ■ DARKNESS: omnity ● Contrast his meninsiing and hard contrasting with him being a baby ● Darkness of the side hes moving into

● hi s t or yge t sa tt hef e a t ur e sofdi s c our s ea ndt hei de a sbe hi ndpol i t i c a la n dc ul t ur a le v e nt s .i te xami ne ss i l e nc e d v oi c e swhe ni tus e sne whi s t or i c i s m. i tt r i e st os e ehi dde ni mpe r i a l i s m whe ni tus e spos t c o l oni a ls t udi e s . i t LOOKSATACULTUREFROM WI THI N( SUBALTERNSTUDI ES)whe ni tf ol l o wss uba l t e r ns t udi e s . h i s t or ys c hol a r sl ooka tav a r i e t yofa r t i f a c t sa ndmus tha v epr i ma r ys our c e s( a soppos e dt ot hewa ys oc i ol ogydoe s t hi s )i nor d e rt oge ta twha tag r oupofpe opl ebe l i e ve d.

● r he t or i c( THEWAYOFPERSUASI ON)e xa mi ne se t hos , l o gos , a n dpa t hosofac u l t ur a l l ypr oduc e da r t i f a c tt ha t i sde s i gne dt ope r s ua deapa r t i c ul a rgr ou pofpe opl et odos ome t hi ngt oc ha n g et hewor l d. a ut hor / t e xt / a udi e nc ei s t oos i mpl ea sa ut hor sdonotc ont r olc u l t ur eora l la s pe c t soft h e i ra r t .r e me mbe rpa t hos=t hepe r s ua s i onr e l e v a nt e mot i onoft hevi e we rno tt hea c t ora c t r e s sors ubj e c ti naphot oordr a wi n g , e t c .ETHOSI NAPI CTUREI S CREDI BI LI TYORREALI SM. l og osi st hea r gu me nt . RHETORI CSCHOLARSLOOKATPATTERNS SOTHEYPUTMANYSI MI LARPRI MARYSOURCESTOGETHERTOSEEHOW THEYI NTHE AGGREGATEPERSUADEAGI VENGROUPOFPEOPLE.

● Vi r gi ni as t a t ut eoni n t e r ma r r i a ge :Theh ype r bol i ca ndvi t up e r ousr he t or i cs uc ha s" a bomi na bl emi xt ur ea nd s pu r i o usi s s ue "e xt e ndsourne wmi dt e r mr e vi e wt he s i st ha tPEOPLEOFCOLORWEREVI EWEDNOT SI MPLYASSUBHUMANBUTASOBJECTS,I NTHI SCASEMATERI ALSTOBEMI XED.Th e s e r i ousfine sa ndpuni s h me nt sf ori nt e r ma r r i a gei nc l udeapr i z et ot hei nf o r me r . La ur e nsdoc ume n t :Not et he d e huma ni z i n gqu a l i t yoft hi s-r e f u s a lo fna mi n gape r s onhe ra c t ua lna me , ahuma nbe i ng" s e ntup"e t ca si fpar t o fe c ono mi ce xc hange . Wi l l i a msdoc u me nta boutc ol on i s t s ' t r e a t me ntofNa t i v eAme r i c a ns :Thet r a n s l a t i onof t e r mss ugg e s t sava l u es y s t e mofc ha s t i t y , ba r t e r i ng , buyi n ga nds e l l i nghuma nbe i n gs , puni s hme ntofa dul t e r y , b a ni s hi n gorl o c ki ngupwo me n , e t c .

● Se x u a lv i o l e n c ed o c u me n t s( h a n d wr i t t e nd o c u me n t sa r eo nt h efin a le x a mo n l y )Ph y l l i sTe s t i mo n y : Th e wi f ewa sa wa r eo ft h ema s t e r ' sa b u s e ,r a p e , a n di mp r e g n a t i n go ft h es l a v ePh y l l i s . De t a i l so fp h y s i c a l a b u s ea r er e c o un t e dwi t ha l a r mi n gn o n c h a l a n c e . Th ema s t e ra t t e mp t e dt or a p ePh y l l i se v e nwh e ns h ewa s p r e g n a n t . Th es t r a n g et h i n ga b o utt h ed o c u me n ti st h a to fc o u r s ePHYLLI SDOESNOTSPEAKFOR HERSELF,y e tt h e r ei sgr e a te mp h a s i sp l a c e do nt h ef a c tt h a tt h ema s t e ri si nf a c tt h ef a t h e r , r e mi n d i n g u st h a th e rc h i l d r e na r eh i sp r o p e r t y ....

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