HW 12 - HW 12 PDF

Title HW 12 - HW 12
Course effective pressentation workshop
Institution Universidad TecMilenio
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HW 12...


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Effective Presentations


Homework: 12

Analyze two videos and make a conclusion about the presenters.  

TED (2014, June 27). Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen [Video file]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIho2S0ZahI Dananjaya Hettiarachchi (2014, September 22). Dananjaya Hettiarachchi World Champion of Public Speaking 2014 FULL SPEECH[Video file]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbz2boNSeL0 (Links to an external site.)

* Write a general description of what you learned from each presenter. Analyze the way it was presented providing a general description about the following elements: CRITERIA Talk to the audience

FIRST VIDEO The presenter knew the audience because he says some comments about the experience that the audience has in the voice, and he know about what he needs to talk Less is more He classified each principal point in steps to follow and with this made it more digestible to understand. Also, he participated together with the audience Only talk when you I think that this point was have something to say excellent because the

SECOND VIDEO He didn’t know the audience because it was a championship but, he prepared an interesting presentation

The presentation was clear, and he knew what he wont to transmit to the audience with the experience that he has. A short presentation where he could transmit

Make a message


Be logical

The floor is a stage

Practice and time your presentation

Use visuals sparingly but effectively

Review Audio and/or video of your presentations Provide appropriate acknowledgments

presentation is short and he principally a specific was able to give a value phrase that I think that it advice. was the principal objective. He insisted with the point As I say before, me, that we need to do to have Daniela, remember a a better answered to the phrase about the people that listen to us presentation and it is like a key and is something that I remember to use in me. starts with an He introduced the topic with He some usuals problems that introduction, then, he told the people have, then, the the history to understand talked about the important the context and to finally, information and to finally, say something important conclude with some about the topic. exercises and some words to the audience. In all the moment he was He was very good at prudent with comments, telling stories because with the context and, in besides everything, he some little moments, he said things that were caused laughter funny He looked preparate, with He practiced the entry, confidence and secure the movements, the about all the things that he volume of the voice, the says in the presentation. things that he will say He uses some visual aids; it He uses a rose, a trash depends to the subtopic can and that´s all, but in that he was speaking. In my opinion, it was the screen he transmitted sufficient according to the kay words, and some context of the images that represent presentation important things. The audio was ok, was with He didn’t use visual aids good volume, he does not like pp or something like use videos but the material that that he uses was sufficient to transmit the message. He recognized to the He didn’t say “thank you” people with different types but he says words like an of comments and with advice and, threw a rose gratitude. to the public

How to do make a successful oral presentation: Conclusion: To doing a successful presentation, first, you need to know the audience with the intention to know about what you need to talk, also you need to care important aspects like the volume of the voice, the rhythm, the energy, the things about you are talking about, you need to use correctly the visual aids because you don’t need to present with too much images or videos, you have to be secure about the time and the subtopic, also is really important be interested and care the attention of the audience with dynamics or with questions, the audiences, always is the most important thing! In another hand, be logical is to follow the coherence to the information, entry with an introduction, talking about the history, about the information and finally doing a conclusion, always is important care the idea that you want to transmit, and you must study many times before to the final presentation. In all the TED TALKS that I been seen, the presenters look secure, confident, and prepare with the presentation, the topic and the audience....

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