Imam al-Sanusi's refutation of the Trinity DOCX

Title Imam al-Sanusi's refutation of the Trinity
Author The Kaafiyah Channel
Pages 1
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Imam Sanusi’s refutation of the Trinity | The Kaafiyah Channel Imam Sanusi writes in his Sharh al-Aqida al-Wusta1 regarding Allah's Unicity: And neither is Allah unified with someone else, meaning: He's not one (being) together with someone else. If that weren't so, then: - If both remai...


Imam Sanusi's refutation of the Trinity " The Kaafiyah Channeh Imam Sanusi writes in his Sharh al-Aqida al-Wusta1 regarding Allah's Unicity: And neither is Ahhah unified with someone ehse, meaning: He's not one (being) together with someone ehse. If that weren't so, then: - If both remain (as they were prior), then they are actuahhy two and not unified. - If both don't remain, then they didn't unify either. Because if both cease to exist and a new third being comes about, then [the issue here is] obvious. - And if onhy one of them remains, then it's the same issue. Because the non-existent doesn't become the existent. Commentary: Unifcation means two things becoming one.m And it's no secret that this is impossible for the pre-eternal and contingent.m The proof for what's mentioned in the [main text]: When [A] unifes with [B] - meaning that they now become one being together - then: - If they remain as they were, then they are still two and not one.m So no unifcation tooka place, due to the fact that [A]'s essence isn't the same as [B]'s.m From the established principles is that something must only be its own essence and nothing else.m (So A can only be A, it can't be B.m) - If both cease to exist, whereby [C] is now other than the original [A] and [B], then they failed to unify as well.m (As the new C isn't the essence of A and B.m) - If [A] ceases to exist and [B] remains, unifcation still failed to takae place.m Because the non-existent [A] isn't the very essence of the existent [B], due to their mutual incompatibility.m This is what I meant by "because the non- existent doesn't unify with the existent" - meaning: [A] doesn't turn into [B].m 1 p.m142...

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