In Cold Blood quote bank unit 3 and 4 77 PDF

Title In Cold Blood quote bank unit 3 and 4 77
Author Dana Makhoul
Course Advanced english
Institution Caringbah High School
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IN COLD BLOOD QUOTATION BANK The American Dream/ Status: TP Q -“What it comes down to is I want the diamonds more than I’m afraid of the snake.” (Perry) How to unpack and embed your quotes: COMMENT: diamonds symbolism for his desire for money/wealth in order to attain ideals of the American dream Snake – symbolism that represents perry’s tormentors and also society When u comment, u use the verb ‘SYMBOLISES’ Example: Here, the snake symbolises ……. And the diamonds symbolises…….. Link: how the quote links back to the main idea/prompt. (character) TPQCL Link sentence: example: capote reinforces how perry’s desire to attain wealth to conform to the ideals of the American dream outweighs his fear of his tormentors (link back to your essay topic) -“They (the Clutters) never hurt me. Like other people all my life. Maybe it’s just that the Clutters were the ones who had to pay for it.” (Dick) -“All they want is some money.” (Herb)

- “Situated at the end of a long, lane-like driveway…the handsome white house…was a place people pointed out” -“The rich never hang. Only the poor and friendless.” (Perry) Morality/ Good vs Evil: -“Well, what’s there to say about capital punishment? I’m not against it. Revenge is all it is, but what’s wrong with revenge?” -“I thought that Mr Clutter was a very nice gentleman, I thought so right up to the moment that I cut his throat” -“It might have substantially influenced his behaviour during the past several years and at the time of the crime.” Normalcy / Mental illness: -“Deal me out, baby. I’m a normal.” (Dick to Perry) - “Difficult to understand how two individuals could reach the same degree of rage, the kind of psychopathic rage it took to commit such a crime.” -”Dewey among others, found it hard to understand how someone could be that messed up in the head to be able to kill four lives.” - “no respect for people who can’t control themselves sexually” (Perry’s thoughts on Dick’s pedophilic tendencies towards female children) “but his interest was restricted to two themes-sex and law literature.” -“Perry smith showed signs of severe mental illness.” “Grown up without direction, without love.” Family: -“She’d (the nuns) fill the tub with ice cold water, put me in it, and hold me under till I was blue. Nearly drowned.” (Perry)

“You are a man of extreme passion, a hungry man not quite sure where his appetite lies”. (Willie-Jay to Perry, P.54)

“Dick’s literalness, his pragmatic approach to every subject, was the primary reason Perry had been attracted to him, for it made Dick seem, compared to himself, so authentically tough, invulnerable, "totally masculine”. (P.28) -“After he graduated from high school, he wanted to go on to college. Study to be an engineer. But we couldn’t do it. Plain didn’t have the money.” (Dick) Gender roles: - “You are a man of extreme passion, a hungry man not quite sure where his appetite lies”. (Willie-Jay to Perry) -“Dick’s literalness, his pragmatic approach to every subject, was the primary reason Perry had been attracted to him, for it made Dick seem, compared to himself, so authentically tough, invulnerable, “totally masculine”.” “Ain’t that what I promised you honey – plenty of hair on them – those walls?” Fear: -“How is it possible that such effort, such plain virtue, could overnight be reduced to this?” -“But who hated the Clutters? I have never heard a word against them, and if something like this could happen to them then who’s safe?” Symbolism: -“the parrot appeared, arrived while he slept, a bird ‘taller than Jesus, yellow like a sunflower’.” -“Then so gently lifted him, enfolded him, winged him away to ‘paradise’.”

-“She lifted me.”

Themes, Topics and Textual Evidence: An Evolving, Collaborative Resource You will be able to continue to add textual evidence.  When adding textual evidence, remember that a piece of evidence may be linked to multiple themes and topics. You can include evidence in multiple rows.  When adding quotations, try to include a page number as well – this will help you find the quotation again and help your classmates as well.  Aim to move beyond quotations – try adding characters, events and techniques as evidence.  Use this as an opportunity to analyse or elaborate on evidence. When possible, write a short comment about the evidence you have added.



