Impact OF Online Shops TO Physical TRES IN Batangas CITY PDF

Title Impact OF Online Shops TO Physical TRES IN Batangas CITY
Author Peppa Ebora
Course BS Accountancy
Institution University of Baguio
Pages 65
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Impact of Online Shops to Physical Stores in Batangas CityA Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department University of Batangas Batangas CityIn Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Practical Research 2By: Sagaral, Carl Michael A. Napa, Annie Arabella C. Reyes, Kate ...


Impact of Online Shops to Physical Stores in Batangas City

A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department University of Batangas Batangas City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Practical Research 2

By: Sagaral, Carl Michael A. Napa, Annie Arabella C. Reyes, Kate Andrea L. Maasin, Maurice Ann B. Maranan, Aubrey B.

April 2021 1

APPROVAL SHEET The research paper entitled “IMPACTS OF ONLINE SHOPS TO PHYSICAL STORES IN BATANGAS CITY” is prepared and submitted by Carl Michael Sagaral, Annie Arabella Napa, Maurice Ann Maasin, Kate Andrea Reyes, and Aubrey Maranan in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion has been examined and is recommended for approval and acceptance for Oral Examination.

MRS. JOCELYN C. QUIDDAM Research Adviser Accepted and approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of _______________.





ACKNOLEDGEMENT This research paper would not have been realized without the supportive and constructive presence are influence of the following persons to whom the researchers extend their utmost gratitude and profound acknowledgement. To the researchers’ parents and families, for their financial, moral and emotional support and their constant understanding and reminders. To Mrs. Jocelyn C. Quiddam, research adviser, for the patience and concern in guiding and directing the researchers to make the study possible and for the enrichment of the content. To Mrs. Angelica Evangelista, the researcher’s strand expert, for sharing her time and expertise to this study. To Mrs. Sheva Sandoval, the statistician, for her patience and immense knowledge in providing the researchers the statistical data needed. To the respondents of this research, the people living in Batangas City for lending their time to be part of this study. And above all, to God Almighty, for his love that inspired the researchers to make the research academically done, for His blessings and for giving them the strength in making this research paper. Lastly, for his guidance for giving them knowledge and


Wisdom that assist them throughout the research process. C.M.A.S A.A.C.N M.A.B.M K.A.L.R A.C.M


DEDICATION The researchers’ dedicate this research paper to all the people who helped and guided them fulfilling their aspirations. To the researchers’ family and loved ones, who showed them with everlasting love and care and supported them financially all throughout this research work. To their teachers, who helped and guided them to accomplish the research, especially to Mrs. Jocelyn C. Quiddam, their research teacher, for giving them the opportunity to do a research and providing them invaluable guidance in the conduct of this research paper, her dynamism, vision, sincerity, and motivation have deeply inspired them. To their fellow researchers, who truly gave their cooperation and commitment in the fulfillment of this research paper. And most especially, the Almighty God for enlightening and illuminating the minds of the researchers to finish the research paper.



TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………………………….……….….. ABSTRACT……….………………………………………………………….……….… APPROVAL SHEET……………………………………………………….……….….. ACKNOWLEDGMENT……………………...…………………………….……..……. DEDICATION……………………………………………………………….………..…. TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………….……….…... LIST OF TABLES…………….…………………………………………..…….……... LIST OF FIGURES…………….…………………………………………..…….……..


THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction…………………………………………………......……… Statement of the Problem……………………………………….……. Conceptual Framework……………………………………….………. Scope, Limitation and Delimitation of the study …………… .......… Significance of the Study…………………………………....….…..… Definition of Terms......................................................……….…….


REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES Related Literature………………………………………..……….…… Related Studies………………………………………......…….…...… Synthesis………………………………………………………..……...


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Design.………………………………………....…….…..… 6

Subject of the Study………………………………………..……...….. Research Instrument………........…………………...………….....…. Validation of the Research Instrument………...………………….…. Data Gathering Procedures…………………………….…….….…. Statistical Treatment of Data…………………………………….….




SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary…………………………………………........…........…….. Findings………………………………………………….….……...… Conclusions……….…………………..………….......…..…......…... Recommendations….…………………………….………….......….. BIBLIOGRAPHY…….………………………………………………..

APPENDICES Letter to Respondents…………………..……………...…..……….. Survey Questionnaires………….………………...........................…... Letter to the Strand Expert………………………………………….. Letter to the Statistician………………………………….............…. CURRICULUM VITAE………………………………………..................….



