Importance OF Sociology PDF

Title Importance OF Sociology
Author issa kagoro
Course Human Resource Management
Institution Mzumbe University
Pages 4
File Size 67.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Sociology is the study of social behavior or society that include its origins, development, organization networks and institutions also its investigate and analysis things such as social problem, social behavior, culture, cultural differences human behavior as the groups and also on largest behaviors as a society on whole. The first social scientist to use the term sociology was a Frenchman in (1838) by the name of Auguste Comte who lived from 1798- 1857, the term sociology delivered from the Latin word socials means companion or associate and the Greek word logos means study or science. Due to that also we can define is the science of society. The following are overview on how can sociology help us in our lives. Its help in solving social problems; due of sociology we study about different problems their causes and negative impact of that problems so sociology it help to study different ways of solving problems that help people to avoid conflict due to that causes people to cooperate together for community activities that lead development of community. It helps on awareness of difference cultural like British culture, France cultural and Tanzania culture that makes people to know different culture that help if interact with other cultural to know the regulation principle of that cultural interact. Its helps us to live in proper behaviors ; that is due to knowledge get to sociology it help to know on how we can live in our community that means proper wearing, talking with other person and good participation in community activities. Its help to provide the good policy; due to sociology we study on how we can use the knowledge we get to provide the good policies, first should know the challengers face on that place or community and then to provide the policy that can solve all challengers faced on that community that can lead development of community. It help to bring relationship of institution, this means that in sociology we have five institution that that is religious, government, political, education, economic and family due to relationship of that institution its leads cooperation of people in community example if there is relationship between education and economic it can lead development in economic sector because skilled

labor product that can help improvement in qualitative and quantitative of production in community. Therefore; sociology is important in community development due to that should be supported for providing education of sociology to community and material in order many people to get knowledge about their society and the method that can use for development of our society.

Sociologist; are the people who study sociology that means they study social behavior or society that include its origins , development, organization, network and different institution thee many sociologist in the world but the following are the some of sociologist cont who live (17891817), max weber (1864- 1920) and emile Durkheim who live (1858- 1917) . also when we say community development is the process in which people coming together to take collective action and generate a solution of certain social political economic and cultural problems. The following are the roles of sociologist in community development Sociologist discuss the impact of policy due to that they contribute to the created or selection of policies; that means that sociologist have to knowledge about society and their behavior due to that they contribute in created of good policy that can cause improvement of community example it there education problems sociologist contribute in created of policies that can make solution of education problems To identify the problem which affect community; due of knowledge of society and social phenomena sociologist have ability of searching the causes of any problem that facing people in any society due to that it help to know what is problem and it we know to problems it can be easy to be solved so it can reduce problems in society that lead development of community. To control social behavior; that means that due to study social behavior it the sociologist to know different ways of shape the behavior of community or society that can led good behavior in community due of good behavior people can participate in community activities that can lead development To provide the roles of the institution in the development of individual; this means that sociologist have knowledge about different institution and how they work due to that they deals with creation of quality between people who have power and who have less power due to that it help people who have less power to get his or her right principle in economic institution they provide roles in order individual how have less power to get his or her right that lead individual development. To solve social problems; this means that sociologist have to knowledge about on how can identify problems and how can solving it due to that help to solve problems found in community due to the reduction of that problems community can develop.

All in all; community should be have to good leader because sociologist they help to identify problems and how can solving but if there bad leader it means all contribution of sociologist should not be supported so we must choose the best leader for development of our community...

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