ILCS Final Exam Notes PDF

Title ILCS Final Exam Notes
Course Introducing Italy through Its Regions
Institution University of Connecticut
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The Anti-Mafia Fight and Fighters ● Pio la Torre 1927-1982 ○ 1947: a member of PCI (italian Communist Party) and CgiLl (italian national labor union) ○ 1949 participates in peasant occupation of uncultivated land, arrested 1950, in jail for 18 months ○ 1959: regional secretary for CgiL ○ 1962-67: regional secretary for PCI ● “The mafia is a phenomenon of the ruling classes - Torre ○ Exposes ties between mafia and high officials of the ruling party (christian democracy) ○ Fights to pass article 416 bis: amy association with mafia=crime punishable 3-6 years (4-10 if armed); includes provision to confiscate any holding related to criminal activity or mafia ○ 1981: returns to Sicily (after several officials are assassinated by mafia). He heads protests again an agreement between Italy and NATO to create installation of nuclear missiles on Sicily ○ April 30, 1982: La Torre on his way to work; car is flanked by 2 motorcycles that shoot at and kill him and driver, Rosario Di Salvo ○ Architects of the murder: Salvatore Riina, Bernardo Provenzano (a fugitive until 2006), Pippo Calo, Nernardo Brusca, Antonia Geraci ● Libera Terra (founded 2006) ○ Association of cooperatives, puts to use property confiscated from the mafia (under article 416 bis) ○ Promotes education of youth to respect legality and exercise voting rights; ○ Difusses information about mafia and anti-mafia efforts ○ Dedicated to remembering the victims of mafia violence. ○ Libera Terra Products: produce a line of products that they get from the land organic and non organic products, Fighting Mafia and promoting biodiversity. ● Peppino Impastato (1948-1978) ○ Born in 1948 at cinisi, ○ His father is part of mafia clan in cinisi ○ 1965: publishes leftist paper in which he publicly denounces mafia in cinisi, reports on peace rally lead by danilo dolci. ○ 1977: establishes Radio Aut, airs satire of local mafia members, counter information campaign. ○ May 9, 1978: his body found torn to shred on train tracks ● Addiopizzo ○ Grassroots movement founded in 2004 ○ Fights against mafia extortion of protection money “pizzo” from businesses ○ 2008: 80% of business in palermo pay “pizzo” ○ Encourages consumers to pay those who don't pay ○ Supports businesses who reject paying Pizzo ● Letizia Battaglia (photographer, born 1935)

○ She would respond to mafia crime scenes to photograph the scene ○ Also photographs children ● Giovanni Falcone (1939-1992) ● Paolo Borsellino (1940-1992) ○ Both were palermo magistrates and part of anti-mafia pool, investigate connection of mafia and government ○ Orchestrators of the “maxi trial” of 1986, 344 mafia defendants imprisoned. ○ May 23, 1992 ■ Falcone, his wife and police escorts were killed by a massive bomb between airport and palermo. ○ July 19, 1992 ■ Boresllino took over after Falcone was killed ■ Borsellino was killed by a car bomb in front of his mother’s building ○ These killings lead to support of anti-mafia groups Sciascia ● Giufa (identity of stupid and cunning) ○ Muslim character ○ Dates back to arabic folktales ○ Sicilian sole being split into two parts one is the roman side and the other is the arabic side which is all about imagination ○ Clever and clueless at the same time ○ Humble but challenges authority ○ Tale of the cardinal ■ The character wants to go hunting and hunt birds ■ Birds with the red head are the best ones (cardinal) ■ He decided he was gonna stake out a place ■ Thinks he killed a bird but it was a man (THE MAN WAS THE CARDINAL: high priest in church) ■ He throws the cardinal down the well and the second thing he throws down the well is a ram (animal) ■ Soldiers smell a horrible smell coming out of the well and they send giufa down the well to look at it ■ The authorities are lazy and don’t want to go down there ■ Giufa says is he like a dog? Is he wooly? How many feet did he have? Did he have horns cornuto (is his wife cheating on him)? What did he look like? Is he rich? (extremely this points to the corruption of the church). What work did he do? (takes care of the priests). All of this banter back and forth is meant to underline this. ■ He gets away with the thing with only a shoe to the head, the authorities never go back to the well again ■ The story is a Front to authority and slap in the face to these people, but this doesn't change anything and this underlines that sicilians are pessimistic and do not change, there is not much power to change authorities

Matter of conscious story ○ Main character is a lawyer: ■ Serious type ■ Has important books with him when he was on the train ■ But he is reading women's magazines instead ■ The priest says that you want to protect your husband to her ■ Women cheat on their husbands ■ The male is fragile ■ Tells her to suffer in silence ■ He starts an investigation ■ It is a mystery ■ Investigates it as if it was a crime it is a scandal that he wants to discover ■ He finds out that his own wife is a subscriber to this magazine, he has more success talking to his friends, suspicion falls on everyone equally ■ One man is especially worried and he decides to take action and go directly to the priest and he has a pistol in his pocket to make sure he gets the right answer ■ Vacanio’s wife is worried about what he is doing . ■ The thing that men don’t know about that they fear is their real feeling and their real thoughts, a man can never be sure of what their wives are thinking. The fear is an insecurity about what their wives really desire. He feels blind to her and is desperate because if it. ■ There is one man zabo and his wife wrote the letter to the priest, he always had known this was going on, real confrontation of husband and wife, ■ He forgives his wife and says that it is ok ○ The end of the story: She attacked him with a goat sound (cornuto), she is making fun of him, calling him cornuto which means you are less than a man. She is expecting him to have a violent response and instead the man is nice about it and she says that he is not doing what he is supposed to be doing....

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