Figure 1

Age of the Respondents


Gender of the Respondents


Civil Status of the Respondents


Profile of Respondents in terms of Location of Business


Profile of Respondents in terms of How long they’ve been selling


How do online shops affect physical stores in Batangas City in terms of Income


How do online shops affect physical stores in Batangas City in terms of Product Quality


How do online shops affect physical stores in Batangas City in terms of Customer Satisfaction



Conceptual Framework


ASTRACT The focus of this study is to determine the impact of online shops to physical stores in Batangas City. This way, the status or the respondents of the study will focus solely on online shops run in Batangas City, specifically food and some clothing line. Aspects to be looked in to will be the methods and strategies, customer services offered, and current problems that our world is facing right now. In coherence with the fast modernizing society, this study will help us to know something and somehow introduce systems that will be important for owners to manage online shop and interact with consumers.

Keywords: online shops, physical stores, business owners


Chapter I The Problem and Its Setting This chapter presents the background of the study, conceptual framework, statement of the problem, scope and delimitation of the study, significance of the study, and definition of terms. Introduction When it comes to the industry, the internet is a huge help, especially in business. Having access to the internet makes the customer what they want through the internet. Nowadays, online marketing and selling products are the most used by businessmen or women where they cope with the idea of having advertising and selling the product by using online platforms. This gives their business to have a wider range that reaches the customer by not having physical interaction with the customer. It makes it easier to reach their products. Other than that there was a business that not use online or the internet. It says that the online shops are more on advantages than on small businesses that do not run online. As stated of the International Trade Administration that the Philippines is estimated that 76 million of the Filipino most user online 70% of that are the online shoppers. There are also positive impact on online shops that could affect physical stores in Batangas City. Small business with physical stores can be threatened by online shops because it is easy to access and less hassle. Online shops lets the consumer to know the review of the product that they would buy and it has affordable prices that you could choose from. The amount of money circulating reduces by using online shop are up to


32%. Online shopping is more effective than small business and it is more convenient for everyone. It is also increasing demand and it has many benefits for the economy. With the growth of online shops small business should have to quickly change their strategies to be more successful than online shops. Their business should be more marketability and the problem for small business lies in the capital and the 27% of online shoppers are subscribed to at least one such service, including 51% of millennial and 47% of households with children. ( There were advantages in online business than small businesses. They can be globally accessed in 24 hours in 7 days a week. In addition that it open such an opportunity to run a business all over the world. It can be access to the customer outside the country. It increases the way how skilled being professionals in their businesses. They are more on what to improve in client service to manage it better while using the online services that they giving.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to analyze the Impact of Online Shops to Physical Stores in Batangas City. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: 1.1 Age 1.2 Gender 1.3 Product they sell 11

1.4 Location of Business 1.5 How long they’ve been selling 2.

How do online shops affect physical stores in Batangas City in terms of: 2.1 Income 2.2 Product Quality 2.3 Customer Satisfaction


Is there a significant relationship between online shops and physical stores in Batangas City?


Based on the findings of the study, what marketing plan could be offered to physical stores to be as competitive as online shops?

Conceptual Framework This section presents the overview of the concept of the study. In order to present the thoughts and concepts of this study clearly, the researchers decided to construct a conceptual framework. In this section, the paradigm will provide readers an overview about the concepts of the study conducted by the researchers to acquire the desired output and solve the research problems by employing and utilizing the use of InputProcess-Output (IPO) model.



Lack of

Making online


The researchers


strategy to be

should have small

Kinds of

more marketable

physical business

Conduct a

can be permanent


by considering the

Physical Stores in Batangas



online cycle/

Effects of online


shops in Conceptual Framework The conceptual framework is shown in Figure 1. The first box displays the input of the study which includes the lack of marketability and kinds of physical stores in Batangas City. It also contains the effects of online shops in Batangas City. The second box is the processes the researchers will use to aim their output. It contains making online strategy to be more marketable. Additionally, it also contains conducting a survey. Lastly, the third box of this paradigm is output of the study that focuses on the researchers should have a small physical business that can be permanent by considering the online cycle or system.


Significance of the Study This study entitled “Impact of Online Shops to Physical Stores in Batangas City” is beneficial to the following: Online Shops. This study will provide awareness on how they are affecting the local and traditional stores. Physical Stores. In this research an attempt has been made so that stores are aware of the upcoming that is expected to loom over their business in the near future so that they can have appropriate arrangements to face such challenges Business Owner. The study will help them on how they can improve their traditional platform. Also how can they catch the attention of the consumers. The Future Researcher will be finding about online shops impact on the traditional stores. They can find here the positive and negative side about online selling and traditional selling. Future researchers can depend here on how they would start their research. It will be convenient for them to read and know about this research to open their mind about online and traditional stores.


