ICM451 IM2493ST1 Aniq Daniel Bin Rashid PDF

Title ICM451 IM2493ST1 Aniq Daniel Bin Rashid
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Mamee Website Critique By Aniq Daniel Bin Rashid

IM2493ST1 Dr Irni Eliana Binti Khairuddin 4th January 2021

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Praise be to Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Thank Allah for the permission and help of Almighty God I have been able to complete this individual assignment successfully. All praise and thanks to Allah for the grace and pleasure bestowed upon me to complete this assignment. I also would like to thank my lecturer, Dr. Irni Eliana Binti Khairuddin from the Faculty of Information Management. I am very grateful to him for the guidance given during the period to completed this assignment. With that guidance, I am able to complete this assignment within the calculated time. Not forgetting to thank my family members who always gave me encouragement and support to complete this assignment. I would also like to thank my friends and who helped me a lot to complete this assignment. Therefore, I hope this assignment can meet the lecturer’s requirements.




1.0 INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………..


1.1 BACKGROUND HISTORY……………………………………………..


1.2 BUSINESS ACTIVITY…………………………………………………..


1.3 COMPANY CORE’S BUSINESS……………………………………...


2.0 ANALYSIS OVERVIEW…………………………………………………….


2.1 USER-FRIENDLY……………………………………………………….


2.2 ACCESSIBILITY………………………………………………………...




2.4 LABELING……………………………………………………………….


2.5 SEARCHING FUNCTION………………………………………………


2.6 IA PATTERNS……………………………………………………………




3.1 ADDITIONAL TOP-DOWN BAR………………………………………


3.2 COMBINE CAREER TASK…………………………………………….


3.3 INCLUDE ONLINE STORE…………………………………………….


4.0 REFERENCES……………………………………………………………….


5.0 APPENDIX……………………………………………………………………



1.0 Introduction Introduction about Mamee’s company. 1.1 Background History Mamee-Double Decker is renowned and globally recognized as one of the leading FMCG giants in Malaysia. Founded in 1971, from humble beginnings made its way to success after 45 years of perseverance, dedication and honest hard work. 1.2 Business Activity Mamee-Double Decker contribute in all-time favourites such as Mamee Monster Snack, Mister Potato and Mamee Chef just to name a few.

1.3 Company Core’s Business This is corporate style company and hold to their core values which are involvement, innovation, collaboration, integrity and fun.


2.0 Analysis Overview 2.1 User-friendly Mamee’s website is one of the most user-friendly website experienced by a lot of users. It is easy to browse through information that users want to click and the navigation bar’s information is organized really well. It was comfortable scrolling through the website as it timely well so it does not look pixelated. To make it simple, the experienced when scrolling is that it going very smoothly. 2.2 Accessibility When it comes to access to another topic, it may take time depending on internet connection. The slower users’ internet connection, the more time users need to wait just to access to the next topic. But that does not always the case. Even if you have strong data or Wi-Fi, the time needed to access may just take a while. To put that aside, all contents in this website are accessible. They are all available for users to explore and know more about the content provided.

2.3 Organization Classification Mamee’s website is full of interacting pictures and really colorful. So, the schemes that related to that website is hybrid scheme.

2.3.1 Hybrid Scheme The first component in hybrid scheme that related to Mamee’s website is Chronological. The developer has provided this in navigation bar so it is easy to click on it. News section for Mamee’s company activity is available whenever users feels like to explore it. It contains news about the company’s achievements and sports activity but for now that is just all of it. There is no update from the company in the news section. Next component is Geographical. Geographical element can be seen at Mamee’s website homepage after several scroll down. The 5

developer provided nice and interactive map that shows Mamee’s company local and export brand. The main point which shows what the local brands have and what kind brand they export. At some points, when the cursor is hover to the labels, the single icons will expand into another sublabel and it just makes the interaction, interesting. For example, for local brand they focused on food services, noodles, snacks, biscuits, cultured milk and beverages. While for export brand they focused on snacks, biscuits and noodles. If one of the icons clicked, it will show the company’s snacks. Another component is task-oriented. This scheme can be found at career section where users just need to click the big shape icons with ‘Be A Monstar’ word to access it. Before entering the task-oriented style, one of the careers lists need to be clicked and the career form will appear. By clicking into the career section, the special form will appear and it requires resume document and other important things. This is one of the examples that show how task-oriented scheme being done by developer into this website. From an honest view, the appearance of engaged page like this one is not informative at all. It is a little bit confusing. Users should be able to interact with career’s form or company’s human resource from the moment page ‘career’ is clicked. Instead, users need to get through with job vacancy that available at that company first, and surf through the resume. It is better if this kind of messy can be combined into one.

