In-depth interview - This part of the assignment was a mandatory PDF

Title In-depth interview - This part of the assignment was a mandatory
Course Human Resources Management Research and Information Systems
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 4
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In-depth interview- is a qualitative method of market research that is used in special cases when, for example, you must obtain the opinion of experts, or to collect information from users of competing products, etc.[ CITATION Col17 \l 1033 ]. In-depth interviews are conducted when due geographic distance, logistical problems, difficult or sensitive topics, it is impossible to put together a focus group[ CITATION Col17 \l 1033 ]. In the in-depth interview format, answers, explanations, additions, clarifications, as well as comments provided by the respondent, are necessarily recorded in one form or another by the interviewer. It is believed that this format of the conversation allows you to get "personal" information from the respondent, which allows to analyze the existing problem in more detail and expands the researcher and customer's ideas about the phenomenon under study. In-depth interviews are aimed at obtaining the most complete information regarding the internal motives, motives, aptitudes and characteristics of the respondent in the process of his interview with the interviewer in the direction or free formulation of questions. Methods of in-depth interviews are also often used when necessary, for example, to study the opinions of business owners, high-level managers, community and business leaders, people whose opinions are authoritative in society, as well as various specialists in complex and highly sensitive topics[ CITATION Nay17 \l 1033 ]. These methods of marketing research are often used when it is necessary to obtain additional information about the characteristics and specifics of work from people who specialize in any industry or, for example, industry leaders. The in-depth interview is unstructured, direct and personal. It is characterized by a low level of standardization. The very method of marketing research finds its application in both B2C and B2B markets[ CITATION Sea16 \l 1033 ]. As a rule, in-depth interviews are conducted with one respondent, and information obtained in the course of the meeting is recorded on audio or

video media[ CITATION Sea16 \l 1033 ]. There is no predetermined conversation plan, only its subject matter and approximate orientation is defined. The basis of conducting in-depth interviews is the use of methods that encourage respondents to detailed and lengthy reasoning. The very same technology of their conduct is as follows. First of all, a conversation plan is drawn up. Even before the beginning of the interview, the interviewer should have a clearly prepared plan defining the main stages of the interview (familiarity with the respondent, setting the basic vector of the conversation, clarifying the opinion of the interviewee, etc.). Next comes the direct selection of suitable respondents. Key selection criteria are determined by the purpose, objectives and scope of the interview[ CITATION Col17 \l 1033 ]. Gender, age, professional, and other characteristics may play their role[ CITATION Col17 \l 1033 ]. Next is the interview itself. The duration of one in-depth interview, depending on the subject, can last from 30 minutes to 2-3 hours. The duration of the interview is determined by the complexity of the chosen topic and the number of questions asked. It is believed that holding a conversation should interfere with anything, so for an interview it is recommended to choose a room with good sound insulation and a calm, relaxing atmosphere. In order to avoid losing all information, it is recommended to use audio and video equipment for recording interviews[ CITATION Sea16 \l 1033 ]. Data processing implies the need for an analytical report, which is based on the processed results of the interview, considering the impressions received by the interviewer from the interview with the respondent[ CITATION Sea16 \l 1033 ]. The main advantage of open questions is adapting the survey methodology to the conditions of a particular situation, including the identity of the respondent himself[ CITATION Sea16 \l 1033 ]. Also, in-depth interviews there is an opportunity to control the completeness of information received through the free exchange of information[ CITATION Col17 \l 1033 ]. At

the same time, many shortfalls are attributed to in-depth marketing interviews[ CITATION Nay17 \l 1033 ]. The quality and accuracy of in-depth interviews are highly dependent on the professionalism and personality of the interviewer, so, it has been established for every single department, department manager and associate are to conduct an interview, because they are SME.[ CITATION Col17 \l 1033 ]. Therefore, in order to improve the result of the study, questionnaires have also been added. Interview questions have been designed to meet research proposal objectives. Most of attention have been payed to organizational culture, labor laws, HR issue, organizational structure and cultural differences. All those questions provide a possibility to an interviewee to reveal an inside situation within each department, understand a gap between two cultures and figure out what would be the best methods and approach to recruit a staff for Cisco.

References Campbell, S. (2016, 09 14). In-Depth Interviews: The Answer To ‘None of The Above’. Retrieved from Cascaade insight: Showkat, N. (2017). In-depth Interview. Quadrant I. Steber, C. (2017, 01 23). In-Depth Interviews: Data Collection Advantages and Disadvantages. Retrieved from Communicaton for researchers:

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