Imagery assignment UOIT PDF

Title Imagery assignment UOIT
Author Nally Jones
Course Health & Exercise Psychology
Institution University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Pages 5
File Size 215.8 KB
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imagery assignment for psychology of sports and exercise...


Nallyssa Jones Dec 1/2021

Imagery Script 1: You are sitting in your team’s room after changing into your gear. Imagine yourself putting on your skates on the benches at the rink. You carefully slip on your skates and lace them up perfectly one by one, you will not be falling over on the ice today. You take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale into the cool atmosphere. Recognize your breaths and try to keep them steady. Inhale again then slowly exhale like you are slowly blowing a cloud away. You’re handed your hockey stick, and off you go on the ice. The ice is so smooth under your feet and you feel so weightless, this is where you are meant to be. You hear the loud chants of the fans in the crowd, the commentators on the speaker and the buzzer goes off; time to play! The game has begun and you are fully conscious. Your goal today is to catch as many pucks as possible and defend your team’s net. The first puck of the game is coming towards you, the player is coming down the ice swiftly, he passes the puck to his teammate who is now ready to take a shot. You have already decided on the technique that you want to use to end this play. You see the puck fly towards you from an angle of about 50 degrees and it’s coming fast but you see everything in slow motion. The black hockey puck is coming at your head and you are relaxed and ready for this situation. Bend your knees slightly and raise your arms just right above your mouth. Make sure your arm are stiff so when you catch the puck, it will not fall a lYour heart begins pumping and your body is lit up with adrenaline as you swiftly catch the puck in your mitts! successful interception! This motivates you to keep your head up for the rest of the game. You are happy and confident and you know you can showcase your hard earned skills for the entirety of the game.

Imagery functions/pettlep principles used

Rationale for including the function or principle

Motivational general (MG-A and MG-M)

MG-A: I included this function because Joel has a lot of run ins with anxiety. In the script I give him a breathing technique where he acts like he is blowing a cloud away with each shallow exhale. Breathing exercises have been proven to aid in anxiety. MG-M: Joel has not been feeling as confident lately when it comes to his hockey skills, so using this function can hopefully let him imagine himself being positive on the ice and then that can become his reality.

Motivational Specific

This imagery function was chosen so that Joel can have a complete process to imagine and follow. In the script I break down each moment that occurs and how he can prepare himself to catch the puck. This can hopefully help him to focus on his goal of defending the net without getting too nervous and flustered. Some people need to have a guideline or process to avoid “choking”.


In the script I mentioned that he should inhale then exhale and feel the cool air around him. This is to awaken his sense of smell. The loud noises at the beginning of said game can make him feel more


The imagery was performed in the arena of the hockey stadium. There he can truly picture how he is going to play well and imagine himself doing everything that he can to win.


In the script this principal was shown when I said to imagine the moment in slow motion. Imagining the steps of how he is going to catch the puck in slow motion gives him the opportunity to really process the techniques he can use.


The imagery script that I provided uses the principle of perspective. It is written in an internal way, through Joel’s eyes rather than the eyes of other people (fans, his coach etc.) This way he can really imagine himself doing what is in the script and embody this new behaviour. Using imagery in the internal perspective has a lot of research to support that it is the most helpful.

Cognitive General

This function was used in the script to

Imagery Script #2:

Get into a comfortable position, on your bed, floor, couch and close your eyes. Begin to take focused deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Have you been feeling tense lately? With each breath let all of those negative emotions and sensations leave your mind and body. Do 5 more of these deep breaths making sure to keep your head as empty and light as possible. Try to solely focus on your breathing, nothing else. Now picture yourself at hockey practice. You have been doing simple drills with your teammates to improve your hand skills. The butterfly save is extremely popular and efficient so you practice

that as well. Visualize yourself doing these drills over and over again. Practicing several techniques can help you in the future when choosing the right strategy to beat your opponent. You have repeated these drills over so many times that you now feel confident in your execution. You are now not only physically but also mentally prepared to take on your future games. You have practiced catching the puck from all angles and directions, and even using the hockey stick to block attempted shots. See yourself there with your teammates and how eager they are to improve and play just like you. It is a team effort and you are glad to have a great relationship with your teammates so you all can communicate well as communication is very important in the game. That is what you guys pride yourself on because a team with a bad relationship does not play as well as one that does. More anxiety can come from that so it is nice to see that you all get along. Now imagine yourself back at the arena and it is the night of a game. You go through your warm up and stretching to make sure your muscles are ready for this competition. By doing that you now feel limber and not so tense. Your heart is pumping but not out of nervousness but out of pure excitement. You take in this moment and realize that you are living the dream life you have always wanted, to play in the NHL and here you are. You do your breathing exercises again to calm any nerves you may have at this moment. You have worked so hard and you are ready for any obstacle thrown your way. This all feels so right! Now it is time for a great game.

Imagery functions/pettlep principles used

Rationale for including the function or principle

Cognitive Specific

This principal is used because in the script I have Joel imagine himself repeatedly practicing his hand techniques till they are perfect. This principle is efficient in enhancing both cognitive and physical task performances. Whether he has practice or not, using this kind of imagery will help him with his techniques. Joel did not have much of a problem with physically practicing but since his mind was not there, he would choke in games. With the combination of cognitive specific imagery, and physical training, Joel will improve greatly. His

Motivational Specific

I encourage Joel to imagine himself executing all of his hand/blocking skills in practice which is his one of his outcome goals. By perfecting it in practice he can further imagine himself executing it in the game as well. This principal encourages him to achieve his goal, self-efficacy and perceptions of success.

Motivational General

MG-A: With this principal Joel can calm himself down with the taught breathing exercises. This can help him to not be as anxious during a game or even practice.


The imagined physical responses in the script are: his heart pounding in excitement of the game, his warm muscles after a warmup/ stretch and how nice it feels. All of these details can help Joel to physically feel what he is imagining.


Joel is performing imagery in the comfort of his relaxing home. Performing imagery in this case iis almost like a form of meditation and manifestation.


This principle is important because Joel should experience as many emotions related to his actual performance. The script has him imagine the excitement prior to a game, the warm feelings he has towards his kind teammates, the gratitude he has for his life in the moment. Imagining positive emotions is the best route because negative emotions will affect future performance.


The perspective of this script is in the eyes of Joel. This is an internal perspective as he is imagining himself doing everything in the script.


The imagined task is focused on Joel getting better at catching pucks and believing that he can do it in games....

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