Ifb102 module 1 further investigation questions 2019 sem 2 - v1 PDF

Title Ifb102 module 1 further investigation questions 2019 sem 2 - v1
Author Ashwin Singh
Course Computer Technology Fundamentals
Institution Queensland University of Technology
Pages 7
File Size 289.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Download Ifb102 module 1 further investigation questions 2019 sem 2 - v1 PDF


IFB102: Introduction to Computer Systems Module 1 Low Level Technologies: Further Investigation Questions (2019 semester 2) (v 1) These are the further investigation questions for the first IFB102 Introduction to Computer Systems Module. This document contains sets of further investigation questions corresponding to each week’s lecture topic. They involve investigating topics beyond that covered in the lecture. To get a top mark you will need to provide critical understanding and insight. You must undertake the further investigation questions individually. It is important that all ideas, information and work taken from others is correctly cited and referenced; you must follow QUT guidelines for this: www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/cite/. You may use Harvard or APA referencing styles. You will be penalised for any work taken from others which is not correctly cited and referenced. More general study information is available here: https://qutvirtual4.qut.edu.au/group/student/study/studying-effectively DUE DATE: The further investigation questions are due before 23:59 on Friday of week 5, 23rd August. If for any reason you are unable to submit you assignment on time you can apply for an extension or special consideration here: https://qutvirtual4.qut.edu.au/group/student/study/assignments/submitting/late-assignments-andextensions Tutors and units coordinators cannot give extensions. These questions will be marked by your tutor and moderated by the IFB102 teaching team. Feedback on your answers will be provided through Turnitin comments and your tutor during practical classes. Please note your answers to these questions must be your own and new original material; any other material must be correctly quoted, referenced and cited. You may not reuse other assignments of your own or other people for these questions.

SUBMISSION: Submit your assignment electronically to the Turnitin utility via the links on Blackboard. Please ensure you received an acknowledgement that your assignment has been successfully submitted. Given the load on Turnitin and Blackboard leading up to the assignment deadline we strongly encourage you to submit a copy of your assignment early, you can submit multiple copies. Mac users are strongly advised to use the Chrome web browser. Late submissions will be given zero marks. Further information about Turnitin https://qutvirtual4.qut.edu.au/group/student/it-andprinting/qut-blackboard/assessment-on-qut-blackboard/submitting-assignments/turnitin


Please make sure you include the following details in your submission: Student Student name

Student number

Class Tutor Practical Day, Time & Room


Marking Guide for Further Investigation Questions Learning Objective 7


Provides evidence of deep and critical understanding, insight and evaluation associated with the learning objective.

Provides evidence of the integration and evaluation of critical ideas, principles and theories in relation to the learning objective.

Performance Level 5




Provides sufficient evidence of learning, such as demonstrations of knowledge of fundamental concepts and basic skills and some attempt at application, to be considered satisfactory for the learning objective.

Provides evidence of limited and unconnected learning which falls short of fully demonstrating the learning in relation to the learning objective.

Or incorrect referencing.

1. Understand the evolution of technology and how that has created contemporary tools. Set-up a Raspberry Pi computer. (5 marks)

Excellent (5 marks)

Very Good (4 marks)

Good (3.5 marks)

Satisfactory (2-3 marks)

Poor or Fail (0-1 marks)

2. Understand basic computer hardware & its architecture in different computer systems. Identify & understand the role of hardware components. (5 marks)

Excellent (5 marks)

Very Good (4 marks)

Good (3.5 marks)

Satisfactory (2-3 marks)

Poor or Fail (0-1 marks)

3. Understand the structure and role of operating systems. Basic command line use of an operating system. (5 marks)

Excellent (5 marks)

Very Good (4 marks)

Good (3.5 marks)

Satisfactory (2-3 marks)

Poor or Fail (0-1 marks)

4. Understand basic principles and applications of computer networking. Investigate TCP/IP networking at command line. (5 marks)

Excellent (5 marks)

Very Good (4 marks)

Good (3.5 marks)

Satisfactory (2-3 marks)

Poor or Fail (0-1 marks)

Total (20 marks)


Provides evidence of learning going beyond mere replication of content knowledge to show understanding of key ideas, awareness of their relevance, some use of synthesising and analytical skills for the learning objective.

Class 1: Introduction In the first lecture we saw some examples of new computer technologies and how increasingly devices are being made ‘smart’ by embedding computers in them: Lampson’s third age of computing, embodiment. The further work questions this week encourage you to think about this further and to investigate some interesting examples of this. Please provide written answers to one of the following questions. Write a maximum of one page, plus references. If you write more than a page any excess material will be disregarded. Please provide well thought answers; use critical thinking and try to be insightful: do not just repeat the marketing hype from companies. The goal is to produce a well thought out, insightful answer in just one page. Remember to correctly cite and reference all material you use (http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/cite/). Your answer should have a list of references and in text citations. This applies to all further investigation questions in modules one and two.

1. New Computer Technology or Product

Write about an interesting new product or computer technology announced in 2019. Explain why it’s interesting from a technical computer systems viewpoint.

2. Serious Raspberry Pi Project Write about an interesting Raspberry Pi project where the Pi is used for a serious application e.g. education, healthcare etc. In particular focus on how the Raspberry Pi (hardware, software, foundation, community etc.) has enabled this.


Class 2: Computer Hardware. The second lecture concerns computer hardware: what is a computer, how does a computer work, what are the elements of a modern computer system and Moore’s law. These questions investigate

some of the trade-offs in computer hardware and how computers are designed for different uses and Moore’s law. Please provide written answers to one of the following questions. Write a maximum of one page, plus references. Please provide well thought answers; use critical thinking and try to be insightful: do not just repeat the marketing hype from companies. Remember to correctly cite and reference all material you use (http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/cite/). Your answer should have a list of references and in text citations.

1. Raspberry Pi vs PC How does the Raspberry Pi hardware compare to a modern PC or laptop? Explain through comparisons of the key components.

2. Slow Computers? A friend says that computers aren’t getting any faster. Is she right? Discuss from a computer hardware viewpoint.

3. Deep Learning Chips Several companies have produced special AI chips supporting deep learning. What is the rationale for these chips and how do they differ from a conventional CPU?

Class 3: Operating Systems In the third lecture we discussed operating systems and how they manage a computer’s hardware and applications, and how operating systems bridge the gap between applications and low level computer hardware. This set of exercises builds on the lecture by investigating different kinds of operating systems and open source operating systems. Other aspects of the lecture will be assessed in the quiz. 5

Please provide written answers to one of the following questions. Write a maximum of one page, plus references. Please provide well thought answers; use critical thinking and try to be insightful: do not just repeat the marketing hype from companies. Remember to correctly cite and reference all material you use (http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/cite/). Your answer should have a list of references and in text citations.

1. Windows vs Linux What are the main technical differences between Windows and Linux operating systems? What are the impacts of these differences?

2. New Operating Systems Investigate and describe some new technical developments in operating systems.

Class 4: Networking The lecture investigated computer networking, including key concepts of networking and how TCP/IP works. These further investigation questions build on the discussion of networking technologies in the lecture. In particular they investigate new forms of Wireless Networking and their trade-offs, and the National Broadband Network.

Please provide written answers to one of the the following questions. Write a maximum of one page, plus references. Please provide well thought answers; use critical thinking and try to be insightful: do not just repeat the marketing hype from companies. Remember to correctly cite and reference all material you use (http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/cite/). Your answer should have a list of references and in text citations.

1. New Networking Technologies Compare and contrast Bluetooth 5, 5G and LoRaWAN.


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