Iliad - Aristeia Chart characters PDF

Title Iliad - Aristeia Chart characters
Course english ll
Institution The Woodlands High School
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illiad aristria chart from the book the illiad and the characters....


Iliad – Making Meaning of the Aristeias Aristeia: a soldier’s highest moment of glory in war, when he fights so bravely and single-mindedly as to experience no fear and to appear nearly invincible Instructions: Keep track of the aristeias through the rest of the epic. Be sure to take note of line numbers so that you may refer back to the text with ease. Read carefully, but be aware that some of the characters’ aristeias will be incomplete. Character: Agamemnon (Book 11-18)




Hector (Book 16)



1. Divine inspiration/ exhortation: Who/what inspires the hero’s aristeia?

Strife/Eris (Goddess of Discord) “There Strife took her stand... lashing the fighting fury in each Achaean’s heart…mad for war and struggle (11.11-

Iris (messenger goddess) Don’t go into battle until you see AG is injured (11.220225) Once AG is injured, Hector will have the power to kill and kill…

p. 473 – Hera via Iris “To arms – son of Peleus.. Defend Patroclus!” “I would die here and now, in that I could not save my comrade.

2. Armoring: What does the hero put on, and in what order? Be detailed!

Pg. 297 - Greaves Breastplate - Sword - Shield w/ Gorgons - Helmet - Two spears

Already armed: “Hector leapt to ground from his chariot fully armed and brandishing two sharp spears” (11.245)

3. Bursting into the ranks of the enemy: How does the hero ● Demonstrate enthusiasm for battle? ● Wreak great slaughter on the enemy? ● Deal with counterattacks?

p. 299 - “And right in the midst sprang Agamemnon first and killed a fighter…” (11.106ish) p. 301 “but him he killed on the ground, slashing off arms with a sword… and always King Agamemnon whirling to kill… Like devouring fire Counterattack: p. 525-526 – Asteropaeus “grazed Achilles’ strong right arm and dark blood gushed…” BUT, Achilles slashed out his life… roaring down onto dead dry timber…” Counterattack? Iphidamas “went for the waist beneath the breastplate… but

line 330-336 “ThereHector’s signal . . . Zeus is handing me glory” -line 339 “Hector – whipping the fight and fire in each man like a on the enemy? deal with counterattacks? - line 177, “immense slaughter and always King Agamemnon” lines 164-170, “slashing off his arms . . . lopping off his head . . .” - lines 130-142, lion/deer epic simile Counterattack? -Iphidamas, lines 268-288, attempts to injury Ag. but Ag “hacked his neck . . . and loosed his limbs” huntsman”

Achilles ''But one thing more. A last request--grant it, please. / Never bury my bones apart from yours, Achilles, / let them lie together…/just as we grew up together in your house.'' the armour of achilles -Sword - Massive shield patroclus wore Achilles' armor in order to join the battle and help save their comrades from Hector and the Trojans. Patroclus succeeds in beating back the Trojan forces ''...had twenty such men as you attacked me, all of them would have fallen before my spear. Fate and the son of Leto have overpowered me, and among mortal men Euphorbus; you are yourself third only in the killing of me. I say further, and lay my saying to your heart, you too shall live but for a little season; death and the day of your doom are close upon you, and they will lay you low by the hand of Achilles son of Aeacus.''

p. 500 - Greaves - Breastplate - Sword - Massive shield Helmet - Father’s spear (*important because he’s the only one who could wield*) – magic weapon p. 525-526 – Asteropaeus “grazed Achilles’ strong right arm and dark blood gushed…” BUT, Achilles slashed out his life…

4. Moment of weakness or danger: What weakness does the hero exhibit, what danger does her face, or what injury does he suffer?

failed to pierce the glittering belt, failed flat out (11.267+)” Counter – AG “hacked his neck with a sword…” “Coon marked him… and slashed him under the elbow, down the forearm - a glint of metal – the point ripped through his flesh and the lord of fighting men Atrides shuddered” (11.288+)

Enthusiasm? S

Hector s weaknesses consisted mainly of his mortality, his bravery and his not-so-quick thinking. If he were not so brave, and was smarter, he would not have come out to fight in the first place. He could have stayed behind the palace walls and spared his own life. No one can hurry me down to Hades before my time, but if a man’s hour is come, be he brave or be he coward, there is no escape for him when he has once been born.

''...had twenty such men as you attacked me, all of them would have fallen before my spear. Fate and the son of Leto have overpowered me, and among mortal men Euphorbus; you are yourself third only in the killing of me. his error is in believing that he can perform as brilliantly as Achilles on the battlefield. When he puts on Achilles' armor, he tries to assume Achilles' identity, and as a result, he tries a feat that is beyond his own strength.


5. Return to battle and grand duel with an important enemy: Who is the central enemy that the hero faces during his aristeia? What leads to the battle, and what happens during the battle?


"From whence this boding speech, the stern decree Of death denounced, or why denounced to me? Why not as well Achilles' fate be given To Hector's lance? Who knows the will of heaven?"

6. Slaying of the important enemy with eventual boasting: How does the hero slay the enemy? How does he boast?



Achilles' only weakness was his heel. According to legend, his mother had taken him to the River Styx, which was supposed to offer powers of invincibility, and dipped his body into the water. aris, who shot him in the heel with an arrow.

Achilles walks along the shore, calling his men to an assembly. At the meeting, Agamemnon and Achilles reconcile with each other, and Agamemnon gives Achilles the gifts that he promised him should Achilles ever return to battle. He also returns Briseis. ... Achilles then dons his armor and mounts his chariot. Hector realizes he has been the killing of Sarpedon zeus son, he does not boast tricked by Athena and that his `As he spoke death descended end is near. Hector wants a over his mouth and eyes, and glorious death, so he draws Patroclus set his foot on his his sword and swoops down chest, and drew the spear on Achilles, who charges with from the flesh, the whole his spear. Achilles knows the midriff yielding with it, armor Hector is wearing and

releasing the point of the blade and Sarpedon’s spirit, while the Myrmidons held the panting horses, the creatures eager to flee now the chariots lacked their masters.

7. Conflict over the body of the slain enemy: What happens to the body of the slain enemy? What happens as a result of the slaying? Does this lead to future conflicts?



causes achilles to get killed by hector which sparks achilles to kill hector and cause more conflict

puts that knowledge to use, finding the weak point at the collarbone. He pierces Hector's neck, but not his windpipe. Hector falls down while Achilles taunts him with the fact that his body will be mutilated by dogs and birds. Achilles pokes holes in Hector's ankles, ties a strap through them and attaches them to the chariot so he can drag the body in the dust. Hecuba and Priam cry while Andromache is asking her attendants to draw a bath for her husband. Then she hears a piercing wail from Hecuba, suspects what has happened, emerges, looks down from the rampart where she witnesses her husband's corpse being dragged and faints. She laments that her son Astyanax will have neither land nor family and so will be despised. She has the women burn the store of Hector's clothing in his honor.

Things to Consider about the Aristeias: ● What differences emerge when you compare the four aristeias? What causes these differences, and what might we learn from them? ● Thematically speaking, what does Homer reveal through each of the four aristeias? ● How do the aristeias work to enhance the plot of the epic?...

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