III - THE Psychology OF IATC PDF

Title III - THE Psychology OF IATC
Course Anglais
Institution Université Côte d'Azur
Pages 3
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THE PSYCHOLOGY OF IATC Vocabulary Machiavellianism : In modern psychology : people who are unemotional, lack of empathy and thus morality. Are self-centered, who can easily deceive or manipulate people to achieve their goals. Machiavellian people (more male than female) value money, power and competition. They give a low priority on self-love, family commitment and community building. Generally of a superior intelligence, able to understand people in social situations but Machiavellianism is associated with low emotional intelligence and empathy. Narcissism : Pursuit of glorification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one’s idealized selfimage or streaks. Different from egocentrism. 4 dimensions : - Leadership / authority - Superiority / arrogance - Self-absorption / self-admiration - Exploitativeness / entitlement (you think you deserve a special treatment because you’re superior, thus if you don’t have it you take it as an attack against yourself 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A breakthrough, something that you discover : a finding To avoid smthg from happening : to prevent To force : coerce To hurt : harm Insult, hit ; ill-treat someone who is a part of your family : domestic abuse The goal = the aim A revenge (to take a revenge / to avenge yourself) : une vengeance A maltreatment (ill-treatment / to ill-treat) : maltraitance A wound (an injury / to twist the knife into the wound / to rub salt in the wound) : une blessure 10. A rapist : un violeur


1. Third to a half of all sexual murderers have abused animals during childhood and/or adolescence. One of the “warning signs” or risk factors being animal abuse alongside / connected with sexual pleasures

2. Zoosadistic arousals come from a desire to prove one’s virility. Instinct of domination, overpower, ruling, controlling. Desire to assert one’s gender, one’s strength, one’s masculinity. This question also underlines the predominance of male abusers compared to women. It also refers to our own vision of masculinity as an innate and to our cultural archetypes

3. The Dark Triad is a trinity which gathers three personality and psychological streaks, such as Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy. Also described as tendencies towards conceitedness (arrogance), deceitfulness (malhonnêteté), and manipulation. Those three, if gathered in the same person can provoke personality disorders. Researchers have found that psychopathy was always present when speaking about cruelty towards animals domestic abuse.

4. People can commit IATC for other reasons than those strictly due to psychopathy issues. They can indulge into IATC for religious or artistic purposes and/or to fulfill their sexual desires when hurting animal or fetishism with animals triggers sexual pleasure. Or as a part of sexual games. It also has been shown that sometimes IATC is used to intimidate / as a means of intimidation when dealing with domestic abuse.

5. Most serial killers or rapists are defined by common psychological streaks such as selfishness, impulsivity, and lack of empathy or remorse. Most of them, characterized by anti-social disorders have tortured animals

6. Most serial killers or rapists are defined by common psychological streaks such as selfishness, impulsivity and lack of empathy or remorse. Most of them, characterized by antisocial disorders, have tortured animals when they were children and expressed their sexuality through the pain they inflicted to animals

7. The “Homicidal Triad” are three features that, when combined, can create future killers: bed wetting, obsessive fire-setting and IATC.

8. Wrong. Most of children don’t engage into IATC and IATC is not always the sign of mental issues. A lot can also be the expression / can also appear in the context of domestic abuse from the parents, brutality, violence at home, parent’s neglect. It also means that the Homicidal Triad can be reversed if treated with a psychologist. It won’t automatically give a sexual murderer.

Expressing In my opinion, we can, indeed, consider meat eating as another form of animal torture since it became optional to eat meat in our lifestyles in order to stay healthy. Indeed, nowadays, we have access to more and more options that can help us get the nutrients provided by meat without killing any animal. Most of people that still eat meat eat it because they like it or because they were told since a young age that they need animal protein in order to stay healthy, which is false. Eating meat is now a choice more than a necessity, which was not the case earlier in history, where food was rare and there were not as many option as now. Eating meat has an awful impact on wild life and on the environment. Producing meat requires a lot of water, land and releases a lot of bad chemicals in the atmosphere. It’s our responsibility to preserve wild life, and create more sustainable means to consume proteins. Everyone should rethink how often they eat meat, where it is coming from, reduce their consumption and consider more ethical options.

+ what occurs in most of the slaughter houses is not ethical Mind Map (cf polycop) Animal Torture : Effects




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