Textual Evidence

Justice, Injustice, The Justice System

‘The murder of the Clutter family shakes the beliefs of everyone in the community. ’ Discuss. (2019 VCAA exam topic)

Example: The epigraph: Ballad of the Hanged Brothers, men who live after us, Let not your hearts be hardened against us, Because, if you have pity for us poor men, God will have more mercy toward you. -“I believe in capital punishment. It’s like the Bible says—an eye for an eye.” (p.228) -“The deed is done and taking another life cannot change it” (p. 98) Student A: Here, Capote questions the fairness of the death penalty. He challenges the idea that even if the pair have murdered a whole family nothing can be changed by killing the pair. Similarly, at the beginning of the non-fiction novel, Capote

describes the book as “four shotgun blasts that, all told, ended six hum lives” Both his depiction of the idea that “taking another life cannot change” anything and the “four shotgun blasts that, ended six human lives” suggest that Capote feels sympathy for the pair as he sees them as being human lives that should be cherished. Note: Capote’s stance that the lives of both Dick and Perry should have seen as being valuable this would have been seen as opposing to the opinions of the general public in America, who saw the murders of the Clutter Clan as a direct attack on the American Dream itself. Significance of title – In Cold Blood “that's pretty goddam cold-blooded too.” Student B: the Clutter murders are cold-blooded, is the trial and punishment of Dick and Perry cold-blooded as well? “The deed is done and taking another life cannot change it” p. 98 Student C:Capote exposes the hypocrisy of justice system in which he condemns the vengeful approach of the American justice system as they slaughter another life “In Cold Blood”. He alludes the deed to the heinous crime committed by Perry and Dick leaving “four innocents killed” but contends that the justice system mirrors the inflamed hate embedded in the culture fabric of America against the poor and the marginalised. Capote insists that society take pity for the poor men unjustly relegated from capitalist society, forever doomed to descend into a life of crime. He pleads for society to pity the “poor men” wrongfully exiled from society’s sympathy given the brutal mistreatment they face in life. Ultimately, capote insinuates that revenge upon the poor fails to supplant the loss of the deceased.

“O Ordinarily I’m against it (Capital punishment). But in this case no” Can be prejudice to the perpetrators as the jury implied that he thinks the killers deserve to receive capital punishment. “Of all the people in the world, the Clutters were the least likely to be murdered.” “It’s not right. Many a man has killed and never seen the inside of a death cell. And I never killed anybody” “God is your final judge, and you have to answer him Well, what’s there to say about the capital punishment? I’m not against it. “ The rich never hangs, only the poor and friendless” Perry’s note

“It doesn’t deter crime, but merely cheapens human life and gives rise to more murders.” (referring to capital punishment) Fate, free will, choices, control

'In Cold Blood explores the lack of control individuals have over the direction of their lives.'

“I am human and therefore I too have human weaknesses but the point is, again, There is no shame – having a dirty face – the shame comes when you keep it dirty” P. 129 Capote explores the idea of accepting human weaknesses and what you choose to do is on you. In the letter Perry received from his sister while in jail, Barbara acknowledges that “[she] too [has] human weaknesses” and that “there is no shame – having a dirty face”, however the “shame comes when you keep it dirty”. Through including Barbara’s message, Capote is able to convey the idea that everyone,

Discuss. (2020 SAC topic)

including Perry’s sister, has human weaknesses and that it’s okay, however it’s becomes a problem when you continue to use these traumas against oneself. Thus, highlighting that Perry’s choice to kill the Clutter family was his fault and a symbol of him choosing to embrace his weaknesses, rather than looking past them. Barbara also comments on the fact that Perry’s Dad “is not responsible for [his] wrong doings” and that “what [he] has done, whether right or wrong, is [his] own doing”. Adding on, this gives further reason to why Perry can’t blame others for his wrong doings, as well as his father not being responsible for his crimes. Through Barbara’s letter, Capote was therefore able to discuss the power of freewill and human flaws.

“As long as you live, there's always something waiting; and even if it's bad, and you know it's bad, what can you do? You can't stop living.” “Priests and nuns have had their chance with me. I’m still wearing the scars to prove it” “I had many violent outbursts of anger while I serve time in Japan and Korean “Dad is not responsible for your wrong doings or your good deeds” “When your time comes, it comes” ( Myrtle Clane) Human behaviour, Good vs Evil, Morality,

‘Capote examines the coexistenc e of good

“You are a man of extreme passion, a hungry man not quite sure where his appetite lies, a deeply frustrated man striving to project his individuality against a backdrop of rigid conformity. You exist in a half-world suspended between two superstructures,

