Author Megan Yeh
Course Dentistry
Institution Emilio Aguinaldo College
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Hi friends, this is my remember questions show on my exam (INBDE), I want to apologize that out of 500 I can only remember less than 200, but I hope this can still help you in some way! I'm doing this because other RQs help me a lot in passing the exam. Hope your journey accompany with good, solid ...


Donkey file august 30-31, 2021 Hi I took my INBDE on august 30 and 31, the exam is easy and hard at the same time, some say 70% of questions are similar to the recent rqs, but I only recognized 40-50 %. Radiographs are okay, its clear, not burry for me as other says. Don’t over study for too long and get well rested for the exam, especially for day 2 because your eyes get fatigue EASILY, be ready for that. Ear plugs helps in taking the exam if the plugs have no wire connect to it. A lot of exception, contraindications so keep an eye on them, and ethics question for me is straight forward, not so weird as most says. If there is missing option that means the others doesn’t make sense. Don’t overthink too much about it. I made this rqs bc others rqs help me in testing more efficient, so I thought I’m giving back this good karma. Majority of my exam include: px management, pharma, oral patho & ethics. Prostho 10%? Ortho I think only 2-3. 1. what’s the ion for MTA: Sodium Potassium Chloride Calcium 2. Bilateral enlargement of the jaw- cherubism (hypothyrodism) 3. open coil spring cause what? Opt extrusion and apically others intrusion and occlusally (cervically), intrusion and apically, extrusion and cervically (I think is this) 4. bence jones protein  urine test 5. open apexes lesion  odontodysplasia 6. primary function of calcium hydroxide liner? Built dentinal bridge 7. why total joint displacement is not required for ab prophylaxis anymore? Bc there’s no clinical evidence related with infection from dental procedure (something like that) 8. ellis classification: dentin enamel, no pulpal involvement  class 2 9. compress depth adult: opt 2 ins 10. PICO questions A LOT! in different form, in sentence, simple and scenarios Saw one case says, effectiveness of sealants which of the PICO is wrong (EXCEPTION Q): Opt P, bc its says children 1-18; but sealant is used to children age range 6-12 11. what structure affect maxillary ant vestibule: Orbital rim Zygoma 12. swelling in ant vestibule: (I was thinking either abscess or cellulitis; didnt mention facial swelling) 1-2 of aerobes 1-2 of anaerobes

3 or more aerobes 3 or more anaerobes 13. ab prophylaxis for pen allergy: got it twice Clindamycin (others are ceph or pen derivatives) 14. CONCIOUS diabetic px start feeling dizzy and increase heart rate, whats the appropriate next step? IV glucose Orange juice (opt) 15. what’s the appropriate analgesic for child? Acetaminophen 16. dental assistant is being suspected with drug what to do? Drug test every employees Drug test her alone Do nothing and observe 17. what code of ethic is when dentist provide treatment option: autonomy 18. muscle involved bruxism, except: lateral pterygoid (others were closing muscles) 19. humira what for: Anxiety Depression Rheumatic arthritis ✅ 20. px whos is under iv bispho started from 5 years ago, need to so extraction on lower right molar: Remove the molar Wait for 3 weeks and remove it (it should be months) Do not remove (No consultation in the opt) 21. methotrexate used for: rheumatic arthritis 22. asthma px ASA PS: 2 23. px taking oral contraceptive: ASA 1 24. nerve damage in third molar removal: IAN 25. most possible missing teeth? Opt third molar 26. lisinopril MOA: inhibit conversion of angiotensin 1 2 27. bispho function: Apoptosis of fibroblast Inhibition of osteoclast ✅ 28. px walk In the clinic with carbonated drink, whts the possible ph? Opt 5, others were 6, 7, 8

29. patient has asthma. What to do: give bronchodilator, sit patient straight up or give nitroglycerin 30. px is in 7 month preg, what drug not to give: opt ibuprofen (nsaid is contraindicated wth third trimester preg px category D especially ibuprofen) 31. articaine 4 % whats the maximum catridge to a 20 kg px? 1 2 3 4 32. what’s the differente btw abrasion and abfraction? Location Shape 33. what‘s cause the px halitosis? Plaque accumulation 34. what the best fluoride for active caries in 4 years old kid: Fluoride varnish Acidulated pho fluoride Stannous fluoride Silver diamine 35. disadvantage of silver diamine fluoride: discoloration 36. Clinical case where the patient is taking hypertensives, dry mouth, dentist suspect Sjogren syndrome, you do this test EXCEPT: A. Salivary gland stimulus B. SSA/SSB C. Phosphatase alkaline D. Lip biopsy (opt) 37. lower lip present lesion that come and goes: mucocele 38. swelling in submandibular triangle (clinically mentioned swelling at the neck) what to suspect? Submandibular gland infection Thyroglossal cyst 39. the p value is 0.01 what does it means? Statistically significant (bc is...

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