2.4 Labeling Right on the top, the label contains, our story, mamee way, brands, monstrous exp, news, monstarz, career, store and contact us. These labels can be considered as consistent because even though they changed the names just to look different, but the content after click is totally same with other company


websites. But at the positive side, it looks fun and entertaining by the fonts style, match the background color and feels attracted to click it. Although It is easy to scroll through the information by just clicking the labels in navigation bar, I do not think it is necessary. If people can just notice and get to know the details of the company by just scroll down the page, then the labels should be something else, something that can drive users to the new tab and show the information that has not been shown yet. The color and animation might be great, but with this simple navigation, it just shows that without those labels, it is still fine.

2.5 Searching Function Searching function can be found in news section, it is located at the left side of the website. Overall function of Mamee’s website search engine is quite good. What makes it lack is the content within. The content that can be search in the function is very limited. It is cause by the recent post update in the news section., which is 2019. It is already year 2020 and there is no update regarding company’s activity, achievements and so on. Even though Malaysian are familiar with this company and what they have achieve so far, but in the terms of website, the update has stopped. Thus, although there is search function provided, it is not sufficing as they are lacking in contents.

2.6 IA Patterns Patterns used in Mammee’s web site is hierarchy. The title in navigation bar is arranged and designed with simple in-web link, which means user just click one of the title, it will scroll down to the info. Usually, hierarchy would contain narrower child in between title in navigation, while in this web site, the narrower content can be found after the title clicked by the user. The developer did not insert the child


along with the parents in navigation bar, instead the automatic scroll down right after click will function as a child.

3.0 Recommendation and conclusion There are points about the weakness of Mamee’s company website that really needs to be focused by the company itself. My recommendations are additional top down bar, combine career task with just one click and include online store within one website. 3.1 Additional top-down bar The design of Mamee’s website navigation bar is quite incredible, but with its lack of content and messy hyperlinks, top-down bar is essential to insert the hyperlinks and any other contents. With this bar, it can reduce the confusion that user might had while exploring the website. It will be helpful to user as they just come to the web, looking for what they need, and without the top-down bar to show them the specific content, they will lose interest. 3.2 Combine career task The way company organized the career section properly was brilliant, but it is still not the best way to get straight to the point. Imagine if some people, looking for job in Mamee’s company by searching through the company website, but they only found the job available with little info about the vacancy. It still can be accessed by clicking one of those vacancy and the new tab will appear to do the task. In my opinion, it is beneficial for the company to combine the career task and vacancies under the same section. Which means, when user click career section, the detail information about jobs available and what they need to do are available there. It will ease the user and make this website more familiar for those who are seeking for job.


3.3 Include online store Online store that I mentioned above is actually named ‘PotBoy’. They actually have provided Mamee’s own online store but it is located in another domain. Although the link is provided in the store section, it will be great if the company can make the ‘PotBoy’ link into ‘section’ or ‘label’ in navigation bar. It may sound big and imaginational things, but it is much comfortable for user to just click the ‘PotBoy’ besides the navigation bar. Other than that, the label will be much closer to the user as things are all online right now and people are used to buy products online.

Conclusion All in all, the concept of design in website is quite important for both company and users. Design is powerful, but without proper organization schemes and related content, a website might have gone to waste. Mamee’s company website is full entertaining with interesting animation and colorful background. Still, there are several deficiency and therefore a fix action must be taken by the company.


4.0 References Mamee-Double Decker (M) Sdn Bhd. 2019. Mamee. https://mamee.com/



Figure 1: Desktop view of Mamee’s company


Figure 2: Good way to organize topic in navigation bar



Figure 3: News section for Mamee activity 4.

Figure 4: News section for Mamee activity



Figure 5: Example of snacks by Mamee’s company 6.

Figure 6: Lists of careers available in Mamee’s company



Figure 7: Users need to fill up the form and insert resume 8.

Figure 8: labeling in Mamee’s website 9.

Figure 9: Search function


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