Immorality (the good and bad things people do!)

and evil in human nature.’ Discuss. (2019 VCE Exam)

one self-expression and the other self-destruction. You are strong, but there is a flaw in your strength, and unless you learn to control it the flaw will prove stronger than your strength and defeat you.” “No wonder you got leaps” Dick told him “Aw, come one, baby. Get the bubbles out of your blood”. We scored it. It was perfect” “so I dragged the mattress box over, flattened it and told him to lie down- Perry “I tied his (Herbert Clutter) feet, then tied his hands to his feet. I asked him was I too tight..” Perry while taking Herb as hostage ( soon to be killed) decide to comfort him by asking whether or not it too tight for him Well, what’s there to say about the capital punishment? I’m not against it. Revenge is all it is, but what’s wrong with revenge? I believe in hanging Just so long as I’m not the one being hanged”

Human Nature, Nature versus

“I thought that Mr Clutter was a very nice gentleman, I thought so right up to the moment that I cut his throat”


"in school we only learn to recognize the words and to spell but the application of these words to real life is another thing that only life and living can give us." “Who had ever given a damn about him?” (Perry, P.56)

American Society, The American Dream, Hope, Dreams, Faith

‘The murder of the Clutter family shakes the beliefs of everyone in the community. ’ Discuss. (2019 VCE Exam)

“ Two big boxes contain books, manuscripts, cherished memorabilia” “Feeling wouldn’t run half so high if this had happened to anyone expect the Clutters. Anyone less admired.” P. 80 – Mrs Clare Mrs Clare suggests that if anyone other family, anyone that’s less admired than the Clutters, got murdered, then there wouldn’t have been as big a fuss made over the situation. Thus reflecting that due to their high status in the town, the murder case was made a huge deal. “How is it possible that such effort, such plain virtue, could overnight be reduced to this – smoke, thinning as it rose and was received by the big, annihilating sky?” (P.87) “All they want is some money.” (Herb, P.242) “He headed East” the chaplain said. “To find Opportunities” A decent job, and a home with some good people who are willing to help him” And Perry, hanging up, had felt “dizzy with anger and disappointment. ( P.g 43) “Situated at the end of a long, lane-like driveway…the handsome white house…was a place people pointed out” “Mr Clutter had of necessity learned to cook; either he or Nancy, but principally Nancy, prepared the family meals” – Due to Bonnie Clutter’s mental health struggles, Capote points out that Herb’s participation in the traditionally female domestic duties is “of necessity” – due to the constraints of the American Dream. “Unreasonable anger at the sight of others who are happy and content, this growing contempt and the desire to hurt them? Willie-Jay to Perry

“ That family presented everything people hereabouts really value and respect” But Hideo He is the man Okay you’re the Boss, Let’s go

Herb Clutter describes his home as “Eden on earth” - this alludes to the biblical story of the Garden of Eden – he sees his home as paradise. “one day he would spell out in detail the things he was capable of doing to people like her, respectable people, safe and snug people, exactly like bobo.” “little things really belong to you...they don’t have to be left behind. You can carry them in a shoebox.” “Nancy and Kenyon had been honour-roll, straight A students.” “A snake that guards the tree. This fat son of a bitch living in the branches”

“Their happiness is the source of your frustration and resentment. Willie-Jay to Perry “If something like that could happen to them, then who is safe” “ I want the diamond more than I am afraid of the snake” “

Loss, Innocence, Fear

‘The murder of the Clutter family shakes the beliefs of everyone in the community .’ Discuss. (2019 VCE Exam)

“Plain virtue, could overnight reduced to this” believing that the Clutter family is lifestyle appears to be like the American dream shakes the community as they are afraid that even living The American Dream may not be as safe as they once thought it would be

“Even entire families, who had sat the whole night wide-awake, watchful listening. Of what were they frightened? ‘It might happen again?’” P. 80 Capote demonstrates how a traumatic event can completely shift the nature of a community. Capote conveys this idea through making contrasts between how the community was before and after the murders, from collecting the views from people in the town. Capote introduces the text by describing the nature of the community as “the dry scrape of scuttling tumbleweed”, therefore was able to create a vast contrast when bringing in comments such as “Even entire families, who had sat the whole night wide-awake, watchful listening…frightened? It happen again?”. Through these types of comments, Capote was able to illustrate how an event (like the Clutter case), can completely alter the atmosphere of a town from quiet and calm to tense and awake. It created fear and distrust between the community, as “old neighbours viewed each other strangely, and as strangers” since anyone among them could be the killers. “Only, when you come home tonight, you will have to ring the bell. I have had all the locks changed” When the pheasant farmers from Oklahoma visit the Clutter farm, Herb Clutter says “I’m not as poor as I look. Go ahead, get all you can”. He invites strangers onto his property, with weapons, with blind trust that he will remain safe. This also foreshadows what happens later that night – the Clutter murders. “ But who hated the Clutters? I have never heard a word against them, and if something like this could

happen to them then who’s safe?”

