Importance of Studying Philippine Literature PDF

Title Importance of Studying Philippine Literature
Author Gabriel Ruz
Course BS Accountancy
Institution Southern Luzon State University
Pages 1
File Size 58.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Why do we need to study Philippine Literature? Every country has their own literary works, techniques and styles that refelects their own context. Some stands out that they've been widely appreciated even by foreign individuals. Some of those are the works of William Shakespeare. Here in the Philippines there are also great authors including Jose Rizal and Francisco Balagtas among others. We as Filipinos shall study our local literatures for they offer various dimensions. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet to utilize the powers of the Infinity Stones which are the Mind Stone, Power Stone, Space Stone, Soul Stone, Time Stone, and Reality Stone. The Philippines has our great local authors and used their pen to utilize the power of Literature similar to the Infinity Stones. Philippine literature enables us to connect with the mind of the authors. We are able to see their thoughts and ideas and become one with them. They could even control the minds of the audience by their way of writing or the flow of their literary works. By reading more local works, we'll be able to appreciate them and their own skills as Filipino authors. We could even learn from them and become author ourselves as we also develop our own critical thinking by reading. Studying our own literature gives us an incredible power. We obtain the power to preserve, power to create and influence and the power to share. Local literary works are treasures we can't replace and treasures that doesn't loose value and continues to inspire even after centuries. And as we understand them more we'll be able to share the legacy of the authors as well as influence our fellow Filipinos to study Philippine Literature too. Literature also has the power similar to the space stone that enables a holder to create a portal to go to any place he would like. Through reading local writings one can travel through various places in the Philippines whether it be a famous one or a newly introduced one by the author. This includes our local heritages which are great treasures of the country as well. And as one travels he definitely would learn more about the diverse culture and traditions of our country. This would include ethnic and indigenous people and their way of living. The differences between our races, culture and geographical locations can be set aside for it would help us understand each another that would later result to unity for our nation. Moreover, they also connect our souls as Filipinos. They serve as bridges to explore our own cultural identity. Understanding your own culture means understanding yourself as well. We all have the rights to know who we are and Philippine literatures are tools for us to enjoy this right. It also helps a person build his own personal growth and helps us to connect with each other. And as we discover more about ourselves we'll be able to destroy our colonial mentality and awaken our nationalistic and patriotic hearts. In addition to these, it allows us to unlock and past and go back to important historical events. Not every historical writings are true and as historian always says, it's up to you which to believe. But only through in-depth analysis and many readings can one really unlock the past. One account won't be sufficient, reading won't be sufficient. Studying it is what's sufficient. We need to know what we used to be and how we turn out to be what we are now. Like how a free country became colonized and later freed by our ancestors. It would help us acknowledge what we must acknowledge. Historical events can't be just a history but a continued appreciaton of the past. And as many says, history repeats itself, so we might as well be able to have a glimpse of a possible future. Lastly, the power for reality or the power of literature to open the eyes of it's audiences. Writing has been the key to revealing timely political, social, cultural, and moral issues in our country even in the past centuries. It gives awareness for the Filipino of what to resolve and how to resolve our own local issues. It's a very effective way as what was proven by our national hero. A beautifully written piece has the power to change a person's perspective and make changes for the betterment of his life or even his own country. To sum it all up, studying Philippine Literature is not only for students but for every Filipino people. It is an important aspect of our life that we cannot just ignore. We are Filipinos and we can be more Filipino by supporting our local fruits and treasures. Our identity, history, and heritage are reflected in literatures proudly crafted by our local authors...

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