Scope and Delimitation of the Study This study focuses on the views, opinions and feedbacks of the physical store owners on the impact of the online shops in their physical stores. Furthermore, this study is limited only to business owners within Batangas City. This research work will determine the impact of online shops to the physical stores. However, this study had some inherit limitations that were recognized by the researcher. It is only limited to the business owners in Batangas City who have physical stores. Definition of Terms For better understanding, the following terms were defined conceptually and operationally. Internet. Is the wider network that allows computer networks around the world run by companies, governments, universities and other organisations to talk to one another. ( The result is a mass of cables, computers, data centres, routers, servers, repeaters, satellites and Wi-Fi towers that allows digital information to travel around the world. Business Owner. The owner can be the same person who directs the business and controls its day-to-day processes or he can choose to have a Manager for that purpose, or even name a Board of Directors to do it. (


Online Shopping. Involves purchasing products or services over the Internet. Online shopping is done through an online shop, e-shop, e-store, virtual store, web shop, Internet shop or online store. ( All the products in online stores are described through text, with photos and with multimedia files. Many online stores will provide links for extra information about their products. They often make available, safety procedures, instructions, manufacture specification and demonstrations. Consumer. This refers to a person who purchases goods services for personal use. ( One that utilizes economic goods. Business. This word is referred to as an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities. It also refers to the organized efforts and activities of individuals to produce and sell goods and services for profit (Haynes, 2020). Physical Stores. It is also known as physical commercial establishments, such as retail stores, by which sales are carried out within actual premises of a real estate property owned or leased by the relevant business. In this study, it refers the entities present in Batangas City that uses different delivery strategies which will be the respondents of this study.


CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents the related literature, the related studies and the synthesis of the study after the through and id-depth search done by the researchers. These that were included in the chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the present study. Related Literature This part represents the literature supporting the study being conducted by the researchers. Product Quality. According to Jiang, (., Yang, Z. and Jun, M. (2013), “Online retailers can employ the five factor measurement instrument to assess the degree of customer perceived online shopping convenience.” This method will help managers recognize and address key barriers to the delivery to customers of a highly convenient online shopping service. The aim of this research is to uncover the main dimensions of convenience and their related sub-dimensions unique to the online shopping context. A validated scale for the calculation of Web-based service convenience can include the defined scale. Possibly, a validated scale for measuring Web-based service convenience comprises the identified measurements and related sub-items. This study aims to identify the factors that influence customer satisfaction with online shopping services, In addition, Y., Ajjan, H. and Hong, P. (2018), "Post-purchase shipping and customer service experiences in online shopping and their impact on customer 17

satisfaction” This study can help n an online shopping environment and across countries, this research will help both scholars and practitioners understand the significance of monitoring, return, delivery, and customer service. It offers insights into developing related shipping services for e-commerce to fulfill and retain customers across countries. This study is aimed at understanding the impact of post purchase on customers across countries. This study is aimed at understanding the impact of post purchases on consumer satisfaction. The study will also examine whether there is any relationship between post purchases and customer retention as well as the effect of post purchases on customer satisfaction. Furthermore, Roskifzan Othman (2015), "The impact of technology toward online shopping studies" This study assesses the greater amount of online sales is generated by the growth of the internet. Websites are currently introduced as an essential revenue channel purchasing that uses online revenue volume to increase by using every year plan. The study also examines the impact of online retailers on consumer behavior, including how they use their online data to make decisions about product selection, price, and promotion. The study also considers how consumers’ perceptions of online retailer influence consumer behavior and also to explore how online retailers can improve customer satisfaction through a variety of strategies. Moreover, Saha, A. (2015) “Effect of Online Shopping on consumer buying behavior” For an online business site, as opposed to the idea of adding aside and referencing an item for "physical" stores, the expenses of putting away and referring an


item apply to a small portion of the cost. Web-based shopping has a noteworthy influence on retail locations from customer loyalty to administration accessibility. Web-baes shopping is also significant component in the development of e-commerce sites. The internet has been used by many businesses to promote their products and services. The use of the internet has become more widespread than the traditional methods of advertising. This paper will discuss how the internet has changed per time and what it is has done to the wat that business is organized. According to Journal of Applied Economics and Business Studies. (2020) "Online Shopping Service Quality Dimensions and Customer Satisfaction: A Customer's Perspective" Online shopping stores should commit valuable resources to enhancing the substantial quality of e-service characteristics that this study emphasizes. E-Services are also becoming increasingly relevant for imprinting in B2C e-commerce. There is no exception to it for improving consumer ties and growing sales and developing nations. They are committed to presenting the good shopping experience, it allows its consumer to use its mobile app to get any merchandise inside the shop. They realize that customers don’t want to spend unnecessary time buying at shops. This study aims to understand how consumers’ attitudes towards online shopping affect the way they shop. Customer Satisfaction. According to Jifeng Luo and Sulin Ba (2012) Electroni...

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