Family, Friendship,

Those sombre explosions that stimulated fires of mistrust in the glare of which many old Neighbors viewed each other strangely, and as stranger.


“Willie-jay was different – delicate minded, ‘a saint’, He’d understood. But Dick? Dick might laugh.” P. 85 This quote indicates the comparison between Perry’s relationship with Dick and with Willie-Jay. He feels like Willie-jay really understands him, whereas feels he needs to impress Dick by being someone he’s not. You want not to give a damn to exist without responsibility without faith, family or warmth All my children are efficient they don’t need me “What a terrible thing when neighbours can’t look at each other without kind of wondering?

“A belief in God and the ritual surrounding that belief –church every Sunday, grace before meals, prayers before bed – were an important part of the Dewey's existence” (PG.93). “Do you think we’ll ever have a normal life again?”

Outsiders, Normalcy,

“Difficult to understand ‘how two individuals could reach the same degree of rage, the kind of psychopathic rage it took to commit such a crime.” P. 75

Mental illness

Dewey among others, found it hard to understand how someone could be that messed up in the head to be able to kill four lives. Thus demonstrating how Dick and Perry’s rough upbringing has given them this awful mindset, where they think it’s okay to kill someone. “no respect for people who can’t control themselves sexually” - Perry’s thoughts on Dick’s pedophilic tendencies towards female children. “Know what I think?” said Perry. “I think there must be some-thing wrong with us. To do what we did.” P 99 “I didn’t realize what I’d done till I heard the sound”. (Perry, P.247) “Was it possible- the tension, the withdrawals, the pillow-muted sobbing behind the locked doors are all due to an out-of-order back-bone? “Jolene had never before been alone with Nancy’s ‘strange’ mother” – Bonnie’s mental health has earned her a reputation in the community for being “strange” – she is treated as “other” by the community, rather than with sympathy for her struggles. “The inhabitants of the village...were satisfied that this should be so, quite content to exist inside ordinary life – to work” - pg 5 – Luca It was after one of these beatings, one [Perry] could never forget…that the parrot appeared, arrived

while he slept, a bird “taller than Jesus, yellow like a sunflower,” a warrior-angel who blinded the nuns with its beak, fed upon their eyes, slaughtered them as they “pleaded for mercy,” then so gently lifted him, enfolded him, winged him away to “paradise.” (Perry, Pg.85) Nobody would kill four people for fifty bucks-page 79 “Perry- there was, in Dick’s opinion, ‘something wrong’ with Little Perry.” Pg 99. – Laina “Deal me out Baby, I am normal It was painful to imagine that one might be “not just right”- particularly if whatever was wrong was not your own fault but maybe a thing you were born with Boy we sure splattered him “I think there must be something wrong with us, to do what we did "You don't have to be crazy to live here but it helps." “Do you think we’ll ever have a normal life again?” Criminality, victims, perpetrators

“At the time not a soul in sleeping Holcomb heard them-four shotgun blasts that all told ended six human lives.” “Don’t worry honey, we’ll blast hair all over them wall” “For the hell of it, [Perry] had killed a coloured man” - Perry’s criminality, and his lack of concern

about committing this crime. This quote also reveals racial tensions at the time; Perry feels the need to stipulate that it was a “coloured man”, as though this adds acceptability to the crime. “thin, dirty strays with strange clever habits” “You people are sending me to a better world than this ever was.” “most of my life I’ve done what they’re doing unable to watch further”


Plain didn’t have the money

power, powerlessness

Perry did give a damn-but who had ever given a damn about him? His Father? “Why should that sonofabitch have everything, while he had nothing? Why should that ‘big shot bastard’ have all the luck? With the knife in his hand, he, Dick, had power”. (PG.183) “Big shot bastards like that ...

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